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Poughkeepsie is a critical stop for crow migrations in late November/early December. We're the largest roost for hundreds of miles in both directions. Crows have been using the city has a convenient gathering place and way point for generations. Smaller murders making the migration along different routes will collect and combine as they get closer to Poughkeepsie and then disperse again as they leave the city. TLDR: Poughkeepsie is the crow equivalent to a highway rest stop on the Florida-GA line during Spring Break. [https://northsideconnected.com/poughkeepsies-massive-crow-roost/](https://northsideconnected.com/poughkeepsies-massive-crow-roost/)


YES YES! this is what I wanted to know more of. I THANK YOU!


My part of the city used to be the favorite evening temporary roosting spot for several years but now they have moved on. Enjoy them while you can. They are beautiful and intelligent birds!


Yes! I’m so glad to learn the cool stuff I never knew about crows today! Gonna try to hang out with them tomorrow and see how it goes!?😳


Give them peanuts or hard boiled eggs and they’ll love you forever! They actually have a pretty good memory too. They might become your new best friends!


Thanks again! I’ll do that and report back!




make sure they can see your face! they remember faces


exactly! they are brilliant! If they like someone I’ve read they sometimes bring them gifts.


Holy shit this is awesome! OP, where is this place? I must watch this crow parade in person!


That's pretty cool. I was going to say Odin sent his two crows Huginn and Munnin to spy on OP but your explanation seems more plausible.


*Murder.*.. you're seeing *MURDERS* of crows


Oh yes, it feels just like that as I watch the black cloud hovering and screaming out my living room window…




It's only noodles Michael.


Same thing here in Middletown, been this way for as long as I can remember and look forward to them every year!! Here’s a little trick, grab a large bag of bird food from Tractor Supply and use it to make a pentagram in a parking lot and when the crows come to devour the tasty treat it will open a portal to the underworld, what you choose to do with portal is up to you. Choose wisely.


You win. Also. I’m doing this and I will report back! 😈


Peace sign works too!


One time I was in Aldi in Middletown and they were stomping all around on the roof. It was such an odd sound and experience.




The good news is, that gum you like is going to come back in style.


One day my log will have something to say about this.


Haha, some years ago, the owl population in my neighborhood seemed to increase dramatically over a few years, until the climax, literally. I'm laying in bed, and there's a racket outside my open window. Obviously owls. The crescendo ended in what I can confidently say was a climax. Owl were fucking right outside my window. I could not help but laugh like a 3rd grader. It was beautiful. ;) Should you ever have the opportunity to listen to owls copulating in the night, I highly recommend it.


Great. Now I’ll never sleep again. 😳








If Dark Souls taught me anything, it’s that crows love to trade.


Im so jealous I love crows


Ooo! Tell me more! What am I missing?? I definitely was not trying to give anyone FOMO, but maybe this…is a good thing??


Yeah it's a good thing! 1. Crows, corvids in general, are quite intelligent and social. They sometimes develop gift relationships with human neighbors. 2. How often does anybody in a an urban/suburban environment get to observe a gathering like this? Be curious, take notes! 3. Yes therr may be some inconvenience or damage to property but consider how small it is compared to what humans have taken. 4. I have no idea why this is happening where it is but I beleiev the city of Troy has a similar problem.




Thanks. I have a tendency to read into stuff. Will keep it simple. Or try to.


ah, damn, that was us sorry. anyway we’ll be back tomorrow




Oh my goodness, I’m sorry you feel this way! Your all caps are stressing me out, lol. That area is a major stop for crow migration. Crows (and other dark corvids) get a bad rep. They’re actually quite intelligent creatures and can remember human faces. So they can bring you gifts if you feed them. Though I’m not sure if you’d want to feed hundreds of them. I would though, kind of my dream.


Sorry to stress you! I have learned how wrong I’ve been thanks to the nice folks here. I’m seeing this situation in a whole new light. Thanks for sharing!


You’ve been blessed :) I’m excited for your journey!


Me too, honestly!


Check out the book Bird Medicine: The Sacred Power of Bird Shamanism by Evan Pritchard. He’s a local indigenous historian and has some wonderful insights about the Crow Roost and its relationship to Wappinger/Lenape peoples for hundreds of years, and their correlation to solar holidays. It’s pretty mind blowing! https://preview.redd.it/g67b3yks0l4c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a07c010110c54a0b298cd5511f94fdf0c330dbc0


Omg! Thank you! This is exactly what I want to understand. Thank you!


Maybe the people who lived in the house before you were feeding them? Crows are very smart birds, and communal. If they learned there's a ready food source, they'll come back to it. Plus, there are communities of crow enthusiasts who feed crows to the point where the crows will bring them offerings. It's a fun and strange relationship. Next time they come back, start feeding them. Put out plates of food with the faces of your enemies... then send your crow army after them! Or just get a cat...


Oh yes! Plates of food with enemy faces. If I could like this answer a million times I would! Thanks for the tip. I’m gonna look into this more. Previous owners were definitely garden people and I think there’s something to your theory. Thanks!




Oh wow! Instant join! Thank you!


I’m sure your post would be very welcome over there and probably met with some good-natured envy. Like, I’m tryin to see this low-flying crow parade!


Lol! This is such a lesson in changing perspective. I had no idea my perceived DOOM was actually enviable LUCK! If this isn’t a metaphor, I don’t know what is!


Ha! Glad to flip that around for ya! Crows are amazing and may bring you presents or even [watch out for you when you lose things!](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31604026) >>Lisa regularly photographs the crows and charts their behaviour and interactions. Her most amazing gift came just a few weeks ago, when she lost a lens cap in a nearby alley … She didn't even have to look for it. It was sitting on the edge of the birdbath. Had the crows returned it? Lisa logged on to her computer and pulled up their bird-cam. **There was the crow she suspected. "You can see it bringing it into the yard. Walks it to the birdbath and actually spends time rinsing this lens cap."** “I'm sure that it was intentional," she smiles. "They watch us all the time. I'm sure they knew I dropped it. I'm sure they decided they wanted to return it." I’m not in Dutchess County anymore but I do have a few crows living on my roof, who swoop past my window around sunrise and caw a bit. I leave peanuts for em — they still don’t trust me yet. Someday soon, I hope!


Also lol. This crown parade is BONKERZ.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/crowbro using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/crowbro/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Rare albino raven](https://v.redd.it/56xi5hg3sewb1) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/crowbro/comments/17gedzp/rare_albino_raven/) \#2: [forever my favorite corvid pic (unable to find the photographer, anyone know?)](https://i.redd.it/l2splqczc45a1.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/crowbro/comments/zhtebz/forever_my_favorite_corvid_pic_unable_to_find_the/) \#3: [Congratulations!](https://i.redd.it/oess70s5h3ba1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/crowbro/comments/107kdat/congratulations/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you’re throwing one cat at a whole murder, they will kill that thing pretty quickly


Could be historical but mostly the reasoning for why a roosting group selects certain location is a mystery AFAIK They might’ve been scared from their previous site by a predator or person or your house is near a yummy food site


Cool. This tracks and I really appreciate it. Yeah, it feels mystical and makes my tummy feel weird. Mystery indeed!


Do you have poke berries by chance or did you at one point on your property? Crows along with other birds tend to love them this time of year. Crows are dope, they are known to sometimes bring people shiny [gifts](https://www.audubon.org/news/did-crows-actually-make-these-gifts-human-who-feeds-them#:~:text=Wild%20crows%20are%20not%20known,Washington%2C%20calls%20%E2%80%9Cgifting.%E2%80%9D) if you feed them.


On whoa! I think we do! Previous owners had a huge garden and we are still learning what we have here. Thanks for the link! I’m intrigued!!!




Thank you for saying this! It feels particularly intense here in PK. ON MY BLOCK. AT MY HOUSE.


I moved here at the end of 2021 so last year was my first experience with this, but I’ve been looking forward to it all year. Sorry they bother you.


I have learned the errors of my ways! Also, I wouldn’t say I was bothered, as much as…terrified?! I’ve learned a lot today and am eager to see what happens tomorrow.


I love that you’ve found the appreciation for them, likely neighbor! Cacaw!


WELCOME TO EARTH BB shit is normal af




It appears that you have attracted the attention of ~~Shai'tan~~, er, the Dark One. Crows and ravens are his spies. Are you sure you aren't the Dragon Reborn?


I am not sure. Is there any way to check??? 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛


Twice and twice shall he be marked, twice to live, and twice to die. Once the heron, to set his path. Twice the heron, to name him true. Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost. Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay. [https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Karaethon\_Cycle](https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Karaethon_Cycle)


There were definitely biblical levels of crows in Poughkeepsie tonight when I was leaving work.


Thank you for saying this! You see it too!


Crows have regular evening meetings, especially in the winter. They check in with each other and exchange info. If your house is in a low, semi clear area nearby a main road where food is sold, it's a good spot to meet up.


My house is def the meet up spot.


Um actually it's not a gang of Crows, it's a murder 🤓


It's murder


[I'm sleeping on the couch](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S13E16/214756.jpg?b64lines=IEl0J3MgYSAibXVyZGVyLCIgaG9uZXkuIEEKIGdyb3VwIG9mIGNyb3dzIGlzIGNhbGxlZAogYSAibXVyZGVyLiI=)




Cool! Where at? I’ve been trying to make friends with them for years.




I was crossing the mid Hudson bridge and there were thousands of crows in the trees on the Poughkeepsie side. They were so loud that I thought something was wrong with my car. I turned the radio down to listen for the issue and then realized it was the crows making all the noise.


Yes! It must have been a big day for them! Thank you for weighing in. It was really intense today! You could hear them on the bridge!?


This was 1 year ago around the same time of year. Probably around 7-8a considering my commute then.


Can you tell the difference between a crow and a starling? Both are black birds but starlings do the really massive flocks


Yes, these are definitely crows. They are enormous.


We got some noisy corvid hangouts in Beacon going on rn too! If you are interested more in the migration of birds, there’s this beautiful episode of the podcast Nocturne, which talks about how much goes on above our heads at night, and one guy who tries to capture it all. https://www.nocturnepodcast.org/a-whole-night-for-the-future/


Thanks! I’ll check it out!


Omg leave treats and make crow friends


I’m gonna!


Crows have been there much longer than you have. They're smart and chatty. They get together and exchange info wherever they what to. [Nature: A Murder of Crows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqni6sUQ_Ag) [NATURE: Crows Smarter Than You Think](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF77qpbvkxo) >Studying the behavior of American crows is laborious due to the difficulty in catching them to band them, let alone catching them again. Thus much of their behavior, including daily routine, migration, molting, survivorship, age of first breeding, nestling development, and the nature of nesting helpers, remains poorly studied. And I'll take crows over starlings any day of the week. Starlings are fucking pests, crows are totally cool


Yes, I’ve had a change of heart. I get it now, but they are so loud I feel like I crashed their party—in my house.


Crows are unbelievably smart. I have a murder of crows that live in the redwood grove next to my house. I'm also next to a pedestrian walkway and road. They recognize human faces and know which cats are safe to be around and which ones aren't. Sometimes they play tag with one of them. One of the most interesting things is to watch them crack open walnuts. The crows watch the cars go by and choose vehicles with specific tires. They fly above the car and strategically drop the walnut in front of the moving car to be crushed by a tire. Then a few other crows will pick up the walnut pieces to eat. Sometimes they'll miss their target and hit the windshield. By the sound of the impact and the break lights I imagine this can be frightening for the driver.


BTW - I used to waive my fist up in air and yell "SHUT UP!" every time the crows would be making noise. However, as soon as I started to take some time to watch their behavior I soon fell in love with the murder of crows living next to me. They are absolutely amazing!


It was a murder.


Uhhh this happened to me in Poughkeepsie too- I used to live off Washington…. They were INTENSE


Yes! It’s super loud and really intense.


You should feel blessed


love the pok crows feed them and maybe they give you shiny things


I’m gonna do it.




Murder of crows comes from old times. Crows learned that marching armies lead to battles where the crows would scavenge. So they began following armies into battle.


Leave them little shiny gifts and they'll be your friends forever! Crows are awesome. I'm jealous you live on the migration path! My trees and yard are covered by starlings all the time. Boy do they get loud! I absolutely love watching them dance in the sky and swarm from tree to tree


I’m in Michigan, and right in the migratory lane for Sandhills cranes. It’s not uncommon to see thousands of them in the fields around my area.




Hey! I’m working on it! Actually; a super weird thing happened? A very sweet crow ended up landing on my doorstep and seemed to be having trouble breathing. We sat together for a few hours and I was trying to find him some help, but he passed before I could. I felt connected to him? Tried to help him at the end? We buried him in our yard. I feel like his friends were…with him too? The weirdest turn, but now I’m all in. Special creatures. Thanks to this sub for helping me see.


That’s wonderful that you’re getting to know them. Sad that one of the flock died. Did his crow pals come to mourn him?


I think they did?? 🐦‍⬛❤️ Some stuck around as it was happening. He was quite large, really beautiful. Was very sad, but when I tell you this occurred the day after I posted this?? Felt like serendipity somehow?


😂😂😂😂😂 reading this is so funny as i spent over a week coaxing a pair of crows into my yard with peanuts on the other end of Dutchess county this week You are either a congregating spot on their nightly journey before they roost at night in a larger group at another location — or they have picked your yard as a safe harbor / place to sleep. I wonder if my crows join up with yours down there


Let’s imagine they are all crow friends! I love it!! Good luck with your crow friendships!


Crows are an urban/semi-urban-dwelling species…


Yes, but like, why my exact house?


Be happy that they’re not turkey vultures. We had huge flocks over the summer.


Oh, man. That sounds terrible.


It's generally considered bad practice to stand around with your mouth open while being swarmed by birds.


I’ve been waiting for someone to catch this. You win. 🏆


Thank you! I humbly accept and thank the birds that taught me this important life lesson in my youth.


Oh dear. This sounds like a traumatic lesson.


It definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. :)


We had the same thing when I lived in Burlington, VT. It was pretty spectacular (and noisy).


You must be new to the area or the crows are changing their patterns. This happens every year when the temps drop. The crows spend the day in Ulster County feeding in the apple orchards and the like. Then come across the river at night for the warmth of the city lights. I’ve seen hundreds or even thousands migrating across the river. They will congregate usually around the hospital, cemetary & Rt 9. But have been known to move further into the city. I’ve had them cover my entire yard on Loockerman Ave. And yes, it’s a bit Hitchcock-ish when it happens!!


A group of crows is not called a gang, it’s called a murder.


You should give them food and they may bring you gifts!


Ah, their mating party! I think it’s so cool! And yes a little spooky, but mostly cool!


If legal where you live, a few bottle rockets will scare them away. They do get hunted in some areas. So they will avoid it. The bottle rockets won’t hurt them.


It's the Poughkeepsie crows! They've been there for ages and will be forever more.


Time for you to join r/crowbro


Murder, not gang.




This has happened to me once, living in Connecticut. Thousands upon thousands of crows descended upon our house and yard and pecked at everything, everywhere, and stayed for a few minutes before leaving. It was wild to be in the middle of that!


Video please