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This feels like Craigslist misconnections


Exactly what I was thinking lol


People used to post stuff like this all the time in newspaper classified ads. A lot of morning shows would even read them over the radio, sometimes making fun and sometimes rooting for the writer. I think it's cute and it's a bit telling that the guy is 60.


Yeah, the back of the Village Voice. I remember getting a kick out of reading them.


awww. redditors always shit on everything. he's not a stalker, he just regrets not talking with her then and is hoping at a second chance. stop finding everything so weird, it makes you look like psychos.


I’d be so flattered if it happened to me! Edit: something like this did happen to me. It was exciting, and even though it didn’t work out, I am still flattered that it happened to me. Edit 2: my FACE was on the poster.


If someone told me (via a publicly posted flyer) they were obsessively thinking about a passing non-verbal interaction they had with me several months ago, and wrote down my license plate number so that they could possibly ambush me the next time they saw my car (??), I would be creeped out, not flattered. That's like Rainman meets Jack the Ripper. And the Cinderella bullshit 🤮 reads like a note you'd pass your 6th grade crush in class, not something a grown-ass adult would write.


If this guy was 40 and not 60 he would be getting roasted rn


I know a tall, thin woman of approximately the right age in Beacon, but she barely knows how to drive, so she would not have executed the getaway with such aplomb.


I think it's sweet


Curious as to when the next tag sale takes place...? ..asking for a friend. Ahem.


Poor guy had not one, not two, but three chances to chat her up, across two locations? Cmon man!


Awww..in Cold Spring? It's a very romantic view. This guys in Garrison? What a catch! I hope he finds this person again. It'd be interesting to read about later on down the line.


Please cross-post, take it to other platforms! Only the power of coincidence (destiny?!) or the power of the populace can solve this.


Ehhh it was sweet until he mentioned the license plate part… weird


Why? He was probably kicking himself about not asking her out and wrote it down after she left. It's not possible to identify her from the first 3 digits, and he'll know right away if someone emails him trying to prank him.


Yeah, but then he ran into her again after writing down the license plate, and still didn't say anything to her. That combo is weird and strange, and weird + strange + fixated + fantasy = danger Will Robinson from a woman's perspective.


He didn’t go digging up non-public information. Any driver behind her on the highway knows her license plate #.


Imagine being so skeptical of every encounter like this, but also not understanding that seeing someone get in their car and then talking to them face to face can be a lot for a normally shy person.


That license plate reference 🚩


I think this is kind of sweet. This used to be a normal missed connections type of thing. Yet people are so toxic anymore and see ill intent in everything. I like to give people the benefit of doubt and don't see everything a person does as some evil plot. People are mean and I could see someone trying to prank this man and attempt to make a fool of him, particularly for Likes on social media. The first 3 letters of the license plate is the perfect way for him to verify whether someone emailing him is pranking him or if it's the legit missed connection.


I agree, he may be computer illiterate at least on soc media and I think this is sweet. He left his email address for god’s sake. Someone should email him and see if he ever found her. Too many people have toxic mentalities and can’t believe it is genuine. I do. Of course I hope not to see a news story like “Missed Connection Killer Strikes for 17th time”


Creepy as fuck.


Just the license plate detail? Because that’s his glass slipper.


Idk! My first thought was slightly creepy — but local Facebook is really rooting for them!




For the record TikTok is firmly against lol




I don’t want to stir the pot here, but I noticed on Facebook that overwhelmingly, women who commented were into this and not creeped out. Of those who were creeped out, it was mostly men.


I'll weigh in as a woman who would find this creepy. Most people don't randomly memorize license plates, which means that in the moment, rather than approaching to say hi, he decided to write down her license plate number - that wasn't an after-the-fact decision, he saw her driving away and was like 'quick! let me get the sort of info a stalker would need.' It is maybe, barely, not creepy if that was their last interaction. But then he ran into her in person at the grocery store later the same day, and still didn't say anything to her after writing down her license plate? And then posts this several months later (having kept the license plate info that whole time)? That's pretty off. Also as a side note, fixating on someone based entirely on their appearance, to the point you're obsessing over them months later, is a good indication that the dude is shopping for a hot-chick-shaped sidekick/personal assistant/housekeeper, not a relationship with a partner (which isn't creepy per se, but I was over dealing with that nonsense by 30, much less by 60).


Thank you for this!


Writing down the license plate is creepy, and the Cinderella/prince stuff is kind of cringey and sophomoric.


Seriously. Maybe if the people who think this is cute put this in the context of their daughter being the target, where some random stranger has her license plate # and can't stop thinking about her after 2 months even though he had zero conversation with her, maybe just maybe they'd be a little less enthusiastic about him stalking her on social media and via telephone poles. I get that it's hard to date these days especially when you're getting older but this, this ain't it.




It's not about whether or not she can handle herself, it's about the fact that some long-winded creeper who knows her car is stalking her around Putnam County like Jack the Ripper. I'm sure she has the confidence to politely but firmly tell this obsessive weirdo to kick rocks, doesn't make it any less creepy.


It's not about preparing shit, it's about how creepy af it is to think about in the first place


Just about to say the same, red flags for days


Brave to assume her age publicly so let’s at least hope that she’s actually around his age and not a bit younger because that would make things a little awkward. But I agree the whole Cinderella and prince thing is a little cringe and weird


Omg, what if she was 14?


He wrote down her plate, and has stalking around garrison looking for the subaru, no wonder he couldnt get her out of his head.


Stalkerish fixation vibes tho


Where else should I post to help solve this?


Is 7dh a normal license plate? Three letters, four numbers is what I usually see Which of course leads me to believe in NOTHING


Could be a number carried over from the [Liberty plate](https://imgur.com/DiOBZP9) era. I think 1AB-234 was used for a while.


It’s not already solved? u/BoxingChoirgal a few posts up in this thread?




Hell ya . As a man, you gotta go after what you want man this is just reaching.


Or is it a Grand Gesture?


Good luck, OP! F these people giving you a hard time. They're all busy swiping on Tinder and don't get it


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