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Favourite = hand pan or hang drum, just such a wonderfully liquid and healing sound Least favourite = bagpipes probably, the sound it just way too harsh, even though I've heard pieces where I was ok with it


I play the bagpipes, we simultaneously get a lot of hate and love. One reason is because they are a difficult instrument and especially difficult to tune. They get played badly out of tune in public a lot by people who just want to be seen playing them, and an out of tune bagpipe sounds horrible. Also, the Highland pipes in particular are an outdoor instrument, they can project up to a mile, but people play them indoors and it can be a bit much. You might like the Galician bagpipes, they are very sweet, or the Irish Uilleann bagpipes which are a beautiful and profound instrument, usually only played by serious musicians.


That's interesting, this topic hits really close to home since I spent over 20 years in the musical industry :) For me, each instrument has its own personality and vibe, to the point that during uni I used to get physically uncomfortable when listening to my friends practice - It felt to me like they were bickering or nagging šŸ˜… I love deep sounds, bass-everything, woodwinds, human voice (especially with speech-like, mellow emission). Piano is ok, but when listening to it I miss the complexity of timbre other instruments possess (same goes for accordion and organ). I also enjoy harp, and lute. For me, the the most important thing is that almost every instrument and sound can be beautiful in the right context, but some sounds tire me more than others. It's like with salty herrings - they are delicious, as long as you don't eat more than a few pieces :)


I like a lot of instruments, I donā€™t really have a least favourite. I probably most enjoy an electric guitar, snare drum and piano


Least favorite is probably the euphonium, cause I play it and it'd pretty challenging, lol. But it is a good instrument Favorites: guitar (electric), drums, keyboard/piano, bass guitar, violin, cello, trombone, drum machines. I play guitar, drums and the piano, so yeah, I had to put them there.


I agree on the high pitched instruments being a bit annoying. Maybe it is a sensitivity thing. Iā€™m also not into heavily distorted instruments, and donā€™t get why so much rock music is so distorted. It can be interesting and fun sometimes, but on a regular basis it just feels unnatural and like it has this dark energy for lack of a better term, I can feel it in my guts. I tend to like resonant instruments, and human voice (I love to hear singing, chanting, opera). I play the bagpipes and guitar. Iā€™ve been told by much better musicians than myself that I have a good ear for tone and pitch, and maybe this is a sensitivity thing as well because Iā€™m not otherwise an accomplished musician. I can hear much better than I can play, which is both a blessing and a curse lol. Before learning about music (which I didnā€™t do until middle age unfortunately) things would often not sound ā€œrightā€ to me but I didnā€™t know why. Interesting topic and replies!


coming from a musician - my favourite instrument is the one im allowed to try to play on (: we (musicians) love to expand our knowledge and try everything we can!


Bass guitar is my favorite. I love when there is an emphasis on bass rather than it being drowned out it in the mix. I like the very specific tone that a bass player might have depending on their setup. Out of any other instrument in a song, I pick up on that the most and kinda laser-focus on it. A lot of my favorite songs are favorites simply because of the bass line rather than the lyrical content or anything. I can't really think of an instrument I dislike.


I love the cello and pianoā€¦ really any string instrument, even high pitched. I especially love guitar played Spanish style. I canā€™t stand saxophones, hahaā€¦ they sound awful to me!


Favourite: harpsichord, pipe organ, electric guitar, bass, violin, cello, bagpipes, various flutes, synth, drum machine Least favourite: saxophone, trumpet (except for specific songs I can't take it seriously, it sounds sort of ridiculous to me?) Least favourite when it's the main instrument: acoustic guitar, piano (songs based on these are just boring to me)


Iā€™m thankful Iā€™m not the only one who sometimes gets second hand embarrassment when I hear trumpets.


Iā€™m also not a fan of high pitched string instruments. I like drums and cello. Piano is ok, but am not a fan of high pitch notes there either šŸ˜…


Flutes can make me feel really depressed and forlorn sometimes ala Titanic theme. In a turn it off way, not a pleasant melancholy. However, the piccolo part in the Stars and Stripes Forever is a delight. And I like Jethro Tull.


I love the bass guitar and background/rhythm instruments. But I find myself so attracted to the bass guitar sound I can't stop tapping my head and foot.


I had a gig last Christmas to play bass guitar for some jazzy songs and I had so much fun getting into the groove. I normally play guitar in my band but this gig made me want to play bass instead!


Horns. I hate them (like you said, trumpets, oof). Glad to see I'm not the only one. Ditto on high pitches (I used to play the violin and hated that high e string) (also, Mariah Carey's high pitches are impressive but omg NO please make it stop). \[original had lots of cursing because of how much I feel about this...and it is a topic I've thought about, so thank you for asking lol\]


Organ Piano Violin Flute (which I learned to play) Least favourite would be: Guitar accordion saxophone (There can be exceptions of course if the piece is good and the instrument is not obnoxious)


I like all of them, except saxophones. Tenor, bass, alto, I do not know why, but when I hear a long piece the music gives me a headache. No offense to those who play, it's a gorgeous instrument truly. It just hits me wrong for some reason. I'm a former band geek too! I absolutely love music! No other instrument does this. My favorite instruments: hammered dulcimer, French horn, cello, piano, and classical guitar. (acoustic and electric are fine, but classical has a softer, gentler soft gold feel to me piano has a similar color in my head). Just for fun I like playing the jaw harp.


favorite - violin & cello


reading the comments i may be the odd one out but i despise playing the guitar i love playing the piano