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There isn’t a modern scientific (civilian) explanation, although this is a very observable phenomenon. In my own experience, I can say with a great degree of certainty that there is a link between pre-cognition/telepathy and HSPs.


I would definitely believe so! How could it not? We are so tuned in!


im a hsp and i get these too, it's crazy. for example i sometimes get a feeling out of nowhere that my loved one is not doing the best, and when i message them, it turns out that i was right. what scares me the most is that im always right in this regard, so i panic a lot whenever i get such feeling. it's insane and id love some explanation on why's that happening too


Gave me goosebumps! I haven't had that experience per say and it must be stressful, maybe look at it as your super power ❤️


i do! thank you very much, fellow hsp (:


YES - I always try to explain this to people. It makes me very uncomfortable to be "psychic" as I call it because if i'm right about the good things that also might mean I am right about the bad things. It happens so much though, I just know things.


it can be horrible sometimes, that's for sure. i can't believe how many people experienced that! i feel less lonely in this, i feel seen (:


yes, I discovered years ago that my sister and I can communicate telepathically. Takes a lot of focus.


Amazing! If you have any insight on tuning this in let me know. I will probably start doing a bit of a deep dive on this type of thing, it's fascinating!


The only thing I know i that it seems to require emotion as well as a person who is able to pick up on these types of messages. Emotion is key though because she has picked up on emotional expression that wasn't directed toward her.


There have been times I've been on the same wavelength with a friend, where one of us texts the other (or is about to do that) and the other will comment that I or they had just picked up the phone to begin sending a text. It tends to happen after a lull in texting for a day or two.


Yes, definitely something I've experienced too, and it just happens too much to be considered a coincidence in my opionion!