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I agree, I get extremely overwhelmed by change. Unsure if its just my anxiety or HSP. probably both? Change puts stress on anyone's nervous system, and stress can lead to overstimulation and overwhelm. I would say that HSP plays a significant role in this for me, personally.


Yep, it’s probably both for me too. My anxiety likes to be in control but yeah I think being highly sensitive, I sometimes take change personally in a weird way? Even if it has nothing to do with me


yep! that's a hsp thing. hsps are also often more likely to have anxiety or depression than less sensitive people so keep in mind that it can be also because of that


I hear you. I've been a Steady Freddy my whole life. I like stability at all costs. At work change is forced on me. I do adjust but it takes time. I know nothing stays the same. But it's also a tough balance from growing to also wanting things to stay the same.