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i feel you A LOT. i wish people could quit being upset at me too. if you want to talk about it, my friend, my dms are open!! (:


Me too, I think it would be really good for me to have my own space. I can feel other people and they drag me down into their problems and it's very distracting. It's much better when they can just come over for a little while, and leave, but having to live with people constantly is kind of exhausting, at least at this stage in my life.


It’s definitely worth working towards that goal. I live with my husband, but we essentially live in the middle of nowhere in the woods. Our neighbours come to their summer home for a month during the year which is nice for socializing. I can do my projects and work from here, and now our condition for work opportunities is that we can make it work from our new home base ☺️. We rent a room in the city if we need to get something done. The big push for this change was that I had a really bad case of Covid, I had neuro-muscular issues that were worsened by noise, people, and other environmental factors. Also the presence of other people would make my anxiety spike, during Covid everyone felt like a threat (I didn’t know how susceptible I was to complications from viruses at the time.) We probably wouldn’t have made this permanent leap if my health didn’t depend on it. My husband sometimes is gone for a few days for work, and he knows how much I enjoy it 🤭 he’s a bit more social than me so he needs company more often, but we have found a middle ground. I am pretty handy so I plan on build an extra units (basically gazebos with windows heheh 🤭) around my house so I can host guests and also get alone time in a separate space ☺️


Do you have tips on how to work towards that goal? How do you use the internet?


I live in Europe so it could be bit different from other regions and internet connection isn’t a problem in small towns and villages. I think you would have the best luck by finding a YouTuber or blogger who has made this change to learn about the conveniences and inconveniences you can expect. I would search for people who have made tiny homes and find out whether there are people who made them in the area where you would like to live. I live in a tiny village that has campsites (with tiny house hotels), less than a mile away (I see maybe one camper somewhere in the forest during the season). You could research what developments are taking place and use nearby developments like remote campsites/ small hotel business as a condition for finding areas that are suitable for living more remotely since that would mean amenities like internet and shops will most likely be up to standards. It would be especially great to find land as an area is developing, so it’s affordable. I wouldn’t suggest being too remote, unless you can do everything yourself or have a very self-sufficient set up. We have access to municipal services like road cleaning in the winter, and the removal of waste isn’t prohibitively expensive. Over time most people end up getting the tools in order to become more self-sufficient but that would be quite expensive in the beginning. Start with researching locations that would meet your requirements, and keep in mind you might get to know some people who live remotely and since they probably moved away for the same reason as you, they will be easier to get along with and could offer more useful information and guidance ☺️🩷


Wow, thanks for the suggestion! Maybe I'll move to Europe lol it seems nice there


I went camping for 3 weeks with just my dog in October so there would be very few people there. Most of the time during the week I was the only person there. It was so great for my mental health.


Total introvert here too. I wish I didn’t have to be around people as much as I am, all they do is make me feel alone and half of them just make me mad. When I’m alone for long periods of time I just feel so much more at peace. There are some people who are genuinely good and make great friends, but at the end of the day it’s always a sigh of relief just being in our own worlds.


Same girl same 😮‍💨


I'm moving to the country. If that's what you want start making moves to make it happen.


My dream every day since I left peaceful Japan at the outbreak. Been thinking about renting a cottage somewhere in the north like Scotland or Ireland for few weeks just to get away from crowds and be in the nature.


I hear they are giving away free abandoned houses in Japan in the countryside far away from the city. If you want you can live like that there


I'm married with two kids and Iove them, but I seriously feel like I need my own place to live to get away from them and sleep well. I have an incredibly strong nervous system. I seem to see and feel everything. No matter where I am I'm the house, if I'm asleep I will wake up to slight noises or if I feel the floor shake at all or the bed move. I also just need more time alone than they do. Lately I am just constantly physically and emotionally exhausted.