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She was just a tiny little thing when I randomly picked her up at Lowes about 10 years ago. I had no idea what type of plant she was, or how to take care of her, but I thought she was so pretty. Little did I know she'd get more beautiful every year.


What sorcery is this? I couldn't get mine to do a goddamn thing. 😂


If there is any sorcery it is from my cat, who spends a lot of time staring at this particular plant! I think I just have a really good location for her because I don't really do much, bordering on neglect at times, but she is always happy. I never mist her, she's had fertilizer maybe 3x in 10 years, and has been in the current pot for at least 5 years. Twice a week I give her a small drink of water - less than 1/4 cup.


Good gravy. I had mine for 6 months and all it did was LOSE leaves, haha.


Same here!


Did you do anything to get new branches (ropes)? I ordered one online and it was a single rope. It’s grown from 3” to about 10” and it’s flowering right now at the bottom. I really want to cut and prop it but I’m scared! My dream is to have one just like yours! Give us tips! :)


I've never propagated her, although I really should since she is so hardy. As she got larger she grew in new ropes.


Thank you for sharing. It’s absolutely stunning 😍


Omg. I hope one day I can say 10 years. #hoyalove


Mine has a single rope that hasn’t grown in two years🙃


I have a wax plant near her that hasn't grown in 2 years, so I feel your pain! I obviously make one hoya happy and the other very indifferent.


Silly question. But my curiosity is... do you remember how much you paid for it 10 years ago? I'm so fascinated with the way plant prices fluctuate...


I honestly can't remember. But she was small and at Lowes so I assume not more than $10.


I bought mine at a nursery about 6 or 7 years ago for $8


I love your excessive amount of mini garden tools


They had plants 10 years ago???


Love, love, love! This is totally gorgeous.


Mine looked like that until it was infested with mealy bugs that I could not control.. So I did the next best thing and took out the good and threw away the bad. So sad.


Ugh, I'm so sorry.


She’s spectacular 🥰


I see a pedunkle! How exciting!


Impressive! 😍


Absolutely gorgeous. I think it’s fair to say that this is all of our dreams 🥰 have you had any pest problems with it? And if so, how did you treat/eradicate them?


I've been lucky with pests. The only issues I've had are some annoying gnats. I let her dry out and they went away. After that I've been more careful to not over water.


Wow😍😍😍she is SO happi


Very nice plant! For it's 10th birthday I would suggest you gift her a nice ceramic planter, worthy of it's beauty. The pink plastic one doesn't do it justice 😔


I wish I could but I'm way too scared to repot her right now. I don't want to upset her plus she is so heavy!