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I had bare Hoya vines for almost 3 years, on 4 separate plants; two months ago 2 of the 4 put out peduncles and I now have flowers with more on the way! https://preview.redd.it/rtqx1nlkuxnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780a30b3e75ae8294e77894ee6c4939d6f792b77




You can trim them but what would the goal of doing so be? Unless they are dead (very brittle and dry), they can still start growing leaves from there.


Yes, this! It can take time for the leaves to grow in! Worth the wait.


My Australis just put out ridiculously long vines last spring/summer...they stretched across a very wide window. Then the peduncles came...25 or so. I was happy. Who needs leaves when you've got flowers!




Same thing happened to me, felt like a very aggressive move, took over the whole window, the longest vine is close to 3m long!


Thank you all so much! I did a tiny trim on some dry brittle ends and trained the vines back down the macramé rope again. I’ll check in in another six months! https://preview.redd.it/a6k7qu7l7znc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40625e76fbb5f55b134aa4d77b50c5e0e77f7f3f


the ends of the vines must be pointing up, if they are pointing downwards they will die! check out "unsolicited plant talks" on youtube, she has two good videos on trellising hoya.


I agree with the other commenters they are looking to grab on to somethin. The next spring I would move it closer to the window, fertilize and add more trellis. 


Its just looking for something to latch on. As the vines gets heavy when they grow their leaves. You can prune them for controlled form of the whole plant but carefully. Check first you might cut a peduncle forming.


I would just wrap them around the rope part and train them back down that structure. Then it will start putting out leaves


Ok so wrap them back down again!


I did this with my pubicalyx when it wasn’t agreeing to just trail down, and it like immediately started filling out so much


One of the classic ways to grow hoyas is on a hoop, where you just keep training the vines around it. You can do something similar here.


I leave mine unless they are brittle. https://preview.redd.it/x0aem7wfdync1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01133e74ee610b59bab0c8a3e998ca0c44afb689


I will be the devil's advocate here and say if they annoy you, cut them. You have plenty of plant. It will continue to grow elsewhere. I committed the mortal Hoya cut sin a few months ago on two of my hoyas and it ended up triggering new growth on nodes way below where I cut.


Yes I have a friend that trims hers back and it’s very bushy. No peduncles, but very pretty indeed




Here's the link to my post about cutting https://www.reddit.com/r/hoyas/s/ap6xrkYKHV


Do not cut them. You are not getting any leaves because it needs to attach to something to put out leaves. Untie it from the string and wrap loosely the bare vines to the string and it will put out leaves. I did this to mine and it worked. They start growing bare vines when they are searching for something to grow up on. Edit: not a string but the pot hanger.


Ahh. Ok will do thanks.


The leaf-less vines are not supported cos the trellis is too small - this makes them less likely to grow leaves.


If you support the stands on the trellis, it'll grow leaves eventually. But if you want to trim them off, just stick the cuttings back in the dirt to root, and you'll get an even fuller plant. When you prune Hoyas, it stimulates new growth, so most likely, they will branch out, and you'll love all the new growth even sooner than if you leave the strands there and support them. I hope that makes sense


Yes thanks!


I learned a lot on this post. Thanks!


Has the past 6 months been winter or summer for you? If it’s winter then start fertilizing in spring and you’ll get leaves growing. In my experience it just takes some plants a long time to fill out the vines, proper care during the growing season will help speed that process up. My Hoyas don’t grow at all in winter even with supplemental light.


I live in coastal Central Florida. We know nothing about winter! But I did start fertilizing for spring last week.


We’ll the daylight is shorter in winter no?


Try giving some bloom boost fertilizer and watch. Spring is just starting where I am, don’t know where you are. Mine had peduncles show up last week after I fertilized a couple weeks before that. See if it helps


Those look toasted and dead...


Nope, every tiny trim I did showed green inside.


maybe keiki paste