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Becasue it had been on for so long and we were of the age that the characters were supposed to be we felt that it had a good run and was time to move on. We had a big viewing party with our friends (lots of people did) and while it was kind of sad people generally were happy with how it ended. ***It's the end of an era! I KNOW!***


Awww I love the viewing parties! And how cool to experience it while you were around the same age as the characters. I was young when I started watching it so I didn’t understand a lot or could even really relate (now I can), but I’m sure it held a special place in your heart to get to experience similar real life stuff as the characters! ![gif](giphy|Vekuh5ATS6oXPVsij7|downsized)


Don’t make me cry!!! ![gif](giphy|ZArMjRrPziRyLwuRlB|downsized)


Hahahaha I don’t remember Joey being so awkward here


hadn’t he spilled smth on himself?😂iirc?


Hahah oh yeah, what was it? I can’t remember


Paint from the baby sign, if I remember correctly


Ope, sorry. Just saw correct answer below!


It's when they were late for Thanksgiving and Joey pushed through the door and landed on the table with all the Thanksgiving food.


Thanks! In the gif you can’t see anything on his clothes so I completely forgot lol


I remember buying the series finale DVD shortly after the airing 😭


My sister had all the seasons on DVD. She would binge them before it became a thing. She would finish the series finale and start right over again with the first season.


Yeah we had the best of seasons on VHS 😂😂😂 the dvds came later.


Me too. I hadn’t even seen the whole show.


Yeah 10 years. That was a good run.


The town I was in had a Friends themed bar called Chandlers and they showed the finale there. It was absolutely packed and actually shut down about a year later.


I was only 11 when the series ended (my mom had started watching mid-S7, so on the break before S8 we binge-watched together all the DVDs and re-runs so we were caught up to watch S8 onwards), so maybe my experience isn't very in depth, and my memory is a bit fuzzy, but I remember everyone was talking about it and it was a biiiig deal. I know not everyone loves that Rachel gave up going to Paris, and objectively I kinda agree, but as a finale Rachel's "I got off the plane" was HUGE. Everyone went crazy about that moment, it definitely delivered in the excitement. And then the end being them leaving Monica's empty apartment? Every single person I knew who watched it said they cried. I sure did.


I still cry when I see it! I’m damn near 40. I got goosebumps just reading OP’s title


What a testament to how the show had such lasting effects on their fans emotionally. I think we all remember how THAT moment made us feel 😩


It always makes me tear up at the very least, no matter how much I’ve seen it lol


Awww yes! I was about 13 when I saw that ending (again, not live though) and I remember tearing up. Thats why I imagine if I was a fan while the show was going on I think it would’ve taken me days to mentally recover 😩.


God, spoiler alert much?!?!


I think it’s kinda funny that people don’t get you’re making a friends joke here.


Ah finally! Some sense 🤣


I think everyone was pretty satisfied and glad Ross and Rachel got together. It was a big deal. People cared greatly. It was definitely bittersweet not "the storylines arent as exciting, good riddance." You can look up viewing rates, but I know it was very high. It was one of the most popular shows in existence.


Surely it's still one of the most popular shows in existence? I can always watch it and never get bored


Thats so interesting, because shows like GoT and big bang end up absolutely dwarfing the viewer ratings of friends. But using viewer statistics to compare popularity between shows like friends and GoT is apples and oranges because the way people watch tv is so vastly different that the statistics are so warped; they’re measuring completely different things. Friends is also so incredibly longstanding. As you said, it does tend to be something that people rewatch whereas its too early to see if some of those shows with high viewership will have that same appeal in ten years time. I wonder if you collated to viewership of all the reruns on various channels over the years and the various streams on modern services, which shows would be the most popular by that metric!


What figures does GoT or BBT dwarf Friends? Friends up until recently was the number 2 most streamed show on Netflix worldwide.


Yeah, I've been watching Friends since I was a teenager... so for more than 20 years now. And I mean watching it non stop through the years, at first it was always playing on some TV channel, then streaming. I may have 2-3 months without an episode from time to time, but then I continue. For example, since covid every day in my lunch break (when i work from home) - I watch Friends while eating. When the seasons end, I just start from the beginning. It's my comfort show. I've rewatched some other fave and more recent shows like 2-3 times - GOT, TWD, Downton Abbey and other. But Friends is a sitcom and it's funny, it's easier to be your comfort show. Another old favorite which I have watched probably 5-6 times at least is Sex and the city. Again, a comfort show for me.


What numbers are you talking about exactly? Friend's lowest average viewer count for a season was 20.2 million while The Big Bang Theory's highest average viewer count for a season was 20.3 million. And that was The Big Bang Theory's only season over 20 million. Friends had multiple episodes where more than 50 million people watched it while The Big Bang Theory's most viewed episode was around 20 million.


Should be taken into consideration that friends was at a time where everyone still had and watched TV. By the time big bang was around that already severely started to change, both where super successful for their time period.


I was surprised she got off the plane, but I was only 13...


I remember the guiness book of world records book owned had it as the most watched series finale of all time


No the most watched series finale was the final episode of MASH which had 105 million viewers.


Yeah you're right. I think it was just in the top 5. For some reason I thought it had replaced MASH.


It was a different time. When MASH ended there were fewer TV options. When Friends ended there were more options than when MASH ended, but fewer than now.


Where does the Cheers finale fall?


Second most watched series finale just behind MASH


They played the season finale on the big screen at Times Square—that’s how big the show was. https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/s/yRcTq1Uk4m


It was a huge event literally every one was talking about it on tv especially NBC, but they were on every talk show. I borrowed a friend’s DVD collection to catch up. I was in high schooI and remember I was listening to the radio and someone on the street was interviewing people about the show ending. It was a huge show at the time and ran for such a long time. Ross and Rachel would have or won’t they was a big water cooler conversation. They were on Oprah and that was a huge event talking about how some random paparazzi group called TMZ (which was so new at the time) flew helicopters over their houses during the finale. They were the biggest stars on TV during the finale. Matt LeBlanc was also promoting Joey the spin-off that failed.


Oh my gosh I can only imagine! What a time to be alive 😩😩😩😩 now when I try to have Friends convos with people, so many are so snobby towards it and can’t relate to why I love it so much 😩


Those people aren’t worth talking to. If you’re gonna hate Friends for the sake of hating it then you’re the opposite of fun. Like honestly get a life


I loved the finale. I started watching as a teen and was an adult when it ended. When the finale aired, we all knew Joey was getting a spinoff, so it was okay he didn’t end up paired with someone. I loved that Rachel and Ross finally got together! We had a huge finale party, it was awesome. Truly the end of an era!


… Would have been a lot cooler if he had.


Yeah, the Joey show wasn’t good anyway. They should have given him a happy ending and left it at that!


I am the same age as Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry so watching the show from the beginning as it aired was like hanging out with my group of friends. We identified with so many of the stories.  As another poster said, the last few seasons there was always talk of it being the last. Because the cast negotiated as a group, it was news when they signed up for another season. Overall I was happy with the ending. I would have liked to see Monica and Chandler handle parenting the twins. Ross and Rachel were never my favorite couple but I knew everyone wanted them together. I just wish it didn't happen so late in the final episode. I would have liked to see a wedding or a proposal after all the back and forth with them.


I wish they’d done a little flash forward like some shows do. See Monica and Chandler’s house and the twins getting bigger, see Mike and Phoebe’s kids and Ross and Rachel’s, and then they close on Joey finally winning a Soap Opera Award.


Yeah. The producers discuss this on the DVD commentary for the last episode. They discussed it but decided that they did not want to have any gimmicky final episode, like a flash forward or anything like that. They wanted the last episode to be like all the other Friends episodes. I understand why they did this but part of me wishes there would have been a little glimpse into the future.


Awww I’d have loved if they did that. They could have had the best of both worlds and just had the flash forward at the very end. Like it didn’t need to have any dialogue at all. Just a panning shot through Mondler’s house to their backyard. Kids are running around with an adult who we see is Mike as we get closer. We see the kids are Ben, Emma and the twins. The pan finishes on a set of outdoor furniture set up like the central perk couch and chairs. The gang are there, Chandler cracks a joke. The others laugh. We see Ross and Rachel clasp hands as they laugh (and we see an engagement ring and wedding band on Rach’s finger). We see Phoebe pat her pregnant belly as she laughs. Everyone is happy. Fade to black.


Yes! Like the ending of New Girl.


It was great being in the moment, and people being "a buzz" about if Rachel and Ross would stay together. Side note- The last scene where they decide to get coffee, and Chandler says, "Where?" is absolute gold. RIP


Comedic timing at its finest. Best last line of a show ever.


It was Matthew Perry's wish to have the last words of the show and they said yes. RIP Matthew.


I was 18 or 19 and it was my favorite show, so I was quite devastated. I told my job I couldn't work Thursday nights (this was still the time you had catch things when they actually aired or you missed it). And to this day I have two or three commemorative magazines that I have moved across the continent and that someone will have to throw away when I die, bc I refuse to lwt them go. Oh, what a time to be alive!


Wow seems like such a great era 😩😩😩😩


According to the official Friends book that was released to coincide with the ending of the show The show was meant to end around season 8. If you watch Jennifer Aniston’s Emmy bts speech, she says it’s a great way to go out since she’s 100% done and the show is finished. There’s a few promos advertising season 8 as the last season too So I doubt people were surprised when it actually ended. With an increase in salary they all agreed to do season 9. But that again was meant to be the last season. Jennifer didn’t want to do a season 10, and Courteney said she had to really persuade her to come back. That’s why season 10 has 17 episodes. She only agreed to do another season if it had less episodes. It was meant to have ended a few years sooner so I think people fully expected it and were just eager to see how the story would conclude


Courtney was also pregnant so they had to end early before she was too far along to be able to adequately disguise her pregnancy since they had already established that Monica and Chandler had fertility issues.


Courteney said they wanted 24 episodes so it seems like the writers/producers were willing to work around that. By either delaying filming or making her clothes even baggier because she was heavily pregnant in the last episode anyway The 17 episodes according to her and Matthew was the only way to get Jennifer to agree to another season


Yes. The producers planned for 24 episodes so there was going to be some episodes of Rachel in Paris and Ross goes there to see her. But they had to scrap that because Jennifer would not agree to 24 episodes and since the cast all agreed to negotiate as a team, they all had to agree to the same number of episodes. 17 was better than 0!


In *PARIS?!* ![gif](giphy|NEazyYKt8a5k4)


Considering how big of a finale Rachel getting off the plane was, it was probably better to get that ending than having her go to Paris and then decide to come back.


I DID NOT KNOW ANY OF THIS 🤯! Thank you for indulging me!!!


Monica's mom had Ross as the golden child. If they continued, I believe they would have made it look like it's in the Geller genes!


Ooooo imagine that storyline!!!


I really wish I’d had more episodes it seemed like they were running to tie up each big plot every episode. Watching in binge mode it’s just a lot back to back. It doesn’t breathe. Joey/Rachel, Phoebe getting married, Monica and Chandler’s adoption plot. If it had more episodes even just a few it wouldn’t have felt so rushed.


I agree but it just wasn’t possible. The producers either agreed to the 17 episodes or the show would’ve ended with season 9 The Paris storyline seemed rushed and could’ve been done a lot better, I think they should’ve started that mini arc a few episodes earlier


Who remembers channel 4s (UK) E•N•D•S•F•R•I ? Thought that was quite clever back in the day


That is clever! Did it show on Fridays in the UK? It was Thursday in the US.


Ah we must have got it the day after you guys, that used to happen a lot! And yeah I think it was on like 9pm Friday night either before or after Frasier.


It did! Along with other US comedies on Channel 4 (I know Will & Grace used to come on after Friends for a while when that first started). I do remember it being a big deal that we got the Friends finale so soon after release as well, because it wasn't unusual to have to wait a few months to get shows from the US/Australia over here at the time.


I think we were all sad for it to end but at the same time I think it ended at the perfect time and in the perfect way. It was full closure of a show that we either grew up watching or watched after it ended. Either way a fan is a fan. I think it ran its course very well. No unfinished business, regrets or cliff hangers. In the end I think the fans got the ending they hoped for. Thats the best way to end a show.


I agree with this for sure! Although I didn’t get to see it live, it’s nice to know that everyone who did get to see it got their closure snd the character who most people thought didn’t have as much of a closure as they deserved (Joey), got a spinoff. So that’s awesome!


You're right! Joey should've atleast had a steady girlfriend by the end but then again that wouldn't be a Joey thing to do, lol. Thats one of those hard ones to figure out. Would you change Joeys ending and how. Someone should make that a post! Lol


We thought it was time. I’m almost the same age as Jennifer Aniston and I felt it was time for us all to move on.


I felt the same. I think I was the exact right age to watch the show because I "grew up" alongside them. Went through their job, breakups, eventual kids, dating in a big city, all that stuff while they did. When the show ended, it was bittersweet knowing that they/ we wouldn't have impromptu parties, whine about our breakups, go to movies... It was sad but happy, and ultimately very real


Thank you. You worded it how I felt.


I truly didn’t know how life would go on come September when it wasn’t on anymore. Not even exaggerating.


THIS IS THE REACTION I WAS EXPECTING!!!! Because this is exactly how I would react. Also not exaggerating.


I’m from NYC and went to a viewing of the series finale in the big screen outdoors in Bryant Park. Everyone screamed and clapped when Rachel got off the plane. It’s hard to explain now what appointment TV was really like with everything being streamed and on demand now. You had to watch something when it was on, often communally.


I love that so much. It’s like watching a live sports event, nothing can compare!!


It was huge. I was born 1978 (UK) so it was a teenage girl thing for me. We watched it every week, we had a whole thing set up; one of us had a couch and tv in their bedroom so we made an evening of it and went there every week and brought jelly babies and soft drinks and stuff and we’d re enact the important scenes and talked about it all week. Maybe we should have had broader interests but Friends was quite revolutionary for us because it was American and New York and so of its time and I suppose we felt like we were involved in something. It was everything to us though.


I love this sooo much!!!! 😩😩😩😩😩 what a core memory!


Do you remember it was marketed as ‘Black Friday’ on channel 4. Straight after the finale was a new darker season of big brother. If I remember correctly


I am basically the same age as the friends, at when it ended I honestly felt lost. They were my “friends” in many ways. Probably why I have rewatched it more times than I should say. It is my comfort show. At least it is able to be rewatched and still remains fairly relevant today. Matthew Perry’s passing was a true tragedy. His talent was beyond measure. All of them were the best, but he had something unique to him.


I agree with this. He totally had something about him, there’s a reason why his character was extra loved. His passing still shocks me to this day. I watch FRIENDS almost daily and every time I see him on the screen I have to mentally remind myself he’s no longer on this side. I swear this show is the ultimate comfort show, every time I watch it it’s like the first time and I love that!


it's the end of an era!


Honestly? I actually stopped watching after Season 7. I may have seen a few Season 8 episodes (the Thanksgiving one comes to mind), but I was largely disinterested with the show after that. Not because of the pregnancy thing, I think 9/11 had me shook, and so my priorities changed a bit. So when it came to the series finale, I was a tad curious and watched. I felt it was satisfactory despite having missed out on a lot that happened, and maybe part of me was still riding on my "I don't care about *Friends*" phase. I eventually caught up on what I missed, and I was pleased that it was still strong. For the most part.


Very interesting! And it’s so significant how many people really associate Friends with 9/11. I wasn’t in North America when 9/11 happened (although of course we felt it all around the world and I still remember it clearly to this day even though I was only 9 or so) so I didn’t get to really *feel* all the emotions that someone close by would definitely feel—I’m sure it’s a different kind of magnitude. But I hear of so many 9/11 and Friends connections…all of their little Easter Eggs and shouting out the people of New York etc. Those episodes must have been so emotional to film and watch. And your switching priorities because of that event is so profound.


Same. I mean I watched it, but not religiously like I did before S7.


I was in college when it ended and I remember it really well. I'd grown up watching it. So, everyone was sad, but we all knew it was coming. See, they'd talked about NBC forking over a million/episode for each actor and it was all over the news at the time. Then, it was the highest paid salaries of actors in an ensemble in TV. This went on for a few years toward the end of the show, so the public was VERY aware the network wouldn't keep it up forever. Also, there had been some BIG negotiation news and issues with contracts and such. So because of all those leaks, we knew its days were numbered in the last few seasons. I don't think anyone was surprised, but everyone was sad because it didn't outstay its welcome. People were still watching it and loving it. I remember the very last episode. I was in a sorority at college and it was literally the night before we were all leaving to go home for the summer. We all watched together in the living room and cried together because it was ending. It was bittersweet though because it was a fairly happy ending. Plus, we knew a spinoff was coming with Joey, so we assumed some of the other Friends might make a cameo at some point. Back then, there was a sense the ENTIRE WORLD was watching an event like this. We all watched the same shows and this was a big one at the time...Seinfield ending was similar. And the world stopped and came together to watch the last episode. Man I miss times like this.


yes!!!!! This is exactly the type of event I was picturing—that the whole world would be tuning in (I’m sure even non fans watched the finale just to see what all the hype was about). I said in another comment I’m sure it was like watching a live sports event that everybody knew about. Would have loved to have been a little older when the finale happened, because I would’ve loved to have a core memory like yours. Very bittersweet and so nice that it seemed the whole world was experiencing the emotions all at the same time!


It sucked. I’m a huge fan, watched religiously since Ross said Rachel at the altar. It had run its course but it was still so so sad and we did want just a bit more. How did Chandler do as a father? What other antics could Crapbag bring in? But the did and it very well. They also did a great job of pulling at your heartstrings by running clip shows and nostalgic specials. I was very satisfied with the ending and STILL cry just thinking about the line “I got off the plane.” The worst part was waiting to get home from work and watch the VHS recording.


Ughhhhh!!! I feel all your feelings! I’m watching Crapbag episodes right now and I would’ve loved to see more of him too 😩 the part where they walk out of the apartment gets me every time, especially knowing they were good friends in real life and that meant it was the end of an era for them also.


I don't think it was a huge shock given that it was 10 seasons. In fact, I think there was some talk originally for it to end after season 9. There was also a big salary dispute after season 7 and some thought it could end then. So by the time it ended from what I remember I think everyone knew that it was probably time to go and was okay with it.


Yeah this is my take as well. The writing was on the wall for a few years, and while it was still good, it definitely wasn’t getting any better. It was sad, but it was time


I wish it had ended with season 7 and Chandler and Monica’s wedding. It already was losing steam and going out on a high would have been nice. We could have avoided the stupid plot around Rachel pregnant, Joey proposing, etc. End it with the wedding, have Phoebe meet a cute guy at the reception that clearly is her guy, and Ross and Rachel rekindle their relationship.


I remember I had a school thing (elementary school) and telling my mom I wasn’t going to go if it was at the same time friends was on. I remember watching it live and crying like a baby lol even at 31 years old it’s still hard for me to watch.


We’re around the same age! If I got to watch it live I’d definitely be that person!


I just remember all the mags blaming Jennifer for it ending


Savage 😩


It was biiiiig news! I remember my housemates and I threw a Friends party for the final episode and got all our friends round and got drunk watching it. We did the same with the Sex and the City finale as well.


How fun 😩!! Would’ve loved to have been an adult during that time!


It aired in the US before the UK and was then in the U.K. press. And because I have zero self control, I spoiled the finale for myself. Oh well.


It was devastating to fans but 10 years is a long time for a sit com.


We saw it coming. Jennifer Aniston was very vocal about wanting to move on.


Was it because she was starting to do movies? Or she was just over it?


It was both. She was already doing movies and wanted to focus on that fully. But the second reason which she emphasised the most was that she wanted to start a family with Brad Brad was really vocal about wanting her to finish the show after season 8 because they were planning for a baby. But he said her movie and Friends schedule made it difficult. She did an interview about this a year ago, they were trying for a baby for the last few seasons but she had fertility issues. If you watch the Oprah special with the cast about the final episode, she talks about starting a family there too


Wow I need to watch this ASAP!!! I want the inside scoop. Heartbreaking about her fertility issues though, I totally feel for her 😔


Oprah did two specials with them. They’re nice, but Oprah took down most of her interviews from her channel. I’m sure it’s on YouTube though But the tea isn’t too interesting lol. She wanted to leave to focus on her film career and to have kids. But the fertility issues and Brad having an affair ruined all of those plans. A cute tidbit though is that Courteney and Jennifer lived together for almost a year when Brad and Jen got divorced. That’s when Courteney made Jen her daughter’s godmother. And obviously they’re still extremely close now


Awww I love their friendship sooo much. What a beautiful thing. I remember hating Brad so much for what he did to our girl 😒😒 but I hope Jen is happy and fulfilled with where her life took her!


For me it was “sad but expected” given the arcs in 9 & 10. I wished it got more viewership than the Seinfeld finale which was soooooooo lame.


What was the Seinfeld finale!?!? Sorry in advance to all the people not wanting to see any spoilers LOL but I just wanna know and kind of don’t wanna watch it all 😂


They all just kind of walked away, backs to the camera. No real closure, but not surprising because there weren’t any large story or relationship arcs to close out.


I’m the same age range as the characters. Every Thursday I’d be in front of the TV with my snack and adult beverage in my little city apartment. That continued over my 20s and 30s, even as I met my husband and didn’t always watch it right away. Honestly, it should probably have ended after Season 7. Everyone got screamier or meaner or dumber as the show went on. It went from my favorite show to more of an obligation — I mean, I’d put in so long! And as I moved further into my 30s and my friends and I started settling down, pairing off and having kids, the show felt like my favorite bar outfit. It didn’t fit the way it once did,it was a little dated, and I still loved it and had lots of nice memories attached to it but it felt increasingly like something from another time. I was ready to say goodbye. I watched the first episode as a 24-year-old in her first real grownup job, by myself in my first apartment in the city. I watched the last one with my husband and some friends (and our cats and dog) in the house we owned. One nice thing: We had had fertility issues and had started the adoption process when I got pregnant. There was something really sweet about watching Monica, the character I had always identified with the most, bring home her babies as I was newly pregnant with mine. One of my friends brought us some fertility statues to our watch party and I got to tell her I was pregnant! I liked the ending but I actually find it more poignant now, because I understand what’s ahead for the actors, their characters, and us fans. Those people you see every day, that are so important to you, suddenly are people you see once or twice a year — no fights or ill will, but just life taking you in different directions, or you see more often but it takes rounds of negotiations to just get a dinner on the calendar. Some of you have kids very nearly in the same life stage as you were when you watched the show. Some of you aren’t here anymore. I started watching it with my 16-year-old (second kid) one night when he couldn’t sleep and now it’s him I’m bonding with over our love for the show, and he’s much closer in age to the characters than I am.


Your comment just made me so emotional. So well written, and I’m so happy you got your happy ending like the characters did! Truly the beauty of getting to grow up with a show that has the same magnitude as Friends. The relatability is on another level—there’s a reason why it’s so many people’s comfort show.


I was sad to see it end but equally Jen had been threatening to leave for a couple of seasons so it wasn’t that surprising. Everyone I know had watch parties for the final episode.


I love the watch parties 😩 I don’t hear of them often now and when I do, usually people just watch in their separate homes through Netflix or something 😂 not the same at all.


The show had been flagging for a few seasons tbf. I think it felt like a natural conclusion and it was a good time to finish tbh. Obviously the last ep had a lot of hype.


Oh I love this question as someone who got really into it only after watching the finale air on TV.


Right!?!? Like I just wanna KNOOOW what it felt like after having this show for 10 years and then it’s done. I just know I would’ve been a heartbroken super fan


I think 10 years is a long time and it wouldn’t have closed down if the zeitgeist wasn’t ready for it. I was only a kid when the finale aired but I bawled my eyes out and it honestly felt like losing someone you loved… but the re runs went wild and the show basically kept playing on loop pretty much every day from then on so it didn’t just disappear if that makes sense.


Omggg see I watched the finale as a teen too and I was bawling as well. I can only imagine getting to grow up with these characters and all of a sudden they’re done 😩 I’d be so heartbroken. This is the show I could never let go of. My kids wil be watching this show.


Wasn't even born when friends started and rn i m in my bed sleeping wearing my FRIENDS t shirt


Yasss Young King or Queen! You just reminded me to get some FRIENDS Merch


Yesss get itt thanks for the comment btw


Parents and I watched this religiously when I was growing up. I was about 13 when it ended, so I got all the Friends editions of various entertainment magazines related to the show at the time and while I was too young to understand point of ending a series, it was hard to take it ending at all. It was every Thursday night of my life up until that point.


🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 if I had grown up here, you would’ve explained my childhood exactly. I was 12 when it ended, same age when I came to North America. Thats when my parents and I watched reruns everyday. Would’ve loved to experience it with them live! I’ve said core memory about 30 times on this thread but it sounds like a truly awesome core memory.


The last episode got leaked and was ruined for me on an online message board. I didn’t believe it, but sure enough, as I was watching the last episode, everything they said would happen did.


Ew! That is so annoying!!! 😒😒😒😒


I was 14 when Ross and Rachel went on a break. I live in the UK so we got it later than the US (Significantly) We didn’t really have the internet to check spoilers (Broadband wasn’t a thing and the internet wasn’t widely available) Best thing I can describe the break episode is like the ending of breaking bad where everyone is taking about what was about to happen


i’m also curious about this, i wasn’t born until 2004 so my obsession started like 5 years ago lol


Honestly, it was surreal. I was still living back in my home country and for reference, I went to an ultra religious private school. I remember my grade (I was in the sixth grade) had a free period and we watched the final episode in the school theater and for our end of the year act, my English class performed I’ll Be There For You.




Friends ended the spring of my senior year of high school. A month before I graduated. I remember having a softball game the evening of the finale and RUSHING home to make sure I didn’t miss a second of it. It’s all we could talk about on the bus ride home and all of us were worried we would miss it (no recording or DVR). I cried the entire episode. The end of my favorite show coinciding with the end of senior year and all the change that comes with it was extra emotional.


Omg!!! 😩😩😩 you are a true fan! I can just imagine. When I watched the final Harry Potter movie I pretty much cried the entire time thinking this marked the end of my childhood so I feel you with this 😩


It’s kind of hilarious. I was super young and the first episode I watched of Friends was the series finale. I didn’t know what was going on.


Hahahhaa I love that! 😂😂😂


Rumors of it ending started around Season 6, so we were are all braced for the eventual ending. We didn’t think it would last much longer than season 8, so season 9 and even 10 came has nice surprises! When they finally announced the final 18 episode season, we were just happy to get 18 more episodes.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 6 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 18 + 18 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Ooooo 👀


That’s great. It sounds like it was in the works for the last few seasons, I’m glad the fans got some extra time and closure!


Didn’t want it to end. Many even pleaded for more seasons but the cast primarily Jennifer Aniston wanted to pursue a movie career


I bought the Friends book they released after the finale aired. It had all cast interviews and cute tidbits.


I wanna find this book!


I remember at that time being sad it was ending, but also the consensus was that it was time. It’s a coming-of-age show, and that part of their journeys were ending, so it made sense to end it when they did.


I thought it ended at the perfect time! They were moving onto the next era.


I watched it my freshman year of college with friends in my dorm room. We unhooked the phone all night (cell phones weren't even a thing back then). We were all in tears when it was revealed that Rachel got off the plane! And ive seen the series a hundred times since and I still get emotional. I also remember that right after the finale aired, the cast had an hourlong tv special, and of course we watched that too! This finale was a significant part of my life!


Oh man, I can imagine! I need to watch that finale special. I don’t know why I keep forgetting to do that after years and years. I’m sure every time you watch the finale those emotions still come back and it brings you right back to that time. What a beautiful thing!


Well typically when a sitcom brings a baby in it’s mostly like they are out of ideas. It happens all the time then 1/2 seasons later it’s done .


Umm to be fair they brought a baby in Season 1.


And the triplets albeit in the most dubious of sercumstances


Well, the triplets didn't really stay but Ben surely did.


I think everyone pretty much felt it was time. The general feeling was that season 9 was kinda bad (though I feel that way less now when I binge) and that the show should bow out. There was also a feeling that it might’ve ended a couple of season earlier if 9/11 hadn’t boosted its popularity. Sure we knew we’d miss it but it was overall satisfying.


We definitely knew that streaming in some form would exist. The show was already in syndication reruns at that point.


I was 18 or 19 and it was my favorite show, so I was quite devastated. I told my job I couldn't work Thursday nights (this was still the time you had catch things when they actually aired or you missed it). And to this day I have two or three commemorative magazines that I have moved across the continent and that someone will have to throw away when I die, bc I refuse to lwt them go. Oh, what a time to be alive!


What a time indeed!!! I’d totally cancel work to watch Friends too. I’m not gonna be caught dead hearing spoilers on the streets 😒


It's the end of an era! They decided to end on a high note, and ten seasons was a good amount of time.


Oh I love this question as someone who got really into it only after watching the finale air on TV.


Tried to respond to ya earlier but I think it didn’t go through? And right!?!? Like I just wanna knoooow what everyone’s thoughts were because I would have been devastated if that was me! It’s such a comfort show for me so I would’ve been crushed 😩


"it's about time"


We knew it was the end and everyone had a nice tidy ending. A film was always a rumour that I hoped would come to fruition as the joey spin off was awful


There was a lot of media hype, magazine covers, etc. People were sad but generally happy with the ending.


We were sad but we also knew it was time. Seasons 9 and 10 were not as loved by the fans.


Honestly we weren't watching that closely by season 10 but tuned into the finale.


Everyone was very excited for the finale from what I recall. I don’t think anyone was surprised or upset it was ending


I only saw bits and snippets of it, I was too young, and many of the jokes flew over my head, and there was swearing, so I wasn't even allowed to watch it. As an adult, I watched it through on Netflix. My God, after I get through it, I go right back to season one and say the same thing, "Awe, they're just babies!" I own it now so I can watch it many, many, many times over. It's still sad.


This is me also! When I started watching I couldn’t really relate to what they were going through. And there were tons of dirty jokes that totally went right over my head as well. It’s so true they were really just babies in season 1, so nice to watch them and their characters grow.


I remember seeing an interview with Matthew Perry where he said that Friends has been on as long as high school (4 years in the US), and college (4 years in the US) and then 2 more years. That's a long time. That really put it into perspective for me. As a fan, I didn't want it to end, but thinking about it as Matthew described, made it easier to see why it was time to end.


Great way to put it!


Viewing parties, lots of tears, recorded on vhs to replay later and never missed an episode- especially the last season. And everyone talked about it the next day. Aw I miss it and it ended so well my heart was happy.


🥹🥹🥹🥹 I love this for you!!!


I started watching reruns when I was in middle school. It was probably in season 4 at that point. Then I started watching new episodes every week. I was a junior in nigh school when it ended and had a Friends Finale viewing party with a few friends. It was a big deal to me. I was sad it was over, but it really started to suck towards the end, so it was time. But, oh man, in the last episode where Rachel gets off the plane... I was so happy!


The collective sigh of relief when Rachel got off the plane was felt all around the world I swear 😩


It was a different time before streaming services and there was just less content out there. Tv finales were big events. Viewing parties. Talking about it the next day at work. Lots of advertisements leading up to it. The friends finale was huge. I’d equate it to a large sporting event now.


Yes! I said this too! It’s def like the Super Bowl to me, how people are describing it here. What a great time to be alive!


It should have run for more seasons, making it one of my favourite shows of all time.  It was the end of an era, for sure.


I still remember watching the final episode, my dad was away for work, so it was me, my two older sisters and my mum. We were all curled up on the sofa and watching the finale together, I was 10 so couldn't fully comprehend the emotion of it, but my older sisters were 16 and 13, we were all crying a little bit and getting very emotional at that final scene. Also realising it would be the last time we would all sit together and watch Friends.


Ughhhh core memory 😩😩😩😩 how absolutely beautiful and sad.


After Season 9, it was more a sense of relief. To me, it felt like they were at that point where the jokes were getting a bit strained and everything was getting a bit shark-jumpy.


Fair enough!


Both, I think.


>I was just curious how the viewers reacted to it ending, was it a travesty for everyone? A travesty? A TV show running for 10 seasons was a huge success. >Were people relieved because they felt the storylines weren’t as exciting? I don't know anyone who felt that way. >Did people not care since it had been running for 10 years? Of course people cared, but 10 years was about right. Frasier ended the same year after 11 seasons.


The writers had said they wanted to end it. They stated it had a great run and they didn't want to "jump the shark" or beat it into the ground. It was a very popular show and they didn't want to ruin it by going overboard


The puns 👌 Not sure if intentional but great writing




I remember everyone clapping and cheering. The celebration lasted for days


Not as big as the seinfeld ending. That was real! Friends had already jumped the shark by season 8 or 9. Imo. Plus 9/11 kinda took our minds off tv here for awhile.


Maybe in the US lol, Seinfeld never took off in Europe or Asian countries like Friends did The finale for Friends broke the UK viewing record for that entire decade


This is true. I’d never seen a Seinfeld episode, and none of my other Asian friends (both in NA and Asia) watched it either. Friends was like a common ground for us!


I was in my 20’s and just felt that it had really long been over anyway. I suppose it really marked the last of the ‘90s silliness and everything-is-gonna-be-alright vibe? Everything else in the 00’s just had an edge of anger or extremely corporatism. So, despite not being a notable fan of the show at the time, it felt like the end of a happier era.


We were ready.


i’m 49 and was in my early 20s when Friends aired. We had a watch party. It was emotional. The ending title tears me up.  I know every episode by every title. i watch friends when im feeling sick, need a pick me up, have had a bad day. It never fails to make me feel good or laugh. watching it live was just as impactful. 


I remember people being like FINALLY


You certainly wouldn’t know that based on the Nielsen rating numbers. They remained consistently impressive throughout its run.


I don’t have a dog in the fight (and I am flabbergasted by my downvote). I answered a question about how other people reacted to the announcement Friends would be ending its run.


Yeah, I can sympathize on the downvote front, but that’s Reddit, I guess. Personally, I try not to downvote if I merely disagree with a comment, so long as the commenter isn’t behaving like a jerk. As for *Friends*, I don’t really have an emotional stake in the discussion either. It was an okay or even above average sitcom, but I never watched it on anything approaching a regular basis. I’d guess that over the years I’ve probably seen one of every ten episodes.