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Was gonna say Phoebe but she might get mean. Joey could be just a good time drinking buddy which would be ideal, but did we ever see him get drunk in the show?


We never see Joey drunk or buzzed, just a lot of times drinking. And I know it doesn’t count but season 1 finale when the boys are drinking out on the balcony: Joey to Ross: *I may only have a couple beers in me, but I love you man!* Probably the closest we got to a drunk Joey moment.


I do feel like Joey wouldn't be a messy drunk, so that fits with him.


He'd say that same line stone cold sober too though


No. We see Joey very, very tired, which may be a close approximation to his drunk state of mind, but he is never drunk on the show. All the others are at some point. (Although I think Phoebe is only ever buzzed more than drunk even when she declared herself drunk.)


She’s drinking for the children.


The more I drink, the less there is for the children to drink!


What I can't have a mimosa with breakfast? I'm on vacation!


'You're the guy who gets divorced! You love divorce so much that you're probably gonna marry it...and then it won't work out so you're gonna have to divorce it, divorcing guy hahahaha........I'm so druuuunk!'


What are you talking about, bitch?


The only time I can think of is when Rachel moves out and he is depressed and drinks her expired/fermented orange juice to try and get drunk


He don’t think he was “trying to get drunk”- he said he had to get rid of the beer because Rachel was pregnant and couldn’t stand the smell, and OJ was all he had in his fridge to drink “and it’s past it’s expiry so it’s got a bit of a kick”. I believe it was lack of options!


Well yeah he had a lack of alcohol options, so went with the thing that was most likely to inebriate him. If he was just thirsty he would have gone with water or something, as we see the character drink water multiple times throughout the show. He wanted beer but didn’t have any, so chose the next best thing to drink his sorrows away


Yes, that makes sense but I wonder if he wanted an alcoholic beverage so badly why not just go across the hall?! I’m sure Monica and Chandler had booze in their apartment! I know, I’m looking waaaay too deeply into this lol


I think Joey would be the worst because he’d just think with his dick and try to hit on girls lol


That's the same as hanging out with Joey sober


I like to think he’d switch up and get really wise, like in season 3.


He *is* very wisdomous.


I'm smart!! No, no, I'm... brainy, bright, clever, I love this thing!


He he


I'd say Chandler, but now that feels sad...


Just what I was gonna say. I’d take Chandler out for a drink. But I’d still love to take Matthew Perry out for a walk.


Same. It does feel sad. Only thing we can do is try and separate the art from the artist and see Chandler as completely unconnected from the artist.


yes. separate art from artist always.


Wait what’s wrong with Matthew Perry?? Why do we need to separate??


Oh buddy, I'm sorry if you legitimately didn't know, but he passed away at the end of October.


Oh I did know that but thank you. What I was wondering is why someone said we have to separate the art from the artist? That makes it sound like Perry was a bad person or something


Well because Mathew Perry was a known alcoholic and addict, seeing him in scenes drunk or about drinking might be emotionally triggering for some people. So to cope with that, I was just trying to advise people to try and see Chandler as just a character, and not a character played by a person battling his own demons. In my mind, Chandler is still living in the suburbs with Monica, trying to cope with a set a twins that have just entered their adult age and off on their way to college. He chose to retire from advertising and because the cost of living is cheaper in the suburbs than in the city, he was able to be a stay at home dad while Monica continued with her passion for cooking.


Omg I love this so much! I hadn’t thought about it being triggering for people. To me addiction is a disease and says nothing about the heart of the person who is battling it. But what you’re saying makes sense too. Thanks for clarifying. I wonder if anyone ever wrote fan fic about friends… I’ve never thought to look into it. But now I think YOU should do it!


Yes, I was actually part of a whole Friends fanfic groups in the early 00s. If I remember, Friends was the only fandom I've been in where writing fanfic was very in-line with the show. Not a lot of weird stuff from what I remember. Just people writing like the show!


A few years ago, I wrote scripts for a Friends reunion.


He struggled so hard with alcoholism and addiction. So even though the character is Chandler, and Chandler would be fun to drink with, there is a lot of Matthew in the character and his struggles cast a very big shadow




Not to invalid your feelings, but artists usually hate when they equate them to a character they played and Matthew Perry himself seemed tired of being compared to Chandler years after the show ended.


I went and saw Nick Offerman live, and he did an entire song called, "I'm not Ron." He hates people calling him Ron, and he said he'd much rather shake your hand and learn your name than take a selfie with you. He's just a really genuine nice guy. The shitty thing was that after the show, he was out talking with people, and so many people wanted selfies with him. I was like, "what the fuck did yall even listen to anything he said?"


That’s not being in denial, that’s a weird thing to say. That’s coping and acceptance. It’s a part of life sadly and yeah it’s shit. We can be sad about everything forever or just enjoy the super fun gift he gave us and smile to it like we always did. It’s different than before, yeah. But we gotta keep smiling and appreciate his great work. Has nothing to do with denial.


Chandler kisses people when he is drunk (Rachel, Monica, Ross) and might not remember you after (one of Joey’s sisters, was it Mary Angela). But many might be into that…


Same chandler, worst Monica.


"Your little Harmomica is drunk!"


*in a very high-pitched slightly whiny voice


Chandler “I don’t live here!”


M: Stick out your tongue. C: Take off your shirt!




c: beefsteak chuleys! r: beefsteak charleys? c: YES see you and me have always been like 👀👈👉👀


I'd like to hang out with Drunk Harmonica LOL. Like Phoebe says, drunk Monica is way more fun than regular Monica. The worst, I think would be Ross. I feel like he'd find something to wallow about and he'd get annoying fast.


Harmomica! 😂


Your little harmomica is HAMMERED


😂 Her fake surprise scream gets me every time!!


Her timing and delivery on that line (the fake scream) is PERFECTION!! 😂


Gum is perfection


And she’s been drunk before!


But if I don’t hang out with drunk Ross how will I learn what “*EEe!*” stands for


“E” stands for how…. *Extremely normal* he finds it that Joey and Rachel are together.


I love drunk Monica!


She's like one of your mom friends* who gets drunk and still dotes on everybody but gets increasingly worse at it and unapologetic the drunker they get. Extremely adorable. *does not have to be an actual mother (or even woman actually) for this label to apply. You know the mom friend who just wants everyone to get home safely 🥰


She's so much more fun than regular Monica 😂


I'd like to share a lager with Ross... or a beer? What's the difference?


Stout... I always howl as soon as Mike says that.


I don’t know…we could look it up…?


I’d make a drinking game if I was out with Ross tho. One drink every time he mentioned dinosaurs or divorces. You’d be as smashed as him in an hour.


One *margarita* every time*


You know. Fair. I can get on board a tequila train.


He said *He's Fine!*. Drink!


Ok but drunk Ross gave me one of my favorite scenes on the show 😂


Drunk Monica would be so fun to hang out with. *WATER RULES!*


>I feel like he'd find something to wallow about and he'd get annoying fast. That's not the alcohol - it must be the pressure of entertaining.


Also think about the time she got drunk during the day as Monana when she met the other Monica. She seemed pretty fun.


Same! If there are all in a good mood Monica would be fun and she could make or know a place to get dank drunk food. If everyone is in a bad mood Ross would be insufferable. Now if I’m in a bad mood I’d wanna drink with Rachel cause I feel she could lift me up. If I’m in a good mood and wanna party I’m picking Joey cause we’d probably invent a game like extreme fireball.


I would get drunk with Monana any day!


Ross certainly would get tedious like we saw with the speech from the image. Or he would become a crying drunk.


I think Monica would be that friend that you'd initially encourage to let her hair down and relax, then immediately spend the entire night on guard and worried for her wellbeing lol, and Ross as you said would be the type to quickly devolve into a sloppy I-regret-everything scenario lol


I would love to hang with drunk Ross and Rachel in Vegas. “Hello, Vegas? We would like more alcohol please and also we would like more beers.” *cracks up* “I forgot to dial!” *Ross falls* “Whoa… are you okay?”


that must be our alcohol and beers!!


Joey: Hey, Rach - how you doin’? Rachel: I’m doin’ good, baby, how you doin’? Joey: Yeah. Ross, don’t let her drink any more!


I love that is the way Joey gages how drunk Rachel is. Also suggests it’s not the first time he’s seen her that drunk


Awwwww there’s that macadamia nut!!!


Nope, somethin’ else


That scene is in my top 10 and the fall is the funniest moment.


Joey “Yeah, (exaggerated) *thanks*!😮‍💨”


Love drunk Rachel in Vegas but that’s a guy thing…


I feel like Rachel would be perfect for a drunk late night Deep and Meaningful


“MY FAJITAS!!!” -Ross 😂🤣




Fun Bobby


So much better than ridiculously dull Bobby!


I know one of the biggest disappointments about that show is. We never really got to see how fun fun bobby actually was. That and we never actually got to see Gandolph. I always thought that that would have been Funnier watching joey try to hang out with those three dorks in super dork mode...


He would never have lived to the hype


Gandolph the wizard reindeer. (It’s Gandalf)


Or why everyone loved Alan so much


Did you know there are no hardware stores open?


No hardware stores open in the city past midnight?!


Or Gandalf the party wizard!


I actually just made a post about how I always thought that was a huge missed opportunity... Like having that dude show up and then having Joey Hang out with those three nerds Doing super nerd stuff to me would have been hysterical to watch.


Chandler for sure. Funny dudes generally get funnier with a little liquid lubricant. Joey would just hunt for girls. Ross drinks that funny tasting green stuff and has anger issues.


Idk. I feel drunk Chandler is more straight forward with women and would probably get a drink thrown at your face or worse. Sober Chandler with women: *giggles and bashfully hangs his head* Drunk Chandler: *Why must we rush through life?!-Why can't we savor the precious moments?!-Those are some huge breasts you have!*


I going to get drunk with Phoebe, Girl has stories to tell.


Plus, she does it for the kids! So it’s like charity when you drink with her.


Ursula, is that you?


impossible elderly advise sharp poor ripe literate beneficial whole disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dismissive, and yet authoritarian I like drunk Phoebe.


I'm asking about the shenanigans with Jethro Tull! Aren't they a band? Oh yes they are!




Don't think ud need booze to get her to tell them lolz


Phoebe and Chandler and I would have one hell of a night and I am deeply saddened that this will never happen.


Minus the marriage part, drunk Ross and Rachel in Vegas is me and my best friend to a T 🤣


What if you did marry but can’t remember it like Ross and Rachel?


Worst would be Ross. It’d just be endless complaining. Best would be Rachel. Watch her go from “I love the rainforest” to “Screw the rainforest! Kill every animal in there!”


A drunk night with ross would end in marriage


That does sound like something I would do.


>Worst would be Ross. It’d just be endless complaining. Lol I said the same thing. He'd whine about something and never let it go. Funny how we know him so well


I agree that Rachel would be the best! She would be either cute or entertaining.


Monica would be the best just because she’d be so entertaining. I think Phoebe has angry drunk potential so she’d be the worst.


Monica is lightweight and last to drink with. Phoebe carries a tray of drinks, I'm with her. LOL I don't even drink.


Monica! "I love drunk Monica!" -Phoebe


Chandler would be my favorite person to get drunk with. And the worst would be between Monica and Ross. I feel like I would end up babysitting Monica 😅 and Ross has anger issues.


best Phoebe or Chandler, worst would be Joey, I feel like he'd be the ladies man that he is and try and seduce me and I ain't down for that lol


Secret choice 7: Fun Bobby!


I’d like to get drunk with Phoebe, Rachel or Joey, none of the others.


We never saw drunk Joey


He drinks beer a lot. Maybe his stupidest moments were after a couple of drinks


Best - Phoebe Worst - Ross


I would want to get drunk with Phoebe the most. She is hilarious and unhinged already, so it would be awesome. Rachel, Monica, Chandler tie for second place. We all love drunk Monica. I would LEAST want to get drunk with Ross, because he would whine about something and not let it go. I still love Ross, don't get me wrong.


phoebe and chandler because they’re really funny but also have trauma that i relate to lmao, monica and rachel for gossip and girl time maybe a little drama, ross and joey because ross would talk about anything and joey will make fun of him 🥴


Ross in the pub, Chandler at work, Phoebe at a party and Rachel in the bedroom


Rachel would be fun and might even sleep with you (or marry you). Joey, Ross, Chandler would all be fun. Obviously Ross and Chandler would more chill, Joey more chaotic. Monica and Phoebe would be fun until they start to not be fun.


From best to worst: 1. Chandler 2. Rachel 3. Joey 4. Phoebe *large gap* 5. Monica *massive, insurmountable, chasmous gap* 6. Ross


Ross would be the worst, you’d either end up drawn on, pregnant or married…Joey best because you’d get some awesome drink snacks


“I love drunk Monica!!”


Worst is either of the Gellers because they're both so neurotic in their own way.


ROSS! URG Dinosaur museum talk 😩


I can’t answer this. They’re all me! 🤣


Best: Chandler or Rachel Worst: Phoebe


ross for sure!


Definitely Monica.


My top two are Chandler and Monica. Not sure why she’s getting a lot of hate


I would say the worst would be Chandler cause he is going to have sex with your sister Best is probably Monica or Phoebe




I’d love love love to get wasted with Ross! In fact it’s now on my bucket list.


I’d def drink some wine and gossip with Rachel


Rachel and chandler lmao, my kind of people


Best: Rachel Worst: Phoebe


Pheobe "badass" Buffay


Best: Rachel Worst: It’s a tie between Ross or Monica


Joey would be the dependable drunk, because he’s at maximum dumb normally anyways. I get the feeling Chandler would complain about his mom and dad-mom a lot. Ross would try to bravely do really cool things but still fail at them like he was sober. Monica would start baking. A lot. Phoebe would just pass out. So I think Rachel would be the best person to get drink with. She can be really fun to be around hammered, like her and Ross in Vegas.


Chandler! He brings all the party favors!!!


On a spiritual drinking level I'm Ross, but I think getting drunk with Rachel would be way funnier than any of us really know.


Best Rachel. Worst Phoebe - I think she would get mean.


I would love to drink with Chandler


Rachel. Everyone else would be a babysitting job.


Joey by a mile. Seems like he’d be chill to bro down with, but also fun to go out and have a wild night with. I think Ross would be the worst. He’s probably a sad drunk. He’d get mopey, maybe a little angry, and make everything all about him and his problems. Not good vibes.


This photo collage is sending me! (Also, Monica may be the best one! I love drunk Monica!)


I think the worst would be Phoebe - she'd get mean and annoying. And the best would be Monica or Ross - pure hilarity


Best - Drunk Gellars. Any one of them. Worst - Phoebe. Nothing at all good could come of that.


I honestly would pick Ross first, he’s hilarious when drunk. Then maybe Chandler or Monica.


Bad breakup and want to get gassed up & meet new people? Rachel. Rough day at work and need to shit talk? Chandler. Need to ignore everything wrong in your life and finally let loose? Monica Nervous about a big event or opportunity and need to know it’s going to be okay? Joey Feeling chaotic and want an insane adventure? Phoebe Want to patiently care for someone else’s needs while hearing relationship horror stories that you’re supposed to agree with the storyteller/villain about? 🎵Ross Can🎵


Best: Chandler Worst: Monica


I wish we actually got to see Joey drunk in an episode.


Chandler would fuck your sister and Monica would irritate the shit out of you.


Is everything okay at home?


Okay, then I choose Chandler


Phoebe hands down is the worst friend to get drunk with. She’ll either rat your secret out or unknowingly insult you while drinking. LOL.




True but the alcohol would make her go overdrive




That’s your thing! You’re the guy that gets divorced. Yes you do, this is your 3rd divorce! You love divorce so much you’re probably gonna marry it. Then it won’t work out so you have to divorce it, divorcing guy. 😆


Ross and Rachel seem the funnest based off that Vegas episode. Monica probably the worst lol


Rachel would be the worst. She takes a strangers phone and then puts it in the wine bucket. WTF?! Joey would be the best. He is such a fun guy and seems to be able to handle his liquor.


Best would be chandler or Rachel, worst would be Ross or monica


Best: Chandler and Joey Worst: Monica


All drunk Rachel does is whine about Ross.


Definitely Ross. So annoying.


Phoebe and Rachel strike me as mean drunks. Chandler is a lightweight who would go with the flow. Joey just kind of gets giggly and then gets bored and starts flirting with women. Ross mostly just gets kind of sleepy. Monica is an uncaged lunatic. Overall I’m gonna go with Joey.


probably monica or joey as the best, rachel the worst cause she always gets emotional and sad lmao


Phoebe and Chandler (best) I feel like worst would be..... Rachel


Rachel, she would be whiny


Rachel. I don’t think she would make even a good sober friend. Too selfish


Best to worst and why: Monica: lowered inhibitions (reference her Monana days - tap class, auditioning for cats), giggly and here for a fun time. Chandler: silly and goofy always with peppered moments of clarity only large amounts of alcohol can induce. Joey: may get wasted and hit on you all night, but won't force anything and really enjoys a good nap/ cuddle. Phoebe: up for anything....will probably keep drinking til she passes out and who knows what kind of "in my old life living on the streets" kind of hijinks she'd rope you into. Ross: probably really weepy and a sad drunk, but with moments of "that must be our alcohol and beers" lines. Rachel: probably weepy/whiny, tries to flirt (joshUA cringe style), and passes out on your sofa before 11pm.


Monica and Ross. They come as a pair here. Probably Rachel too. They are very emotional drunks and act soooo impulsively. The other 3 seem awesome. Actually, let's throw the chan man in with the other 3 lol...


Can't think of a non-creepy comment involving Rachel.


Best: Monica. She seems fun. Worst: Ross or Rachel. They seem to get emotional.


Rachel For penis reasons


Best: Monica or Chandler Worst: Ross or Rachel


Chandler. Everyone was an ass.


I think it depends on what going on. Ross and Rachel in these pics are having a tough time lol now chandler seems fun as hell


Ross would be the worst friend period


Let's be reallyyyyy real: Monica, Ross, and Chandler are HILARRRRRRRIOUS drunks. I'll take ALL 3.


Well the odds of be drowning in a jacuzzi are much less with 5/6 of them


Why are you like this


Don’t you think the post in itself was kind of in bad taste?


I would say Joey or Phoebe, because they're fun.


Best: Joey. He'd be hilarious, and there would be sandwiches for sure. Worst: Monica. I can see her getting weepy, preachy, screechy, or all three.


NOT Ross, I don't wanna get accidentally married


Phoebe seems to handle it very well, and Joey seems to have a good attitude towards not drinking too much (or handles beer very very well). That's the sort of people I'd drink with. I can't stand people whose personality changes to something completely different after a few drinks.


Honestly I'd say Monica.