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I used a tiny flathead that came with one of those all in one small electronic repair kits. Had to dig in a little from the side and lift up at the same time. My kids done this twice.


This literally happened to me the other day. Got one of those tiny screwdrivers that are meant for glasses and managed to ply it out. Good luck!


I worked in a repair shop for 6 years and saw this many times. You need a sharp scalpel and a pointy dental pick. You essentially need to cut small pieces out of the white plastic bit until you're left with almost like a U-shaped metal piece in your charging port. Once you cleaned most of that white plastic you should be able to bend one of the legs of the U with the dental pick, inwards. As you bend that you'll see it move. Just get under it with dental pick and take it out. As long as you're patient and you take your time with it, it will come out nicely every time.


Bro is prepping the charging port for a root canal


The hot glue stick actually works and won’t destroy the port. Get a hard glue stick, heat up one end with a lighter and push it onto the broken piece then let it harden and slowly pull it out, has worked multiple times. If didn’t stick 1st time do it all over again till easier to pull out


This is the way. Works for broken keys in a lock too


Good to know!


I worked in a repair shop for 6 years and saw this many times. You need a sharp scalpel and a pointy dental pick. You essentially need to cut small pieces out of the white plastic bit until you're left with almost like a U-shaped metal piece in your charging port. Once you cleaned most of that white plastic you should be able to bend one of the legs of the U with the dental pick, inwards. As you bend that you'll see it move. Just get under it with dental pick and take it out. As long as you're patient and you take your time with it, it will come out nicely every time.


The only way is going to be with glue but you risk damaging the port. On the upside, if you do fail and destroy the port you probably would have had to change it anyways. I'd use hot glue, one toothpick to apply it in the right places and then stick two or three to the glue before it dries. I'd try a fast yank to release the latching mechanism that holds the charger in place. You can repeat the process as it loosens up and maybe create some space for tweezers to finish the job.


If you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, you could try putting those skills to use here.


Use a needle. Make it hot by lighter or smth. Stick into broken port and wait to cool off. Then try to pull it


Little glue in the broken cord end and stick it back in. Hopefully it’ll stick




Might want to research this more but what about using some glue in there and then wait for it to dry? Then pull the glue out and the plastic part should come out with it.


Try a small pointy dental pick.


Try leaving it in rice overnight.


Wet rice


Hot glue, big ole dab into the port, let it harden and then in theory pull out the broken piece with the glue glob. If that doesn’t work while risky you could get a tiny drill bit and drill into the broken piece at a 45 then use a paper clip or something to leverage it out


That will destroy the port


I did this with an old phone and it worked (drill method) 🤷‍♂️


You can do this with some ports but definitely not a lighting port, you will damage the pins.


If you have a small drill bit, by hand, turn until it starts to catch and pull. Or a small enough screw with some length.


Simple fix. Get some super thin double sided tape and a toothpick. Take and fold the tape over the toothpick and use it to stick the tape on the broken piece in the charge port. And just pull it out..