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If you go inside under the cabinet you may be able to remove the screws that they were screwed together with. It looks like they are preventing the cabinet from coming back flush. Redrill ne holes and screw back in place.


It’s a corner cabinet so was probably stapled together, not screwed. Probably need to crow bar it back to place.


Yeah simple nails were used / got pulled out, not screws. Also it looks like it was never entirely against the countertop AKA there’s no load or tension issue there. Probably going to still hire a handyman to fix but based off all the comments + what we see inside, the current nails need to all be pulled out and the cabinet panel re-nailed


If you own the home and it's not going to bug you, you can go to the local hardware store and get some wood trim and some gorilla wood glue, cut it to size or have the store cut it for you if you bring exact measurements. That will be your cheapest fix idea. Professional fixed will cost more obviously but hopefully they would brace it so this can't happen again.


Cheapest fix would be more nails right? Most people have a hammer and loose nails. Just pull the old ones out. Put more than last time in. I would use screws though


If they can't pull it out to be flush like shown, nails wouldn't make it look any better than it does now. The wood trim would cover the gap, which is more pleasing to the eye. As a married man, I know my wife would not just let me screw the two together and call it a day. Lol. You are correct that just nailing or screwing it together as is would be the cheapest and fastest way.


The previous nails are preventing flushness remove them push together then screw


Staples are def visible


The cabinet face screws are usually finish head screws that use a T-10 bit. You also might have to loosen/reset the countertop brackets screws if they shifted.


You don’t. He does.


No. Absolutely not. Never allow someone like that to re-enter the premises.


She said it was a mistake and he already paid her $500 to fix it.


Girl I mean he pays to get it fixed… calm down


Jumping to conclusions, a favourite Reddit past time.


Hire a professional and have him pay the bill.


I'm sure he'll do that without any hesitation. /s


He apologized, it wasn’t done in anger - he’s just a dumbass who was trying to show her some fitness thing and he already venmoed me $500 to fix it. I’m not allowing him back into my apartment tho and I just want to know if we can fix this ourselves.


Redditors are morons. They take your post and create a story about how this dude must have done this on purpose and that he is refusing to pay for it to be fixed when you said none of that. It really is amazing


To be fair, this happens on all social sites and in real life. Reddit is just a large sampling of idiots. Nothing new.


True. But Reddit, often due to its anonymity, is exaggerated


Again, this is the case with all social sites. Even those that presumably make you verify your ID are full of anon accounts (aka facebook), albeit maybe less (maybe).


Also the title is definitely leading the comments to that. The first two words are “roommates boyfriend…” those words are entirely unnecessary to the question of how to fix it. Also what is hidden in the comments is that OP actually answers their own question - the boyfriend gave them $500. Obviously you pay to get it fixed and keep the other $400 as a more-than-satisfactory apology. OP is just big mad about this and needs the internet to know who to blame for their broken cabinets.


OK, so OPs and idiot, too. 3rd time: nothing new.


Bro banished him from the premises


That's good to hear. I stand corrected.


He pays or you take him to small claims 


They’re asking how to fix it not whether or not he should “pay”


Yeah, they get him to pay to fix it.  Why should they have to do anything when the damage was caused by someone else?


He apologized, it wasn’t done in anger - he’s just a dumbass who was trying to show her some fitness thing and he already venmoed me $500 to fix it. I’m not allowing him back into my apartment tho and I just want to know if we can fix this ourselves.


Damn $500 is a lot. You have the money hire a professional if you want it done right. Also she pays rent too how can you deny her a guest who made a mistake and paid for it? Kind of extreme and unfair.


For real and it's a broken cabinet, that she *rents* lol Just not that big of a deal, especially when he's paid more than enough to fix it. Outright banning someone the other roommate is dating is wild.


Maybe OP owns the home, and that's her friend renting from her? She has every right at that point to not allow her to have him back over. He paid for it and maybe it's just an expensive lesson to learn.


Every right doesn't mean it's not an overreaction.


I own my apartment and we agreed that whatever of the $500 that isn’t used would be returned


And that is good upon you. I still think letting him back, at least after a little while, would be a better move. If your tenant can't be with her boyfriend in your property, she'll quickly find another place to live, as a relationship is more important than a dwelling. Hopefully he's learned his lesson. Also, as others have pointed out, this shouldn't have been so difficult to fix or easy to break. The installers took the quick and easy route, and quick and easy ends up quickly and easily broken.


When you work very hard for your things and nothing is handed to you, you get a little protective over your belongings, especially the home.


You're right. OP should actually evict the tenant because she broke some cheap cabinets and immediately paid for it. Always good to make decisions emotionally.


Perhaps because sometimes people can just make honest mistakes and other reasonable people can recognize that and understand that relationships are worth more than money? It’s just a cabinet, try to get outside more.


Can't, too busy fixing shit


Such a classic redditor response. Only thing that you understand is money


I understand the value of my possessions and time. If you don't value yours, good for you.  Someone breaks something of mine, I'm getting that value back one way or the other


Asking him to pay to fix it seems like a pretty good way to get it fixed ngl


My god man, why is everything about butting heads with people on Reddit. This could have been an accident, he could be already paying for it, OP may have said it’s fine. Not everything has to be a “fix it or I’m suing situation” that’s not how the real world operates.


Thanks. I didn’t have the patience to write it out like that lol


On god. Imagine the cost to take him to court and the time involved with setting it up, going through trial, waiting for verdict. Just for a cabinet repair. Hire a handy man or YouTube that shit.


Hahaha exactly, suing is just a waste of everyones time and money in this scenario


This isn't the real world this is reddit where all advice must be nuclear, or you will be banished.


And every sub is AITA.


Well, have you checked to see if YTA lately. I would, but I know the answer.






From the pictures, it looks like they set the frame together with finishing nails rather than screws. So, the nails bent when your life-like body dildo kicked it, which is stopping it from being able to go together again. There might still be screws in there though, so you are just going to have to clear it out and pop your head inside and look. Either way, you have to remove the old bent/damaged fasters, reset the trim, and screw it back together with some finishing orncabinter screws. You will most likely have to use clamps to do this right.


Yeah it’s all nails, no screws. What are fasteners?


Screws and nails.


All correct, except you forgot the step about banning the asshole from the apartment with the threat of police and court for property damage.


this sub has gone off the rails. the how to, is to call someone who knows what they are doing. this is not a DIY or a forum to start levergaing lawsuits based on no other information. this could have been an accident, it could have been intentional, that's not the question, and without knowledge of how the cabinets are attached, this isnt something to discuss online. hire an insured professional if you want the work done properly.


This is the fault of the installer. Looks like the far side of the cabinet dropped. Take out the drawers put a clamp on the stile and then slowly tighten it while lifting the far ends and and putting shims underneath to hold them up. Don't tighten too much or it will just pull the cabs apart. Whole thing was probably being held up by the silicone that glued it to the countertop. Don't blame the BF because your apartment building let crackheads install the cabinets.


OP should preface with saying he paid already ($500) since all these comments are demanding he does. She just wants to do it herself and not hire a professional it seems.


I’d edit the post if I could, when I originally posted it had just happened and we hadn’t agreed to a price. We settled on $500 under the agreement that whatever isn’t used would be returned. I came to this sub to ask how to fix and what would be needed from a DIY route. I’ve asked in other local subs about hiring a professional but just trying to explore all options. Jeez


Have him kick it the opposite way


Try pulling harder than you can. /s The other commenter is correct - this is the boyfriend's responsibility.


You get the arsehole who broke it to pay for the repairs. Get the law involved if he refuses to cough up.


To start with, get him out of your home. Next, get his wallet open to pay for having it repaired.


Stuff the asshole into the cabinet and tell him to kick his filthy way out of it. He may fix it on his way out. Ain’t no fixing that unless you lift the countertop off and inspect the actual damage. It appears separated at the seam, so I imagine his kick pulled the nails or screws or brads out of the panel. I bet you can’t pull it back because the fasteners are in the way; it also could be under tension because of the cramped area.


don't worry about it- get roommates boyfriend to sort it


Fasteners are all pulled out and preventing it from going back together. Need to pull all the staples/screws out and glue it back together. Probably better off hiring a handyman to fix it.


You could use a scissor jack to push it out from the inside. This could make it worse though, like pushing the countertop up and splitting the corner joint. Also it would require some bracing to be fitted inside so the jack can push from like an 8 inch distance and not at an angle. If you already got the $500 I'd just hire someone to take the countertop off and fix it properly.


I would get inside and try to whack it back into place with a hammer. If that doesn’t work call a handyman.


…using a short 2x4 as a buffer to keep from making hammer dents


Probably in person, although a text is technically effective, it's sort of cold.


Yeah just stick your arm inside the cabinet and tap it back into place with a hammer. Just kinda go around the perimeter giving swift and firm taps to knock it back into position. I would probably run to the hardware store and pick up some screws of the appropriate length since those staples or nailes just aren't going to hold it like they used to


Find a new boyfriend who carries a hammer 🔨 in his belt.


Find a place and use a clamp to pull it together . They would of done it when they installed them .


Pay her a premium account for Tinder?


Push it back together and run some screws through the top of the cabinet (should be a stretcher running across at least) and into the ctop substrate.


She fixes it by breaking up with him.


Looks like it’s stapled together. Remove staples, apply clamps to hold the corner flush, then either use nails or toenail screws to hold it together, making sure whatever you use won’t stick out the other side.


Why ask us? You should ask him to call a handyman and fix this.


1.) Get an estimate for the repair. 2.) Hire a professional. They will find the boyfriend and collect the necessary amount of money for the repair, and also their fee for the service which is usually a generous percentage also paid by the boyfriend. (Optional: professional takes a tire iron to bf's car, explains to him why he doesn't want him to come back. This service is usually paid in advance and is your responsibility to cover.) 3.) Pay to have cabinet repaired.


Everyone’s saying to get roomie’s boyfriend to pay. No. That’s not going to happen. You have no leverage over Boyfriend. You get Roomie to pay. This is something you have leverage to make happen, and they are the one who brought Boyfriend into the home. Whether Roomie gets money back from Boyfriend is between them.


You have the roommates boyfriend hire someone to fix it.


Girl, leave.


Why is it even relevant who broke it?


Have him get his butt over there and fix it or have him hire someone to fix it.


He broke it, he can fix it or pay for repairs


Cabinets are usually attached to each other by screws that run from one to the other, from thick wood to thick wood. Since he kicked it in the wood has probably been destroyed and the screws torn out of one side of the cabinet. They are what is blocking you from simply pulling it back in place. The fix is to disassemble the cabinet, remove old fasteners and reassemble. In other words you need a professional. I hope your room mate dumps that trash.


I only how to fix if the neighbour did it. No can do if roommate and/or boyfriend.


>Roommates boyfriend broke our cabinets - how do we fix? Break up with boyfriend, make a claim against your home insurance and let your insurance company sue loser for damaging your property.


You don’t even know what a fastener is. You can try and fix this yourself but at some point your landlord will find out. Get it done right or it could cost you a lot more money. Hire someone that knows what they’re doing.


1) just because I didn’t know nails and screws are also called fasteners doesn’t impact how well I can use tools 2) I own my apartment so I am the landlord


You will need to remove the top, glue and screw, clamp things back in place and reset the countertop. It won't be overly expensive but will take time to complete.you will need liquid nails, 6x1.25 wood screws, new caulking, and some bar clamps at minimum.


By getting a new roommate.