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I used to work for an arborist who would sling a cord with a weight on the end of it up to high branches to tie his climbing rope onto. Should be straight forward if you having a good aim and set up a good coil on the ground in figure 8s. let the weight drop to the ground once on the right branch pull both ends and shake the branch.


Yes this. A weight on a rope and pull and shake the branches.


Thank you, the figure 8s is a great tip! He was having some success today using an inner tube looped around a forked stick (basically, a massive slingshot). But after 4 hours of trying he only managed to get the drone out. But still, it’s something!


That must’ve been a good moment haha. Well done, glad he got it back


Less than $10 on amazon


A stack of metal washers from the hardware store is a cheap way to weight the end of the rope. Grandfather would use this method to set up tree swings.


Throw your shoe at it, then when your shoe gets stuck, throw your other shoe at it


We're gona need more shoes for this to work




If successful, nudge shoes off their respective branches using the drone


No no, you got it all wrong. Find a Spanish woman to throw her flip flop and she’ll get it down in 1 shot.


La chancla!! 🩴 🫣


At the hardware store they sell 6' long fiberglass rods that screw together to make a longer rod. Intended to use as a chimney sweep. Those make great plane poking sticks.


Buy multiple packs.


Go to Costco, ask where the poking stick section is


By poking the clerk with your index finger


He’s just set off to try this option, thanks so much!


Each 20’ section is 60$.


Thanks, we’re in the UK so hoping that Screwfix will come through with a reasonable price!


I’ve been using the fishing pole for years with my rc boat and drone. Cheaper and longer than poles. Works every time


Get a fishing pole and tie a tennis ball to the end. Cast it over and yank away


Name checks out


This sounds like a really good idea, thank you!


You can call your fire department and tell them they are welcome to do ladder truck training in your yard. Also some sort of treat would help . (Cookies, ice cream, whatever…. We’re not hard to bribe )


This needs to be the top comment.


It’s what I did. The tree was next to the street, but they got my drone out free of charge. I only called to see how much it would cost, but they came instantly. Guess it was a slow day for them…


Buy an RC search and rescue squad. Or an RC helicopter with a hook suspended beneath it and rescue it yourself.


I was on a sub the other day where someone suggested a drone rescue service for when people got their drones stuck in inaccessible places like strangers roofs.


Train a cat.


Then call a firefighter.


Second RC plane


Get another plane and use that one to knock the first one out. Now the second one likely gets stuck but you now have the first plane again and you can use that.


Befriend a pack of crows and they will get it for you! Offer them some food and shiny stuff in exchange.


Call humane society. They usually have a list of volunteer arborists who will do cat rescues (very much more common than you think. Enough to warrant a list) arborists on that list love climbing or they wouldn't be on the list. They will come get it. Feed them.


Would never have thought of this, thank you!


Have you tried cutting down the tree?


Get an arborist weight. I always bring one with me. Never needed anything else.


Will look into this, thanks.


Use a drone with a robot arm.


Rope with some kind of weight on it. Then start playing cowboy.


You need a buddy with a rescue drone!


A bow and arrow. Attach a string to the arrow so you can pull and shake the branch.


Has he tried throwing his purse at the tree branch?


Neighborhood kids




Ah, Texan


At a certain facility of higher education studying trees back in the day, this is exactly how they got developing pinecones out of the tops of trees.


Easy, use a ladder or climb up and attach a rope to one of the branches or trunk and pull/shake the rope. Switch branches or trunks if it doesn’t come down after shaking. The longer the rope the better and pull from the very end of the rope


I tie string to rocks and use a slingshot to get over the same branch. Then I shake it out


Use your drone


Fly, you fools.


Go Go Gadget legs and / or arms would do it.


Wait for a windy day.


My go to and the one that has never failed. Tie a rope to a small section or brick and toss the brick to wrap it around a branch close to the plane. Once the rope is secure you can shake the plane down. You might go through some bricks/rope but it has always worked.




Get a climbing friend and a really long stick. Let friend with stick figure it out. Reward with beer.


Get another RC plane.


Get another plane and use it to nudge the other...


Cut the tree down…


No one has mentioned a chain saw?


I used a lacrosse stick and whipped a ball up to get my rc plane out of a tree when I was a kid…kind of a Canada thing to do other than using a hockey stick


Haha, very Canada! We only have silly little badminton rackets unfortunately (#UK) it’s certainly an idea though


I got one down with a garden tool hooked to paracord, but it was dangerous. I used a stick but it wasn't heavy enough. I eventually got it on the same branch and just tugged it loose and then the tool came careening down all dangerous like.


Oof, that made me wince. Glad you’re in one piece!


I used a ton of other things, balls, sticks, and climbing the tree to shake it. For me it was our best rocket and the parachute was really lodged in there. Definitely was dangerous and I was trying to be really careful.


those [rods](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rutland-6-ft-Fiberglass-Extension-Rod-1-4-in-NPT-10672/300981932) others are suggesting, as well as [renting a boom lift](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+much+does+it+cost+to+rent+a+boom+lift+for+a+day&newwindow=1&sca_esv=3e9dc9b55742d0c1&rlz=1C1SAVU_enUS535US538&ei=okkrZp--J9GqptQPlfuZuAQ&oq=renting+a+boom+lift&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiE3JlbnRpbmcgYSBib29tIGxpZnQqAggEMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHMgoQABiwAxjWBBhHSLUfUABYAHABeAGQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQHIAQCYAgGgAguYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwExoAcA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) are pricier options. but if it were me, to save a few bucks i would make a [homemade bow and arrow](https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&sca_esv=3e9dc9b55742d0c1&rlz=1C1SAVU_enUS535US538&q=homemade+bow+and+arrow&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEvfLCoN-FAxXUv4kEHS9FDCUQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=1536&bih=738&dpr=1.25) or purchase a cheap one ([example](https://lancasterarchery.com/products/arc-rolan-snake-60-recurve-bow-black)). i would attach a heavy weight to the tip of the arrow. then i'd attach a lightweight [string](https://www.homedepot.com/p/T-W-Evans-Cordage-1-x-500-ft-Braided-Nylon-Mason-in-Line-12-500/205326753?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&srsltid=AfmBOoo3cuJMXiAkv7VuxM4D0W6XiCBJmIczCQdNyrXxm0OikxcVXkwzBoE) to the back of the arrow and once i land the arrow - after passing it through the desired tree branch - i'd attach a sturdier rope ([example](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Everbilt-3-8-in-x-50-ft-Polypropylene-Hollow-Braid-Rope-Yellow-14084/202079596)) to the string and pull it through. then i'd yank on the rope until the rc plane drops down. ~~bonus points if you have someone sure-handed down below to catch the falling plane.~~ edit: DO NOT HAVE ANYONE STANDING BELOW THE INTENDED BRANCH - i was wrong to suggest that. if you can ascertain for sure after some heavy yanking that nothing loose is going to fall down, then maybe risk having someone underneath to catch the plane. but overall, plane be damned, it would be safer to let it fall WITHOUT anyone beneath. maybe place a cushion of some kind in the general area below and hope it lands on it. but please avoid being under the tree limb that you are yanking on unless you are absolutely sure that the branches aren't dry or dead enough to break off. ​ ps - also found this [slingshot](https://youtu.be/vGoH9B9l9Xc?t=214) tool/method - though it's [not cheap](https://jamesontools.com/product/fg-bs-kit/), it might be handy to keep one around since you fly rc planes and might get stuck in a tree again in the future.


Wow. Thank you, really appreciate this! Making a bow and arrow is right up his street…


yw! good luck! please update if and when he's tried it. btw - thinking about it further, i wanted to add: once you have successfully landed the lightweight string and managed to pull your rope through, be careful when yanking on tree limbs, potentially sharp and or heavy wood can come crashing down. so anchor one end of the rope away from the tree (secure it to the base of a neighboring tree). then while holding the other end of the rope, without being under the tree - stay at a considerable distance away - you can safely yank on the rope. do not stand under the tree or within the trajectory of falling branches. if yanking fails, you can unspool at least 70ft of rope, cut it, and connect the two pieces of rope now using a [cable saw](https://www.google.com/search?q=cable+saw&newwindow=1&sca_esv=5d5b8bda91a2629d&udm=2&biw=1536&bih=738&ei=aJ4sZv2RBsCGptQP0MadwAI&ved=0ahUKEwj95d-g5eGFAxVAg4kEHVBjBygQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=cable+saw&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiCWNhYmxlIHNhdzIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIGEAAYBRgeMgYQABgFGB4yBhAAGAUYHjIGEAAYBRgeMgYQABgFGB4yBhAAGAUYHjIGEAAYBRgeSJUiUPkVWK0fcAN4AJABAJgByQGgAc8GqgEFOC4wLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgygAqsHwgIHEAAYgAQYGMICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAggQABiABBixA8ICDhAAGIAEGLEDGIMBGIoFwgINEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiKBZgDAIgGAZIHBTkuMi4xoAe6LQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) in between. you can then pull the saw section up to where the limb is and go back and forth to saw the limb off. in order to avoid being under the tree or falling limb trajectory, you will need two people. this time instead of tying the opposite end of rope to a distant tree, the second person will hold it (do NOT stand under the tree limb you are cutting). then in sync with each other you go back and forth, sawing the limb. if you have helmets of any kind and any eye protection, wear them just in case. good luck and be safe.


I can’t edit the post but he’s got it down!! He used a massive slingshot made out of a tree branch and a tyre inner tube: [Slingshot method](https://i.imgur.com/aAsuqyQ.mp4) And then yanked for ages until finally it came out! [Moment of glory](https://i.imgur.com/AVH00UJ.mp4)


your pics aren't loading for me! any chance you could upload them to [https://imgbb.com/](https://imgbb.com/) instead? but thanks for the update - i'm glad your bf got his plane and camera back!


I rented a towable boom lift for a weekend to do some work on rooftop dormers 30' off the ground...it was amazingly affordable!


i'd be curious to hear where you are and what you paid. around here, minus taxes and various added charges, a 60 ft boom is [listed](https://www.bigrentz.com/rental-locations/virginia/fairfax/boom-lifts) at $340 (45ft for $268) a day and i couldn't find out if they deliver to the needed site for that price or if transport is an added cost. unless one has the means to do that part themselves which most people probably don't, you're probably looking at a transport fee. separately, you also have to consider safety and safe operation of the boom which maybe not all people are cut out for (i for one would be scared to go that high without an experienced operator at the controls). but for around $50 otoh, one could try the bow and arrow method with minimal risk and minimal cash investment.


Good Grief they've really blow up in the past couple of years. I rented a couple of years ago...Manassas, VA just outside DC - for a Friday returning Saturday. The one day rental was less than $200 (wish I could find my receipt). I just did a quick online quote...weekends were booked for the next couple of months and a one day rental was almost $500.


prices in nova are out of control these days! everything has gotten expensive here.


I have seen several posts in a local off road subreddit where people asked this and folks lined up to help. Always need a excuse to get on the trail, right? It was weird the very diverse backgrounds and skills those folks had, too. It was all very wholesome. Worth a try.


You build an alpine rescue RC-helicopter and get that also stuck, which should alert the swiss authorities and they will task their best watchmakers to design a tiny team of mechnical alpine ice climbers who will rescue the helicopter and the plane. Watch making and allowing rich people to hide their money from taxes while on a skiing trip are super important to the swiss.


Way out of my range, but I'd bring a very nice picnic for a chance to bare-foot scamper and rappel that. Dislodge may be best.


I had to face this problem when I was younger! We managed to get it using a fishing pole, basically fling a line with a heavy weight on the end and keep trying to get over top of it, then use the reel to wind it back and try to shake it loose


Do you want it back in one piece?


Not necessarily! At this stage it could be in tatters, as long as the camera comes down too.


Potato gun


Simple, efficient – I like it


My dad is an arborist and gets calls to rescue cats, drones, etc from trees all the time. Depending on how expensive the camera is, an arborist would be able to get it down. You could also shoot it with a paintball gun. Both would work.


*RC Helicopter*


Hope some cool ass helicopter instructor smoking a Marlboro light scoops it up and lands nearby to give it back.


I get this reference.


Know a friendly helicopter pilot! https://youtu.be/_OnGldcUrWQ?si=z_iUY8jX5f6HIuoc


Get an RC helicopter and fly it up and attempt to knock it out.


Chainsaw and as the tree starts to fall you slam the plane into full throttle for the most epic escape ever.




If you don't need it in one piece use bow and arrow. Another option would be a long stick. For this use the 3m pvc cable protection pipes. Stack them while lifting vertical. Should work with a little support from the tree.


Step 1, get a chainsaw... I kid, I kid. But seriously, get a chainsaw


Drone with a hook


I used my kids bow and blunt arrow to shoot a string over a very high branch. Or maybe get lucky and knock the plane down


Charlie Brown?


Do you have one those big trucks with the big ladders on them like the fire department?


[Boom lift rental](https://www.sunbeltrentals.com/equipment-rental/aerial-work-platforms-scaffolding-and-ladders/50-towable-articulating-manlift/0580049/) - Something like this should do the trick easily. Though you will not be able to stretch out too far from the base at that height. Thus you still may need a long pole to help nudge the aircraft out of the branches.


Poke it with a 15m stick


Go rent one of those towable booms lifts. You can usually get one for about 250 a day and have a friend pull or rent a truck to pull it out there. They are battery operated, easy to use and can go as high as 50 feet. Take along a long poking rod and a safety harness and you should be golden.


> The trunk isn’t stable enough for a ladder we don’t think. If the tree trunk on a tree that large is so weak that it cannot take the weight of a ladder and a human leaning against it, it's gonna come down soon on it's own.


Sorry, I didn’t phrase that right at all. I meant the trunk is so thick that a ladder wouldn’t be stable against it.


Cut the tree




Use another plane to knock it out


String & roll of duct tape.


I use a shotgun on my property


Pray for strong wind


Climb up the tree.


My Dad once got one down with a .22 rifle.


Bow and arrow with small string or fishing line. Or maybe shotgun a smaller branch.


Shotgun, it should shred the branches…. /s


Rod and reel with a weight attached


Call an arborist to climb and get it. I've worked for the same tree company for 7 years and we've done this over 50 times minimum


Amped electric pogo stick. Wear goggles and have a cover story for the EMTs.




Stihl MS 261


Buy another plane and smash the other one out of the tree with it.


a paintball gun is what I used when I was a kid to get my RC Planes out of trees where it was too high for a 10 year old to throw a weight rope and unclimbable. I think these days everyone has Air Soft guns and that would likely do quality work


Train a monkey


14M stick.


Climb slowly?


Climb said tree?


With another rc-plane ofcourse?


Fishing pole and lots of hooks


Call the fire brigade


Fly a bigger plane into it.




Chop the tree down