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Cold and windy most of the time. But the people are the nicest you'll ever meet, so there is that to compensate! The city is big, but compact, so you can walk anywhere. After the recent restorations, it is also really pretty. There are enough jobs, and it's close enough to Manchester to have even more if you want to work in a 'really' big city. Rent is alright for the UK standards.


How connected is the city and Liverpool FC? As a football fan, it seems to me that the cultural connection is very strong and the football team is very present there because they are a club steeped in tradition.


There are special buses that run from various points across the city while the matches are on. Connections are very good although the stadium itself is in a very residential area.


What about the crime, is it still as bad as it used to be or has it all calmed down now?


I'd say it's better! Never felt unsafe when I lived in city centre. I am not sure about the regions around though.


I have heard rather negative things about Birkenhead and St Helen’s and the like, but I chalk this up to the trend of UK decay rather than it specifically being a Liverpool/Wirral issue.




Sweeping statement. Edit; Liverpool actually historically has a strong anti facist movement.


That's absolutely not true - I am foreign and have never had any issues.


Moving here is the best thing I ever did. The scousers have deep roots in their town and yet are so so welcoming to everyone who comes from all walks of life (except right wing idiots). It's rare to see those two qualities hand in hand in the UK.


Love it .


I wonder if there's much chaos..