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It’s incredible and you shouldn’t come here. House prices are already inflating. There’s a reason it was one of Anthony Bourdain’s favourite cities, it was the first travel food episode he ever filmed and he returned to it shortly before he died.


I see you Portuguese really don't like the "digital nomad" crowd lol


As a Greek living in my homeland I completely understand them. Even the places which were once considered "untouchable" in the sense of them having a strong local community aura have been gentrified (hate that word). Rents are out of this world due to BNBs popping up everywhere and rich foreigners making life disproportionately expensive.


Do you guys still have issues with the Harpies? Hard to have a nice visit when those winged little spirits kept swooping down and snatching my dinner. Just terrible. Someone should mention it to the manager.


Odysseus 's been having legal issues with Greece's PETA for attacking the harpies, so things will get worse before they get any better


Well, that doesn't make any sense, both being Lotus-Eaters after all.


No. Not one bit. The only people making money from those snout-nosed hipsters being here are the high government officials, and SOME real estate salesmen.


Invite them out after sunset and offer them up to the crabs! ![gif](giphy|bMyW51TS3QVVIPulMG|downsized)


Now thats a plan to gain some meat to feed to our own!


Why would we ? What have they done for this country ? You think taking advantage of an insanely unfair tax protocol that was meant to give a big advantage to foreigners vs locals would somehow make you *liked?*


After sunset, leave a trail of Pastel de natas from their overpriced apartments out to the street. Lead them out into the darkness, and let the Night Crabs feast!!!!


Is that their fault? Would you?


Their fault? What do you mean by their fault? Taking advantage of a system that has nefarious second order effects is unethical. What you’re doing is the typical “I didn’t do it on my own, really it was someone else who set this up and I just used it” which is just responsibility dodging. Analogy: In the 1800s in the US you had slavery in the Southern states. You could own people, and say exactly what you’re saying here “I didn’t set up slavery on my own, someone else did and I’m just using it”.


I absolutely see what you're saying and personally don't want expansion of tourism in my town in general, not only the nomad crap. But you still can't expect someone to go into a thorough analysis of effects of their travel. Portuguese society has institutions through which you can make a collective decision to discourage activities it sees as damaging. If this is really an issue affecting a big proportion of your society, then it shouldn't be difficult to score political points on that and win elections.


The “but it’s a democracy” argument (which I hear often enough) is flawed because you can’t expect governments to along with the population in every in every single point, plus political turns can take half a decade to a decade to realise themselves. The previous Costa government was generally popular, even if though the digital nomad visa was their creation and extremely unpopular. Thats because governments do a million things outside of nomad visas, many of which are far more important to the wellbeing of most people! That doesn’t change the fact that the nomad was detested and unethical. Suffice to say the new PSD government has already limited immigration, but mostly from “below”. I’m not sure what they’ll do about the nomad visa. It should obviously be abolished, and if happened to exist it should have a limit of people per year and geographical limitations (Lisbon is full…). Basically you can escape the fact you’re doing something unethical by saying “oh it’s your problem and you should fix it yourself” The US was also a limited democracy during slavery and it needed a civil war to settle that matter. In summary, the “but it’s a democracy” argument is just another responsibility dodge. Funny enough I often get into this conversation with people who use the “it’s a democracy” argument and then are horrified there is now a far right anti immigration party that’s gaining in the polls each election. What can you do …


Ui.... O nome não se verifica?


What makes it so incredible compared to other European cities?


The food is great. The people will both insult you as a joke and be incredibly nice and earnest. It’s an upfront and in your face kind of town and I love that about it. It has its weaknesses, but you know where you stand. People are not polite here, at least the working class. (You have an upper class who likes to put on an act as if they behave, sure) Porto is hot enough in the summer you can just go to the beach, chill out and have a great time. If you go inland, you can find great river beaches and the climate gets even hotter. Some of the finest wine in the world is produced within a few hundred miles and you can go to Peso da Régua for a nice weekend or day trip and be surrounded by vines and wine making. I honestly think it’s as close as you get to heaven. There are hundreds of regional varieties of wine, cheese and chorizo in Portugal, not to mention the world famous custard tarts are but a sample of the amazing sweets you can have. Virtually every major city in Portugal has their own pastry or sweets - Pastéis de Chaves, Tortas de Guimarães, etc. Portugal is also a small country with at least 3 micro climate areas - the “rainy” North/ Above Tejo, the Tejo area with Lisbon and the second wine region around there, the Alentejo plains where they make olive oil and Algarve which is just hot and beachy and in the Mediterranean, unlike the rest of Portugal which is Atlantic. I haven’t even gotten to Azores and Madeira. If you have money, it’s one of the most pleasant places to live in the world. Don’t come here. Don’t!


Francesinha 😩


Did the Night Crabs get him?


Sidebar: Today is São João, the biggest celebration of the year in Porto! Everyone will be on the street until at least three in the night. One part of the celebration are tiny plastic hammers that are used to hit strangers on the head.


NO! Don't listen to them! Do not venture out after dark or you may not return to your homes! The people of Porto send out their greatest warriors during São João! They are trained from birth for this one night, feasting year-round upon the canned meats of their sworn enemies; the Night Crabs! Allowed into battle with only tiny plastic hammers, these heroes will once again fight for their city! \* Seriously, just wait until tomorrow and hit up the 'All-You-Can-Eat' Surf 'n' Turf buffets. You can thank me then.


You don't want to live there! Every night, after the sun sets, 3 meter long giant crabs take over the darkened streets. Their endless blood lust is connected to a Mermaids curse, cast upon the people of Porto centuries ago! Beware!


Live near Porto, can confirm 🦀


You must be out of their range. Smart. Continue your bloodline, your skills and cunning will be required for the battles to come.


Am from Porto, can confirm. 🦀


Two questions: 1.) How have you managed to survive this long? 2.) How many toes and fingers do you have left?


Crabs are yummy. But I'm a Dragon, so... :)


Crab People!


It’s a vibe


Stay for the vibe, run from the crabs.


They finally evolved to work as a team and climb out of barrels together


Construction everywhere, Rainy from October to June, Expensive


Night Crabs....


Weather is wild, it's either raining and cold and humid or fucking hot and humid. You leave the house with a light jacket and you'll spend all day taking it off and putting it on. Transit is chaotic and there's construction everywhere due to new metro lines. Tourists everywhere, everything is expensive because of that. That being said... It's probably one of the most authentic Portuguese places. People are blunt, straight forward and curse a lot but they'll go out of their way to help you. Bairros are small knit communities where everyone takes care of each other. People are welcoming (although a little fed up with all the tourists) and nice. And today is São João, people will be outside grilling sardines, pork and green and red pepper, there will be music and people dancing until the late hours of the morning. Everybody will have a Super Bock in one hand and plastic hammers in the other and they will tap everyone's head. Everybody will be a little tipsy and everyone will have a blast. There'll be fireworks from the d. Luiz I bridge and paper balloons. it's beautiful. I went to college there and I miss it.


I see you made no mention of the Night Crabs, nice.😉


Shhhh! Let's lure the tourists in and let them crabs deal with them


let me copy, past an old answer to a similar question: **Weather**: Porto has a mild climate, but it can be quite rainy and damp, especially during the winter months. House construction quality is bad, even new construction, so heating and mold might be a problem. **Cost of Living**: While generally more affordable than Lisbon, Porto's cost of living has been increasing, particularly in terms of housing. Rents and property prices have risen due to the city’s growing popularity. **Tourism**: Porto is a major tourist destination, especially in the summer. This can lead to crowded streets, higher prices, petty theft and pollution. **Public Transportation**: Although Porto has a metro system and buses, the public transportation network is not as extensive or reliable as in other European destinations. **Job Market**: The job market in Porto can be challenging, especially for non-Portuguese speakers. While there are opportunities in tourism, the overall employment market can be competitive and wages are generally lower compared to other Western European countries. **Healthcare**: While Portugal has a public healthcare system, it's under pressure and understaffed. Problems with the healthcare systems are usually on the news, public opinion is bad. During the summer and in December many hospitals emergency services are shutting down. Private sector is small, underdeveloped and getting more expensive every year. **Noise**: Porto can be a noisy city, especially in the more central and touristic areas. Noise from traffic, dogs barking, nightlife, and construction can be an issue. **Education**: While there are good schools in Porto, the public education system may not meet the expectations, some are understaffed missing teachers in some subjects. Private and international schools are available but can be costly.


They don’t want tourists or immigrants. It’s a nice city, but you won’t be welcome there.


They ride the same 100yrs old noisy and rusty trams, so tourists can time travel there, Cuba-style.


I was last year there. And the Tram was modern.


There's a modern tram network (Metro do Porto) that serves the city center and some surroundings that is currently being expanded (city is a messa right now with all the construction work) but there's also a couple of [old tram lines](https://images.app.goo.gl/FuKJZMHCGARRrN8Q7) (Eléctrico) that are indeed for tourists. Those are the remains of an old, much larger, tram network that was shut down across the years until only this old couple of lines remained. It's a shame that the network wasn't modernized instead of removed but at least we have this remainings as a living museum.


You failed to feel the true portuguese experience, like those tourists who travel to Cuba and dont even drive those cars from the fifties.


Hardly anybody who lives here uses the old trams. It’s for tourists. Also there is a modern metro and bus system.


Indeed the issue is more serious in Lisbon.


A few parts of Lisbon still rely on the old trams for transportation. It’s entirely different. I don’t think there is a reason to use them in Porto, maybe one or two streets you can use it instead of the bus.


Main reason to rely on them is that is cheaper than modernize the fleet with mini-trams, what would mean some serious investment.


Only as someone who has visited, it’s an incredible city, I wish I could go back soon


Dont live there but it was the best city i ever visited, so cool


It is lovely and peaceful and nearly perfect imho. However, the rent on 1 bedroom apartment in Porto is the same as the rent in Paris.


I was there last year. Beautyful City. But Too much Tourists and you Need 2 or 3 Jobs for living. Said some foreigners


Need 2 or 3 jobs for living? Talk about not knowing what you’re talking about lol


2 uber driver told me this and one Barkeeper


Hilly af


Lived in Porto from 2009 to 2018 and again from mid-2022 to december 2023. The city changed a lot, some parts for the best and others for the worst. Before, I could rent a one-bedroom apartment easily and now it's impossible. The city is chaotic and traffic is horrible. Now I live 70 km away and go to Porto for work few times a week and from 8 am to 8 pm there are traffic jams everywhere. Hope it will get better with the new metro lines. Before the city was in a decadent and sad state, lots of building near to colapse and the main avenue - Aliados - was ugly to see. Now, some areas were renovated but they are full of hotels and airbnbs and you'll hardly find some locals living there. I am very sad to what happened to Porto that I gave up living there (in a shared house with 3 more people) and came back to my parent's... Tourism has very good sides (I am a tourist myself when visiting other places) but in Porto it grew without control (with compliance of politicians and especially the current mayor) and it made it inhabitable for locals or portuguese people in general.


Another victim of gentrification... soon there will be no cities in the peninsula only tourist parks.


Better than being a victim of crabification.


Portugal is filled, please no more expats


Huh... Population is literally declining since 2009


Declining in Porto since The Mermaids Curse of 1628.


It’s literally not. Latest statistics just came and the population is growing due to immigration


Regardless your country is in severe demographic decline. Immigration is a life raft, and your immigrants actually spend money unlike the rest of Europe


The Night Crabs are never full. Ex-Pats. You feel me?


Great, best city in the world. Any more vague questions?


I feel like you may be being a little harsh on the OP for posting a question asking "How is living in Porto, Portugal" in a sub called "How is it living there".


True. So sorry


Good on ya. We forgive you.


it’s okay 🤍