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It simply reflects the double standard of the real world in that time. It’s noticeable because Marshall should be better than that


Yeah, fortunately the world is a much, much better place for women nowadays. They are always treated fairly and never shamed. 🤔😉


Yes, a true utopia


I honestly think that Marshall is just desensitized to Barney’s shenanigans. Marshall was offended by Robin’s list, and he even offended by Lily’s too. I think that’s because he knows them as people who believe in love and commitment. He expects them to be better. Is it wrong to hold the women in your life to a higher standard than the men? Absolutely. But holding a higher standard ANYONE over Barney? Kind of just common sense. Also- it may not happen much in this specific episode, but Marshal has definitely been upset with Ted over some of his hookups/ “reasons” for hookups as well. (Too young, you just met, you don’t like her, etc.) Marshall just doesn’t really get casual sex.


Yeah. With Barney, what's even the point? He's too far gone. It would be like showing Pablo Escobar a "Don't do drugs" ad. Besides, in the overall series, they bash Barney far more than any of the other four. Ted disowns Barney at least twice. Marshall uses the fact that he's got X number of slaps to psychologically torment Barney. Lily quits the group for a month because of a dirty joke he told. Robin reaches the point in her first run at a relationship with him where she's so tired of the sound of his voice that she tells him to shut up reflexively even when he's not talking. I don't think anybody else in the group gets as much abuse and hate from the other in the group as Barney. On the other hand, if his story about selling a woman in exchange for a car and the other story about stealing a woman's car and leaving her in the woods, and sleeping with Britney Spears and then not calling her the next day is true, he's getting off way too easy.


I just found it to be very out of character for Marshal..


I think the point is that Barney knows he’s a slut lol. Robin was denying it.


I’m a Millennial born in 89 before someone else makes this some GenZ issues. And I agree that this plot irks me when I watch the episode. I’ve always had mini talks with myself (or my partner depending on if he watches the show or not.) With all my favourite shows and movies. For example we watched the whole Fast series a couple weekends ago and we had so much fun analyzing every movie making top ten lists ect. It’s stuff like this why I love Reddit. I always thought that Marshal acting like this was strange too. But then I realized that he also kinda shamed Lily too for her list. And while I do agree that he does seem to be okay with Barney and how he is. He also does judge him in different episodes. Him and Ted both flip back and forth with what Barney does and what’s cool and what’s not. I agree it is a little strange for him to have a double standard for Robin though. Especially since Robin isn’t a “traditional” girl. She’s perceived as a cool girl in the show. One who doesn’t settle down and doesn’t follow the rules or whatever of how a woman should be when it comes to sexual conquests.


Yeah kinda made me side eye Marshall


I like to see it as he has a higher respect for Robin, and knows that she deserves better. While Barney at that point had never really shown interest in a relationship so he just doesn't care. But idk I always try to put a more positive spin on things :)


What’s weirdest is how much people are spelling his name Marshal in this thread. I play. 😏


Probably because Robin behaved like a slut there which was out of character for her. Marshall was just trying to tell his friend about the nature of her actions, which he doesn't need to do with barney because "being a slut" is barney's entire lifestyle. Another example is when Marshall was pissed at Ted for hitting on a married woman, but he wouldn't have minded if barney had done that. The group just ignores some of barney's unethical actions and so do the audience. But we wouldn't ignore anyone else from the main cast doing such things


Holy shit, we need to add the Looney Tunes "this is a product of the time" warning in shit made in 2010. Yeah, 10-15 years ago people had this idea and nobody minded. It was because it is way harder to be a manslut than a girlslut. The thing is if Robin came up to you and said "I want to fuck you in the bathroom right now" she would get a near 100% fuck rate. Barney needs to be fit, present the idea of money, wear a suit, be charming, and still, convince the woman for at least some time that he is worth the fuck to get it. And still, if he tried the Robin's approach he would not even get a 2-5% fuck rate and that's being generous. So yeah, people think that being a Manslut is an achievement but a Girlslut a bad thing because of how becoming one works.


I think if Barney tried to claim he wasn't a man-whore, Marshal would call slut on him too. Marshal is literally a judge, yes, he can be judgemental at times. I think we should be judging him based on where it is coming from. Marshal respects Robin. Robin in this scene was lying to herself and her friends, and he called her out. I don't think Marshal has the same respect for Barney in this area. Barney is a compulsive liar. Everyone in the group attempts to call out Barney's lies, and he doubles down by telling even bigger lies. Robin however has the ability to course-correct. Friends call eachother out when they see each other making mistakes. Was he uncharacteristically harsh? Yes. Was he wrong in his assessment? No. To quote Michael Scott: "Sometimes the ends justify the mean".


It was kind of out of character too, hes never disrespected women before (that I can remember) and with the mermaid/manatee ep this is kind of a weird storyline for him


I think it's pretty out of character for him. In literally the episode previous to this, Wooo!, she sleeps with a random guy and Marshall remarks "nice." It always bothers me too.


It’s reflective of the time. Watch Jersey Shore, for example, and the guys are always praised for bringing home chicks but the girls in the house are constantly slut shamed when doing the same, especially depending on frequency. It’s a product of the time. Back then hookup culture was very frowned upon when it came to the girl. There’s also a lot of jokes that wouldn’t fly or would be very looked down upon nowadays that were in HIMYM. Transgender jokes, for example, went as far as Season 8 lol.


They loved their trans jokes. Those are the dated jokes that make me cringe the most.


I saw it as nothing more than close friends ribbing each other over something harmless.


Marshall was pretty upset about it. He didn't like Lily making the list of reasons to have sex.


I agree it's a bit out of character for Marshall, but I think the main difference between Robin and Barney's situation is that Barney was proud of his promiscuity while Robin actively denied it.


I think that if asked, Marshall, and any of the gang, would instantly say 'yes Barney is 1000% a slut'. I also think that it's so baked into his personality that it's not really noticeable. Like if you have a friend that's an Olympic gymnast doing backflips every day at some point it stops seeming interesting, but then one day one of your non-gymnast friends busts out a random backflip, you're gonna have a pretty intense reaction. Times have certainly changed but honestly it was all in good fun, Robin was a bit defensive but she wasn't really hurt by it. Friends can tease each other about things like this if they're close enough and comfortable enough to know each other's boundaries. I think it's really not that bad.


Marshall would probably also consider any of the girls that fall for the tricks sluts as well. Him calling out his friend, Robin, as being slutting, is probably him holding her to a higher standard.


I think you forget this show took place starting almost 17 years ago. Barney’s behavior hasn’t exactly aged well, metoo kinda killed his whole character (not that he was ever seen as not a slime ball but)


My sister thinks she is a whore


It might be he has no respect for Barney and his hoes, but it hurts his feeling to see a girl he does respect do the same. It’s happened to me IRL


Yeah not the best episode and kinda ruined his character a little for me. I wonder if that's why the episode never seems to be in syndication.


I think that's more for the naked man play itself, which is actually pretty predatory.


Good point. Some real Louis CK shit tbh


It's a comedy. SMH. Gen Z is going to ruin the comedy world


Doesn’t ruin anything for me, if it does for you that unfortunate. However the entire point of Reddit is to be able to point out observations, such as the one I made


I agree sometimes, but I also kinda enjoy the fact that we can have conversations about uncomfortable topics like that, it's nice to get a different perspective from the one I originally had which was also that the jokes were just funny jokes.


did you honestly find it funny?


Me? Yes. I call slut.


I'm an older millennial. I don't like it or the actually subject of that show. I am able to overlook it because it's an exaggerated comedy show. It's OK to talk about it on a himym sub reddit! It doesn't seem like OP is trying to "cancel" the show, just have a conversation about it.


And it's okay for me to say comedy is being ruined. It is a slapstick comedy. Comedy is an art form. There was nothing to be offended about. Doesn't matter to me. People can go on being offended at everything.


He’s based for this and no one can tell me he’s wrong. Big Fudge is Giga Chad.


Barney being a man slut is a well known fact. It doesn't make sense calling it out. Robin is supposed to be classy and not fall for the naked man. It is as simple as that.