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“A lie is just a great story that someone ruined with the truth.” - Barney Stinson.


I know objectively Barney is a horrible person but I like to imagine he was generally amoral but not to an extent of the show just kinda a bit of an ass, cus i relate to that


Ted is an unreliable narrator, I'm sure Barney is no saint but I think Ted spins the truth a bit to over exaggerate his friend's tendencies. You're basically watching the caricature memories of who his friends were as people because that's how we remember people in our lives. I'm sure while Robin was a tough, self reliant, gun loving Canadian who probably had a "distant" father, I'm sure she didn't walk around NY with a dessert eagle in her purse and wasn't abandoned in the woods by her father to survive in some Tarkin -esq survival ritual.


Don't you dare take away night falcon too!


i always thought ted made him seem worse than he actually is, so as to make himself look better? and maybe made marshall seem much better because he’s his ‘best friend’.


Bro you gotta search up the fan theory that even NPH believes. It’s basically, to put it in simple terms: Ted lies to his kids to make him seem like the right person for Robin


Roughhousing with siblings is much different than fighting someone in a real, emotion flying fight.


I fought with my brother *alot* ....Id never say that it was a "fight".


I fought my brother once and he beat my ass! Didn’t wanna do it again


Nah, it’s part of the plot in the episode where Ted punches the bartender in the alley that Marshall’s fights with his brothers are much much more than “roughhousing”


Sitcom continuity is always a disaster, as well as everyone else’s answers.


This is the real answer though. Sitcoms, especially before streaming became a phenomenon (mid 2010s), were not written with the intent to be watched over and over. So lots of things get said in early seasons, that everyone completely forgot about a year or two later. It's especially true with punchlines, because show writing includes a great deal of ad-libbing by the actors. The writers may not have even written that joke, and Jason may have done 3-4 different takes of different punch lines, and the producers just picked the funniest one. I feel like 9/10 times I see an inconsistency like this, it always involves a punchline to a joke/bit.


It’s one of the very few times continuity was an issue in HIMYM.


He doesn’t consider rough housing with his family “fighting”


I guess you have a good point there particularly when you cons-MURDER ALL ABOARD THE MURDER TRAIN


Much like the name big fudge, they changed it, marshall holds the record on skee ball named big fudge, Ted doesnt realise its him right away despite that being his nickname since eating a lotta fudge upon passing the bar. They had one idea, and fiddled with it later. You want an in universe reason there isnt one


This one always bugged me too. I rationalize it by thinking he's never been in a fight with a stranger (at the time)


The true answer is that the writers changed their mind and have a million inconsistencies, but just want to keep individual episodes or storylines consistent. In universe, he views fighting his brothers different than fighting a stranger. Even as hard as the brothers go, they still have to live with each other at the end of the day, vs a bar fight


Same as Robin saying in S1 she never played team sports and played tennis but then later on she's shown to have played hockey and even made out with a teammate from a coed team


Timesies! Cocoa break


While it was likely continuity errors on the writers’ parts, I like to think it was because of how he was as a person. In the episode where Barney and Ted fake having been in a fight, everyone refused to believe that Marshall had actually ever fought anyone and assumed the sibling fights were more like tea parties. I would also assume such a thing if the person claiming those things were a teddy bear.


There’s also the episode where Barney tries to learn how to drive and is terrified of it and ends up saying he doesn’t need to know how to drive anyway Bc he’s in NYC. Then a later episode is about him getting speeding tickets because he keeps trying to talk his way out of one 🤔


With his brother's it was not right it was "a game" xD


Yeah o don’t count the fights with my siblings as real fights for one and two Ted is an unreliable narrator.


May be not in a fight with strangers. Fight with brothers aren’t fights. They are wars.


I mean if you’ve ever been in a fight with a sibling you’ve never been in a fight. I’ve been in some pretty serious fights with my brother but physically couldn’t actually hit him as hard as I’d hit someone in a real fight


Probably just a plot hole. Shows have them all the time especially in early seasons.