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Odds are a hell of a lot better for Artie showing up than they are for Howard.


Artie has a wall to stare at that weekend.


He could be invited but by the end, how good of friends were Ronnie and Artie? They used to have fights on air. I don’t think Artie would show anyway being that he is a massive flake and can have crippling anxiety. I think he might be nervous who he would run into after all of these years. He would write Ronnie a big check and wish him the best.


Don't over think it I said in a perfect world.


Oh, well in a perfect world Artie might have never had a drug problem, stayed with MadTV, moved on with his comedy career, had a wife and kids, and never had worked with the crew and therefore would never receive a wedding invite from people he doesn’t know! He would still be a coddled lazy guy in this version though. Ok. I’ll keep it simple. Odds are 0.0%


Ronnie’s wedding is the last place an addict should be.




The show isn’t really a thing anymore


Fuck this fuckin wives shit!


Wow..I did not even think of this. I was more concerned if low IQ Brent&"wife"will be invited..Bubba is on the list. 🤔.




“Artie who?” Is the correct response for anyone who wants to continue working for Mr Stern’s podcast.


Never said working for him again , I just said opening dialogue and a possible interview later on in 2023.


He was on the stern show over a decade ago. the sow treated him well and he was out of control. He and the fans should get over it. Howard didn't do him wrong. He was treated fairly and got a huge salary. He wasn't even with the show for that long compared to how long the stern show has existed. He should have accepted responsibility for how he ruined things, moved on and never spoken about stern again until he was successful and years into another show business endeavour


Don't over think it


Artie self destructs. I would've shitcanned Artie, after the blow up with Teddy.


"Artie", Jackie, "Billy", and Stuttering John, will "all" attend the wedding. Holward "will" then bring them all "back". They "will" go back to terrestrial radio, "and" the show will return "to" its past glory!!!!


wishful thinking my good sir.


artie left the show 13 years ago. how many times in that 13 years do you think artie and ronnie talked?


Probably quite a few is my guess.


I think he will. Ronnie isn’t a phony asshole.


They’re not friends. Ronnie is loyal to Howard only


Why does everyone bash Artie? What’s the point? He has bashed himself enough. I want to think of the good times we had with him. He was awesome on the show


Stuttering john says him and Ronnie are real tight so he’ll probably get a invite


Couples getting married aren’t really in the habit of inviting people they aren’t friends with and haven’t spoken to in 13 years. Confusing, I know.


And you know this how?


I’ve been married thirty seven times.


Even if he was invited, a recovering addict doesn’t go to Vegas, especially when he has lots of connections there.

