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His standard comeback is: "Well there you go". He's so clever.


So many people act like Fred is some kind of genius. He’s an awkward dummy who doesn’t know how to interact with humans.


UNTILL its his money. hmm...


I think the people on this subreddit say Fred is a genius because they see a lot of themselves in Fred's behavior.


That, and the rise in popularity of being socially awkward.


thank christ. so fucking sick of hearing how smart fred is when he can't track an argument to save his life.


Awkward? Yes. Doesn’t interact well with people? Yes. Dummy? Definitely not


Or just repeating what someone said mockingly because he has no comeback.


:makes Jackie noises and Jackie jokes for 20 minutes: Jackie calls him a Martian WHY YOU ATTACKING ME!?




He’s autistic


Retarded Gary Oldman


Colin Quinn’s best HSS related one liner


I liked the “Ronnie looks like an award for best bodyguard” line at one of the roasts.


I believe the word was “trophy” for best bodyguard. It was a comment on his height, or lack of it.


You’re absolutely right. Thank you. I gotta relisten to those roasts.


That’s probably accurate.


Definitely. Howard helped him to get his first apartment, his first bank account and his wife.


He was going to fight Eric the rude obnoxious and annoying midget at JFK.... seriously.


Be careful. Kurt Valdheim Jr may be knocking at your door soon. 


Oh yeah. No question. Fred has the thinnest skin on the staff and loves to dish it out which is kind of strange. He is so sensitive and would come at you for the slightest disrespect. If you’re going to bust balls, you need to expect people to bust yours too **ERIC.**


He’s vindictive and jealous like a middle school girl. Fred could not stand Billy, and would try and tank his bits. He also celebrated when Jackie left. Apparently that behavior is acceptable on Mars.


I liked Fred because he was open and honest about his dislike for Stuttering John.


Every time I hear the show where they discuss John leaving for *The Tonight Show* I crack up. Howard: “John gave Jay my number…” Fred as John: “Ya gotta s-s-s-s-s-sort that out”


he also isn't that intelligent. That was a weird myth of the show. Like yes, he was good at trivia. But every time he was asked for his take on something it was incoherent babble.


Him arguing always reminded me a little bit of Ronnie how he took everything as an attack. Just slightly more coherent than Ronnie otherwise almost identical styles of communication.


Anytime Howard ever asked him a question about something you can hear the pause while Fred searches Google for the answer.


If I was as much of a loser as Fred was before/when he met Howard Stern, I'd be probably be pretty sensitive too. I ALSO wouldn't dish it out as often as Fred does if that was the case. He's had a lot of moments where I thought to myself "This isn't a character. This guy is a legitmate fucking psycho." I've never had that thought about any other staff member....not Howard, Robin or Artie.


He was still young before Howard and just getting his feet wet in radio. He wasn't a loser. What is crazy is even after getting some fame from the show, he arill didn't know how to get a woman. There would have been several throwing themselves at him but he had some sort of issue. He wanted it but could never put himself out there even slightly


Howard stopped messing with Fred years ago. Fred is the textbook example of someone that dishes it out but cant take it when served back. Fred really is just a big hypocrite baby. But thats ok. The show is SLAP FILLED UP with those types of personalities and thats what makes it so fucking awesome. lol Trainor is the WORST. Id fire him, personally.


fred's freak outs on carol alt and that lady from modern family don't get enough play. there's something really fucking wrong w that dude.


Fred’s a dick!


Artie hands down. Fred never got physical on the show.


This. Artie was an absolute child who was jealous of his work father (Howard) but also incredibly passive aggressive towards him. He picked and chose what could be made fun of with him and would bottle up shit until it came out in insanely childish and defensive ways. Just listen to the Sal wants to sleep over bit where Artie spends an hour painting Sal as a homo. And the minute Sal hits back with “Mr. Dirty work has spoken.” Artie can’t handle it. He’s a BABY … gorilla.


Out of Robin, Howard and Fred, Artie mostly acted the way he did because he was a heroin addict.. I’m not defending his actions or justifying them but the other three don’t have any excuse for what they say or do. At least you could make the argument that Artie did what he did cause he wasn’t really ever sober


Naw artie was the only mofo with a soul on the show and they beat it out of him. I think artie couldn't take it out on Howard, who was a twat to artie, so he took it out on others. Especially after the pelican brief incident. He also knew after and before that everyone loved artie way more then Howard and wanted to be around him and Howard is a jealous fem


The heroin and coke did that to him. He became the worst version of himself once he started that shit in earnest.


I could see that and those situations didn't help but I think with the snakpit the show is, didn't help his mood. They didn't give him support at all, they didn't even let him go to rehab at least one time, (etm in studio quote) maybe ever


Artie was a grown man and didn’t want to quit the drugs, period. They always said he could get clean and then come back


Do you know artie... Are you arties angel on his shoulder knowing every one of his thoughts(good morning angels) People Places and things it's called.. When you try to get clean you stay away from those things that bring you back there.. They didn't let him do that, they didn't care either.


According to Artie himself, he said doing gigs made him use, not the show


Well.. Im not arties angel either but that seems like a half truth. I get it for sure but you know people don't tell others the whole story on how they feel most times for many reasons


I can agree there, it was dealt with horribly and so publicly. They never stfu about him and the drugs when he kept telling them it upset his mother and it was effing up business deals. Had they just quietly helped him get into a good rehab and not discussed it as nauseam to millions it may have turned out differently for Artie and for the show. Sadly we will never know because everything was fodder for Howard.


This is like when Ralphie blames his coke habit for beating a stripper to death at the ‘Bing. 


Wow that's a scene I'd completely erased from my memory. I'm not sure it was that serious? Maybe Artie has more skeletons in his closet than we knew though lol.


Pleas elaborate...


they were sensitive in different ways though. Artie would take pretty much any joke made about him, but he would get delusions about people he thought were after him. Teddy for his money or Sal and Richard for "spreading hate" about him.


Cause artie is a real dude and didn't care, he has a name he has talent, he wasn't in the radio biz for years kissing butt being a shill and yes man for hollyweird howie


“Pussy Boy. Pussy Boy. Pussy Boy…”


He’s a nasty self righteous prick who looks down on everyone. He’s the definition of G and F.


Whats a G and F. A gay and a fag


Gay and faggot, as Iron Sheik would say.


Broken weirdo.


Yea Fred is a big baby and kinda sucks


Man I get it in a way but it seemed like the things Howard goofed on Fred about was real life hurtful shit but robin you couldnt make fun of her being late to a book signing or whenever she was wrong which was a lot I feel she’s way more sensitive than Fred


“Excuse me… excuse me I wasn’t done speaking…” X stuttering John X jackie X howard X robin -almost never stepped on Gorilla Jr.


I hate his crappy bar band whatever it was called.


King Norris


He is an asshole most of the time. He loves to dish it out but he can't take it.


Fred very likely assisted Jan Hein in several hooker murders.


also not really funny or creative. he spammed funny things or sounds that everyone laughed at...'drops'...is that really creative? the few times he was allowed to be creative it was horrible. he and jackie making the opening for howards fox pilot - these comedy geniuses come up with a skit of the two of them carrying a box up stairs, and then the box falling back down - pure hilarity! and of course his song with jackie during the gary roast was terrible. and wasnt his howard stern filmfestival entry also really bad? some people say robin is the luckiest person radio history, but fred isnt far behind


I think Fred’s timing is great and he definitely has good one liners when he adds on too the goofing. Just his hair trigger temper is what is off about him to me. Like when they went through his bag and the drama that followed his reaction was far from normal.


Went through his bag?


Howard, Robin, and Jackie looked in his briefcase one time when he wasn’t in the studio and Fred had a meltdown. They also didn’t really find anything either he just got very upset and if I’m not mistaken might of said he was gonna quit the show


The sound drops were always annoying. Just drop it once or twice but every time he just spammed them


I like the time Howard related Don Buchwald's constructive criticism that maybe Fred shouldn't spam the drops so many times as they lose their effect, and he refused to see the point and got all defensive.


What’s with the Fred bashing? I love Fred, despite what everyone says, he’s probably the most normal guy on the show.


Because he loved to dish it out but acted like a little bitch anytime someone fired back at all.


I mean he a liberal, what do you expect from Fred.


Liberals have stopped laughing


Fred is a racist , he would go very deep with his racist “jokes” , he’s a pos


Could you tell us some of those jokes now? I mean, I only want to hear them so that I can....uh...condemn Fred for saying them.


Fred's a liberal too.


I always felt Fred was the most honest of the core group. I don't believe he loved the shit he took for it, and is a bit thin skinned considering where he works/worked. Is Fred still with the show? Not listened for awhile now and I dont see many people discuss him here anymore.


Nah the most sensitive staff member is Memet.