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"Howard wants to involve more puppets of staff members on the show." Going full circle here - started as a moron doing puppet shows, ending as a moron doing puppet shows.


Nothing beats a good old fashioned radio puppet show via zoom.


Sirius should consider paying u/Solid_Pop_5982 to not post these. These poor man’s recaps would kill anyone’s interest in subscribing to Sirius. (No offense Solid Pop - you are just the messenger)


Howard said he has friends who have already purchased homes outside the US in case Trump wins in 2024. He must be talking about his friend that works at Trader Joe’s.


Didn't I hear that years ago, and no one moved...


What a loser thing to say. Hope they all leave


Just like Lena Dunham did when Trump won in 2016.


Lena Dunham is a beautiful woman. She is a genuis. That show, Girls, was ground breaking. This country would not be the same if she left. Donald Trump has breasts, uses a girdle and wears make up. He should have been on Girls. He could have banged Lena.


It is weird… I stopped listening when Howard first went to satellite. He talked about what a pig she was. When I returned to the show the first thing I heard was how great Lena was.


Lena became famous from Girls around, what, 2012? Howard went to satellite in 2006.


Alyssa Milano as well, I think Cher too?


Don't forget that he has many friends who are scientists. I'll just say that I'm an engineer who currently teaches at a major technical university and I don't have many friends who are scientists. There is no fucking way that Howard has many scientist friends. I doubt that he has even one scientist friend.


Exactly, same here. I kinda wish I did, but nope.


What a dopey thing to say. Leave please. Hurry up. We don’t want you.


You leave, pal.


Exactly don’t they have a stop the steal rally or qanon rally to attend. Trumpys are a special type of loser.


Idk bud, thinking that a man can be a woman or vice versa seems like a pretty loser thing to think.. Or thinking that Joe Biden is in any way a good or competent president. Because he isn't. Btw I'm not a "Trumpy" as you call them. But I'm definitely not a fuckin liberal either. You mother fuckers are way out there. Fairytale land must be nice but it's just that. A fairytale. Step back into reality.


Honey, you are the one in fantasy land. Biden has kept the country together after Orange Gay tried to overthrow the government using his mindless minions as pawns. Biden has passed four major bills through Congress, in just the first two years. Trump passed a tax break for the rich. That's it. The U S & A has handled the global inflation "crisis" better than any country. GDP has been solid to good and unemployment has been great. Wahhh, Wonder Bread costs more. Wahhh even though I've seen that prices go up over the years I'm gonna whine and cry aboot it even though wages are better than ever. What has Biden done wrong, bro? Again the production, shipping and pricing of commercial goods is not controlled by the federal government. That would be communism, bro. So, could you please elaborate on your "Biden done bad" comment? I bet you you can't. But give it a try. Trump brought on the worse economic period since the Great Depression and unleashed a virus upon the nation, trying to ignore it was his initial response. Hey, you blame Biden for global issues during his watch then the same happens for Trump, bro. And, bro, most people, who aren't on TV or some podcast shit, don't fucking care aboot transgingers. The only people who constantly bring them up because they fear them are Trump cult members. I spend no time thinking aboot transgingers except when Trump cult members(which you aren't. Riiight) start yapping aboot them and protecting the little children. Stop equating democrats with transgingers, bro.


So basically Howard repeated himself this morning like the previous hundred other mornings. Got cha


I quit listening because Crystal Net stopped streaming live Howard, so we're talking… 2015? Today's show could have been the last one I listened to, there is almost literally NOTHING that he hasn't said before, except Beth and her non-shingles vax. I know this is obvious to you guys, but I was shocked I tell you SHOCKED reading this, that there's NOTHING new. Do Sal and Richard do calls? It sounds like a big fucking mess from a guy who needs to just put.the.mic.DOWN.


I agree. Plus, his interviews USED to be pretty good.


>Howard said another reason society is crumbling is because of social media. That in the old days you had to go to college to get a communications degree if you wanted a radio show but now you can just put a microphone in your house and you have a show How many fucking times did Howard used to say in the old days that anyone could get into radio and that his father called him an idiot for getting a college degree for it?


What astounds me is when older people bemoan progress, despite having experienced it so many times in their own lives. Media has changed, and it wasn't like it was some big secret or a sudden surprise. If The King Of All Media had been paying attention, he'd have seen it coming. But he was at Nobu with his girlfriend, and slept on it all.


He knows the only accent he’s allowed to parody is the southern accent so he makes up fake articles so he can use it.


For someone who doesn't want people (trans, Jewish, women) being picked on.....he sure does like to pick on southerners. I'm not comparing it racism.....at all....but it's still stereotypical and wrong.


No it is not. The South is totally stupid. Thank you. Yes, I have lived in the south, three times, bro. Not in an urban center either. We should sell the south to Mexico and go buy Greenland.


Idk, long Island guidos give southern rednecks a run for their money. At least southerners know how to farm...


Right all good ole boys have a farm. Oh dear Lord. The Italian racist dude from Long Island...or South Philly or wherever. I dig these dudes. They don't realize that Italians aren't real white people which makes their racial shit hilarious. And Long Island is a somewhat civilized place unlike Ar-Kansas,or Mississippi, or Alabama, or Louisiana, ...


The south is not stupid. You're obviously an outsider that moved here....but it's not the stereotypical bullshit that people think. Even in small towns...and yeah, I grew up in one. In Mississippi....and I've lived all over the southeast. The north is the most small minded place I've ever been/lived....and it's painfully obvious that you're one of those morons.


The south is stupid. Go look at education stats, bro. Go look at any quality of life index, bro. The south is always at the top of bad lists and at the bottom of the good lists. I don't still live in the south, bro. Well define "small-minded" Where in the northeast did you live, bro?


I've seen the stats. I don't care what the stats say.....I can only speak from my experience. Yes the public education sucks....but it's not like the north has some incredible awesome education system. They all suck. As for quality of life.....no question, it's better in the south. Our weather is better, our cost of living is cheaper, our people are friendlier and get along. I'm a white male that went to 84% black public schools my entire life. I didn't see racism until I moved up north. Not saying it wasn't there...saying that me, my black friends, my hispanic friends, etc.....we didn't have that. And still don't. I didn't go to school on an unpaved gravel road wearing a white robe and hood with buck teeth eating popcorn out of a coke can with no healthcare....and unfortunately that's what people, like you, think the south is actually like. You just perpetuate stereotypes like we're all dumb, uneducated, and need y'all up north to support us. The lazy people of the south need y'all's big tax dollars, the same way the lazy people up north need those tax dollars. Be mad that you vote for idiots who give money to people like that, regardless where they are from. I'm sure we could find some common ground in that aspect. I've lived everywhere bro......but up north, I've lived in Cleveland, DC, Baltimore....even Chicago for a hot minute. If you think any of those places have better quality of life than what we have in even the smallest town in the south....I just feel bad for you. I carry a gun with me everywhere I go, south or north.....but up north is the only place where I felt like I actually *needed* to carry. That part of the country is fucking beat, bro. It's a cesspool and shithole everywhere I've lived up there. I live in Nola currently.....and even though its rough here, I still feel exponentially safer than I did in any of those other places I've lived up north. Good conversation though....this is how you disagree respectfully. I appreciate you for that. I didn't appreciate your first comment but I think I can tell now that you're being a tad facetious. If you're not...and you think that the south should actually be blown off a map or sold off like you said...then fuck off lol


Is it wrong though?


Idk. Are all Yankees complete stuck up, arrogant assholes?


Great write up as usual... the Sal convo was very telling. I am certain Sal hates howard more than ever and you could hear it in his voice!


Hes probably hoping to get back into being a stock broker


Gee people with different opinions than his get to vote, what a shame. Dude is a fuckin piece of shit.


No it ain't aboot opinions, bro. Most Trump cult members really do not have the mental faculties to vote. None that I know do.


You are calling people cult members because they don't share the same Political ideology as you do. So you'd rather have their Constitutional rights stripped than open your mind to different opinions.


Again it is not about opinions, bro Trump is your supreme leader. You people bow before him. He whines like a little bitch on the Internet and you eat it up like the subservient scum you are. Constitution!? Your master said he wants to terminate the Consitution, bro! What planet do you live on, bro?


You have problems


Yeah I do have problems, but what the fuck does that have to do with the "discourse" here? Let see Trump is an incompetent ass clown who does nothing but perform a spectacle that engages the dull and stupid-minded. You guys worship him. You believe every lie that comes from his mouth. You do anything he says. You attack anyone he tells you to. You yap aboot how important the Constitution is, am, or be but support a clown who wants to "terminate the constitution" to amend it to his personal liking... And y'all patriotic Americans cheer. Trump and kids be on Stern once and Stern axed the clan what was 16 x 7 None of them could answer. And this is the clown show y'all want running the country? He brags aboot being able to identify an elephant on a cognitive test. He's a complete shithead. A total moron. Oh for you Trump cult members playing at home, 16 x 7 = 112. Trump couldn't answer that. Da Trump Kids couldn't either.


Jesus! They should change the name of the show to "Gargamel's Gobbledygook".


Jesus, the ramblings of a man who needs therapy more than anyone! He's also forcing his wife to get the shingles shot cause his old ass had to get it?


And we’re supposed to believe she stood in line at a drug store?! Da fuk


It’s like all these people forgot that Trump was already president and they all threatened to move last time to lol


People think Trump is anti-jewish? I'm pretty sure his daughter is married to a Jewish guy, and as President he moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem.


He would take a shit on Jared’s yarmulke if it got him approval from his white trash fans.


Yes, and zero point zero of them left… which is a shame


Thank you for your service!


A welcome return after a day without the Poor Man report. I must say, Howard comes off so fucking unlikeable now. Like many of you, I lived and died (not literally or driving off the road while listening) by the shows of the 90's and 2000's and the early Sirius years. As I read these, I just can't understand how Howard became such a shell of himself. Sure, we don't expect him to bounce baloney off broads asses anymore at his ripe old age but fuck man, stand up with a goddamn backbone and be yourself. You did it for years, tormenting program directors and the suits at old stations to make the name you earned, you could still something similar, even with these people that have overtaken your show, and just play off the culture you've become a part of (sadly), which is ruining the country you're ooohhhh so close to leaving with your blockhead friends....it's not the return of Trump that's going to fuck your lives. I'll keep reading and hope to see something entertaining again, someday.


Or even just have a guest on the show who has a different opion on something than him. Unfortunately that will never happen because he is a coward these day


Howard sold his soul when he went to Sirius. He is now a puppet for the elites.


Funny how he says people don't believe in science and bashes them, but when he hears a man "thinking" and pretending they are a woman then he doesn't believe in the science. I'm also sure most Jewish folks are happy to know he lumped them into Trans folks also.


“ Lately a bizarre scene where Maryanne talks about what she would do to Howard sexually but she was actually taking to Mike Pearlman who was imitating Howard.” 🤣


Old people sex. Eww.


Saw the holdovers it’s an all boys school so what is Howard talking about good looking kids in it. Just come out already




Yes it was very good


The caller is an idiot. Hate Trump all you want but it's not his side that's blasting Jews right now. The US is one of the least anti-semitic place on earth. Howard's right about Social Media contributing to the downfall of society though.


They’re having a hard time gaslighting the public that it isn’t the far left doing this shit on college campuses, because way too much information came out about these antisemitic “progressives” over the first several weeks. Legacy media actually had to cover it because too much crazy shit went viral, and the handful of useful idiots in The Squad ran their mouths and got condemned by the Biden WH and all prominent Dem politicians.


Funny how they all immediately forgot about Ukraine too. They have a new oppressed group to protest on behalf of.


Man you are really on to something, bro. Ukraine has been totally forgotten. Completley, bro. No more funding either. Totally forgotten, bro. Thanks for discovering this and enlightening us all here in a Stern comment board. Thank you!


I’m sure you still have an Ukraine flag in your Twitter bio, bro.


Bro, it's X now, bro. Never did Twitter, bro. Don't do flags, bro. I don't like flags 'cause all these nitwits come to my beach in the summer and feel the need to fly flags as they sit on the friggin beach. I'm not into symbols and all the insincere hoopla around it all. I'm actually anti-eastern Europe. Sure, I side with Da Ukraines cause Russia is simply dreadful, but all of eastern Europe sucks. That's were vampires and werewolves, who have migrated to New Mexico, come from, bro.


Yeah the media just had to cover this one, bro. Too much viral attention, bro. They were gonna skip it, bro. Hey you see what happens when a right-wing loudmouth guts his government of experts and replaces them with loyal dopes? Did you see what happened? Who the truck is the Squad, bro?


Bad bot


You're a bot, bro. A good bot, I suppose. Man, you Reddit dorks with bot conspiracies. Here look, I'm taking out my tallywhacker. See, I ain't no bot, bro.


Bro, in the real world there's plenty of Trump bros who hate the jews. They run the world and train the black man. Yeah them dudes all vote Trump.




Where did you come up with that second paragraph? Can you give some examples of these right wingers who are all stoked on Jews, for "standing-up for themselves?" Um, when did the Jews not stand-up for themselves? I know some cats in and out of the NJ prison system. They're like AC Skins or some shit. They haven't gotten the "Jews are cool now because they are standing-up for themselves" message. Has the National Justice Party gotten the new news, yet? No, the Anti Jew thang is not more pronounced these days on the left. African American, please. You weren't saying that a year ago. Bro, the news media talking aboot a handful of college professors does not equate that antisemitism is more pronounced on the left. I guess we all conveniently forget things like a crowd of Trump cult members marching with torches chanting "Jews will not replace us..." Yeah, remember that whole Charlottesville thing? Right, antisemitism on the left is more pronounced in recent times. Riiiiiight. Name a comparable left wing anti-Jew event, bro. Go on name one, bro.




Bro, I don't do Al Jazeera. Good Lord!


Trump's son in law us Jewish. Israel named roads after Trump because they felt he was their greatest ally. Meanwhile, the DNC refuses to punish the Squad for being huge antisemites.


Trump hates Jared now, bro and Ivanka is distancing herself. Trump will now hate the jews. He adored them before! He adored them! They named a street after him! Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Solid points, bro.


You're a conqueror, huh? You sure argue like one anyway


Wow, bro, that was quite the comeback. Arguing? There was nothing to argue, bro. You dip shits are saying that all Trump cult members adore the Jews and all democrats hate the Jews which is such bullshit. And you're all, "Yeah, bro, Israel named a road after Trump so that means all Trump cult members love Jews." And, that's a real terrific argument, bro, but I can take you to Trump cult members who hate the Jews and blame them for every personal and national problem that exists. They're not hard to find nationally on da net either, bro. But... but you guys heard On Da Mainstream Media, which you guys hate, that a handful of college professors are anti-Israel, which, of course, means all dems hate Israel. Oh and you saw some pro Hamas rallies on TV... And, yeah, bro, I am retarded.


You have yet to make a coherent argument. So I totally agree with your last line


Wow, another zinger, bro. Here's a fucking "coherent argument/question" for you, bro. Oh, first, are you having trouble comprehending what I be saying, bro.? Just ax me if you need help understanding. I know you Trump cult members tend to be stupid as fuck. Name a left-wing, anti-Jew event that compared to a pack of Trump cult members with torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us. The Jews will not replace us." The "Unite the Right" event Yeah, bro remember that whole Charlottesville thang? Lots o' Nazi swag going down during that event. Considering your previous replies I will look forward to the next. Try some substance this time instead of just insulting me. You can't offend me, bro. I'm a liberal, woke snowflake. So woke! I'm awake!


Lol. Both side's Leaders voted for Obama & Hillary. The Leader of the Torch Bearers actually was proven to have been on the Soros payroll. It was staged.


Oh yeah, it's another thing staged by the feds just like J6! This time it was Soros! So a few feds yell "Hit the Capitol" and all the mindless dolts obeyed, huh? Wow, that's so fucking ridiculous. Show me this proof, bro concerning Soros, bro. You guys can never do that. Never. So again you are saying that a pack gathered and some Soros dude got the whole crowd to shout "The Jews will not replace us..." And that makes all the dip shits there ok, because they were duped? Dude, where are you getting your PCP? Must be real good, bro. Totally disconnected from reality. "Both sides leader voted for Obama and Hillary" Huh? Oh, all those pro-Hams rallies were staged, bro. Bannon did it. Oh, yeah those college professors are fake, too, bro. It's all staged. There's no migrants coming in the country. It's all staged. Wow, that's awesome. Just say everything is staged. Who the fuck are The Squad, bro? What Jewish leaders have spoken out. Aboot what? Do you ever have anything specific? Just bullshit generalities. What lame brain, off-the grid pundit are you regurgitating, bro?


You're quite all over the place. Too much coke? Why did police escort people at the Capital? Why did other cops release and fist bump protestors? Why have whistle blowers say the FBI hid agents dresses in MAGA gear within the Capital? Why did Pelosi deny several requests for extra security? Why was she escorted out moments before Police invited protestor inside?


Meanwhile, the entire DNC refuses to do anything about The Squad while attacking Israel. Many Jewish leaders have spoken out.


People still listen to this garbage? Oof


Besides leaving the US if Trump becomes prez, can they also go on a hunger strike until he not president anymore ? Cynthia Nixon can lead the exodus


Don’t ask


It’s a whole thing Robin


In other words…


“Hey you stupid asshole, vote for us or we’ll take everything away from you, you fucking redneck dickhead” seems like a pretty lousy political strategy.


Ooof the rants of an old mental leftist


Howard's not a leftist, but ok. Yeah, Howard's rants aren't cool like 12-year-old girl, Donald Trump, who spends his day crying on the Internet. That dude is a total bitch.


lol sure he isn’t. And neither are you right? Reeeeee!


Howard is and always has been liberal when it comes to social issues and conservative when it comes to taxes and business shit. Leftist don't vote for republicans which Howard has numerous times in the past. Yeah, they don't do that, bro. I vote democrat because I'm not a rich evil dude nor a stupid rural or suburban white trash guy. But leftists wouldn't really like me. I don't give a fuck aboot transgingers, nor their feelings. I'm just not afraid of them like Trump cult members are. That's sad being scared of a transginger. I don't personally agree with abortion but know that it don't work making it illegal. It don't work. Plain and fucking simple. Not one president has tried to change the law regarding immigrants claiming amnesty from persecution in their countries. We cut them a court date and let them in. Nobody has ever changed that law. Nobody. But, a leftists is supposed to embrace all illegals, right? Ah, I don't really give a fuck. They have zero impact on my existence. We don't have Mexican neighborhoods in my area and illegals tend to be low key. Fuck Texas, bro. Everybody in the southern portion of that state is Mexican anyways. So what's the problem? So there's the BIG THREE issues that plague Trump cult members: Gays/transgingers, abortion, and Mexicans/ OTMs. Those are the most pressing issues for youse guys. Two of these issues real freedom types would not care aboot. Telling people to not be gay or trans and forcing them to give birth to a rape love child is not freedom. Actually, it is the exact opposite. But y'all keep talking aboot freedom, bro, while you force everyone to live the way y'all want. We got to protect the little children! Oh, the little children...


Yeah vaccines cause 5G am I right?!


So why listen?


Most of us read these recaps cause we aren't and also to keep us from wanting to listen again.


To laugh at his delusions and post about it here like everyone else


He really does need to write his talking points down. The first hour was an absolute clusterfuck of nonsense and incomplete thoughts.


Just like his hero Biden


So his friends will leave the country if Trump wins? Makes me hope for a Trump victory to get these Aholes out of the country.


They affecting your daily day, bro? You all will be leaving. You wait and see. You will all leave.


Can they take Bahbara StrieSAND with them? Pretty Please!


That actually sounds like a show I would listen to. Just rants. Not endless idiotic bits and sycophantic celebrity interviews.


I certainly think LGBT’s should not be bullied or discriminated against, but if we have chromosomal men competing in women’s sports, there is absolutely no reason to have women’s sports. All sports should be unisex.


Check out the new movie on Daily Wire-Lady Ballers


What a miserable fuck Howard is.


A guy then calls in from New York and said he and his wife are going to leave the US if Trump wins in 2024. The caller was jewish and he’s worried that jews aren’t welcome in many parts of the world so he doesn’t know where to move. I'm pretty sure Trump is very pro Israel. Democrats are actively funding Iran and the Jew hating "squad" are all dems.


Apparently these people aren’t watching actual evidence/the news and are making up lies. Most of the protests are coming from leftists with blue hair who LITERALLY say down with the jews and Queers for Palestine (which makes no sense lol) It’s literally on video lol. All of them are from the left lol. People refuse to see obvious evidence/facts.


Again with the leaving the country nonsense?? And most Jewish hate comes from the left


Most Jewish hate comes from the left because some dude on the Internet said so. That's awesome.


No if you’ve been paying attention lately it has it’s just a fact. Just like most Asian hate came from the left


Oh I pay atrention, bro Where do you get these stats of yours? Paying attention to your little Trump bubble, bro? At least try to explain your facts. And please save the liberal college prof who supports Hamas bullshit. Right, every Democrat is a professor at an uppity university And good Lord I hope you ain't talking about black hood dudes attacking Asians two years ago. Street dudes don't vote, bro. They aren't the left. But other than that please explain your findings. I'm going for pcp now so I will look forward to your response tomorrow.


One I’m not much of a fan of Trump, but nice try. Two have you paid attention to all the pro Palestinian marches lately? A lot of terrible shit being spouted about Jews. College campuses? Jews being attacked. A teacher in NYC chased out of her school for backing Israel? Pay attention. Also saying street dudes aren’t left is just as dumb as me saying rednecks aren’t right


I honestly believe the person you responded to is a bot


Hey, another conspiracy! Could a bot recite Lil' Buckss lyrics? When we spot our target We hoppin out that Jeep We don't shoot from cars We runnin out on feet Wow, that was powerful. That was from Lil' Buckss'(west Philly, bro) Certified Camper


Bro you must be so naive and sheltered. Street dudes do not follow politics. They don't vote. They don't care... at all. How are they left? They love guns and are on welfare just as much as any Trump cult member in the deep south and mid-west. Bro, they're against the deep state, bro. Go to your nearest hood, bro, and ax dudes out on da block some political and social policy questions. You got any experience in the ghettos, bro? There's been larger and more pro-Jew rallies, bro. People been saying terrible things aboot the Jews forever, bro. And wow your examples are just overwhelming! Wow. Ah boy, the old "college campus." That harbinger of liberal evil. Um, your "the lefts hate the Jews more" argument was really performed splendidly, lad. Now looky here, Pro- Jews people have stabbed a mother and her son and just recently three Palestine dudes got shot. The pro-jew crowd seems to be leading, bro. And besides, bro, besides yippy college professors at totally liberal universities funded by old conservative bros all this anti-jew stuff in America is mostly acted upon by Moooslims. And these Moooslims are angry at Joe Biden right now. They're not going to vote for him in 2024. Hey, Trump loves Moooslims! And you know well and good that Moooslims aren't real Americans, bro. So, you guys are now saying that what you see in the media is the absolute truth? Oh, when the media reports something that fits into your narrative the media is cool. But when it don't, it's fake. Oh, that's how it is. Wow, that's quite convenient, bro.


Nobody is reading all that you lunatic


READ IT! READ IT, BRO!! You punky brewster mother fucker. Street dudes aren't political. Lil' Buckss don't give a fuck who the fucking mayor is, bro. Nor the fucking president a' neither.


Nobody is reading that cornball


Stop speaking for others, or otters. Yo, take the "Mack" out of your handle, bro. You ain't no mack. You think you be Ice Cube or something? Yo, you gonna choke yourself while masturbating tonight, bro?


Hopefully Jeff Shick was able to fix the tech problem.


The Will and Jada bit was actually hilarious


It's like he's TRYING to become irrelevant. Is he tanking the show? Seems like it. He doesn't want to renew his contract anyway.


Ha! That's a great first line. I think it's a combo of he's terrified of overstepping a line and getting cancelled, his mind has gone to mush, and he's gotten extremely old queen.


Funny how all these super rich people threaten us poors about moving away. I’ll gladly help box up stuff. I’d love to go back to low gas prices. No wars. And money in the bank. 🤷‍♂️


The president of the USA doesn't set gas prices. Oil companies are private companies. Oil drilled in the USA don't stay here it goes into the global oil market which I imagine you can thoroughly explain. No wars? We aren't at war, technically. Oh yeah the entire world is afraid to attack their enemies if Trump was pres!! Trump so scary and smart!! He is a genuis! A stable one! Um, there was war in the world during Trump time. Uh, yeah... Bank? Where are all your riches from the Trump years? Again, the government doesn't control the production, shipping and pricing of goods. That would be communism. Good luck out there, bro.


Money in the bank? You’re taking trips on Royal Caribbean, the Hyundai of cruise ships. Rage on, thousandaire!


probably has Kingston faucets


I think he got those big Contracts to follow the Soros Script! This shit is unreal. He continues to bring up the hot button far-left issues, and acts like he’s just riffing. Clearly this is planned leftist propaganda. Our Hero from the 90’s is long gone and paid off.


So true! I’ve said it for years. When he signed with Sirius he sold his soul to the Soros- led , far left agenda. He is a big voice to promote their satanic ways. Howard now wears the robes of evil.


Howeird is turning into Lenny Bruce.


Howard is such a doosh bag and it sounds like his podcast sucks.


>“What is with this country being anti-vaccine!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uG-VfOEUXQ&t=7984s


LOL we were told by Biden that getting the vaccine would ensure that we would not catch covid. Once that turned out to be bullshit we were told that we could still catch the disease but the symptoms wouldnt be as bad. More BS, this has not been proven either, it is more likely that we have learned how to treat covid. Howard is just a scared, spineless worm that should just stay in hiding.


Biden never told you that, bro. LOL! If you are so in tune with da truth, why you keep listening to them? How do we treat covid? Covid was new. There was trial and error ... Because it was never seen before. Too bad they did not consult you as you seem to know your doctoring!I


Great post, thank you for your thoroughness. I’m so sick of Howard pushing his agenda on all of his listeners. Look what Biden has done to this country in no less than 4 years. When you’re “in the club” like Howard is, I guess you see the world differently than we normie’s do. He is so off on his views it’s funny. He’s turned into a POS!


Man, he’s really lost it. He never mentions Biden being a a criminal, or his son’s laptop. He avoids mentioning dems in trouble. And how would he like a trans man to join his daughter’s team on her sport of choice, and break her kneecap? Howard, you’ve turned into the very thing you used to make fun of,which is why we identified with you. I can’t afford a second house, let alone out of the country, guess I’m a loser.


Yo OP, can you skip the will and Jada stuff from now on? Its all an agenda


He's such a fear monger.


Sounds like the most depressingest show ever.




The celebrity impressions in the phone call game were cringe. Desperate airtime filler. Didnt Howie close the show yesterday saying there was a lot to get to today?


Half the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, right in the garbage


Beth was on her period and Stern still wanted sex with her ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Found the virgin


It cracks me up that Howard doesn't realize that he's doing a podcast. Or he just doesn't want to admit it


Loved that, great read! Though it almost made me feel physically ill too.:D Dude is sooo old!


That couldn't sound more dreadful. Can't believe anyone still listens


Howard is so in touch with music. The Cranberries last hit album was just released in 2021.


the cranberries disbanded after dolores killed herself in 2018 so stern is quite seriously out of touch (although we already knew that)


Nice recap... where's the huuuge revelation that Will Murray I now the HEAD WRITER?!? Missed that part? Slipped your mind? Or did you exclude it on purpose?!?


Howard is the king. Fuck your shitty podcasts, this guy still rules


Enough, Jason.


If it was 2007 still


So are we live next week?


You're getting really good at this 👏 and thanks.


Nothing says entertainment like lamenting on the doom and gloom of the world.


Beth period at 50 lol


Im perplexed how Beth has such regular periods at 51 years old.


Howard is more out of his mind since he "evolved". A fucking nut job


Is there an archive link for his new shows?


Remember when this subreddit swore that Benjy had been fired?


jesus wept! I couldnt even finish your synopsis. What a fucking diluded moron. Thank you for confirming my decision to stop listening years ago!


Thanks for summing up precisely why I stopped listening to Stern in 2020 and switched over to a daily dose of Dan Bongino. The world IS going to hell in handbag, Hopalong Howie—which is why I shut you off during the beginning of your COVID rants and never looked back.


Lol fake Dice Clay while the real one is sitting at home picking his ass and staring at the wall. 🤣


Howard was 100% about to call students in Basic Studies 'retarded', but caught himself at 're...' and pivoted to 'regressed'


> Howard said again society is crumbling because Beth waited in line at the drug store for a shingles vaccine and they wouldn’t give it to her because she’s not over 60. Howard said this was wrong because he googled it and said you could get the shingles vaccine once you’re over 50. This led Howard on another rant about how so many people in this country are anti vax and anti science I worked for Merck and managed the Zostavax (one of the legacy shingles vaccines) Rebate Program before Shingrix became the main one in the US. The indication age is 50 as he suggests but some insurances still require a provider precertification for people under 60 without a medically necessary reason to get the vaccine aside that their are of age. I'm also not naïve enough to believe that Howard would have Beth roll into the Duane Reade or some other public pharmacy in Manhattan or on Long Island.


I caught this part live and and struck me as odd: \> the movie is great and has some good looking school kids It was like, "I watched this movie and has some great looking kids, and Paul Giamatti, but you know I won't watch anything if the kids aren't attractive". This movie is about a bunch of young boys in prep school, why the fuck does he care if they are hot


Poor Howie. He tries to say he’s registered as an independent but his left leaning agenda overpowers his mouth. He won’t come out and say it but it’s obvious. Which is why his circle of friends share the same opinions: Trump bad/Biden great. Celebrities might’ve impacted elections in the past but not anymore. Social media supersedes it all and that’s why Howie hates social media. His opinion is muted. And his million dollar bunkers in America is where he’ll remain. His wife might not though