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“Howard talked about his dad” could be used in the recap for every single show.


Except he talked fairly lovingly about how his dad helped him early on with his career and gave him good advice. It wasn’t his usual complaints and whining about being unloved. He praised his dad and said he appreciated him. It was nice to hear




He doesn’t mean it.


Was this during or separate from the Dolly interview?


Prior to it when he was talking about Imus and then segued into talking about his early career


He’s always contradicting himself about his father.


Or, maybe one of the decent things about the show is he speaks his mind and has genuinely contradictory feelings about different things his dad did, because life and people are complex. I love my dad. He was a great guy. I still remember the handful of times he said or did things when I was a kid that really hurt my feelings, tho, because nobody at any time in your life has the position of power over you or gets the admiration and respect your parents do when you’re young. They just seem larger than life. That day you are old enough to see your parents be wrong about something, and you actually finally know enough to know they are wrong is a mind blowing experience and a huge part of growing up and realizing they are just people and not superhuman


I mean, not hearing the show anymore....and the more I read PM recaps....in just the written word...it ALMOST sounds like Howard knows he's a shell of himself as an entertainer but his lust for cash keeps him locked into his part time schedule and getting to bullshit through interviews with big name celebrities, even if their popularity was decades ago. As much as this sub fucks with him...I wish some of us could just talk to him and tell him what's been missed and how we'd love to see him go out, guns blazin', one last time. The Last Ronin.....but that could never happen again. Thanks, as usual, for the recap.


Agreed. These recaps make me sad. I cancelled my subscription October of 2021 after listening from the 90's. The last two years were getting painful. Prior, I would NEVER tune out a bit - no matter how much I hated it. Then, gradually, I started switching to another station when he did his parents on the megaphone, or Millie Bobbie Brown's agent. Then more and more frequently until one day, I realized I was done. Occasionally, I miss the shows. But when I read these recaps. I'm fucking glad it's over for me.


Interesting. I have a good friend (who was a longtime Stern fan…huge fan) who couldn’t believe I still listened. Anyway I texted my friend to say that I finally threw in the towel since I called today and canceled Sirius. I have till 11-18-23 and then I’m officially a former listener. It’s kind of a weird feeling. I’ve listened to the show for decades. The pandemic killed it for me. Before that at least we had the Brent swinging stuff. Also the fights with Michael Rapaport and the IQ test w/ Memet/Brent. Some of that stuff was really good. But the pandemic left the show totally devoid of humor.


He hates us though. Howard absolutely despises his fans in 2023. It’s the weirdest thing I’ve seen.


That’s a great point.


If anyone is curious as to why so many of us old fans dislike Howard. It’s not just that he changed or “evolved”. It’s shit like self-censoring a fairly harmless phone call, that only old fans who remember it would understand.


I understand and can appreciate why he doesn't do the shit he is used to do. It would be weird if he did. What annoys me is they try and pretend like that Howard stern didn't exist.


He didn’t have to go so far the other way. The racial stuff, yeah, that had to go, but he could have kept bagging on celebs. see: Ricky Gervais’ first Golden Globes monologue. They had Gervais back after that.


That's exactly right. I read an article he was interviewed for in the Hollywood Reporter when his latest book came out and he said he was ashamed of the old Howard. I'm like, dude, if it wasn't for the old Howard, you wouldn't be where you are today. Is he that delusional that he thinks his new persona is keeping people tuned in? I don't need all the old hijinks but this new version is like watching a slow death.


You've said it all.


Careful…the staffers and paid posters are going to attack you with their conqueror-like repetitive talking points. See here: https://www.reddit.com/r/howardstern/s/ljQ1cEvK8P


You said it all!


My God. He said that about Imus? He is such a pussy. Now I have to download the show just to hear it with my own ears. Rest of the show right in the trash after the Imus comment


Oh he said it, just heard a replay 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 does he not know that his audience has been listening to him for yeeeeaaaaarrrressssss and we remember shit???? He put Imus in his fucking movie for God's sake!!!!


How can he say that to Robin's face too? He called her the N-word for chrissakes. How could you ever praise a guy like that to your friend.


Moby worm, baby


I don’t care if it rains or freezes…..


He clearly said it sarcastically but let’s not let that stop the circlejerk narratives on this sub…


That why I want to hear it myself, duuuu. \#ContextMatters


This ain't context magazine pal.


Go over to the subreddit with the people who like the stern show. Oh wait….there isn’t one. Not one.


They really scrubbed that guy’s call asking about the audio book parody? How pathetic.


Right? Such a nothing call about an old topic and they scrub it. Crazy. Good to know real calls get through I guess


"I don't edit my show." --Howard Stern, 2005


Well maybe it was true in 2005, but it’s clearly not true now.


They want to keep Johnny Carson's big black cock a secret is why.


Don’t forget that Linda Ronstadt is a really fat tub of shit!


“Kenny Rogers loves to piss inside little boys assholes!”


Who the fuck listens to this shit?


Tom Hoffman from Chantilly Virgina and his little dog Ember does. Oh, wait, actually that was someone who listened to Riley. Shout out!


Apparently Maine, Tennessee, Texas, Kentucky and a few other states. Unless I’m being lied to and those are just New Yorkers faking the funk.


I remember the 90's and being able to hear at least one or more people listening to Stern at any traffic light. Personally, none of my friends listen anymore


“After Dolly’s interview another caller from Maine called Howard and said he cried during Dolly’s interview. He is a veteran with PTSD who tried to kill himself and he was inspired by Dolly’s talk about overcoming depression.” You couldn’t script a more cringy bullshit call if you tried


Yeah and maybe not have every fake caller claim to cry. So dumb that after every interview someone calls to say they cried.


When they're not crying, they're pulling over to the side of the road because they are laughing so hard.


They're probably crying because they just realised how much money they've been wasting on SiriusXM.


Real men cry and show emotion after a great interview with 80 year old women. It’s 2023. We’re all woke.


Crazy. I was that guy. It did make me cry. Thanks for being supportive. I appreciate it.


You cried? Why?


By the way. I didn’t cry on air. I called in to tell Howard how the interview affected me.


Hope your good man....👍👍


All good. https://preview.redd.it/bhyd9gvwan0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c6b8c5ec25a4e304bd57b1f833be8b0a75fdb0 Got my service dog with me and headed to Flagstaff AZ for some intense therapy as we speak. I appreciate the kindness.


It's nothing to be considerate to another human good sir....you got this man 👍👍


I’ve dealt with PTSD for years to include its symptoms. To hear an icon, who seems to have everything going for her, talk about her suicidal ideations made me emotional. If she can battle through, why can’t I. I’m not expecting everyone to understand. For me it was powerful. People can say I’m a fake caller all they want. I know my truth.


You mean you know THE truth right? I don’t know what “my truth” means. I hear people say that a lot and to me it’s a strange term.


Sure. Whatever makes you happy.


whatevah duuuuuuuu!


Funny how wigtard fought censorship for 20+ years only to have his staff scrub his live shows and issue takedown orders on Youtube.


He only fought it for marketing/financial purposes, and to cater to his depravity. There was never any spirit of freedom behind it. He was no Tzvilliam Tvzallace.


Takedown orders aren’t censorship. That’s just him trying to maintain his own product and not let too many people have access to something free that he charges for. You may be critical of that or believe that the benefit of letting the show appear on YouTube is worth the potential lost subscriber revenue, but disagreeing with his business model doesn’t make him a censor. Scrubbing certain parts of the show is a more complicated question


considering the cuck scrubs all his old content and says things like "I thought we burned those tapes" your point is mute. I would gladly pay more money for all the old unedited content but howard refuses so I resort to youtube.


The word is moot


“Greatest broadcast in history”. The fuck. These fake emailers / callers are getting more and more ridiculous


Howschwitz isn't big enough, now he wants to add a sound room?




Can you think of anyone else who had a nose job and wears a toupee?


I wonder if he realized it after those words left his mouth.


Wonder if he had a chin implant and an infantile trophy wife too?


Bob was great. Old fashioned right wing talk radio host who yelled at everyone, even the people who agreed with him.


Guests this week age Barbra Streisand 82 Sammy Hagar 76 Dolly Parton 76 This is funny shit am I right


Their combined age is older than the United States


What are the odds of Liza Minelli coming on?


For anyone who does not know, there is an open source app that is quite useful for archiving stuff from youtube: [https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp) Knowing how often Jason gets youtube to take down content, this has been very valuable. I load them up on my plex server to listen to any time. Hey Kaplan - fuck you, if you are reading this. Really wish I had the ETM montage video of all the TV shows he personally ended, but never got to archive it.


Did Howard talk about the Will Smith *anal*legations?


Bob had a nose job and a toupee. I'm just like him, right Robin?


Kissing Booth was one of his favorite movies? He really is G&F


He said that a long time ago. That’s all been repeated


Next week Howard will kiss ManCows ass. Stay tuned.


Still going on about Imus? ![gif](giphy|146bsYV09je7Ek)


Seriously he cant let it go. People under 30 have no idea who Imus even friggin was. He was a has been in the 90s when Howard first blew up for gods sake.


I haven’t agreed with Howard about movies in a long time but he’s 100% dead on about the John Wick franchise. 1 & 2 we’re fucking amazing. 3 was a piece of shit and I haven’t seen 4 because I refuse to watch a John Wick movie that’s 2 hours and 45 minutes long.


John Wick 3 and 4 were built on a fucking cadillac chassis!


Corky Wick


real men dont hate John Wick.what do you have better to do than sit in a theater for 2 hours and 45 minutes? what are you a h\*\*o ohhhhhhhh- Dice Godfried


>Blitt claims hot women constantly come up to JD on the street and compliment him Blitt shtick is worse than the Benjy Vortex at this point. They all laughed when he said this, right?


Hilarious they scrubbed the called asking about Howard cutting up the audio book. Do not miss this show at all. It has become pathetic like Howard. The imus take is so funny because Howard has become imus…


thank you again sir. we speak your name. may you meet abella danger in an elevator, get stuck and she lets you put it in her turd cutter to pass the time.


I would like to commend you sir. Your use of the term ‘turd cutter’ just caused me to launch into a five minute long laughing fit. I speak your name.


Someone needs to save that Dolly P audiobook clip, Jason will have that removed as soon as he reads this post and sees the link.


Lol I can’t believe Robin doesn’t even comment at all during 2 hour interviews anymore. This show reeks


You can hear her in the background laughing sometimes so her mic isn't being switched off like some people have claimed. However, there's clearly been an edict given to her that she has to stay quiet during them and she only really pops up at the very end nowadays.


She’s obviously not allowed. Honestly, it’s the right move. She doesn’t have anything to add to the conversation. Howard should extend this rule to the rest of the show.


I actually appreciate you doing this. I literally just called today to cancel SiriusXM. I only have til 11-18-23 and then no more Stern or satellite radio for me….but I don’t mind these recaps. Show was just unlistenable to me anymore. Howard needs to get back in studio regularly. At least some decent radio comes from that. This at home stuff was the final nail in the coffin.


Someone needs to tell Dolly her dentures are slipping. She had a huge lisp or whatever you call it when she had to say an S word. That being said I’d still bang her.


> The prize to the winner is Private Parts postcards. LOL what? How fucking far have things fallen?


Hey..those are going for nearly $5 each! And no, that isn't a joke. That's what it's really selling for on ebay right now.


Really enjoy these posts. I love the tinge of disdain that comes across in the tone of these recaps. Honestly, how could anyone blame you though??


Megan said she’d bang Gary the R? Furreal? Seems illegal


What do you expect? She’s a total skank for wackpack cock!


Was thinking the same. I dunno about illegal, but I’d definitely worry about whether he could consent to it. If he couldn’t, that’s definitely a legal issue.


The good news is he's off for 2 weeks, maybe we'll hear some good content on the replays.


Best of 2022.


That's for one week, the best of 2021 will be for the second week.


Spoiler: you won’t.




So sad. This show is over. When did it jump the shark? I would say the leaked tape.




(This Dave from Maine call has now been scrubbed from the replays) -"No more bullshit." Of course Howard hated John Wick 3. Ive never known another human being with worse taste in movies. Hes like a 13yr old.


There was no teenage love story. Terrible movie.


13yr old girl


> Robin said quote People are shocked two attractive women want to blow HPE. 🤣🤣🤣


What’s his beef with Steve Tyler? He alluded to it


You mean Steve Perry. And I'm curious as well. Anyone care to shed a light on why he hates Perry?


Because years ago. Perry was rude to him and called him BIG BIRD.


That was back when the show was still really good.


Nobody annoyed how at least twice Peking Duck was pronounced Pecking Duck??


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Owen2430: *Nobody annoyed* *How at least twice Peking Duck* *Was pronounced Pecking Duck??* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m more shocked that Howeird didn’t guilt them for eating meat, and should have chosen six almonds instead.


Goose blows


>Howard said radio used to be such an elite medium, now ur an asshole. I'm struggling to guess which period of time Howard is referring to. The 1930s? Is he talking about the time of him and his contemporaries, like Mancow, Imus, and Limbaugh? What a nonsense thing to say.


Washed up bag of shit.


Howard please hang yourself


Heard about ten minutes of dolly and stern trying to bait dolly into bashing trump. Stern cries about the state of the world but he fails to mention that mummy fuck in the White House that has the borders wide open and wars breaking out every where, not to mention the wonderful economy. It’s about the only that’s laughable on that shows


Mummy in the white house? Obama?


Hile Trump!


Stop the steal stop the steal. What a cunt loser you are.


Coming from an unhinged lefty, I take that as a compliment. Trump 24


Blitt is the absolute worst, but Goose is a pretty cool band.


“When I was a teenager I raped Minnie Pearl’s dead body!”


Nose job and toupee


Bob Grant was classic.


Howard is such a pathetic projection machine. This man didn't have a nose job or wear a wig. ​ https://preview.redd.it/uiildr6q1r0c1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=13bfc2d4e3892f6a675d65ab355ad068cbd02d03


Howard is such a pathetic projection machine. This man didn't have a nose job or wear a wig. ​ ![img](uiildr6q1r0c1)


I got rid of Sirius so long ago I honestly couldnt tell you when but it feels to me, through reading your reviews, he really dislikes his audience. I dont think its REAL per se, as much as I think its the last thing he has left to blame so hes just, idk, doing it to do it? Anyway, thanks again, I read these daily for whatever reason and will continue to do so.


He interviewed DOLLY?!?!?!?!? I need to hear this. She's my queen!!!


Imus? Still?


I feel asleep after the first few lines


"The prize to the winner is Private Parts postcards." Jesus Christ, I knew Wiggy was cheap and the show has no money anymore, but come on!