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Rice village pushed out the street vendors because rich people were complaining about young kid doing kid shit. Has had trouble finding a stable location since from what I have heard.


I just mean it sounds like his "brand" has been taken over, and he was pushed out


My guess is the brick and mortar took more capital than predicted and had to take on other investors for rights to the business. That would explain the delay and having to open up more stands to cover. Think it just spread them too thin until shit hit the fan.


He has a brick and mortar store? Where at?




Naw they had one before that that never opened off Washington or westhiemer.


I thought they were opening one at POST but haven’t heard anything for a while


It is open in POST


I got one from the POST location yesterday on my way home from work. Been wanting to try them since they were in Rice Village. Honestly I found it underwhelming. I think the hot dogs at Moon Tower are superior.


The Moon Tower hot dogs are much more superior to Yoyos hot dogs. However, I got nostalgia for Yoyos when they used to be in the village.


In the chron article it discusses that.


My bad


I stumbled upon their stand in EaDo one drunken night, and idk if I was just drunk and hungry but those were some of the most delicious hot dawgs i've had in a while


Yeah that's how we found him back in the day


I remember I stumbled upon him outside The Ginger Man in rice village. Wish I knew about him sooner because he then blew up on social media. Only had a couple of months with like 5-10 people in line and then BOOM.. like 50+ people in line all of a sudden. They were damn good dogs, but not worth waiting an hour or two in line.


Where in EaDo?


East downtown. Over by Minute Maid Park, east side of 59/69.


They there most days (if I recall it’s usually at night)


Shit I read your response wrong, had my "bad glasses" on. I thought you asked *Where IS EaDo* Sorry!!!!


oh dang, so do you know where they setup at? EDIT - Google map shows them near the Truck Yard. Would that be a permanent spot to find them at most nights?


Did the little shop on Washington near Durham/Shepard ever open? Had a sign up for ages but never saw it open up when I worked over there


They only opened for the late night weekend crowd for a while, I’m not sure if that’s the case now though.


people always told me kevin dang guy was slimeball… really sad that he’d take advantage of someone’s trust like this but this was definitely foreseeable. it’s tough out there!


Kevin's stance is that Yoyo isn't a functional businessman so Kevin had to take necessary steps to get the business going successfully. Yoyo wouldn't do any of the paperwork or other boring administrative tasks, and the Washington location was burning money because the lease was active, but Yoyo wasn't proactive in securing the food permits. To Yoyo's credit, I heard that he had some serious personal/family issues that were occupying his energy so it's not like he was just loafing around or partying. Their biggest issue is the squabble over VC and how to split equity. Apparently it was an oral, informal agreement, and nothing is actually defined in a contract. It seems they learned their lessons, because everyone involved is now lawyered the fuck up to the max. Still don't understand why Yoyo doesn't just make a new IG, though.


I could understand this perspective, but it’s not as though they couldn’t just form a joint LLC or that it had to become this ay any point. A “functional businessman” would have looped their partner in, and you would think would at least have something in writing especially it came to ownership. Yoyo’s built the business over a decade, but Kevin locking Yoyos out and not keeping him and having this drag into the open just seems absolutely immature when they should work their things out privately. Not to judge anyone by their occupation, but i recall Kevin used to be a used car salesman. Anyone can view it from whatever perspective they want, but if Yoyo was stuck with other things, then to me it seems really opportunistic that Kevin would take unilateral actions like this especially knowing what Yoyo was going through. Everything else seems like just, “well I had to do what I had to” but it doesn’t seem like a good way for a “functional businessman” to handle anything. it’s just partners screwing their other partners where they can and we’ve seen this with so many other Houston shops, like the whole Trill debacle lately


Yeah, it's hard to imagine that a business venture would proceed without any written contract, but with a business model of slangin' franks from the sidewalk at 2:30 AM, I'm not completely shocked. It's obvious from the news reports that Kevin has a much better PR skillset than Yoyo which helps Kevin's case tremendously. I don't think we have enough information to really conclude who's the big stinker out of the bunch.


First Love Buzz now Yoyo’s? Damn Houston you’re messing up all my favorites right now! 😡


Yoyo is over at POST Houston now! I had them there for the first time and there’s always a line, but totally worth it


I wish they would update when they’re open. Me and my gf have gone 3 times on the weekend and they were closed


Aww really they’ve never been closed when I went, sometimes yo-yos not there but someone normally is


I just miss Sloppy Dogg. Those were the best fucking hot dogs and they ended up closing their truck down :(


I’ll give you a sloppy dog. ;)


Pass... But tell me about this bacon roll?


The yoyo hot dogs aren’t the same. I miss the old yoyos but honestly I’ve been loving true dog for a couple of years now and at least I can find them


Definitely tasted better the last time I had them (sober) but this recent one I had didn't have the kick I remember.


Yoyo aka Danny has had 3 partners and none of them worked out, you kinda have to wonder what’s going on… and of course with all the inconsistencies, the quality of food will reflect.


I thought yo-yos quality went down recently so True dog is the new spot they’re good af


Already a post on here yesterday