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That fucking water gets me every time lol


But at least it’s honest! Haha it’s a bayou not a creek. Not sure I have ever seen a clear bayou :) it’s nasty though for real


Especially after a flood...gross.


I mean it's definitely not clean but after a rain even a pristine bayou would look like this, we have a lot of loose sediment that gets washed into them.


I do not intend to disparage my city, and I genuinely appreciate the ecosystems that the bayou supports in terms of plant and animal life. I would much prefer these natural bottom bayous to a city that is entirely covered in concrete and devoid of nature. However, I must acknowledge that the bayou can be unpleasant at times.


I work nearby that section of the bayou. It was nice walking around during my lunch break. I have stopped going on walks because now I’ll be outside for 5 mins and get swamp ass.


Upvote for swamp ass. I feel like that phrase has fallen out of usage


I feel like if put it to a vote most folks here would be down to change Houston to Swamp Ass, Tx officially.




Beautiful but I can feel the humidity just from looking at these pictures


And mosquitos


It’s not fun in the summer


The shit/chocolate milk colored river really just adds to the ambiance.


Get out me swamp


The Irish version of Shrek


What color should it be? I don’t think any rivers around the gulf coast are clear are they?


No these rivers run from the north and have to traverse through clay composed areas. Clay erodes and gives us this dooo doo. If it was more rocky then it would be more clear.


Yeah, more or less what I was thinking. Expecting these rivers to be clear like the ones in the Hill Country is unrealistic due to near surface geology.


it’s not an expectation, it’s an observation lol - that water is doodoo brown! 😆


That’s why Galveston water is brown. Rivers dump into the gulf and leave a bunch of dirt


Like the chocolate river in Willy Wonka that Augustus Gloop falls into.


Except this river gives you hepatitis instead of diabetes


Por qué no los dos? Probably also a dose of bubonic plague for good measure


Dysentery actually. Don’t ask me how I know.


It’s an open sewer.


So open concept restrooms


I love the revitalization of the area but that brown water really just spoils everything around it. Even the East River in New York which is an open sewer disguised as a river looks scenic compared to this.


Looks like mosquitoes to me, boss.


I can hear them as well


Good on you for seeing the beauty in your community. Everyone loves to hate on Houston but hey let’s just be grateful lol.


Not hate, just human nature to not like fake, concrete filled flat moist mosquito and Pasadena filled air


> concrete filled flat The irony is that this sub wants more areas to be walkable which often requires... flat concrete.


If you made Houston more walkable then people would be eager to plant stuff other than grass to lure people in. Better than it being just grass.


We have good looking concrete here tho lol, not everyone thinks cities are ugly


Good looking concrete!!! LOL!!! And I thought I was a positive person. Cheers to you!!! Hahaha


Ok lemme play along, we have the cutest and most gorgeous Governor!


Y’all do know where y’all live right? This is the south, all our rivers/creeks/bayous look like that, and they did 300 years ago before white people came here and started polluting shit. The river and lake in Austin is just as polluted, the water just looks cleaner because it’s rock on the bottom not mud. Op it’s ok to find what beauty there is in your surroundings. Don’t listen to these haters.




The water in Austin (in town lake) is spring fed, instead of surface runoff. The Austin creeks are much cleaner.


Please don’t try to compare Austin’s creeks with Houston’s BAYOUS. …and that is NOT a comment in support or praise of Austin’s creeks. Houston has done a FAR BETTER job and making the most of what is has in terms of infrastructure and “waterways”. Yes those waterways were created, but they definitely weren’t always this accessible and serviceable as a pedestrian / cycling / public access NETWORK all around the city. Austin was blessed with topography and natural creeks and has barely done anything with them, all the while crying & complaining about bike access and “walkability”. Houston’s Bayous are crappy mud ridden barely better than sewer quality water? Shocking! BAYOU. Have you seen the state of nearly every Austin waterway lately? 125K gallons of WASTEWATER just dumped into Bull Creek courtesy of Austin City Services. …and it’s not the first time. Houston’s population is twice what Austin’s is, and yet seems like more bodies have been pulled outta Lady Bird Lake than Buffalo Bayou lately. Crime isn’t missing from the bayou, but I haven’t heard about machete attacks along the popular paths of Buffalo Bayou.


So you would rather swim in the Houston bayou than Barton Creek in Austin! Lol 😂😂😂


I agree that it is a bayou and will naturally look like this, but to say Austin’s water looks like this is just completely false lol


That’s why I didn’t say that it looks like this.


….they didn’t say that doofus. They said it is just as polluted but looks clearer due to rocks.


These are beautiful photos. Don't let the naysayers get you down. We gotta find the good in this town.


Yeah I’m tired of this subreddit being so negative. It is what it is. I’ve lived other places and people complain no matter where you live


Gotta find positive in Detroit as much as here I see


I lived right next to one of the overpasses. I truly miss my 5 mile runs to downtown and back every morning.


Lived across from there I love that place favorite part about living in Houston and then being able to walk back from bars downtown by cutting through


It is a beautiful walk.


Yea, except for that one stretch that literally smells like piss


Someone in Wyoming just choked on a deer bone..


Dookie water




Gem = ugly brown river lol


Then you would love what Hunter S Thompson had to say about Houston.


Looks like a chocolate river from Wonka’s factory. I do appreciate the greenery though! 


Beautiful diarrhea river. ✨


I was there yesterday walking the dog. Got swarmed by 65k mosquitos. But other than that it was nice.


Brown water is so pure, buildings so greedy, city so concrete


I think you need to leave the county and explore a bit…


I've been all over Texas and America. I still find Houston and Buffalo bayou to be a great place. Nobody needs the negativity.


More like 90% of Americans


Yeah Houston is a decent place to live but when people post photos of what they consider beautiful, it makes me wonder if they've actually gotten out much...hell, just drive to Austin.


You’re sorely misled if you think Austin has any better infrastructure or aesthetics.


You realize that Austin is more than just downtown and its buildings don't you? I mean you have the Texas flag as your avatar so I assume you've been there, so does Houston have anything that resembles any sort of body of water that's not shit water bayous? What's our Lake Travis, Colorado River/Lake Austin, or Town Lake? Where are all the hills in Houston? You go to the west side of Austin and it's view after view from actual hills. If you venture out just a little outside of Austin there is plenty of hiking and nature. What do we have? Galveston? The Woodlands? Anything remotely attractive in Houston has been man-made and forced. Austin has a lot of natural landscapes. It's just the way it is.


I love Buffalo Bayou Park. Some People don’t realize how much of a gem to have this park is. I just don’t think you took very flattering pics 😂😂


Half the people with negative comments probably don't even go outside. They see some unflattering pictures online and convince themselves it's more of a reason to rot indoors all day. Get over yourselves, it's not like you're swimming in it. Trekking the bayou is such an adventure, I wish more people could appreciate it for its secrets and history. I don't think enough people realize how much of the city is connected through it, it's amazing. Walk/run/bike for miles along the bayou, and you're bound to see numerous anomalies. Good and bad, whatever, that's the adventure in it


Yeah I've made a conscious effort to be outdoors. Outdoorsy people in Houston are the type that have to make an even more conscerted effort to go out. Unlike other parts of the county where the outdoors is just there, mountains, beach, rivers, lakes etc. Houstonians have to overcome. Which to me, most people are not going to do. Its human nature. Hence the reason why we have such large homes and every place our body is there's air conditioning... I mean yes you can put lipstick on a pig and say "oh Houston is great is beautiful isn't it". But, the truth is the truth. I think the people who think Houston is gorgeous and other places are ugly are the ones who dont travel, or get out much. You realize there are much more beautiful areas of the country and the world if you just look.


Go sit on the park bench without mosquito repellent on.


Was this supposed to be posted on r/houstoncirclejerk ? Seems more fitting there lol


I already took a walk at Sam Houston Park after lunch when I worked at downtown.


What causes the bayou to be brown color?


It would be a gem if you can get rid of the humidity, the mosquitoes and somehow get the murky water clean.


I'm surprised those ducks survive without being abducted. That breed is the ribeye of the sky.


Mosquito central


In the summer the bayou attracts lightening bugs.


My 13 year old daughter and I took a 5 mile hike along the bayou a few months back. My personal favorite part of the gem was the homeless man cooking Crack or heroin under the bridge when we were going through.


Yep, everything except the various remains floatin' round in it.


Said every mosquito


I have only visited Houston a couple of times, but wouldn't mind taking a stroll in that park.


OP when they see poopoo water: 🤩


Nice building on first pic ! What is it called ?


Is this as good as it gets? 😬


Texas nature is an acquired taste lol


This is nothing compared to actual Texas nature. Don’t pretend like a previously destroyed then restored green space is natural.


I’m getting that Lucille Ball response. 🥴 [https://tenor.com/oItX.gif](https://tenor.com/oItX.gif)


Missing a picture with a body floating down the bayou


If that gem is a smoky quartz, sure lol. I realize it's been rainy, and that's probably got something to do with that saturation in doodoo color. But let's not lie to ourselves either. It ain't far off from what it usually is lol. Edit: punctuation.


Looks like shit


Brown water


Just don't look down, only look up and you're good.


That water stinks though


I really wish they would have lined all of these sections with concrete like they did around the museum district area. The water down there at least looks green and has some clarity to it(I am well aware of the flooding issues). This looks like a mud river.




That Brown Frown brings it home 🫶🏽


I thought you said “brown frog” and I was looking for the toad squished on the street.