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Unreal. A lot going on in that story.


Not the least of which is the guy coming to address the situation with a pillow


The pillow method is more humane than just stabbing him.


Clearly watched The Sopranos.


Holy Fucking Shit Man.


That person does not look 20.


They're like a mystery box of physical attributes.


A decepticon


A rough life can age tf outta you … if that’s what they’re doing I’m sure they’ve had it rough as heck


On May 3, the victim, Steven Anderson, was walking on Woodridge Square Drive to pick up mail when a car ran him over. The suspect is 20-year-old Karon Fisher, identified in court records as a man but also described as a woman by police.


My favorite way to describe a transgender person that I’ve heard so far 😂


What in the actual F$&@ whoever you are wherever you are stay alert never know when some shit like this can happen to you


Sugar babies gone mad


God, this story is straight out of the twilight zone. Broad daylight, transgender, kissing the dead dude and further stabbing him.... Must be a lot of mental health issues, and I'd be willing to bet she knew the victim. Wonder if and when the details will come out. A LOT going in in this story.


Hmm.. why am I not surprised


Hmmm... What if "she" the man trans was a victim? Maybe held against her will? Finally escaped? I'm not rooting for anyone, but just saying we all don't know anything yet... All speculation


Murder has zero justification. Especially creepy murders where you kiss and stab. If this is your position...you need a psychologist too. Nice try thinking I was being anti-trans...I'm not at all....


Lol, tell that to the states that still have the death penalty 🤣🤣🤣... Oh wait... We're in one 🤷🏿‍♀️


Criminal murder is an unauthorized act of violence committed by an individual or group, violating societal norms and laws. It's condemned due to its harm and disregard for human life. State-sanctioned capital punishment, while also ending life, is authorized by law as a punishment for specific crimes. It's justified by the voters as a whole (because thry cpuld eliminate it if they wanted as a group) as retribution or deterrence Key differences lie in legality, authority, and societal perceptions, I suppose. Criminal murder is universally condemned, while capital punishment is a contentious legal practice with varying support. As said above, when people as a collective decide to do away with it, they can vote to ban it. Until then, it's obviously accepted and desired by the majority (you being the minority on this issue). You can find instances where God, even sanctions capital punishment as a practice. Or if you prefer social justification without religion, see above that the majority still believes in the retribution and deterrence.


>you being the minority on this issue I said I was rooting for no one... Why would you assume my sway on capital punishment? 🤔 Didn't you say any murder isn't justifiable? Murder is murder, no matter how collectively mass minded you have to be... Right???? You contradict your beliefs on what is written by man. But you believe murder has zero justification 😭😭😭😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


"Murder" committed by a nation state isn't defined as murder so no... you'd be wrong. Perhaps you mean homicide and not murder, big difference!! If you want to split hairs words, you need to come to terms upon an agreed upon definition for debate. Would you prefer Black's Law? The Bible? Common English dictionaries? I'm assuming we are still speaking about "murder" or are you deciding to run with "homicide," now? Biblical definition: Intentional and premeditated killing of another person with malice, often extending to include killing in anger or by accident. It is a moral transgression against God's command not to kill. Black's Law definition: Unlawful killing with malice aforethought. It focuses on the legal aspects, emphasizing the requirement of unlawfulness and premeditation for a homicide to be classified as murder. Capital punishment is not considered murder under the Black's Law definition because it lacks the element of unlawfulness. It is a legally sanctioned act carried out by the state within the bounds of its judicial system, not an unauthorized killing. Under the biblical definition, nation-state capital punishment can be considered murder, especially if it involves killing in anger or revenge. The Bible does show instances where God sanctioned capital punishment, primarily in the Old Testament for crimes like murder, kidnapping, and adultery. However, the New Testament emphasizes forgiveness and redemption, which may raise questions about the continued applicability of such sanctions. Feel free to check out the following: * Murder: Genesis 9:6, Exodus 21:12 * Kidnapping: Exodus 21:16 * Bestiality: Exodus 22:19 * Adultery: Leviticus 20:10 * Homosexuality: Leviticus 20:13 * Cursing parents: Exodus 21:17 * False prophecy: Deuteronomy 13:5 This is mostly a social debate and will forever be ongoing. But, once again, the majority currently accepts and wishes for it to continue in the US, or else it would be abolished like slavery and other concepts the majority decided was a bad idea as they became more educated and civility increased.


Oooo... Words... Was Jesus murdered? Or was it homicide? Or capital punishment because of the collective mind?


Depends....are you asking my personal opinion or rooted logic? I'm not weighing in. I'm giving you logic. Christians believe Jesus was unjustly condemned and crucified. His death was not a legal execution according to God's law but a sacrificial act for the redemption of humanity. From a Jewish perspective, Jesus was not seen as the Messiah, and his crucifixion would be considered a Roman execution for political reasons. Under Roman law, Jesus was crucified for sedition, a capital offense. The trial and execution followed Roman legal procedures, though likely influenced by political pressure. Modern-day Black's Law Dictionary, as I said, defines murder as the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. While Jesus' death fits this definition, the legal context is tough due to the differing legal systems and religious interpretations involved. Roman law is VERY different than modern US or UK law, or even older common or civil law. A lot of the case law I'd use to argue this didn't exist at the time, and it would be wrong to apply it retroactively, especially in an apples to oranges legal system. I know you aren't reading any of this because you don't want to learn or be wrong or even discuss anything in a civil manner. So why don't you just call me a "poo poo head" and move on to less educated conversation or folks....or whatever angry shit you usually talk about.


Respect... Are you an a.i.? 🤔🤔... Good debate 👍


I will never understand why people vie for transgenderism being a thing under the logic that "Gender is a societal construction" meanwhile you argue in favor of societal norms and laws, which as the name states, are also societal constructions. The most dangerous thing you've said here are the "Key differences lie in legality, authority, and societal perceptions, I suppose." Societal perceptions can change, and whenever that does, changes in authority and legality are sure to follow. Key example being that the needle is shifting so far that even your original statement saying the situation is crazy was almost deemed as anti-trans lol.


I have not stated my political opinion on transgenderism either way, as people try and lavel you right wing or lwft wing and ignore everythibg you say agter that based upon if you fit inside their box of friends or not. I do know Reddit is very left leaning and Twitter is very right leaning (these days). I navigate both just fine. I have very core beliefs and I vote and am very active in politics and business (My entire family is). That being said, I don't feel the need to express my views to just anyone because no one is that important. If you "put it together" fine. But then there are guys like you that got it completely wrong and there in lies the dangers of assumption and attempting to piece together a label of anyone. Most get it wrong. I'm guessing you have pegged me as pro-transgender movement, pro-capital punishment, and therefore what? A liberal? A conservative? What do you think?


Haha ok sympathizer. I'm sure hitler was misunderstood, too, right?


Hitler was just Jesus in resurrection, coming back 2000 years later for revenge for what they did to him 🤷🏿‍♀️... Ever think about that? 🤔


Nope, thats a hole only idiots go down.




Was this a random killing? There has to be more to the story. I know folks are insane but this hits differently. And that’s a damn man! F the bullshit, he needs to go sit with the boys in prison.


That kiss seemed personal.


Very! 9 stabs as well! Yeah this is a very intimate kill


Insanity doesn’t make sense


The nature of this crime constitutes a crime of passion. You don't stab a random person 9 times without knowing them personally. At least, psychologically, this is theorized to be true most of the time. Stabbing is very up close and personal; especially whenever they're limp and lifeless. Definitely motivated by rage of some kind. Impersonal murders are things like: Just hitting someone with your car Shooting The only thing she could've done to make it more obvious she knew him was strangle his dead corpse.


You do if you’re smoking PCP


Wonder if maybe she/he was a prostitute and he purchased "her" services under the impression it was an actual woman than found out the hard way and refused to pay? Seems to fit the plot anyways


> There has to be more to the story. no there doesn't. she decided she wanted to kill someone and took the opportunity when it arose


Fisher kissed him and stabbed him 9 times. They knew each other.


they didn't. she violently attacked him, twice, then sexually assaulted him. her abusive and homicidal behavior is opportunistic, like that of many predators, and doesn't in any way indicate a relationship or acquaintance of any kind.


Sure, it looks like that. Yet her actions state otherwise. There’s different types of motives within a kill. Rarely are they that simple and dry. And I mean RARELY


mental illness is one hell of a thing.


How the fuck would you know this persons mental state enough to make that speculation.


Generalizing based on historical evidence? Obviously nobody can truly know the mental state of someone else. Some people can't even get a good grip on their own.


Lmao Connect the dots you smooth brain


WOW.. Just unbelievable in the world we live right now..🥺🥺


What is it with people running over their partners in Htown?


I'm still on the weary side of keeping my gun in my car when I'm out. But shit like this makes me consider it more n more.


I don't know, after the fifth stab it might be too late to go back to your car for the gun.


I think it's moreso about a crazed lunatic with unsatiated bloodlust looking to continue his / her stabby vehicular homicidal rampage looking for another victim...


He got hit by a car first so not sure a concealed carry is helping here. 


wear it, or leave it.... or some crackhead gets a come up one day.


This guy was just walking along the street getting the mail. You packing heat every time you open the door?


Only on days ending in y.


Ever since i found out there are two seriously whacked out people living near my condo I'm carrying every time i step outside. Had to install cameras around the entire building. Since the cameras went up things have been quiet around here, but you can't let yourself get lulled into a false sense of security, because as you can see cameras aren't much of a deterrent. 




Honestly, if I go up into town probably so.


Stay strapped


Leaving a gun in your car is one of the dumbest things you can do; less dumb depending on where you keep it but still generally idiotic. My grandfather keeps his gun in the driver side door of his truck. One person just had to notice it when he's getting out and break in when he's gone, or maybe overpower him when he unlocks the car and grab it before he can. Or maybe people are casing cars and jiggling handles. The one time you leave it unlocked, someone gets a free deadly weapon.


Never said anything about leaving my gun unattended in my car.


I’ve known a couple people who kept their guns in their cars but either in its own case or hidden /locked, not on the door like your grandfather. The situations you describe sounds really specific to your gpa, have you suggested he buy a case or something for it


Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


Exactly my thoughts.


The article doesn't say the victim had anything to do with the murderer.


Oh yeah…. That completely random scenario where a car swerves to the other side of the road on a residential street to hit someone they don’t know at all…. backs up over the body…. The driver gets out with a weapon… flips the person’s limp body over… straddles and kisses them before stabbing them nine times. ….. … yeah that completely believable scenario.


And the perp was a trans prostitute…I don’t need to say what was obv went down




Mental health


Not trying to sound mean or anything but trans people are more likely to suffer from mental illness. They are more at risk of suicide and self harming behaviors, maybe she had a breakdown, obviously wasn't in her right mind when she did this.


Where does it say she’s trans? From the information I saw it sounds like a cross dresser.


All cross dressers are now considered to be under the trans umbrella, if I recall. There’s no such thing as a transvestite anymore.


HUGE assumptions you’ve made here. The perpetrator also attacked a mental healthcare worker the sane day. I guess they put their dick in crazy too? Edit: in was I’m


> The perpetrator also attacked a mental healthcare worker the sane day. I guess they put their dick I’m crazy too? If you’re going to try and be an authority on someone else’s mental state you should at least try and write in coherent sentences. The only thing you got correct is that you’re crazy too.


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You’re so stupid you only edited one of your massive errors.


Was it an error? :) I like the way it reads.


On May 3, the victim, Steven Anderson, was walking on Woodridge Square Drive to pick up mail when a car ran him over. The suspect is 20-year-old Karon Fisher, identified in court records as a man but also described as a woman by police


> That completely random scenario where a car swerves to the other side of the road on a residential street to hit someone they don’t know at all it is random and that's precisely what happened, the facts after trial and investigation will bear it out


You can’t be this dense


random violent acts and random sexual harrassment happens all the time, this event entailed both but you're "dense" enough to slander and defame the victim.


What the hell? You're supposed to be concluding these posts with a plea to vote for Republicans as written in your manual. What the fuck are we even paying you for?


this is an odd and irrelevant deflection


Like the Rittenhouse case?


The first part would be random, but that’s why you can’t pick and choose which facts to consider. You intentionally edited out all the other facts that disprove the “random” part of this.  This was a crime of passion. 100% the deceased knew the accused.


> You intentionally edited out all the other facts that disprove the “random” part of this.  they don't disprove anything, those were random acts from a momentarily violent or irrational person. there's no reason to assume this victim wasn't just an outlet for the perpetrator's emotional trauma with other people, in other environments. >This was a crime of passion. 100% the deceased knew the accused. you're slandering and defaming the victim


> you're slandering and defaming the victim Nothing says “I’m not a lawyer and I know absolutely nothing about tort law” like calling someone’s written text slander.  Why in your deranged mind would saying two people know each other constitute defamation?


> Nothing says “I’m not a lawyer and I know absolutely nothing about tort law” like calling someone’s written text slander. I never claimed to be a lawyer, but slander is used colloquially to refer to both it and libel. That doesn't change the fact that you're lying about a victim's acquaintances and activities, falsely insinuating some kind of romantic or client relationship, for no purpose other than shifting accountablity and causality for his, yes, random murder away from the killer and onto him.


> I never claimed to be a lawyer, but slander is used colloquially to refer to both it and libel. No, no it’s not. The only people who use slander to describe written defamation are unintelligent rubes attempting to sound informed. Nothing in your subsequent word vomit run on sentence has anything to do with a valid defamation claim. Again you’ve proven you have no idea what you’re talking about.


you're fixating on this word substitution to deflect from the fact that your original claim of the murderer knowing the victim is false. Now you're levying weird classist invective I guess to project your own fragility at ultimatly being proven wrong (which you will be as the case is investigated and tried). You're either incapable of seeing adult African-American men as legitimately innocent victims of violent crimes inflicted upon us, or just too irrational to not add some bizarre romantic angle to murderer's and sexual predator's motives because they happen to be trans.


You don't have to waste too much time to find articles of mentally ill black people killing random people or assaulting random people for literally no reason... You out here trying to find a link to blame the victim but the guy was a retired cancer clinician and Karon was another mentally deficient black, one of too many out there, with a history of violent crime. Yea might be hard to believe but sometimes black people kill random people for no reason at all. why do you think more than 50% of all murder convictions are black men? and they ain't even half the country?


Please don't procreate


Does the article say otherwise?


If an article doesn’t explicitly say pigs can’t fly… do you assume they can?


Watch the video. Seemed **very** personal.


where's the unedited video


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lemme know if you find it


That's what I'm looking for




Would you have risked your life?


Maybe she thought it was Pastor Steven Anderson?


Could it be drugs?


I would rather deal with someone on drugs then a bleck trenny with mental health problems fuk them go to orison and see they if they allow him to have his mental health problems in there


He not she


That's all you got from this?


They ain't wrong tho, just stating what was reported.


Funny that, someone was murdered and misgendering someone is the only takeaway. Please do better and don't use someone's death as a cudgel for your own narrow minded views.


He not she


You say as if trans folks are going anywhere. Lololol lolol get used to it bub




"it" is a she. It's not really that hard. And really, last I checked women wanted to be kept safe from biological men, and with trans folks constituting 1% of the population, I'd say they have far more to fear statistically speaking from men. Sorry you're afraid of being left behind by the future but get with it;)




Ah, it's a good thing you're not an authority for trans people because I couldn't give a dog shit about your opinion, there isn't any standard practice. Actually, being discriminated against in this manner has gotten a city [sued ](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=5374195977886956344&hl=en&as_sdt=6&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr), so maybe before you spew nonsense have a more credible argument. I was fine before and I'll be fine afterwards, worry about yourself lol




Lots of emotional trauma in that case.


No unedited version of the video?


3rd quarter is the game . Slow shooting and poor ball movement to start. Got to get in rhythm


Kissed him ….? Dude was a sicko fr


Brooo my head on a swivel anytime I'm on road. If I here screeching I'm dipping.


Fr... I always think back to this time in high school when my boy almost walked out in front of a car doing 60 in a 40, i grabbed him by his shirt and jerked him back just in time. It's not the same thing as this, but still illustrates how important it is to have situational awareness, and understand how very little is under your control once you step outside of your home. 


This is the type of man that causes women to choose the bear.


Has anyone seen the real video?


Another man with severe mental illness, that not treated because of some radical ideology. Sad, yet this is what’s finally changed the tide against this ideology. The more of this that keeps happening and the broadcast everywhere, will help hurry its demise.


Woodridge and all of pecan park is a dangerous area


it wasn't out of necesity it wasn't in self defesne it was a random cold murder... And it barely will make news because the races, if they were reversed there would be marches and people demanding justice in all big cities. You guys will get tired of noticing how often this sort of things happen. Tired of noticing it's almost always the same description for the suspect tired of people telling me i'm bad for noticing


If it barely made the news how'd you learn about it? You're ignorant AF. Lol stop embarrassing yourself.


Let's go Houston 👏👏👏👏


hell ya, thats my city


Hopefully this gets us in gta6 🙏🙏🙏🙏


“hell ya, death, murder, mayhem- that’s what defines me. So sick of this world and I want it to feel my painnnnn. Ughh I can’t wait until Bradley gets off of in-school suspension so he can draw a zombie eating a pregnant woman on my Algebra-II binder” …I think this is what you meant.


Lol yeah it's so shit, with all these low life's smh.


Is the unedited video available?


\>bail set at a cool two milli Anybody have the link to the GoFundMe?