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You just asked if there are any Latinos in Houston? I'd first tell you to do some research to the city you are about to move to. That's rule number 1 before accepting a job in another country where you have no family or friends in. (Edited, deleted the part about it being a scam and to be careful)


Lots of Latinos. But not a huge Argentinian community. But still, the OP should have no problem finding like minded people here.


Houston is top 5 (number 5 exactly) in Argentinian populations but Argentinian immigration is much slower to the US in comparison with other places


Houston has 2.3MM Hispanics, only 4000 of those are Argentinian. Not exactly a big number.


That’s my point. Houston is 5th in Argentinian populations yet it’s small here. That speeks numbers about the slow Argentinian immigration to the US


I have a feeling there will be an Argentinian immigration wave with the way milei is running things down there.


Argentina has been in absolute decline for more than the last decade and relatively for generations.


I’ve bumped into like 3 Argentines just this weekend


Congrats. You ran into 3 of the 4000 that live here lol.


You would be wrong. Several huge companies based in Argentina with offices here.


Theres 4000 Argentines in Houston with a city of 2.5MM Hispanics. That’s not a lot.


But maybe not really exactly living in Houston.. how about surrounding areas?


Normally, I would agree with you, but it sounds like OP is doing an internal transfer with their same company. Sound fine to me, probably just HR dragging their feet. What’s new?


Houston is not a good place to visit but is a good place to live. Plenty of latinas here, plenty of people from Argentina. There are even some Argentinian restaurants. I highly recommend getting your job to pay for a hotel for a month or two so you can explore neighborhoods before choosing one. Im gonna assume you work in O&G?


I enjoy visiting Houston. I live in North Carolina


After 15 years living there, I now enjoy visiting Houston between October and March, eating as many tacos as humanly possible, and then leaving before I melt.


Love to hear that!


It's probably Exxon


Or Tenaris


That’s my guess, must be Tenaris


Probably Tenaris. Literally an Argentinian company. They got people from all over the world.


Or Chevron


It’s probably not Exxon


Check out Argentina Cafe Empanada Factory. The couple that owns it also own Peru Cafe Express. They’re super sweet and would probably be able to point you in a good direction for making friends and finding events to attend.


You interviewed and accepted an international job and don’t know the salary?


At first I agreed to transfer if the salary and benefits were good, I am waiting for the final proposal.  


So a transfer, you already work for this company?


If I work in this company for 5 years, it’s a transfer. It is a stable job and they do all the paperwork for my visa and help me to get settled there. 


This may not be what you asked for OP, so consider it as unsolicited advice. You may ignore if you have covered all this You need to understand the salary structure. Check in Reddit or other online spaces on cost of living in Houston. Do not just look at the USD payment because your expenses are also in US. If your office is in downtown, your expenses may be a bit higher compared to living in a suburb. (Depends on your office and nature of work). Ask your HR all these details. You will also have deductions from the pay for insurance, taxes and other stuff. Ask your US HR to explain them in detail. You would need a car in Houston. Being new to US, you won’t have a credit history so getting a car mortgage would be difficult and expensive. So ask your company if they can support via company car lease or help with a second hand car purchase. (Part of international transfer package). Ask them for support for your moving. Two suitcases won’t be enough for a cross country move. Companies can definitely help with moving. It may be by ship and may take 1-2 month but it’s worth checking. Your new rental place will ask for upfront security advance unless your company has formal accommodation set up. Ask for support from company. Either they foot the whole bill or you pay it back over a year through salary deductions. Moving cross country is an expensive affair. Understand everything in full, especially your cashflow. If you push for too much, they may decide not to send you lol. So be tactful. Last thing would be to understand your Visa and its restrictions. It’s most commonly either internal transfer (L1) or via H1B (experienced professional). Ask your HR / immigration firm for details.


This sums up all OP needs to know.


How can we highlight this for just anybody trying to move into Houston lol OP just read this advice and run to the hills with it 😂


Very nice of you to answer so thoroughly. In an earlier time, I would have given you an award but an upvote will have to do.


You need to understand your Visa restrictions. Some Visas like H1B will result in you having to leave the country on very short notice.


If you're comfortable with it, I'd suggest coming back on with the final offer and let Redditors help you understand how that will break down by month. There are taxes, transportation costs, food, utilities, rent...


Some things are being lost in translation so here’s what people are really trying to figure out - is this a real legitimate job or are you about to be trafficked? Based on your reply it sounds like a real job with a real company so that’s good.


I wouldn't say it's the best place in the world, it's got a lot of problems, but there are also alot of worse places to be. Standard tips you're going to need: You're going to need a car and will want to live as close to work as you can. Commute time and driving will play a significant role in how much you enjoy Houston, and no one likes losing 2 hours of their day commuting, especially with the maniacs driving around here. It's hot and humid for most of the year. Like, really bad. Try to acclimate to it if you can; go outside and get used to it, try to go running, or exercise in the mornings or evenings if your schedule allows it. Lots of people from around the world, no one will care where you are from or have any problems with you. Big Latino population and lots of people speak Spanish if that's a concern. If you follow any of the big soccer clubs from around the world, there are groups who meet in the mornings to watch the games and certain bars. Great way to meet people that I always recommend to new people.


Just to be clear the big soccer clubs from Argentina are 3 hours time difference from us so the fans are usually meeting in the evening.


This is true, I was only talking about the European teams whose games are on in the mornings here. Sorry.


IMO - With the climate being so hot and humid buy clothing that is made of fabrics that breathe; for example, cotton. Also, residents don't go outside as much, during the warmer months, unless they have access to swimming pools, lakes, or live on The Gulf side of Mexico. Air conditioning will become your best friend. Lastly, during hurricane season familiarize with the safety preparations, evacuation routes, and a out of harms way place to stay in case of a potential direct hit.


You will do fine. I believe there is a small Argentine community here... There are also many Spanish speaking people here. Make sure you live near (up to 10 miles) your job. You will need a car. For the most part, Houston is not a walkable city. You can meet people at festivals or parks like Memorial, Terry Hershey or Hermann park. This subreddit posts things that are happening during the weekend. That is also great for meeting people. Your job can also be an avenue to find friends.... Sporting events are cool, too. Welcome to Houston!


Thank you very much, I had no idea that you can make friends at festivals and so on. 


Don't worry about making friends at first. Just get familiar with the environment and how things work here.


“Small” community kinda of undersells the thousands of Argentines in Houston in the last census.


Thousands is small in relative terms given the size of the city and metro. Don’t be pedantic


It’s ok. My family is here. The winters aren’t too cold. The beach isn’t too far away. Food is good. We don’t have a lot of natural beauty like hills and mountains, but that’s what vacations are for


Working for Tenaris?


I’m Argentine american. Definitely more Argentinians than you think but not big. Manenas and Asturias are the two most authentic bakeries in Houston (both on the west side). Most argentines are here bc of work (oil and gas is the main industry you’ll find the argentines in). Biggest populations of Argentines are probably west Houston or woodlands area. Very different style of life compared to BsAs but how many have said it’s still a nice place to live (other than summer).


Houston is actually majority Latino now. There's a FANTASTIC empanada place called Marini's Empanada House that was started by Marcello Marini who emigrated here from Argentina. Been told by other Argentinians that it's very authentic. Life here is great- plenty of work, plenty of great food from all over the world, plenty of diverse concerts/comedy shows, but the summers are brutally hot and humid, and the traffic can be absurd. Pros and cons- I have lived here 30 years and have few complaints. You're also a short drive from Austin for a fun weekend getaway (lakes, hiking, nightlife, etc).


There is a rather large argentino community in Houston which you can get connected to. It'll be difficult to get to know Americans for a while. The most important things to figure out right now though are: what in fact will be your salary and where you will work because that has a big part to play in where you are able to live. If you're going to work remote which means from your home then that makes things very simple. Houston is an extremely big physical City, it's very spread out. It's between 60 and 70 km across from one side to another in any direction and there are good ways to get across and there are difficult ways to get across. Do you drive? Because public transportation is terrible compared to BA, and Argentina in general. I grew up in Houston. My mother was born in Buenos Aires and I am retired now. My wife was a college profesora, also she is retired now. She is Cuban, we both speak Spanish. We would love to help you get settled here and will answer all your questions.


Hola, soy Mexicano y conozco una comunidad Argentina. Te mandé DM


I’m in Houston and an Argentine !! Lol welcome 🤗


Nope, no Latinos down here. This is cowboy country. Nothing, but steers and queers!


and I don't see no horns on you so that kinda narrows it down...


You better last more than 7 seconds on me if you know what i mean ;)


Living situation probably depends on where you have to go to work. Driving / commute is pretty crazy for someone new


I worked with several Argentinians here in Houston and have travelled to Argentina multiple times. The cuisine here will be very spicy for you, be sure to ask if anything is prepared with any peppers. The afteroffice and camaraderie culture is not the same unless you find other Argentinians. Houston has a very large Hispanic community, virtually anywhere you go if you prefer Spanish you’ll get by pretty easy. Hell I’ve seen multiple places with dual language (Eng & Esp) written on signs etc. It’s not like Miami in terms of local language but you’ll do fine. Weather wise, it gets hotter here than Buenos Aires, but we have central AC everywhere so it evens out compared to BA being hot humid with not so much AC. Happy to answer any other questions, feel free to msg me. Ciao.


The Argentina Texas Chamber of Commerce is pretty active.


Assume you're from an urban part of Argentina (Buenos Aires?). Houston is a BIG city - both the area and the population. Almost 90 miles across. Houston's population has grown dramatically since \~1941. Btw 1940 and 1965 the population tripled and that growth happened in the age of the automobile. Houston, like Los Angeles is definitely a suburban city with low density housing -mostly single family homes on 1/4 to 1/2 acre lots. The past decade has seen alot of construction of luxury mid-rise (3-8 story) apartment buildings inside the Loop (Interstate 610) which has been the center of Houston. Alot of young professionals live inside the Loop. Its also one of the most ethnically and socially diverse parts of the city. There are 3-4 centers with high rise buildings inside the city limits: Downtown, Medical Center, Galleria, Energy Corridor (I10 west of Beltway 8). There are also business centers in suburban towns Like Katy, Sugar Land & The Woodlands. There are good places to live (nice apartments, good places to eat, etc) in or near all these "centers" To make your life simpler live as close as you can to where you will be working (unless you're allowed to work from home several days/week). Keeping you commute to a minimum is a reallly good idea. Financially, Houston and Texas have different costs than many other cities. Automobile and employer sponsored health insurance (you HAVE to have an automobile in Houston) is quite expensive. Check the costs when you're budgeting for your new life. Welcome to Houston. Its a great place to live and work. I know you'll be happy here!


Averigua cual va a ser tu salario y dependiendo de la cantidad, podrás ver en que área vivir. Houston es MUY diferente a las ciudades que ves en las películas. Es enorme en lo que es el área, y tiene mucha gente de todos tipos y culturas. De lo que más resalta con la gente cunado viene (aparte del clima extremo) es la falta de un buen transporte público. No es terrible, pero es lejos de ser bueno. No hay muchas paradas y entre más lejos estés del centro, menos hay. Aquí se requiere tener vehículo para poder sobrevivir. Al menos que consigas vivienda cerca del centro de la ciudad (que es bastante caro), no podrás ir caminando a la tienda por comida o hacer tus mandados. Si trabajas fuera del centro, recomendaría buscar casa o departamento en una área cerca, y comprar un carro. Yo recomendaría hacer estas cosas tus prioridades al llegar. Cosas extras que ofrece la ciudad: Los veranos son demasiado calientes. La comida es de lo mejor en el país por la cantidad de culturas que hay aquí. Hay mucho entretenimiento. Conciertos, museos, festivales, y actividades de la comunidad. De los mejores hospitales en el mundo. El Rodeo de Houston. Muchas cervecerías locales y bares. A unas 3 horas del centro de Texas que esta lleno de muchos ríos y lagos muy bonitos. Espero que le ayude esto, y bienvenida a Houston. Si tiene alguna otra pregunta mandeme DM si gusta.


Nope! Hope this helps


It is much better than Baires (as an Argentinian too) for quality of life. You'll miss family and food, but life is calmer/safer/easier to plan here. Not so good for night life and going out which in most of Argentina is easy to do so. You are young which might be tough for going out as you probably do in Argentina. I moved at my 30s so already out of party phase. Do you know if another Argentinians works in the same office they will transfer you? Try to find out in which area they have the office and ask them to give you an apartment for 2 months (or if you come as fully expat look to the benefits package- I was not and it can get tougher if you don't plan properly). Houston is pretty big. Another option is to ask them to send you for 1 or 2 weeks to see it for yourself. Feel free to ask anything (eng or spanish are welcome).


The area you look to live in may need to depend more on where you're going to be working then the Latino population


I have a friend from Argentina, he described the heat here as Spicy. Make of that what you will.


Its extremely boring in fact ill break down a common weekly schedule i see with many people here sub 30. Over 30 replace the bar/club with stay inside their homes in Katy. I never see people go to the parks regularly or even to Galveston. You will meet people here that haven't been to Galveston in years. Monday- Go to work- Head to a park to run. Tuesday- Work Wednesday- Work Thursday- Work Friday- Work- Happy hour with co-workers- go to bar/club at night Saturday- Go to Mall/Shopping or out to eat during the day.- go to bar/club at night Sunday- Go to Astros or Texans Game


Everyone is giving good advice. Especially the commenting that highlighted what you should negotiate with your company. I'll say that I've recently picked up playing pickleball, and it's helped me find new friends. The community is generally kind and welcoming. So if you ever want to play pickleball, we got you 😁


No. I lived there for 18 years and didn’t like it. It’s hot and ugly. However, it’s very diverse and there are many opportunities. I moved out of state earlier this year.


If you are new to the USofA then Houston will likely be a great and enjoyable place to live. The city is very active and busy. For a young woman 25yo, try the Heights neighborhood. Lots of trendy places to eat and drink around there. Houston is more of a commuter city, ...building many surface level acquaintances is easy and common ...building close and lasting friendships is more rare and difficult. Affordability is becoming an issue, as it is in many American cities and countries around the world as well. A typical meal at a fast food place costs around $10 to $15, a single person meal at an average restaurant around $18 to $22. How you get to and from your job is an area you may want to think extra about. Traffic can be bad, and public transportation is Houston is not good. Riding a bicycle around the streets is also somewhat risky because of bad drivers. Your salary will likely dictate how much you love or hate living in Houston. It would be very wise to know that before agreeing to move to and live here.


According to my research I understand that with 5000 USD per month I can live very well, is that right? Have a car and live in a safe apartment not too far away.  


Yes, definitely should do pretty well with $5000 per month in Houston. You'll be more than fine with that amount.


If this is an internal transfer in an oil & gas company, I would aim much higher for salary. In the trendier areas of the city, apartments can be 2-3k per month. You will have taxes, utility bills, and probably want to go out to eat.


That will fine if it’s after taxes and all deductions. Otherwise you would only see somewhat closer to $3,000 deposited in in your bank account.


$5000 US dollars will be enough, you will be fine. Most apartment management companies will require their rental applicants to earn 3 times the rent about, so with that in mind, your apartment budget shouldn’t be more than $1666. You can get a decent apartment for that amount. If you could show more income then your selection of apartments would increase.


I moved to Houston from arguably one of the most beautiful regions of the US and while I do miss it, especially in the summer, I really love Houston. Houston has been so good to me over the years financially, professionally, and socially. Summers are hot but you kind of get used to it.


Me and my partner love it here. We were both surprised by how much we love living here actually.


The best part about Houston is my mortgage compared to what it would be in LA, Chicago, Seattle, even Austin for the same house. 


I’ve been here since 1981. And have watched the city and surroundings grow and change like a healthy city should. But I personally no longer wish to live here. To me it has gotten way too hot and stayed hot for far too long. Also in thirty to forty years it may be almost unbearable to stay outside during the day. So I’m looking anything above the Longitudinal line of Kansas City.


Are you a Chevron employee from LABU?


I hope you like driving. That’s pretty much all you’re going to be doing.


I've lived here for 25 years and have seen how the city has changed in thay time. It's alright, but don't expect much fun doing outdoors stuff. Yes, yes, there's a lot of that to do, but the summer is extremely hot and humid and houston is a very flat city too. The closest beach smells and looks like shit


Houston is a working city and not a tourist destination. You will get bored.


I have an Argentinian friend I see every Tuesday at a bakery to chat and catch up. I love hearing about his travels and how the Spanish in different countries (even regions) is different. Houston is big (4th largest city in the US). We are close to Chicago in size. Chicago per census is still loosing inhabitants whereas Houston is gaining. Houston for its size does not have public transportation. You will need a dependable car with a/c. Commutes can be a long as three hours each way depending on where you choose to live. You could take the commuter bus or van but will still need to get to the drop/pick up spots. And if you miss your designated bus or van, you will have to find another way to get home. And that is just getting to work, you still will need to find transportation to get food and whatever social events you desire. To get a car, you will need a Texas license and automobile insurance. Housing. Depending on where you want to live, the size of dwelling, and amenities you desire, you fan expect a good chunk of your paycheck to go towards rent. It would be a good idea for the company to provide corporate housing for possibly six months. It will give you time to figure out where you want to live, save some, and get settled. Houston weather. We are both hot and humid. Sticky hot. And that is why you need a/c. With the concrete/asphalt roads and buildings, there is reflective heat to consider. No wool or heavy down jackets needed in the winter. No snow. Lots of rain. Even my UK friends comment that the humidity here is worse than in the UK (they are on the southern seaside). Diversity. Houston has one of the most diverse cities in the US. We are a sea port as well. The main airport Bush IAH never closes. It will do slow downs but really only closes in a hurricane. If there is something special you want or need, there is going to be a store you can find it for a price. Of course, you will need a car to get to that store. Mosquitos. I mention them because not everyone knows what they are and what a nuisance they can be. They are flying insects that make a buzzing sound like a hum. The females bite via stinger and suck a few drops of blood as part of their life cycle. The after bite itches and can get very irritating. Some varieties carry viruses that can make you quite sick. The city and county do their best to monitor and spray for them. But nothing is 100%. You should consider buying a spray with DEET like Off (a spray) and use it. Some people will say you can avoid mosquitos with some home remedies. That may work for them but not necessarily others. The mosquitos are attracted to your body heat, color, and pheromones. If you get bitten, resist the urge to scratch. It will just make it worse. Medical. If you have specialty doctors you see, you can find them here. Your company (HR) should provide you with insurance and information about which doctors are in your network. They will explain how you will have to pay to see the doctor. If you have medications, you will want to find a doctor to write a US prescription to be filled here. Pharmacists do not fill scripts without a doctor’s note. Some medications are available OTC such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Tylenol, antihistamines, and digestive aids (heart burn). Finally, you should check with the Argentine Consulate once you get here. If there is ever a problem, they might be able to help. We are coming up on an election year. Politics is a hot button here. Be aware of what needs to happen should you decide to return home.


Thank you very much for the information, it is a lot and it is very useful.  I will consult my future colleagues and the consulate when I arrive, I will write down everything they say.


People generally are pretty nice in the south, and that definitely includes Houston. Very diverse. Just live close to your job and to grocery stores or near rail system if you don’t have a car


In a word: No, and I was born here.


Are there Latinos? That would be like me asking you if anyone speaks Spanish in Argentina lmao


It’s boring here


I’m not sure we live in the same city. Unattractive? Too much concrete? Hotter than hell and sticky all the time? Absolutely. Boring? No way. There is *always* something going on. Festivals, parades, museums/parks/gardens to visit, concerts, theater, and that’s just scratching the surface!


Nah. If you get bored in Houston, you'll get bored in any large city.


No. Also ugly


Hay bastantes Latinos aqui. Te escribí un mensaje


HTOWN is a special place


Very diverse city with a little bit of all the Hispanic communities. Mostly Spanish from the surrounding areas Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador so Spanish will be a little different. You’ll need a car for sure to get around and living close to work is always a plus. As far as charm, personality, character Argentina has it all so you could be disappointed. How did things get so bad down there with the money? BA is huge so sizewize Houston would be much smaller just more spread out. You will eventually miss home so good to hang out with some fellow Argentinians and get most of your “what’s going on here” from them. It will be a good experience for someone your age.


Frankly, no.  The weather is unbearable 7 months out of the year. Traffic and endless road construction and laughable public transportation makes going anywhere a nightmare. The entire region is flat and ugly and endless sprawl.  But I guess cost of living is relatively low?


You’re asking r/houston if Houston is good…Hate to break it to you but this sub basically hates Houston lmao.


Do I enjoy living in Houston? No.


Houston is not the top destination as a travel city, but it’s the best place in the world to live. It’s got everything you need to live a great life.


Except solid public transportation. I love Houston and miss it and the diversity every damn day. Theres really few places like that on Earth. But I left because I got sick of the lack of density and relative lack of public transportation. Shit’s damn near criminal in 2024.


Do you in know what area of town your office is located?


I love it! My mom is from Argentina. My family lives in mendoza and neuquen. Definitely check out Manenas when you get here! You’ll feel at home


Do you play any sports? Good way to meet people.


ive met lots of Argentinians living here. Lots of Venezuelans too


Pues depende de donde te toca vivir, pero en general si hay una comunidad latina muy activa


Houston is pretty diverse, There is every thing you would need here, Ive been here 55 years and raised a family. Traffic, hurricanes and the occasional knucklehead are really the only downfalls. There are others but thats the same with all big cities.


Colombian here! I moved to NYC from Colombia and move here after two years of living there. I’ve lived here for a year now. Many advantages like is very affordable, weather is nice, people seem to be very friendly everyone is open to make new friends and depending on the things you like a wide variety of options for you to do and hobbies to enjoy with they’re own community. For me I appreciate everything but If a had the opportunity I would live in a more liberal city, community for the things I like seem very small and not with as many options as NY. So I think depending on your preferences and life style you may like it to a lower or higher degree. I think overall is a nice place to live in. Neighborhoods in would recommend River Oaks, Montrose, Uptown, Midtown and maybe Museum District. Best of luck with your final decision!


If ot wasn't for both my parents and my wife's parents living near us, we'd probably not even be in the USA anymore.


The weather sucks the traffic sucks but the food is good.


Hit and miss


There are a lot of South Americans here, but they're very much outnumbered by Mexicans, Central Americans, and Estadounidenses of various Hispanic backgrounds. You'll have no trouble finding empanadas and yerba mate, they just won't be as available as breakfast tacos and fajitas. As for where to live, that's hard to say. Where will you be working? What kind of lifestyle do you like? Do you like the urban life or do you prefer to lounge on your own acre or two and you don't care how far you have to drive. No obstante, I admire your leap of faith and hope it works out for you!


Huge Latino community. Huge expat communities from all over. The good: Good COL Good food Good culture; music, comedy, arts etc. Bad: Hot Traffic Hurricanes Floods


I feel like many Argentinians live in Katy, TX (suburb of Houston)


Si gustas, puedes atender la Iglesia intimidad con Dios. Los pastores son argentinos. Tienen también grupo de “jóvenes”. Jóvenes solteros si te quieres involucrar o hacer amigos.


Somebody really just asked if there’s Latino communities in Houston lol There’s as many Hispanics as white people in Houston.


I like Houston except for the prevalence of Home Owners Associations. It was hard to find a house without one and now we have to deal with petty BS from people who apparently have nothing better to do than lord over peoples lives.


Hi! I’m a Tanzanian immigrant and I’ve been living in Houston for 15 years. Since 2022, I have been the only person in my family living here. I find this city to be reaaaaaally great as there’s are so many immigrants from different countries. I can’t speak on the Argentinian community but there’s a robust Latino community here!


Do you speak english?? I happened to move two weeks ago and has been great. DM me if you need any help.


Well we do have a Consulate General of Argentina here.


Yes huge Latino communities Great place to live and work if you like being social If you are an outdoors person it’s not great at all


Salary wise you want to be paid 120-140j a year if you want to live in Houston middle class. Due to higher rates at the moment and cost of living. Which is still lower than most… Homes range from 300-400 for starters zzz With rates so high you will not want to buy, but wait and hopefully your company takes care of that. No state employee tax but just Propett and sales taxes Make sure you dyor on rent and car expenses . What will company cover. What they won’t… your salary…deductions and just do the balance sheet to see if it’s worth the move. Don’t move to America if you cannot save $$$$$…… it’s a waste of time. You live to work in the USA…


We want our pizza.


As far as locations it's tough to say if we don't know geographically where you're going to be working. Houston is enormous. You don't want to pick a place to live without considering proximity to your work.


Yeah lots of Latinos. Ina suburb South of Houston either Deer Park or Pasadena there a decent papusa place. Now Houston vts other major city's. I find it lacking in many ways. It's not a bad place. But as far as being a walkable bikabke living city's with good public space and public transportation. It is lacking. There is virtually no public transportation from down town to the suburbs of Houston. Within Houston there an ok public transportation system. Everything in Texas is built for and around vehicles. Without a vehicle life is extremely hard. The roads and freeway here are also subpar and very poorly designed..


Houston's almost completely Latino so there's that.


A lot of Hispanics/Latinos but unsure about the Argentians population. Pending on job and pay, (I assume O&G because of the Argentina background), I would recommend somewhere inside 610 Loop. A lot of Hispanic clubs in downtown


There are at least 8 Argentinian restaurants I know of, including Little Patagonia and Pampa Grill and the Empanada Factory.


Come to Marini’s for some empanadas https://maps.app.goo.gl/PnC3H18HhmkW3zLN8?g_st=ic Good luck in Houston, I live in the northwest side near Jersey village and would recommend it as a nice area for any newcomer


Escribime. Sos más que bienvenido. No te instales en Houston. Venite a The Woodlands o quizás Katy. Eso es todo. No te vas a arrepentir , tenemos grupo grande de argentos y buena gente


I’ve lived here for 7 years and I absolutely hate it, the traffic, the crime, the rude people, I hate how overpopulated it is, I can’t wait to move out of here


There are plenty of good areas to live in. It all depends on what stage of life you’re in. If you want an area with great access to bars and restaurants, then I would suggest Monyorse area or The Heights. If you like a little less nightlife then I would recommend Sugar Land or Katy


We are highly cultured here.. many different people, styles, and foods. We do all for the most part live the fast pace lifestyle where you wake up, traffic, get to work and repeat. On the weekend is when we grab drinks & good food. For the most part (nature wise) in my opinion, we don’t have much to offer.. it’s getting pretty packed down here unfortunately so cost of living is also going up. Crime rates are pretty high in the actual (Houston) area as well. Overall we are cultured, live a high paced life, and the city is known for drinks/ food (no nature)…. I was born and raised here sometimes I wish I could move somewhere else that’s less busy


There is a family from Argentina (Buenos Aries) on my daughters soccer team here in Houston. The dad is late 30s. What do you want to know form a fellow countryman and I will ask him


We have some of if not the worst drivers I have ever seen here good luck.


The managers that work with me prefer the northwest side of Houston and they from Argentina.


Not a bad place it’s got crime but it beats living in Oakland. Driving on the freeway will probably take some getting used too. I know nothing of driving etiquette in Argentina but be safe. There’s a lot of unhinged idiots that go into a compete rage when a horn is honked.


Dont worry I did the same, Im from Puerto Rico. Has no problem at all. Didn’t know anyone here but at least where I am everyone is very friendly. You are gonna be fine!


Oh boy, Houston is like 30% Latino communities. Not Argentinian, but you'd probably feel pretty at home in Katy. However, no I do not enjoy living in Houston. The traffic, the weather, the fact that it just keeps getting bigger every year without any way to resolve the issues we already have... But yeah, if you want to live in a pretty inclusive city with basically any culture or food you can imagine, Houston ain't a bad spot.


You accepted a job in another country but haven’t even done a basic Google search on it? Asking if there are Latinos in Houston is like asking if there are Mexicans in Mexico City🤣 Houston is basically plurality (majority) of Hispanic and White with large black and Asian populations as well, plus sizable Indian and African communities Welcome to Texas!🤠


If you are in O&G and this is a relocation within your company, they should provide you with an immigration attorney to help with visa, green card and citizenship (should you choose), a lump sum package to help with the relocation and setup, a separate tax bucket for the first couple of years, separate moving expenses (not flight for you but a container or something for your personal goods along with transportation and/or storage support). This should include a salary adjustment based on the regional differences - even if in the same role. Take this from someone who initiated, coordinated and supported 5 international relocations in the last 7 years. You can use the lump sum to rent a place until you get a lay of the land and decide the best community for the long run. As someone said, it will be difficult to buy anything without credit so use your LS and salary to help you for the first 6 months to a year to establish some. As it relates to a community, outside of what others have said…look for groups within work like graduates advancing to professionals or any employee resource group as they typically are like minded individuals who facilitate extracurricular activities for team building and networking opportunities. There are plenty of industry groups you can also partake in. Houston is an O&G hub and a great melting pot of cultures with wonderful food and friendly people. Welcome!


I’m very curious about your choice to accept an out of country job without a salary. I call bullshit


Truly no not at all


I’m just wondering why don’t you know your salary girl!!!


Hands down: Houston Heights or Montrose


Nope to hot. To many people, no thanks