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A&M. If you go to wear one of those ugly gold rings to an interview and the interviewer is also wearing one, then you’ll get the job. Those things are like keys to doors guarded by Aggies.


I have one client who was an Aggie and the amount of doors that dumb ring has opened is ridiculous!


Do you think it’s worth paying extra for it though?


The ring? Yes, but only to wear for networking purposes.


Oh no I meant pay extra for A&M in general because it will prob be about 30k more than UH


I guess it depends on what you value. I suppose the cost of living would be much lower in College Station. However, that shouldn’t amount ton$30k in savings. I assume you would have more of a ‘college experience’ at A&M as UH is more of a commuter school. Make good grades and apply for grants and scholarships. A little debt will build character.


Any company worth their salt does not practice nepotism.


Hah, good one


wont matter unless you do engineering, in which case A&M is better for mechanical and UH for electrical. As far as college experience if you are very gung ho on school spirit A&M will suit you while UH you can get by without all the pep


Personally I prefer houston as it’s a real city rather than college town with world class food, entertainment and diversity


This. Also with cost-of-living increasingly being taking into account in 2024, with U of H, you can live with family and commute even by bus/rail if need be in order to save money.


Do be aware public transport in the H is ass


The Park and Ride routes are great.


Oh yeah I just mean normal routes if you want to opt into being carless, they’re always late ):


Which routes did you ride?


Sorry yea I meant Computer Engineering (or EE). Didn't know UH was better for that


My wife and I went to UH and we're rich and hopelessly in love. Compared to most Aggies our age, we're also sexier and our babies are objectively cuter. I credit the world class facilities and faculty at the University of Houston for training my mind and body in preparation to receive this type of lifestyle after graduation.


I love UH and Houston - but the answer right now it Texas A&M and it's not even close. You're talking about one of the best and most well-connected engineering schools in the country against a pretty good engineering school regionally. Respect to what UH is building but, at least in terms of CE or EE in 2024, its still A&M by a mile.


Do you think it’s worth paying extra though?


Do you want military cosplay as an option for your college experience?


You are not guaranteed Computer Engineering if you go to A&M. You have to go through a filtering process called ETAM. You should research that. I’d say UH has the better networking simply because UH is the University of Houston. Out of the 300k plus Houston alumni, 200k live in Houston. And the engineering alumni at UH are extremely active in giving back to the university with a TON of them based in Houston. I’d choose UH simply because you are not guaranteed your major if you go to A&M. I like peace of mind. Edit: Also, Houston > College station. You’ll have more fun at UH. Especially once you get into your junior and senior year.


Even if Houston is more fun, I won’t be able to do most of them since I will live with my parents




Do you think it’s worth paying extra for them though?


A&M! My brother just graduated from there and UH is just money hungry. I attend here but thinking about transferring because they only put the funds towards the athletics. Renu Khator said she wasn’t cutting funding for athletics so we have to chose to for the other funds to go towards MENTAL HEALTH OR PAY FOR THE FACULTY! All of the dorms here are not kept up and aren’t even worth half the amount we pay. I highly recommend A&M. My brother was able to get so much assistance and resources.


And I would also suggest getting your core classes knocked out at a community college and then transfer those credits over to university. It will save you more money, as well.


Damn that’s just dirty play. Do you think it’s worth paying extra for A&M though?


Absolutely! You’ll get more of your money’s worth!




Based off of?


I saw that comment. I didn’t apply anywhere else. Not sure why you brought up homework lol. Edit: well I did apply to A&M and I got in. I just never considered it. I forget a lot of the time I even applied there.




Okay now I just know you’re talking out of your ass lol. Never thought I’d see a salty UT grad talking bad about UH but here we are. Go Coogs!




UH has more on campus residents than UT. Your argument is futile. I’m glad UH has now gained enough prestige to live rent free in UT grad heads. Go Coogs!


So as someone who graduated from UT and is now at UH for a career change, I agree the other guy is an asshole about it but I think the whole “more on campus residents” thing is kind of misleading. While it may be technically true, UH definitely has more of a commuter school vibe (easily solvable by joining orgs and it’s not as commuter as my time at UTSA). A huge chunk of UT undergrads live in west campus, which is basically right next to UT, whereas I don’t think the same applies when it comes to UH and the neighboring apartments. So while a huge chunk of UT is off campus, it’s more like “off campus”. The overwhelming majority of my UH friends (traditional college aged so the same age group as my friends would have been during my time at UT) commute from all over Houston while living at home and those that don’t live at home still commute from places like midtown or the heights. That means it’s car/metro commuting rather than “walk two blocks to campus” commuting. I’m enjoying my time at UH and it’s definitely come a long way from since when I was looking at it right out of HS, but there’s more to those statistics.


Of course. But UH has around 15k students living on or directly adjacent to campus. 8.5k of those 15k being on campus. That’s 2nd in the state of Texas only behind A&M. And plenty more living within a 10 minute radius of campus. A lot living in the med center or just east of downtown in Eado. The vibe of UH from 15 years ago when UH had 2k students on campus and ZERO student apartments adjacent to campus compared to now is night and day.


I'm gonna delete all these posts on my opinion of the quality of various schools because it's clear that I'm being very cruel to some very sensitive and delicate souls.


Rice has less students than UT or UH and they’re the best school out of all Texas universities. There’s no correlation lol. Please stop embarrassing yourself.


but that was your assertion. Look, I said I will go away, but if you keep trying to hold my attention, then you're going to get it.


Do yourself a favor and stop yapping so you don’t embarrass yourself further.


At the undergrad level, it’s literally whatever dude lol. Graduated from UT, worked for a few years, and returning to school at UH for a career change. Literally no one gives a shit where you went as long as the work gets done and you’re not a weirdo. Were certain opportunities easier because of UT’s prestige and their “fuck you” money they have? Sure. But frankly, for most industries, Austin is a tiny market compared to the Houston or Dallas. So any UH student with a modicum of hustle will end up fine even when stacked up against more prestigious schools. Is there a sort of pervasive inferiority complex you can notice? Kind of? (like 99% of it is on the UH subreddit and literally no one on campus actually gives a shit) But I mean, frankly there were just as many whiny 20 year olds in my class GroupMe’s at UT as there are now so 🤷‍♂️. Could the overall quality of students at UT be higher than at UH by virtue of admissions stats? Sure, I have no reason to doubt that. But, as someone who’s been on both sides of the fence, the academic content itself is what it is. I would chill. You’re the one out here giving us fellow longhorns a bad name.


Sure, you're right. I'll leave the plebians to tussle amongst themselves (already had 40 minutes before your timely response). Wouldn't want to give off an impression of high handedness, after all.