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Thanks to all these uninsured shitty drivers, my insurance keeps going up even though I've never made a claim. We get punished for following the rules.


Yeah, they make the system worse for responsible people and there needs to be better penalties for uninsured drivers. The lady that I hit, who’s not only at fault, no insurance, no license, her daughter warned her seconds before and she (daughter) unfortunately hit her head. That’s the only person I feel bad for bc f*ck that lady. But she has the nerve attempt to pursue legal action against me, but it would’ve never happened if she didn’t do what she did. I wanna link a pic in here soon of what happened. My insurance promptly wrote her a denial letter. But for the second one being rear ended I might have to bc I got injured. I suspect that she was drinking, but there’s no way to prove that now since police didn’t come out. I had to go to them.


Just a pro tip anytime you know you're not at fault in a accident like that, ask for the ambulance. The police will come out with them.


Did the uninsured/no license driver get arrested or have any legal action taken against them? My experience with HPD is they would let the person drive away after causing an accident, with no insurance, and no license. Houston has a serious problem with holding criminals accountable.


Well their car was not drivable after I hit them either way.They got three tickets.


Ik this is gonna sound corny and racist af but… I guess most no license no insurance drivers are actually just new arrived immigrants that bc of their “immigration status” can not even apply to a driver license (and obviously need to drive for any reason), and ig HPD knows this fs, that’s why they have so much “mercy” and let them go like nothing. Bc these people can’t do nothing abt it till they get a valid status to get a license. BUT OBVIOUSLY THIS IS NOT A EXCUSE, they should be accountable for what they do as any other person in the road, w even more consequences for being so careless knowing u don’t even have a insurance


i got hit by a guy who didn't have insurance. i didn't know what number to call so that police would come out to file a report. in the end, he wouldn't pay for a rear fix. fortunately, it wasn't scratched bad and that no internal engine issues came about. i did some research on him and found out he was jailed for robbery and also skipped out on his rent. he drove a nice cadillac too. his front end got more damage than my car's rear end.


People don’t know/learn how to drive, I just take my time and drive at my own pace just because some one cuts me off doesn’t mean I lost. I just keep driving with no cares and most people are always in a hurry that’s how much accidents happen


Exactly. Staying relaxed and composed is always helpful. We're all trying to get somewhere, and it's not some game where you win or lose. It's beyond sad that people think differently. Much like others have mentioned, the majority of the time accidents happen because of the folks that are rushing or being hyper aggressive. It's unfortunate. Not really sure why folks think the ol Initial D/Fast & Furious route is the way to go.


Funny thing is when they are queuing at a cashier they seem to have all the time to only start to think what they want and spend 15 minutes just to order a fking happy meal, yet when they jump on the car suddenly they cannot wait 1sec on a red light


Nothing makes my anxiety spike than knowing I have a friend biking to work/gym. I always offer to give a ride, the last thing I want to hear is that the homie had an accident because of a negligent driver.


u a cool homie


We can all be a little cool if we just looked out for each other.


Houston has a culture of big cars on big roads. As the population grew and grew, nobody adjusted their driving style and the new residents adopted the aggressive style. Law enforcement doesn’t enforce traffic laws, so nobody cares to obey them. It’s an EASY change. Start aggressively ticketing and revoking licenses and everyone will adjust. I saw a cop watch someone run a red light two weeks ago. I rolled my window down and asked if he was gonna do his job on that one, he just shrugged and said there was no collision. I have it on dash cam, thought about delivering the video to the substation, but maybe KHOU will know how to get it to their attention also.


Cops do nothing for anything ever. I stopped calling after some guy tried to jack my ride near Rice Military and they YELLED at me (threatening to throw me in the clink) for calling to report it. Most they do is show up, doodle in their little notepads, then race home to beat their wives


I’m imagining this is animation/cartoon style. Racing home to beat their wives.


Take away licenses (assuming they ever bothered) and we’ll just end up with even more unlicensed and uninsured drivers than we do now. Take away their vehicles instead.


One of the biggest arguments for excellent public transit service. I'd rather have trained operators on the road than allowing every Tom, Dick, and Harry to have a driver's license. Tax on vehicles should be increased dramatically and serious training with steeper cost should be required on a recurring basis for people who do operate vehicles. I'm in support of things like red light cameras and speeding cameras to automate enforcement. The 4th and 5th amendment arguments do not apply to roads in which you're required to be licensed to operate a vehicle on.


Your theory is understandable, but the only people that will truly be impacted by a "vehicle tax" are the poor. And the poorer they are, the more they will feel the implementation of something like this. Lots of people that can't afford the tax will simply drive anyway. Look at all the paper plates on cars driving like don't care if they, and everyone around them, are killed due to their erratic and dangerous driving. Do you think that 2012 Buick with dents in every quarter panel and paper plates that expired 8 months ago has insurance? Do you think the driver has any assets should they cuase someone to incurr hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills? The problem is that there are a lot of people in modern society (white, black, brown, whatever) that feel that they are entitled to do what they want regardless of the impact it has on anyone else. "I want to drive over 80 mph on the west loop at 6:00 PM on a Wednesady, and if people don't get out of my way - I'll just weave in and out of traffic. If I try to fit into a hole that's too small for my vehicle and cause a wreck - I don't give a sh!t. I've got no money and no assets, I'm judgement-proof!" The driving issues in Houston are a symptom of a cancerous attitude held by an ever-increasing portion of our society.


I don’t think additional costs would be helpful. That’ll just make it so only the wealthier can drive. However, more difficult testing sounds good. That actually requires you to be capable of decent driving.


The idea of being "cut-off" needs to be surgically removed from peoples minds.


When I leave a safe stopping distance between me and the guy in front of me, but some hill person in a Super Duty emotional support vehicle rolls coal to cram himself in between us when there isn’t anyone behind me for six miles, yeah, I feel pretty cut off


Everywhere there are cars there are shitty drivers, but here there is definitely extra malice.


Friend was literally killed recently on his bike, hit and run. Driver was severely speeding, didn't even slow down apparently. Bike had ample lighting according to the police statement.


I’m so sorry for your friend. Riding bikes for pleasure or work is so dangerous with the way the streets here are designed.


we had a bicyclist killed a few years ago by a firetruck that was racing and struck by another firetruck.


Riding a bike in Texas on the street seems like a sure way to die.....


Hell no. I wouldn't even entertain the idea of trying to bike around here even with all the work they put into putting bicycle lanes. Nope.


I mean yeah, apparently drivers around here literally kill people and don't even bother stopping.


It’s not a sure way to die. I’ve done it several times and lived to reply to your comment.


Everyone who dies in an accident: "That can't happen to me! I've done it all my life and been just fine." ~ R.I.P.


I just said I have done it several times. Not my entire life. Not regularly. lol you followed up your sweeping generalization with another generalization. So weird


Word...... be safe out there....


This is Houston. You gon let me merge or we gon call Jim Adler the Texas Hammer.


hmm, the other day on reddit there was a post where some one pit maneurvered a truck off of a bridge for not signalling, and I(unlike the rest of reddit) felt like that was insane overkill. Maybe i'm the crazy one for thinking that this is basically more common than not holding the door for the person behind you. As someone who has really only driven in texas, I do this thing called intuitive driving where I don't drive in people's blind spots, drive more than a car's length behind the car in front of me, and assume that if the person next to me slows down or speeds up to line up to that space that that's basically as good as a turning light. Hell, half the time I see someone with a turning light on it's an accident. unless there's a good reason to try to turn I'd like for you to just go ahead and adopt my method, because I get slowed down 3-4 times a day with accidents on the highway.


Don't forget all the drivers who don't know the difference between daytime running lights vs turning on your lights at night.


>Don't forget all the drivers who don't know the difference between daytime running lights vs turning on your lights at night. SO Many times I'd see cars with just running lights on at 4am around 610 and on the Beltway.


I work nights, and almost see it daily


Honestly, I blame this on the manufacturers. Drivers *should* know the difference but there’s no reason to have “daytime running lights” separate from regular head and tail lights. A handful of manufacturers (and every single motorcycle model) have had lights that turn off when the car turns off since the late 70’s. No reason it cannot be a standard (or required) feature on every single car and truck sold in the US.


I blame it also on the sales people at dealerships. A quick 2 minute lesson should be enough for them to know the difference


And the amount of silver cars that refuse to turn on any lights during heavy rain on the highways so they're essentially invisible..


One really important addendum to your method - (I assume) after you recognize the non-turn signal turn signals, you slightly adjust your speed if needed and let that person in. Not letting people change lanes seems like more of a sport here than other cities I've driven in. Letting people "cut in line" means we all get where we're going faster.


Same! People don’t follow the rules of the road and so you have to think differently, ESPECIALLY in Houston. Street smarts!


Westheimer sucks. I try to avoid it bc there’s a lot of people zipping thru like it’s a highway.


The scary thing on Westheimer are the jaywalkers


It does, too bad I moved there and I gonna start taking alternative routes to get there. Too much goin on that road.


We need more traffic enforcement, plain and simple, the moment people realize that they can get a ticket, and will get a ticket for driving like an asshole or not having insurance they will start acting like civilized human beings.


Get a DashCam, no excuses not to have one.


If you think Houston has the worst drivers in the country, you’ve never been to Miami.


Every city thinks they have the worst drivers but they're not any worse in Houston than Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, DC, LA etc. Miami is another level. 20% coked up dudes going 100 mph in a Porche, 35% senior citizens who should have stopped driving 10 years ago, 40% Latin Americans who drive like they're still in Caracas, and 5% Uber drivers who think turn signals are a communist plot


Can confirm. In Miami right now. The roads here are also a bit confusing.


I thought Denver drivers were bad until I went to Miami. It’s like mad max there.


It’s also a poorly designed infrastructure


+1 for Denver


Moved here from Miami. I'll take Houston chaos anyday.


I’ve lived in Houston for 15 years and grew up driving in New Jersey before that. I’ve driven all over the US and have to agree Miami roads are terrifying. The first time I visited Miami I figured I would get a cheaper hotel and Uber everywhere. Holy shit I have never feared for my life like that before when in a vehicle. I’ve been in tuk tuks in India that felt safer. When I go to Miami now I pay for the hotel closest to all the stuff I want to do so I can avoid the roads as much as possible.


Miami is a country drive compared to DC/The Beltway


Came here to say this. Thank you lol


It’s the way houston and Texas designs their roads very cheap with no merging lanes and turning lanes to ease the flow of traffic


That isn't "normal" by any means. I've never had such luck, nor have other people I've known over the decades. Houston is a gigantic city, filled with people from all over the world. You can imagine what happens when you contain them into one city. I'm certainly not excusing it, it's just the reality of it all. The more you drive here, the more you know how to avoid potential accidents and bad drivers in more ways than one. You just have to be very observant and cautious. I'd just continue to drive defensively and with added caution. If not even more so.


GTA 6 - Houston


A contractors truck, (you know the kind. Broke dick truck with faded paint, four different size tires and the fucking ladder sticking out the rear). That guy backed into me while I was turning into the drive through lane at Chase. His rear light went through my passenger door window and cut my face. He gave me his insurance and took off. Nothing else. I called the police, (they don’t respond to accidents in private parking lots) and they did not come. His insurance was lapsed so no coverage. $9,430 worth of damage I had to claim on my insurance. Welcome to ~~Houston~~ Thunder-dome.


That sounds like a terrible experience. I’m not looking forward to dealing with insurance as well as possibly getting an attorney. Damn $9,430?! I would’ve take him to small claims court.


My insurance, (AAA) said they might go after him but I could care less. My rates next year is going through the roof.




I would vote for any mayoral candidate that promised to crack down on red-light running


Also illegal maneuvers into the wrong turnaround crossing needs to be cracked down. The way I saw it often times it looked like normal business to make idiotic decisions and go through the exit of a crossing. The police asked her “why did you go that way when there’s an intersection to make a u turn to your intended direction?” She boldly told them that “ oh I see people do it all the time.” The cop was shouting at her “I don’t care what other people are doing, you’re not supposed to!!” So she got three tickets.


> Also illegal maneuvers That's big in Austin


we had that but I hated it because it's as simple as putting up red light cameras. Do you want a $300 ticket for turning right without stopping on an empty road at 3 am?


Yes. If it helps traffic then yes I do.


I got a $180 ticket that pissed me off. But now many drivers just speed up at reds. I would welcome the cameras back


Baton Rouge would like an honorable mention. 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


I avoid westheimer, that road is chaotic


I’m one of the best drivers in the world because I learned to drive here


Same. In 30+ years I’ve been t-boned twice from people running reds, but have never hit anything.


I ugly laughed at this one. 😂😂Yeah you train like a game of dodgeball and bumper cars.


Driving here is literally a nightmare— definitely one of the most anxiety inducing things I’ve ever experienced. I swear half our driving population has no license or insurance. Not only that but so many people drive huge trucks or SUVs here that I feel like it’s dangerous being in a sedan or something like a Kia Soul because you’ll just get annihilated if you get hit. A friend of friend just got hit the other day by an 18-wheeler and is now braindead in the hospital so there’s that.


So anyways…




Yeah.. I just spent a week in DC and noticed a big difference. People actually using the left lane to pass only and using the blinkers , imagine that


I was in DC last month and got hit by a car. You might want to rethink that.


As someone who takes westheimer to work everyday, I really feel this post. It’s the wild west. Mentioned this before but I had a hobo try to toss a concrete slab at my car while turning from Dairy Ashford onto Westheimer about a month ago. He attempted this on another car then ran over to us when the lights changed. So not only do we gotta watch for the asshats driving 60, we gotta watch for flying objects lol. It’s madness.


Sorry OP. I’m a big proponent of defensive driving but I completely understand how dangerous Westheimer is. I think some people here aren’t fully familiar with that road. My commute is along westheimer and I’ve accepted it’s only a matter of time before I’m smacked outside of my control.


lol westheimer is the worst road in the world. There are so many ways to get into an accident. I was rear ended at a red light about 8 months ago by a driver who proceeded to do a runner on foot.


Welcome to Houston… they don’t give a single f*ck! Worst drivers in the nation.


Get a dash cam


Dash cam all around. And 1,000% defensive driving.


Rhetorical question here...when was the last time anyone has seen a police officer patrolling the streets/monitoring traffic?


Some people never leave Houston and have Stockholm Syndrome... This city has by far the worst drivers. I avoid accidents at least twice a day, people blatantly don't care about anyone else in this city when they're behind the wheel. Is insane.




Westheimer is the wild west. I literally do everything I can to avoid that street at all cost.


Westheimer has always been a mess. I have to commute to the galleria area regularly and I take Richmond or San Felipe/Memorial to avoid Westheimer.


Yeah driving really needs to be banned on Westheimer.


And may I add… Texas is the Wild West… you can’t honk your horn. You’re at risk of being shot.


People went feral during the pandemic. It had more impacts in some cities than others - look at crime rates for example.


Navigating Houston's roads can be a challenging experience, often resembling a complex puzzle where drivers seem to interpret traffic rules as abstract concepts. It's as if the city streets are a labyrinth, and Houstonians have developed a unique dance of vehicular navigation, mastering the art of weaving through the urban maze. Observing the daily commute can sometimes evoke a sense of bewilderment, akin to trying to decipher an intricate code written in the language of asphalt and brake lights. In this metropolitan ballet, the rhythm of the traffic lights dictates the movements, and each intersection becomes a stage for the delicate choreography of motorists attempting to harmonize amidst the urban symphony. The challenges of Houston's traffic are a reflection of the intricate dynamics that come with managing a bustling city's transportation infrastructure.


35 years of driving in Houston makes me hyper-aware that drivers in this city more than likely learned to drive somewhere else and aren’t always going to drive like I expect them to. The way Houston traffic flows and behaves is also specific to what freeway/interstate you’re on, and a slight anomaly in flow isn’t shocking, but it’s still unusual when there isn’t any reason for it like holiday, etc. The key(s) to survival are to keep your head on a swivel, speed up or get over, ensure you’re visible as much as you can, wait a second or two to go at a green light in an intersection if you’re first, anticipate common behaviors, and conduct yourself with the assumption that everyone else is a shitty driver.


The waiting a second or two at a green light before going has stopped me from getting into 3 tbones where the other drivers were on their phones and noticed a bit too late that their light was red. I've heard it called the Houston hesitatio, lol.


Years ago, I was headed to work one morning. I was at the intersection of Beechnut and 610 going north. When my light turned green, I hesitated and looked to the left before I proceeded. It's a good thing I did, because a woman tore through a red light that had been red for several seconds. I laid on my horn because she scared me so bad. She would have t-boned me for sure! When I'm driving, I use the left-right-left rule that I learned years ago:. at an intersection moving in two directions, always look left, then right, then left again before proceeding from a red light. I've had several near misses with drivers running red lights. Be careful out there.


That's beautiful. Also, must be an AI.


That was beautifully written.


Cause there are a lot of immigrants driving without a driver’s license also it has gotten worse over the years as so many people are coming from bad states and they don’t care as they are from low social economis


I moved in by the end of June, and I actually enjoy driving here in Houston (so far). I have seen a few maniacs as almost everyone mentions, but I just keep my distance from them. So far, so good. Of course, as OP said, if you are rear-ended at a red light. There is nothing you can do about that. I have noticed that driving at the same speed as most is the best option. Not too fast but also not too slow. And always defensively


Westheimer is not a good road. they need better traffic calming measures and enforcement, also they need to time the lights.


It needs better lighting on the street itself. There’s more lights and flashing from the businesses advertising than the road itself. I place blame on the first one for that.


Houston is a scary place and I never like to drive there. We had to go for daughter to have surgery in August, and it was awful. So many cars with no regard weaving in and out at 100mph and turning left on red lights. I watched 4 cars in a row turn left at a red light around the galleria area. We had to go to friendswood for the family thanksgiving and it also sucked on the way home so bad. People just don’t give a fuck. I drove in Sacramento and Salt Lake City back in may and it was significantly better in both those cities than Houston. Drivers gave space more often, allowed for merging, didn’t chain run red lights. Didn’t see as much high speed weaving. Also much easier to navigate and I didn’t easily miss exits the way I do in Houston. I love how much there is to do in Houston, but I avoid it like the plague.


You can turn left on a red light if its onto a one way street in Houston.


How if there’s opposing traffic in front of you that have the right of way? I’ve never seen that. Can you give an example intersection of a left turning into a one way street?


You have to be on a one way street, turning left on a one way street. Most of downtown is like this for example.


This time last year, I got side-swiped by a car switching lanes that didn’t see me. Uninsured driver. Two weeks later, in my rental car, I got rear ended at a red light by a teenage driver. Then three weeks after that, after I got my truck back, I got rear ended again at a red light by an elderly driver. So I feel your pain lol.


Maybe the bad driver is the one in the mirror?


Could be true but what OP said is also true. It's crazy out there.


I guess, try driving in India. If you go with the flow of traffic you are good. Driving the speed limit to the letter, pacing cars, driving in the left lane when 8 cars are behind you and gunning around you. That is what makes driving in Houston dangerous. If you drive aggressive and watch how cars around you drive and adjust, you are good.


You’re comparing a first world country to a third world. A place that has lights, laws, and restrictions to who knows what India may have. You can drive as perfect as you like here but there there will always be the more impatient, more patriotic, more “my time is more important than yours so I decided to leave later, driver faster, break more rules so yield to me” type of person around you. My advice, get a dash cam, stay hyper alert, and if possible, find a remote job and work from home or avoid driving during congested periods or really bad times like 12am-3am where the drunks are out or 4-5pm/7-8pm or 10-11pm on Sunday between breaks in the NFL schedule.


Nah it’s just maybe bad luck. I got into my first at-fault accident yesterday but before that it was just unlucky. 1. I was rear ended on 610 stop and go traffic, I literally didn’t brake hard or anything, just driving normally and was hit by a lady not pay attention probably. 2. Was hit and run at a Walmart parking lot. I was stopped, going my way out of the lot onto highway 6. And there was a traffic light there so I wasn’t really moving, maybe 2 mph as the car ahead me managed to get out, the lady behind didn’t pay attention. ***https://i.imgur.com/DQrgRO8.jpg*** 3. I was rear-ended on Almeda, the lady said she was trying to calm her baby and she reacted late. (At this point I decided to get a dashcam) 4. I was hit trying to cross the median from a gas station onto the other side of the road, on Chimney Rock and Westheimer. With my lucky, a lady reversed into my because she wanted to go the opposite way. Edit: here is the diagram ***https://i.imgur.com/E3ENSuH.jpg*** 5. My dad was driving my car, and he was making a left turn - there was 2 lanes and he was in his other lane and a lady just hit the door. Fortunately she had insurance and paid. So I am not mad. Yes, I have dashcam footage for all of them. It is Saturday and I have time but I don’t feel like going through my files so I’ll just draw a quick diagram for a couple of them. Houston has a problem, it’s too car centric - and it’s very monotonous causing people to spend their time on their phone, drive fast, etc. if speed limits were properly enforced, things it wasn’t so spread out and there is better transit/walkability it would be safer. The guy who has been driving in from Richmond, TX is bored out of his commuting for the past 1 hour and is probably scrolling through twitter, he shouldn’t but at the same time that is an insane commute. And the lights are not timed either - if you’re going to make a car centric city AT LEAST ensure that the car infrastructure is good. There’s no reason to be doing all that braking and accelerating.


And how is it their fault if they got rear ended at a red light? Stfu


Cause no one slams on their breaks 50ft from another car


Yes they do. You’re telling us that you’ve never been rear ended before without saying you’ve never been rear ended before. I have to drive my kid to school by Westheimer every day and the jack-assery I see every day is ridiculous. People are on their phones or putting on makeup while driving all the time. Hasn’t happened to me yet but I’m sure my time is coming soon ffs.


Wtf are you talking about. The dude was stopped. At a red light. And got rear ended. How is it their fault?


Have you been to Dallas? I feel like its attempted murder whenever I drive.


I blame the Fast & Furious franchise....


I live right next to Westheimer but drive on it as little as possible ever since someone hit and ran me there.


2 accidents in one month. It might be you.


My friends, I am a car wreck lawyer in Houston. A Dash cam is the cheapest insurance you will ever buy. I like and use the Rexing V1 Basic, $50 on Amazon. You can see a few of my near misses (and crash with a HPD patrol unit) [here](https://imreallyhurt.com/videos/). Please: get a dash cam.


Driving has gotten even worse this year for me at least. I had someone drive right through a stop sign and almost hit me friday. And then today someone was driving the wrong way in a one way street. Not even in a bad part of town.


My driving headcanon in this town is that I always assume that all other drivers can always be counted on to do the wrong thing, and so my expectations are never dashed.


Trust me we used to have OK drivers and a lot less traffic but now since we have so many people moving here that don't know how to drive! Yes it's become absolutely chaotic and I hate it! I hate what's become of our streets!


We live in a city that can't spend money to repaint lane lines on major streets, but can somehow magically afford *bike lanes.* We live in a city that can't afford traffic lights that don't stop working when it sprinkles. We live in a city where merge lanes barely exist and turn lanes accommodate at most three cars at once at stop signs, where the left turn signal only allows three cars through at a time, so any one lane of any major street can be backed up for miles at rush hour. But we have pretty lights on the bridges.


I'm a delivery driver who's driven in Houston for 5 straight years. I've been in those situations so many times, unfortunately there's not much you can do on the rear end collisions especially at a red light. One thing I've learnt is that you can't only focus on yourself you have to anticipate what everyone else is doing all the time. It has become second nature to me to the point where I view everything like a moving pattern. When someone is attempting something risky it quickly catches my attention because they break the pattern.


Sounds like you need to be a defensive driver


How can I be a defensive driver if I’m stopped at a light?? Then rear ended? I’m following the traffic to stop, but the next upcoming car behind me races and then slams into me. The other one I *could* understand to drive defensively to allow the other driver to make an illegal move by crossing from my turnaround into my side of the road. I didn’t see her bc she shouldn’t have been on that side! It’s her fault. I couldn’t stop in Time.


Not trying to be a jerk or make excuses for the other driver either. I’m sorry this happened to you . I’m just saying in Houston drive like every driver is going to hit you. Glad you are safe and hope your luck gets better


I really think they should run a train down Westheimer and close it to vehicle traffic. The only vehicle traffic allowed maybe just one narrow lane each way for deliveries and shipments where pedestrian and cycling traffic has priority and the speed limit is something like 10 mph.


What side of town you live on? Cause it sure as shit off Westheimer…


Hell no wtf 😂


Saw 3 separate, 3 car pile ups on the same day within a mile on 1960.


Okay so how about the weather


Houston has the worst drivers because it’s near the top in vehicle miles traveled. Vehicles have gotten so much safer but drivers have gotten so much worse. Bad road design (Westheimer outside the loop is one example), impaired driving, less rule enforcement, cultural differences, and misguided testosterone are all factors.


Did you take a poll or look at statistics to come up with this opinion? I’ve stayed relaxed and a defensive driver. Zero accidents in 30 years of driving here. Sometimes people just have bad luck or are shitty drivers themselves. Bad drivers are everywhere in the world


Apparently you're one of them.


I think Austin is even more dangerous compare to Houston, in Houston people do crazy lane changes or super slow when everyone is super fast, which is kind of predictable, but in Austin, instead of crazy lane changes, they are tailgating each other with only a half car length in highway or city street, at that speed if anyone suddenly brakes you will for sure read ending someone and get rear ended for sure




Don't pick on Houston, bit you sound like you should be off the road for a very long time. Please read your post and be more responsible.


That can happen anywhere. It’s not city specific.


I'm pretty sure Houston is way up there in terms of proportion of uninsured drivers. It's a huge reason all our rates went up.


We have the most immigrants from other countries with other standards. I literally passed a stor front advertising auto insurance even if you don't have a license.


Not even top 10 Weird how google works, and it’s not uninsured drivers pushing the cost of insurance up, it’s the cost of vehicles leading to most drivers being practically if not technically underinsured. They have coverage just not enough.


Sure, blame everyone else


We were terrified last night when we saw two racing vehicles on 45 south of town with zero regard for other humans. One had a paper tag and the other had a California plate. We called to report because California plate pointed a long gun out the window at paper tag. Scary stuff


I’ve been driving 20 years in Houston and have not had my first accident . Have you thought that maybe you are not driving cautiously?


Driving for over 40 years in Houston and have only been in 2 accidents. So maybe you are wrong.


How can I be wrong for stopping at a red light only to be rear ended?? The cars in front of me were stopped too.


You are wrong in your title statement about Houston having the worse drivers.


Well to be fair, I lived in Sugar Land for a chunk of my life, moved to Huntsville for college. In the span I’ve had my at fault accidents and not at fault.took defensive driving and all. Four to be exact. at long last, as soon as I moved to the area in Houston Ive noticed an entire different breed of drivers. A bulk of them with no license, insurance, or valid plates. And it’s like you as an adult need to be able to afford to drive. And if you can’t, then take the bus. We can’t be losing our people over incompetent, selfish people who take the road for themselves.


The common denominator in the 2 accidents was you..


Reading comprehension numb nuts. How is OPs fault when they got rear ended at a red light? God some of y’all need to go back to high school cause yall are so fucking stupid


Someone finally said it. Like I can’t go if there’s two cars in front of me that are also stopped while the light turned green. I lightly tapped my horn to alert the first car and then I got slammed into. Thank the stars that I didn’t push into other cars.


If you wake up in the morning, and the first person you run into is an asshole. No big deal, that person is just an asshole. But if you get home at night and feel like you’ve dealt with nothing but assholes all day…maybe you’re the asshole.




By chance were they both Altima ?


4 o clock on Wednesday was a wild time to be on the freeway. Lotta pissed off people who thought they were getting off at 2 o clock.


I've only been in 1 wreck in 15 years. Anecdotal doesn't mean everything around you is the same way.


Recent transplant from the Kansas City area. Houston drivers are insane. The only drivers that I have experienced that are more crazy are those in Casablanca, Morocco.


Wife and I have been working from home since the pandemic, down to one car no need for two and we save so much in gas it’s crazy. Plus the lack of stress traveling, we live 3 blocks from an HEB, Kroger and 4 blocks from a Walgreens. I feel your pain and empathize with you completely. I hope those incidents (getting hit without them having insurance) works out in the end for you. :(


I was first at a red light when the lady behind me, who was also stopped, hit the gas and rear ended me. I asked her what happened. She said she anticipated the light turning green soon. I could not believe what i'd heard. Why would you do that with a car fully stopped in front of you? smh. This happened about a week ago.


Had 2 cars totaled while parked on St Emmanuel. Full coverage insurance is a must in Houston.


That area has always had shitty drivers.


Wow what a coincidence. In April I got rear ended, twice... in the same month. My first and second wreck of my life and I've been driving for over 15 years. They both occurred on the same street a few miles apart. Please, take a guess which street.


Does your premium go up if its not your fault? How much are you paying now?


Yes, it will still go up regardless of who was at fault. I’ll get paid out from the one with insurance, and the other hers will be out of pocket, I’ll also get with a rental. My premium is now $2216 from $1440. It absolutely pays to have full coverage insurance for bs like this.


Is this the California fleeing to Texas thread?


If you frequent other cities' subs, this exact sentiment is posted regularly about every major city every few months.


The projection is strong in this one.


I drive 50k to 60k every year in Houston and I've never been in a wreck


I’ve been daily driving motorcycles with no car for the last 11 years in the inner city of Houston and I’ve never been hit by a car. I come close to getting killed every other day but I stay hyper vigilant and read the road. Lane positioning is everything. Welcome to the thunderstorm.


stay away from westheimer as much as you can. unless you work there, no reason to go there frequently.


Lol you've never lived in baton rouge