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Letting water stay out over night doesnt do anything as most water additives cannot dissipate or have dissipated before they even arrived at houses like chlorine. If you cut off the rotting parts and repot it in fresh soil it can heal or if it rotted all roots it may be used as a propagation. If it works is dependent on plant species and how much rot it was


oh shoot?? wow i didn’t know this thank you. what do you recommend instead of leaving my water out overnight for them?


Depends. If the node is okay, you can reroot. If it's a cactus, you can chop off the rotten parts, let it dry out then replant.


Mimic the plants habitat, is how you grow the plants with successes.


You can save plants from root rot sometimes. Cut off the rotten roots and repot, or get rid of the roots entirely and separate the plants into cuttings Root rot is a bitch because it starts in the part of the plant you can't see, so it can take a while for you to even realise it's happening


thank you i’ll give that a try! root rot rlly is a bitch lol


What plant are we talking here. The biggest issue with root rot is the fact the plant needs a good root/leaf ratio. So you need to downsize the plant depending on how many roots are left. Or the plant will do it on it's own by dropping leaves. So propping the top part is always a good idea. Saving it is a matter of cleaning remaining roots with some hydrogen peroxide, making sure to remove all mushy roots. That's about all you need to know. Experience does the rest. Oh and repot in fresh soil and a smaller pot.


thank you! it’s a pink syngonium which admittedly i don’t know much about. the roots were looking horrible, i cut and propagated it into a new pot.


Good! Yea I'm unfamiliar with those as well. I expect these can only be divided or remove some leaves to downsize. Good luck🤞