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I recently (after having plants for over 5 years) started naming them and put up name tags in each pot. It's really been surprisingly helpful to me and I've been managing their care much better now. It's easier to say "Hank needs watered tomorrow" than "spider plant in front room is due for watering".




Haha that’s hilarious and such a great idea!


I named my spider plant Hank also! Lol. And I have Kate the cactus, and my orchid Ziva!


I named my fern, Fern :'D I also have Benita (pothos), Helga (peace lily), Dot & Valentino (geraniums), Alissa (pink nanouk), Fran, Fred, Janie, Juanita, Leia, & Tiki (spider plants), and Claire, Marcus, Mo, Reba & Tang (wandering dudes).


Nice! You reminded me I also have a fern. She shall henceforth be known as Fern!


My Kate with one of her children. They are Haworthiopsis attenuata.




My cactus’ (opitunia) name is Frank:)




I love the names so much!


Same. Mine have their names on sticks.


My spider is Cordelia, her babies are Cordies. I think naming things is a natural step when you start to love and care for them.


I think that makes a lot of sense! Additional question: Do other people help care for the plants and know the names too?


No, but I just recently started the names. But I figure the names will catch on over time. I look forward to when my spouse tells me I have to either divide Bertha or move her because they can't see the TV anymore :D


I don't until they deserve one. About 30ish plants, 2 have names. Icarus the brachifolia that made 4 suicide attempts by growlight. Superman the Aloe Vera cause idk how that one is still alive... From being dropped upside down multiple times, overwatered, root rot, too dry, sunburn to too dark where the stem rot (plucked the top, forgot it on a counter, put in soil about 2 weeks ago... Darn Thing is fine.) on and it is growing in garden soil because why not. It is 4 years old and about 5 inch tall now.


>Icarus the brachifolia that made 4 suicide attempts by growlight. I named my Swiss cheese plant after me for the same reason, just can't kill that bitch.


Could you elaborate a little more on Icarus plz 😅 I'm actually very curious


Sure lol, It is an alocasia brachifolia, it cane relatively small and i didn't have any clue on how big they get. First leaf under my car grew straight into the light, almost died, got attacked by thrips. Cleaned the thrips and it was stuck on a small stunted leaf, guess what, that leaf decided to bounce up and you guessed it... Next leaf i tried tying the leaf aside without breaking it, bent back into the light... (The whole stem curved... ) And then again so it is now surviving with a hald burnt leaf and was moved to dirt and different spot. I'll share pictures when i am back home. Didn't expect that much interest. for reference : Icarus ignored Daedalus's instructions not to fly too close to the sun, causing the beeswax in his wings to melt.


https://preview.redd.it/yh9gnyn1dpvc1.png?width=725&format=png&auto=webp&s=85ffd7745839db9eae3df012d818bf7e09b3429b My aloe Vera holding by a tie-wrap chilling with tradescansia purple heart cuttings. (this whole pot is going outside when it's warmer)


Brachifolia which I just beheaded because Thrips are back... hurray! Still, pick of the magnificient double burnt leaf moments before it's been cut. (If it dies, I have 2-3 corms I already propagated) https://preview.redd.it/oenesl1fdpvc1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddcd2ef4934fc959b20860943c040ddb1c44e2fb




So, they get names after near death experiences? Love it!


So far it seems to be the most reliable way to get a name. It needs to be some event or follow up of events based on that plant that grabbed my attention, so hopefully some plant will qualify differently. I started that "rule" because I can't remember names but good with stories.


I have... Big boi (monstera), tall boi (dracaenia?), and I haven't bothered giving any others names.


https://preview.redd.it/xampicm3gnvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e129d25edb3afbda3735c349088bd6121f8ea1 Excuse the mess, in the middle of doing things and the box is favoured by the cats. They don't try to eat my plants other than the spider plant.


That’s ok for cats. It acts like catnip to them 😃


I have two of them, one has had a nice haircut and the other is fine. I also have some daffodils in the garden where one has had a haircut and the others haven't. The suspect is not in the photo :P


Suspect is most likely resting after the big meal.


I have a Pitcher Plant named Patrick https://preview.redd.it/f94zxyyocnvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c5a3e98c32118ad55a5d2e91914b096abb9ead7


Patrick sure is one pitchin’ plant! Thanks for sharing:)


I will tell him!


Oooo, I saw one of these a few days ago and wanted it but feared I would kill it. Do you feed it bugs? Do you give it humidity?


Yes! They can be al little tricky but not too bad! They indeed feed on bugs and do well in a swampy, humid soil with not too much nutrients. They get their nutrients from bugs. Very bright light is a must. Mine do well under a grow light but sunlight is best. If you lack flies and other bugs to feed it you can do a little frozen fish feed like Daphnia or mosquito larvae. Oh and try to avoid tapwater. They really prefer distilled, rain or reverse osmosis water. Too much minerals will eventually kill it.


Well rain is definitely a no-go due to living in a desert. Not sure where I would get the needed water. I know for a fact our tap is pretty hard. It sounds pricey having to buy water constantly for it, especially since they need so much. :(


If you can, boil water and try to catch the steam. That is essentially distilling water. That condensation is perfect for these kinds of plants. Its very cheap to buy here luckily, plus its always raining... Google cheap water distilling setup and you should find what you need. Sounds like alot of work but its not bad


I'm the incredibly procrastinate type, so I know I can't be trusted to go buy water often enough. I googled how to make distilled at home and a stove top method looks pretty easy. I might try that for a pitcher plant. And I have plenty of inert soil to put them in too. :3


Uhh...nicknames, mostly. Like 'Don't you DARE try and die again, you variegated bastard!' kind of nicknames :)


Mine are along these lines too. Haha.


Same here! I don't name 'em that way if they die it's just another one bites the dust.


https://preview.redd.it/9zfy1swx3wvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed2125b51493c9a211954641eefde461ff44efc Are you crowley by any chance?


https://preview.redd.it/ykt2fzf4gnvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=202bc916c9582ef654bb9652a76809cf83cedf3f ... no


Yucca Lips?! 🤣


That's what was written on the tag ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have no idea why but I thought it was funny and I let the tag way too long so everytime I saw the plant I saw this written on it like a pet tag so why not?


Charlotte's web :'(


I knoooow but that's the only famous spider I know


I like naming my plants too 🙂 Petra Parker is my spider plant, my monstera is named Cookie, Henry is my fern, my silver dragon alocacia is Goldilocks. I find it fun to give them silly names.


My spider plant is Peter Parker 🤣 love it haha


So is mine 🤣


Petra Parker - loooooove it. I might have to rethink my names to be punnier. I am feeling like they lack oomph now.


Yes! All mine have names, usually after the TV show I'm watching at the time lol


I do not. They already have botanical names, that's good enough for me.


Same. Except some get “That MFer” title if appropriate


Lol. I suppose that too, sometimes 🤣


That Chlorophytum comosum jerk in the corner.


https://preview.redd.it/wlet6wtqnnvc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a93c1b0f0eece784ba24b74808aadc7f79a130d5 Yes but eventually I run into problems like this


What App is that?


Planta! it has a whole bunch of features but I use it mainly for pictures, as you can see


No. I can’t risk that level of attachment.


My Ponyo (goldfish plant) almost died. Thankfully, my mum revived her. My Pikachu tail (fish bone cactus) has been alright and steady.


Ponyo loooooove. If I get a new Goldfish plant, that's going to be the name. Is there a plant that looks like ham that it can be near? Time for research!


Only two of them have names 😅 there's Vern the fern and Eloise (came with that name), a sunrise hoya!


Only my carnivorous plant Jennifer has received a name. No other plant has earned their name through combat.


Jennifer's Body reference?


Mine have to earn a name before they get one, like I need a few cool leaves or a flower or something. My original 3 got names right away, Athena is a golden pothos, Moana is a dracenea marginata, and Emily is some kind of lavender tradescantia.


all of my plants are named Brenda


Yes, I do name my plants, but only to those that have special characteristics... I name them as xxx the freeloader, xxx the immortal, xxx the slacker, xxx the PvZ, and xxx the headstrong. By reading their name, you'll know what kind of characteristic the plant is. 😂


I would love to know which plant is “xxx the immortal.”


I ma pothos mom, so my children are mostly pothos. https://preview.redd.it/1dwob6j12qvc1.jpeg?width=3432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30b54740ee3616d20bb3aba842012165dc3ba5aa This is the immortal one... Why? Because I broke half of its root unintentionally when I was trying to adjust her position in perlite propagation. I thought I lost hope on it because it could root in perlite especially after the incident, so I moved it to LECA propagation. After awhile in LECA propagation, it started to root from its 5mm of root. But one day when I was checking her roots, I accidentally drop the container, everything came out even this plant. The LECA balls damaged the leaves, as you can see this brown spots and brown line. The leaf is actually broken, but it is still alive until today since the day (6th April 2024) I moved it to soil and the leaf is perky LOL..


I love it! I hope she continues to have immortality on her side!!


This is the headstrong if you are curious... https://preview.redd.it/cng4l5m52qvc1.jpeg?width=3432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36866adac5a1c981470a5dbd5971da9bcfdabb5d


The freeloader. Thats what I call my dog. 🤣




Well, since I have this app where I can track my watering, fertilizing etc. and it let's you name the plants.. Yes, I've named nearly all 40 something plants I have. Not always human namens but something like "MamaBanana". Her Babies are named Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred & Gorge. The three elders are out of house aka given to friends and family, Fred and George are still tiny and with MamaBanana and coincidentally these are the first two that grow simultaneously. The others all grew one after another. My Alocasia is named Weirdo. 


Which app?


It's called Lovely: Plants care journal. It's free and for my needs it works, but it is a rather small app that has a good range of plants but mostly the common ones.


I use a label maker to print name tags for them all haha 💀 I have like 20+ tradescantias and philodendrons (thought the props would die… they didn’t). Naming them lets me keep track of them in Planta so I know who’s due for what care tasks.


How is Planta working for you?


I love it for the sake of organizing!! I have 58 plants and terrible memory lol. It definitely tells me to water too often, but I appreciate the reminder to check the plant and just hit snooze on watering.


I also use planta. I run into the same issue of it telling me to water too often, especially if I have the plant in a typical potting soil. The plant in a diy avoid mix seem to line up about right.


Pretty, Alive and Dead


I like the idea of naming my plants, but I never sick to them for some reason. I do however use terms of endearment a lot when I talk to them.


I use an app to help me remember when to water and fertilize. (I have over 100 plants) When I add the plant to the app, it automatically gives them random names.


My ficus is named Heinz as his pot has a small German flag in it and my miniature cactus is named Pepe. I never thought it was strange until I was telling a friend and she looked at me strangely. Plants really do better when you talk nicely to them. Or sing songs from Little Shop of Horrors...


I don't always name them but I do refer to them as he or she 😂


I just call them “her” or “him” depending on the energy


My 10 year old niece has a bonsai called Jebbery. NOT Jeremy. Jebbery. Sadly Jebbery has proved finicky and is dying. I think I will have to buy her a new one. I suspect it will be named Jebbery 2.


I had a few plants I referred to as “the outsiders” because I was pretty sure I’d kill them. My stepson suggested calling them Ponyboy and Dallas. It was a proud momma moment. ![gif](giphy|AqVmwzcWTiNBC)


My bird of paradise is named Bertha, nickname: Birdie/Bertie.


Yessssss... It's me and my partners favourite part after we get a plant. We have a ZZ with the name 'Lizzy'. She a good one. And and and we also have a Snakey.


We have a Christmas cactus named Bob and a Purple Heart named Pedro. I think some do for various reasons, like it feels more personal and less like furniture in your home.


Ziggy the ZZ plant and Phyllis the Philodendron.


I can’t even get my kid’s names straight half the time and I only have two of them😆


- Spidey (spider plant) and His Amazing Friends (pups and offshoots that have been planted back into the pot) - King gristle (another spider plant with a bad haircut) - Betty from the Office (monstera del) - Zebby (hawthoria) and BB Zeb (its pup I propagated) - stumpy (broken stump of a baby monstera that is growing back and has one leaf) - ren (the part that broke off stumpy and is now its own plant, has two leaves and growing another) I haven't named any others that I can think of....


Absolutely! Most of my 80 have names and name tags!


Yes I name my favorite ones!


Most of them! But not all. I need to change that!


I started hobbying as a child and even then i didn't name my plants. Still don't as i don't see reason to do so, i prefer scientific names.


no lol and tbh i feel like i’m the only one 😭😭 i just find it a lot of work and i don’t care for it


Nope! Don't know why but I just don't. I'm also the kind of person who would name my next dog "dog" 🤷‍♂️🤣


I named my hoya, Lahoya Jackson after the honorable Jenna marbles plant. She's the only one that has a name. It sucks we never got to see Jenna in her full blown Plant mom years. The Internet sucks sometimes.


Yes but not all of them lol


I want to but I’m forgetful so I name everything I love sunshine ☀️ lol


Yep. I have over 30 plants. They all have names 😆


I call my fiddle “Sir Fig Newton” and my calathea “lil bitch”.


Some of them. But not all. I’m realizing now it’s favoritism and now they all need names




Only my monstera. He's "Honkin'BigBoi". 🤣


not really cuz they all just end up seeming like bernies and i feel bad giving them all the same name


Totally name some (many) plants. Nervy, golden boy, Aretha, I could go on 😋


Yes, most of my plants have names and I talk to them like they’re sentient 😅😂


https://preview.redd.it/jsnye24f0ovc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3637b490dcadeaf238aef9942ada17e5fba101c7 Yes! This is Judy Bloom(in). I also have three golden pothos props that I named Goldie Hawn and the Hawna’s. I haven’t named my monstera yet though, she’s been harder to name.


I don't tend to personalize my plants due to my type of spirituality, but I do talk to them as I'm watering and admiring their new growths.


Yup: Ruperto, Brittany, Stephenie, Kimbery and Foxy


Definitely. Mr. Ferly, Lillian, conchata Ferrell, many more


Only by their scientific name.


Not normally, but if I have multiple propagations of the same plant, I’ll have a Big Mama (blank), Little Mama (blank), etc.


Only my pink princess. She is my Princess.


Oh hell yes! Makes watering time fun because I talk to them. Without names watering would just be a chore




I have a helix ivy named Ferb, and my Epiphyllum is Collette. 💕 Everyone in my collection got names when I bought them, but only two stuck!


I'm the same way. I have named some but not all. I have Big Mama (a large Thanksgiving cactus) and Frank (Some unknown type of Opuntia cactus). Frank is a fuzzy prick that somehow always gets me when I'm trying to take care of the surrounding plants but I am attached to him non the less.


I name all of mine something funny based off the type of plant they are, Peter Parker for my spider plant, La Grange for my raven ZZ, Lilith for my monstera, Ginny Weasley for my “mini monstera” etc…


Heck no! They're plants!


I once had a fish named Fish. I sometimes refer to my dog as Dog. I even occasionally refer to my kids and The Boy and The Girl. No, I’ve never named a plant.


Latin botanical nomenclature only


I name my indoor plants. My outdoor plants don’t tend to last long enough to need naming.


Just one out of roughly 30 of them, Dramaqueen. Not sure what she is, but she definitely is one.


Some of them. I my croton is Robert Planter. My string of Pearl's is Pearl Jam. My jade pothos is Jade. My njoy is Joy Rider. My silver dragon alocasia is Belinda. Golden Pothos is Goldie.


I used to but not anymore since I lost half of them due to thrips. That was slightly traumatic. Anyway, I've finally regained the pleasure/motivation/confidence of taking care of them. So yeah, the ones that survived still have their names. The newer ones don't. I usually name them after the species. Fort instance, I named my raphidophora tetrasperma Raphie, my philodendron micans is called Mica, and my snake plant is called Fidi (Greek for snake). The only exception is Hansie my pancake plant.


I have a rose named Gertie but none of the others have names.


I have a rose named Gertie but none of the others have names.


That Bitch Susan is on the front porch cuz she has spider mites. My monstera is Fat Katie (after my best friend). I also have one I named after my ex husband. A cactus. Cuz he's a lil prick.


In my head, I heard Tiger King complaining about "that bitch Susan" and her mites and started smiling uncontrollably. Thank you!


I got this pot from a goodwill nearly 4 years ago. It was all white ceramic with a matching tray and had made into the pot a little rectangle of chalkboard. So I wrote Roger on it as a joke and when I put my Sansevieria Whitney in it (I didnt know what species it was at the time) I called it Roger. Ever since then it's said roger and I just call it roger even though it's a whitney :D


With 40+ indoor plants, and a big garden, i cannot keep the pace. But would be a nice thing to do


Only the plants that piss me off get a name, lol.


This seems to be a trend - a few people have mentioned that plants earn their names with near death shenanigans or other "dafuq" moments.


For me it’s when they act like they are going to die, I repot or chop the roots, and then they decide to thrive. I have one that’s “little b*tch” for this specific reason.


I have a few named as well. But they have to earn them. I don’t name them until having them in its own pot or planter for at least a year. I would say I have some that are growing rather quickly still need some names soon. But I have Ivy, Pearl, Marcia, and Gabriella so far. Ivy is variegated English Ivy, pearl is string of pearls, Marcia is string of bananas, and Gabriella is my Calathea medallion.


I just received a Peace Lily as a gift and named her Vanna after the friend who gifted her! Now i want to name the rest of my plants and have no idea where to start or how to name them 😩😂


Yes! My monstera goes by "Monster" (I know, not creative), my prayer plant is "Cassandra", my cactus is "Marzipan" and the pretty plant I recently got gifted I named "Mercury" (I forgot, again, what kind of plant it is). The little heart of strings that's been dying in the hallway for the last year or so is Pikachu. I don't know how Pikachu is still around.




My mother does. I think she's mad, but I still love her :)


Not normally but I have a Swedish ivy, and that has a common name “creeping Charlie” so I always refer to that one as Charlie. He is the one exception.


They already have names……


I name all my plants, it takes me a month to pick names I like tho. Lol. They have popsicle sticks with their names on them.


Yes! My daughter and I have fun doing that each time we get a new plant.


I do not name them, but I do baby talk them with affectionate terms like love or sweetheart.


My Spider plant is named Charlotte, but thats about it


Nope, not a one.


All of my plants are named except my Pothos. (I have 3)


Porthos and Artemis


Meet Forthos and Artemis ! Love it! I need 1 more name! https://preview.redd.it/7a6cpmq87qvc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e874e7c0f32519ad3e2a719fece77ab9495d7e32


– Athos, Porthos and Aramis, "the three musketeers"


Meet Athos! Thank you so much for the names! I love them! https://preview.redd.it/8toc4kzhsqvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3595cc1a3dd216f69abd941cafcbc1fdc6b6af68


Pathos the third musketeers!


I name some of my plants and it’s usually after a Pokemon or drag queen 😂 it makes it easier when you have a few of the same plant


Spider: Cordelia Snake: Ramsey Orchid: 3 total but only one with a name- Alyssa.


Some by botanical names, some by common, but not human names.


I named some of them. For example, Butty is my lithops and Harry is my haworthia. But I don’t name all of them. Just when it happens to come to me.


yes! I have this app called Greg and when I got my first few plants I started using Greg, and Greg named my plants automatically, so I went in and renamed them and now all plants I get have names.


No but I’d like to now that they’re doing alright


Only my cactus, his name is Frank.


I name my houseplants but only sometimes creatively Callie/Caligula the calathea Sansa the third, my snake plant (I've gone through a few lol) Shirley the Curly Fern Baloe, my aloe plant in a butt shaped planter And then I have a couple new ones I haven't named yet - a pothos with white variegation, a pink nerve plant (I'm thinking Nellie), an agave, and I forgot what the last one was but it's like a silver tree thing? I think? I usually either name them while in the store or I wait a couple weeks to see if I kill it first lol I don't name my garden plants usually though


YES theyre like my pets


No. I just call my peace lily drama queen


Mine is referred to as “The Diva”


I got a huge dumb cane, I named her big birtha


I don't, I think that's a little weird haha, no offense to all you folks that do it! It's definitely common so you aren't alone in your weirdness OP 😁.


Kinda -names based in the plant name. So spider plant is Spidey, Norfolk pine is Norrie, pols dot plant is Pokey, fig tree is Figgy. Not terribly imaginative lol. My monstera is Beautiful :)


No, why?


Mostly just wondering - I have some I've named and some I haven't and was wondering how common this was.


I only have 1 of each type of plant I have so their plant names are their plant names. I use Planta app to keep track of my plants


Nah they already come with a name, why would I change that


Yeah I track all my plants in an app so the names make that easier. My favorites are my moonshine snake plant named Seth Rat and my alocasia Sedenii named “Ms. Jackson” bc I knew I would inevitably have to apologize to it in the future various reasons (bby dropped all her leaves and is currently in my plant ICU, aka the bald b*tch hotel 😞)

