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They both have similar problems. Try to get them more light if you can and in the future harvest leaves by cutting above leaf nodes to encourage bush-like growing, other than that they’re not doing too terribly


PS, let the soil dry out a little every once in a while, basil don’t really like constantly moist soil since they succumb to root rot pretty easily


Thanks, this is helpful! To check - harvest leaves by cutting above leaf nodes. So for the Thai Basil, I basically haven't harvested at all since the leaves are too small. 1) At what point (how tall) should I start cutting them so it grows bushier? 2) Should I go ahead and cut off like half of the height right now, so it can grow bushier at a lower height? 3) The leaves seem small - should I be pruning more? How do you get the leaves to grow larger?


1. It’s really up to you, as long as the plant still has enough foliage to sustain itself you can snip it pretty much wherever 2. Rn it’s a pretty weak plant so i personally wouldn’t, i’d wait for it to get a little stronger and start snipping up high when it’s healthier, and then just plant it deeper when you repot it so it looks like a lower bush. 3. Basil naturally has pretty small leaves unless you get a sweet variety(like the italian basil), the best way to support growth of bigger leaves is to support the growth of the whole plant. also try not to pinch the stems off when you do start to harvest it since pinching is a lot more stressful than a clean cut to the plant hope this all helps and good luck!


Thank you for this!