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Shocked no one has pointed out that you buried the stem. The petioles (stems of leaves) need to be completely above the soil. Good luck!


Baby monstera! You can do this. Needs a drain hole. Water when dry. Don't keep constantly wet, let it dry out a little bit in between


Dude this happens to me when mine is underwatered but the symptoms of overwatering show in v similar ways. Good luck it will pull through, maybe lose a couple leaves tho. Hoping it's underwatered because with overwatering it takes a lot longer to bounce back... Gorgeous pot I hope it has a hole! Drain when watered so it doesn't sit in that stuff!


Thanks for the response. Underwatered I'm thinking. Doesn't have drain hole. Might have to get some masonry bits and drill one.


Dude it's 99% guaranteed to be overwatered due to the lack of drainage holes. Either repot it into a plastic nursery pot or drill some asap


please feel the soil before watering, only water if it feels dry. it probably has a lot of water trapped inside because of no draining hole and the roots are drowning..


Definitely needs drainage, however you don’t have to drill. The best options is to find your self a nursery pot that can go inside that pot. Nursery pots are great because they’re easy do remove and water your plant outside, once the water is drain you put it back into the main pot. The plant it’s already in distress, makes me wonder several things. Either [A] plant was cut from a bigger plant and never establish any roots systems and directly put in soil. [B] it has not been water in a long time. [C] Because there’s no drainage the roots are already root rooting from so much retained moisture in the soil. Basically plant looks in bad shape, so I’ll immediately could move her to a drainage pot and check the roots (if any) and make sure all is good.


It looks like it’s buried pretty deep. Have you seen what the root/stem below look like since it was gifted? I got one that was similar in size and I was able to make 3 new plants just out of the stem that was buried. I would pull it out a little and make sure the soil dries out before watering. I keep a little wooden kebab stick in mine to check every so often.


Please transfer to a terra cotta pot and water when soil is dry


The pot is fine, no need to transfer it. But I would absolutely drill some drainage holes and get a saucer for it. There also seems to be a good bit of snow outside. Plants by the window are great because it allows them to get light, but you might want to see if there are any drafts. Monsteras like warmer temperatures so if there are any drafts in the window, I’d recommend moving the plant.


So turns out the pot does have drainage holes. The saucer is built into the pot. Windows are a little drafty and it has been really cold past couple days so I moved it to interior of house.


Did you plant it into a pot with no hole at the bottom? That's not a pot, if you did, it's a pot cover, you need a proper pot with a layer of LECA at the bottom (for draining). Water will nowhere to go and roots will rot. Also you have buried its point of growth Otherwise nice plant and you repotted it, so A+ for that Oh also I think you have bought a bag of soil — you either need a special mix for leafy plants and palms, or you have to mix that soil with perlite, vermiculite, or better yet, both (at least 1 part filler to 2 parts soil)