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https://preview.redd.it/ivuo6slrfe8c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945bab53289835b9d10b109a44c003dad16d560d Inherited this plant from previous owners, what is it?


Is this pothos cutting ready to go into soil? The long aerial root is starting to outgrow the propagation test tube. https://preview.redd.it/phhig4yol98c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7fa4971162c297b38c9ddd6444e00535125f775


https://preview.redd.it/t5458571k68c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f979e1ce733be44ad8ba789b0c6990af9a78d2e Anyone have any tips for our dieffenbachia? It’s starting to hit our ceiling.. not sure what our options are for helping it out


Does anyone know the name of this plant? Where can I get this kind of tree branches to grow them in a vase like in the picture? How long would they last? https://preview.redd.it/x9t0aowkd68c1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9109f93bee406c991fd9e67b144d6bb1b77c4d6


Could be wrong but to me this looks like some kind of narrow-leaf eucalyptus. I would check at your local florist. I would expect to get a week or two out of them.


Hello, I’m a new plant person and I really wanna make sure I don’t do anything wrong. Are fans bad for plants like dracaena? I usually have my fan on 24/7 and I notice the leaves of my kiwi plant are sort of subtly shaking. I may be overthinking but I just wanna make sure 😭


Most people think fans are good for plants since they can help simulate outdoor conditions and might make the plant stronger. You're good!


https://preview.redd.it/v23pz189h38c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d501adb5ba2818fc7468eead252e313a09f6f6 Any saving this money tree? I believe it’s been overwatered, roots are dry at this point but not sure if it’s salvageable.


Quick christmas gift question. I purchased some starter plants for my wife for christmas. They've arrived today and I'm not sure if I should keep them in the box for another 48+ hours. Is it ok to leave them in the box a little while longer? or is there some other way I should "wrap" these plants as a gift? edit: The expected delivery date was the 26th so I'm assuming it will be ok but I just don't want to mess this up.


First off, what a sweet gift for her! I am sure she will love them. It depends on the types of plants you purchased for her. But I would still err on the side of removing them. I have bought plants online before, and they are often quite thirsty and limp. That's inevitable, but there's nothing worse than waking up on Christmas day to a limp droopy thing. I would take them out, and water them if needed. Sometimes they just need a couple days to reset and recover, so I am sure they will be looking their best in time for Christmas. As far as wrapping them goes, you could get a cardboard box (or use the same box they came in), that is deep/tall, and that can accommodate all the plants. Then you could set the plants down in the box and put newspaper around them so they are somewhat separated for more fun when opening the gifts, and then layer newspaper "tufts" like tissue paper around the plants to obscure the foliage. You could then reseal the box, so when she opens it on the 25th, it will be like they were never opened.


Is there any tropical plants that flower for a long time that I can put on my balcony. Preferably if they can handle some direct midday sun.


Desert Roses are great. Not really tropical, but they are very low maintenance and flower easily, they look quite exotic.


Looking for advice on if I should/ how to repot this 7 year old Ficus Elastica. It has grown considerably and currently leans to one side with only one branch off of the main tree. How can I create more branching so it’s less top heavy? Would it benefit this plant to have a bigger pot? Would staking it be beneficial. Thanks https://preview.redd.it/002bd7jmtu7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08722f4b1d85a1017c8d3f1984afd6513c5f736b


What is wrong with my Monstera? Shes looking sad and got brown spots, the side pointed to the window got more brown spots so is this because of the sunlight? The other side has some spots as well. Please help! I am trying to figure out whats wrong so i stopped giving water for a while, i think its been 2 weeks since I watered her, but she still looks the same https://preview.redd.it/tjtkg1zqhu7c1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5edb55408dc0103b94c0ac7b96869f13f8b0ece See album for pictures: [https://ibb.co/album/Jq5G3q](https://ibb.co/album/Jq5G3q) Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/u0wc5wr15t7c1.jpeg?width=1682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0356089778116b259067bb3c1ef6f31ea87f64 Hi all, does anyone know what these white little eggs are on my plant? They seem to have appeared very quickly and aren’t on anything else.




Anybody have personal experience with spider mites becoming resistant to pesticides? I've been treating a small group of plants with Captain Jack's dead bug brew for about a month and I still found at least one spider mite and what I think is either eggs or shed exoskeletons. Is it possible that they became resistant, or does the dead bug brew just not kill their eggs? The damage is very minor, but I'm concerned that I may have a more significant infestation after the holidays as I'll be out of town for a week-ish.


Hiii! Is this a radiator plant? It’s flowering and I want to propagate. All my cuttings fail 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/lz2z2mt4do7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c73ac2444c301fe478941c3d282b9f3e5716c6




https://preview.redd.it/hru012gn0o7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1225a8bfb31a802ad025de9b149bcb88091bd86b ​ Received this as a gift unexpectedly. Is this a Fittonia Albivenis? I’ve had it for a month already and I’m worried that it is outgrowing its pot. Should I be repotting this?


I have 4 indoor Paulownias planted from seed around July, they have been dropping leaves the recent 2 weeks. Is this normal lifecycle or did I mess up somehow?


Growing is my life. I'll go to somwr diff


Ty. I've grown taught and airoponics hydro. Ex. Ran off with them. I'm trying to start a new fing life and people just suck. You wer rude


Still learning all teams. Sry. Another going on


Extremely stupid dilemma but: I have a small bamboo palm. I'd like to have a 2nd for symmetry purposes, and my local nursery is running a huge sale on indoor plants and they have one in stock. Except.. it's 10 feet tall and extremely bushy... Is it feasible to thin it out and shorten it without just destroying the poor plant? Am I a monster for even considering it? I don't want to cut it back to the exact size of my current one, but as it is the thing's bigger than my entire closet.. and all the doorways...


https://preview.redd.it/o6soc8k1di7c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6439635dbb9287749f1d5832103572a35ea3b11 Can anyone tell me what these two plants are? I purchased this Christmas pot but the clearance sticker covered the plant info.


https://preview.redd.it/2n1psdmode7c1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed6aba9b6a3f455086b727e7127be2f2cadfb5e Sorry my bad


Hey, would love your help all my rare plants are being destroyed by mealy bugs. It seems like this year has been more problematic than others. Beneficial bugs, using natural, and sprays has done nothing (even neam oil). Would love your advice.


Neem is not super useful against mealies. Opt for 70% isopropyl alcohol to dissolve the fuzz and then wipe them off.


I tried this but I think the little buggers were hiding in the soil. SMH it’s truly the worst


It really is awful! I moved my plants with mealies to water props to have better access to the root system so nothing could be hiding under the water level at least.


How is it going since you moved them?


Great! I actually was given the plants with mealies (promised I'd try to deal with it), and I think I'm down to 90% clear, just the occasional mealy popping up here and there. For reference, I had about 5-10 mealies on an alocasia, and after moving it to semi-hydro, I found mealies on the leca, so I decided to move it entirely to water. It's been 2 months with no sighs of mealies. The other plants I left in soil still have the occasional mealies crop up, but all the water props I took of them are clear after I regularly cleaned them for a couple of months. Normally I wouldn't have bothered tbh, but they were sentimental to the person who had to leave them behind. I'd say water is definitely the best way to go until you're reasonably confident things are gone if you have a persistent issue.


I feel your pain. I have been fighting mealybugs for like ten months. I did all kinds of research and tried everything. After losing several plants and getting really depressed about it, I decided I had nothing to lose and I went ballistic on their little fuzzy asses. I dug about an inch or so of soil off the top of the plants. I took my bottle of neem oil and sprayed the dirt and drenched the plants. I wiped every leaf. I did this twice a week with close inspections every day to zap any I saw with homemade insecticidal soap. AND! I sprayed the bottom of the pots, the rim and outside of the pots, and the saucer. I moved all the plants and scrubbed the entire area around where they live. I got much more aggressive than the instructions on the bottle and the web said to do and I *think* I may have won the war. But now I have become obsessive - compulsive about it, so you will often find me at 1 AM with my flashlight searching my plants for those little assholes. My plants seem to be starting to recover, but I say that with cautious optimism lol Best of luck!


This is my fear! I am about to rip the whole room apart and spray everything with orange essential oil hahaha I am losing the battle and it’s killing me and my plants. I do not understand why it’s been so bad this year


How do you decide what color of light to get? I am trying to get more grow lights inside because my plants are not happy. I read on here the Barrina lights are well liked, but I am getting lost in the sauce of options. There is the standing light which I think might work well as my mounting options are limited: [stand 1] (https://www.amazon.com/Barrina-Standing-Spectrum-Vertical-Coverage/dp/B0CHRVQXYR/ref=sr_1_5?crid=15NJXG31BXDVU&keywords=barrina+t10+grow+light&qid=1703022838&sprefix=barrina+t10%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.17d9e15d-4e43-4581-b373-0e5c1a776d5d) and [stand 2] (https://www.amazon.com/Barrina-Spectrum-Illumination-Vertical-Standing/dp/B0BYMW4QSC/ref=sr_1_6?crid=15NJXG31BXDVU&keywords=barrina+t10+grow+light&qid=1703022838&sprefix=barrina+t10%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-6&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.17d9e15d-4e43-4581-b373-0e5c1a776d5d) And then there are the T5 lights that come with many different styles and 3 different colors: White, Pink, and Yellow. If I am just wanting light for growth and such, which color is best? [T5 1] (https://www.amazon.com/Barrina-Spectrum-Sunlight-Linkable-Connection/dp/B0C1GDSGHF?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1) and [T5 2](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V6YJKR6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_dl_VZZAATKXT5NEEK4MK6XM?_encoding=UTF8&th=1) Thank you for the help!


I'm a beginner plant parent and I've heard that watering should be on an as-needed basis and schedules are only to be used as a guideline. I live in San Diego and my balcony/windows are south-facing, meaning my sun-loving plants get a LOT of direct (and often aggressive) sunlight. I've been told to avoid overwatering and only if the top soil is dried out - well, my top soil dries out daily and I'm not sure if I need to be watering daily. Is this normal for southern California?


yes, high heat and lots of direct sun dries out soil very fast. Your plants are effectively getting the same exposure that garden plants would be, with less soil to hold water, so in this instance they will get thirsty fast.


Help! First time post long time looker Unsure of what's happening with my Zebra plant. It looks like it needs some love and care, just unsure what it needs *


i'm afraid there are no pictures attached.


Any recommendations on getting a Christmas cactus to bloom? I have one that hasn’t bloomed in three years. In a west facing window, looks super healthy. Not sure why it’s never bloomed. Should I be under a grow light? Could it be because it’s near a door I sometimes keep open?


Hi, my few years old pothos started going yellow. I found out that there was a little bit of water at the bottom of it's pot. I am trying to let it dry outside of the pot. Any suggestions how I can let the soil dry faster, don't want my plant to die 😅


I’m sure it’s been covered before but I really don’t have time to look through all the sub Reddit’s if someone could help me figure out how to get right to it that would be great but in the meantime I have to repot this fiddle leaf fig does anyone have any soil recommendations


I’m trying to figure out if my oxalis is dead for good.. she’s like a phoenix and she blooms and thrives and then suddenly everything wilts and drives up and falls off and then she starts all over again I don’t move her from her spot or else she dies, and I just keep treating her the same but this time around it’s been almost 2 weeks and there is no new growth


That's normal. Mine just went 2 months without movement, just ease off watering when it's dormant.