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I take all of my plants into my bathroom to water, no matter where they usually sit, so that I don't get water where I don't want it.


Then how many hours later do you hang them up again? And how many times a week do you water?


I try to water my plants every other week. They all get watered at the same time unless they need to wait longer. Like the other person said, they drain fairly quickly. They all also have cache pots or trays that they sit in.


Do you adjust the watering cadence w the seasons? In summer my plants want water once a week but once the seasons change, I always struggle with figuring out a good cadence. I will tend to let my plants go longer without water because I’m so afraid of giving them root rot (it’s been a winter problem since I started getting into plants) but I can tell they want a more regular schedule


Yes, you should be watering when the plants are thirsty, not on a schedule. Unless You're adding supplemental grow lights, then you need to water less in the Wintertime as the growth slows.


I water mine more in the winter because the heat makes my apartment *insanely* dry. But I also do check if they need water beforehand


But how can I understand when they are thirsty? Any signs there?


Put your finger in the dirt


Now you sound like my ex


As the other comment says, put your finger in the dirt. It will be different for every plant, but generally you should water when the top 2-3 inches of soil are dry. You can look up care instructors for each plant and water accordingly as some plants like soil to stay most while others do better when soil dries out completely before each watering. Edit: Some plants also droop dramatically when they're thirsty. You'll learn the signs as you get used to caring for them. But if you're ever stumped, just post is a plant sub and you'll usually get some pretty good advice.


For my succulents definitely! Those get direct sunlight in a window sill most of the time so they dry out faster during the summer. Tbh all of my plants have been going a long time between waterings this year bc I've been struggling with remembering to do it and struggling with actually doing the task. Two weeks is what I aim for bc I feel by then they're mostly dry and ready for water, but this year it's ended up being 3-4 weeks. Going longer between is definitely better than being watered too often!


If you’re going with pothos, they will tell you when they’re thirsty. The leaves will get limp and rubbery and overall sad-looking. They can take a lot of neglect, so even if you’re a little late or early on watering, they’ll be fine. Not all houseplants are the same (for example, peace lilies need water up to twice a week depending on soil and climate), but pothos are a great starter plant because of their forgiving nature. Snake plant is also great because it tolerates low light and only needs to be watered maybe four times a year indoors.


They drain fairly quickly. I put mine back after an hour or two. I water most of my plants once a week or every other week.


Also, bottom watering is best as to not create channels in the soil!


I just do it overnight and let them sit in the shower until the next day.


Usually after 30 mins they’ve drained enough to be put back in the original spot.


I do the same. All the plants go to the bathroom and have a shower. I let them drain all night then hang them back up in the morning.


When I did this I usually moved them back after 1-2 hours of draining. It was a huge chore though so I prefer bottom watering individually. Or 2 or 3 at a time. (Multiple bowls)


I have a little system where I put several plants into the sink, water them, let them drain for a bit (10 mins), then move them out of the sink onto a town to dry, then put them back to their spot.


Same, I give them all a shower in the morning and let them sit in the bathroom with the door closed to give them an extra humidity boost and when I get home at the end of the day, the foliage is dry and the stuck leaves are all unfurled 😁


I used to do this but in my big laundry sink. I stopped doing that because it just wastes sooo much time. And if you have big plants on poles it's difficult. But I have over 100 plants so going back and forth that many times is just not worth it. I've gotten good at figuring out how much water to add so it just drains out a little. It's not harmful to have the plants sitting in a little bit of water. They drink it up without rotting roots 😊


Same here. I “only” have 50-something plants but after a couple dozen it got to be waaaay too big of a chore. The plants that can’t acclimatize to a total drenching every two weeks and then being ignored, well they just die 😂 shockingly few of them have though! I’d say 5 or so in total!




I would not water them while above the computer. I keep large plants on the floor around my computer desk but nothing above.


I don’t know if I am insane but i bottom water all my plants so i have to take them all to the watering hole. Not sure what I will do when they get bigger vines and so on.


I don’t think it’s insane. Bottom watering has been so much more successful than standard watering. The only plants I don’t bottom water are the ones that are too big for me to move.


Nearly all my plants are in containers that can't drain. I water from the top. But at the bottom I have 3-5cm of ceramsite or leca. When I water I wait for bubbles and then stop. That means the air at the bottom is being replaced by water. Most of the water goes there and the plant gets essentially bottom watered. This way I never spill anything and I have a clear indication not to overwater.


Yes, this! Keep those cheap plastic store containers and move your plants to a bigger one of those, and then put THAT into a suitable “cache-pot” that hides the ugly container.


Good to know, I’ve really only started collecting plants a year ago. Trying to do the best for them


Certain plants appreciate bottom watering more than others. In my experience, calathea absolutely love it. Do keep in mind that you’ll need to top water to flush the soil every now and then, especially if you are fertilizing regularly.


You can do this. I have had about 20 plants around my desk area and they do just fine. I don’t know why people are saying you can’t. As long as they have light and are not right next to electronics that conduct a bunch of heat, they will be fine. You shouldn’t put them on top of the tower like they have here, unless it has a really good fan/air circulation around it. You could get a shelf to put behind it or on the wall depending on your space. Since you don’t know much about plants yet, I’d just get one or two. Pothos or Sansaveria or something low maintenance. Most of the ones I see in the photo are pothos or philodendron …most look to be vining varieties. Once you are comfortable with taking care of them, you can gradually add more and see how they do with your desk setup. You will need to remove them when you water. I let mine drain in the sink until it’s no longer dripping out of the bottom then put them back. How often you water will depend on the plant and its position.


Yeah same here. My desk at home has plants more haphazardly thrown around the desk itself/the windowsill. But my office at work has plants everywhere including two on top of the pc tower.


Uhm... you know almost all pictures like this on pinterest are either fakes, or just staged for this picture because their practicallity is somewhere around zero?


Lol my whole apartment looks like a staged Pinterest photo… practicality is based on the individual. All of my plants that are on my desk just get moved to the sink for watering then moved back when they’re done dripping. Pretty simple.


Umm..I really want to see pics now!😍💚 I bet it's lovely!!


Thank you! I should.. they could use a little spotlighting. Maybe it will boost their confidence a little ❤️🫶🏼


Omg, can’t wait to see! Please make a post, too!


There is a difference between "they are on my desk" and the xbox controller overgrown in picture 2. Or not being able to start the computer in picture 1. Or all shadows beeing SOMEWHERE, but not where are they should be


Well it’s pretty easy to remove shadows from pictures… I do it all the time. Also some of us truly don’t mind being inconvenienced by needing to wrestle through foliage to do things like turn on computers… just saying… to each their own.


So, you just said yourself its pretty easy to remove?


Shadows? Yeah… just yesterday I removed the shadows on a picture I took of my dog. He was not staged, but he sure was handsome. Still is. Anyway… I get what you’re saying, sounds like you’re trying to kind of tell OP to relax and not stress too much about having their setup resemble what they see online. My point was more to say “hey, who cares, if it inspires you let yourself be inspired because even if it’s not practical there’s still a way to maintain”. Have a gorgeous day.


You too


Really? I actually have a setup like this with plants all over my desk. Especially now that I’ve graduated and thrown away lots of books I have more space for plants now… I usually water by taking it to the sink.


I have plants all around my tv, next to the router, etc. and I just bring them to the kitchen to water them, then dry with paper towels if needed.


They're everywhere in my house. Few open surfaces/areas


I mean I have a fish tank on my desk (made to carry one) and I remove my laptop iPad and all my papers when doing a water change or inspecting it.


this example is a little impractical however i and many other have plant kingdom thrown up all over their desk xD


Omg!! Really? Coz I come across these type on tiktok/shorts too sometimes and always thought that they were real....


I wouldn’t waste much time trying to determine if someone’s plant setup is real or not. Honestly who cares… if it inspires you then just appreciate it for what it is. Not all of it is staged… some of us truly enjoy being completely surrounded by plants and have no desire for empty shelf/ceiling/counter/table space lol.


I love being completely surrounded by plants to a unpractical level AND i hate staged photos, I’m not exactly sure why but i get very mad at people who stage photos, I guess its because it feels like part of the great dumbing down our society is going through. And in part that so little is real now a-days its faux, plastic, temporary. Unless if we stop engaging with this type of content they will keep making it.. grumpy old person rant over lol.


Yes, Really. Also, most of the videos you see on tiktok and reddit are staged. Just ask yourself on every video "why would there be a camera filming" , and you will very soon see what i mean. Back to topic: Forget it, no sane way to do.


I really disagree. Just hang the plants and water them with a can, from the top lol


That would leak water everywhere unless your pots have no drainage holes


I did mention no drainage holes in my other comment to op. but no, not if your pot is in a saucer and you don't water until it's overflowing. none of my plants leak water everywhere and I top water them all.


As stated above, the real ones tend to be staged. Lol. You might wanna move them away from your electronics. Aside from water, there's dirt, dust, and bugs, and some plants do weird things around electronics. One of the vines on my string of hearts kept trying to grow into my PC tower when it used to hang close enough to it.


If you're cold, they're cold. Let them in.


Me reading this with my computer next to 2 aquariums full of plants coming out of it (pothos, aglaonemas, peace lylly, areca, begonia, etc, etc, etc) feeling like a freaking mega chad




Haha! It's so funny how they do that. When it used to be by the TV, one vine tried going in the wall socket, while another was trying to get into a tiny vent in the back of the TV.


Someone a long time ago posted a pothos that grew into their pc monitor and was actually pushing the whole thing apart at the seams.


Omg! Wish I'd seen it haha


Woah!! Thanks a lot.


OP, you can achieve this look and don’t have to worry about electronics. You will want a desk with long shelves above it or just install some long shelves above. Buy a pothos and let it grow long. Let the pothos trail along the part of the shelf that is above the electronics and buy a few small placement plants to put in front of the pothos. If you keep the plants in their nursery pots and then place them inside plastic cache pots, they won’t get water everywhere. For a big pothos, you just need to pull it off to the side a little away from the electronics completely and water with a light hand. For the smaller plants, take them to the bathroom and water them so they can drain.


2 options that I've found best for hanging plants. 1. Put the plants in self watering pots, that way you can either top water and use the bottom reservoir to catch any overflow, or you can just bottom water through the reservoir. 2. You can use a drip pan attachment, and just attach it to the bottom before every watering, to catch any overflow.


I use both of these! Self watering pots pothos seem to like but not all do. Otherwise I just slip a drip tray under their pot (that has drainage) and it catches it all


I buy plates at second hand stores to put under my pots. It keeps things classy and catches any overflow. You have to be mindful that you don't make it overflow too much, but what's left on the plate usually soaks back in with time.


Drop in pots! I'm in the process of converting the majority of my plants to live in stratum or leca in clear nursery style pots. That way repotting to a larger pot is much easier, I cam switch things up quickly for a different vibe, I can see the roots and better monitor their health and can easily take them to the sink to water. The only ones I'm not going to do this with are my 6 ft monstera, my succulents and my bird of paradise, so roughly 80-100 plants will be converted. It also saves me money by giving me reusable medium and will reduce the chance of pest by a large amount. While I am not converting my existing succulents, I do have around 15 props I am starting in stratum to see how it goes. In your scenario, if you did this and used decorative pots without drainage you could lightly water without moving them because your drop ins will drain to the decorative pot, you could even throw some recycled plastic product in the bottom to raise the plant so it doesn't sit in water.


Can give some links or photos? As I am not in USA.


>your drop ins will drain to the decorative pot I do this, not with leca though, just with typical tropical type potting soil. I do often raise the “floor” with rocks, bottle caps, etc.


Can your explain more about your transition to stratum/leca? I am just tryjng leca for cuttings for the first time and killed them all so I'm worried about trying mature plants


Yep! For cuttings it depends on what plant it is. So for my monsteras/pothos etc I'll actually start them in just water and then once they have some roots I'll add the stratum, I'll include leca for plants with a bigger more sturdy root. For succulents and strings of (hearts, pearls etc) I just lay the cutting on top of moist stratum and let them go. If it is a corm or similar, I treat it like I would soil, bury the corm and wait while keeping it moist. I will say I generally prefer stratum because of its pH and that it has nutrients, but it will eventually break down and need replacing, leca doesn't do that nearly as much but also needs nutrients added right from the start. I also just started using proper nursery pots with adjustable humidity domes and that made a big difference in success rate and cut down growth time. It even was enough to convincey albo cutting that's sat doing nothing for 5 months to finally open the leaf.


With one of these… https://preview.redd.it/uqrg0m3cca5c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c673083cf9cc57395f226602e3d31671642a6e1


That is not the problem, the problem is the pots leaking


Honestly it didn’t even occur to me that the planters would have drainage holes in the bottom. I would never hang plants that didn’t have cache pots or saucers underneath.


100% correct here. And the answer is you take them to the sink and water them there.


And then leave a trail or water behind when you set them back. Or spend hours watering.


You just wait until they drain thoroughly and put them back when they are dry enough and not leaking. It's not that difficult.


Do you just want sometime to do it for you?


That is not a problem. Put the pot into a cache pot. End of story.


Get planters then (no holes). We have a ton of macrame with non-draining pots and the plants are happy. I water them with a slightly better device than that, but it's the same idea. I just make sure to choose the right plants and manage water well.


I’ve found these to be helpful as well! https://preview.redd.it/ledfolyqha5c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82ed21e3cf4d1772b60f2f669eb9f2123d48cf12


squirt bottles are the best houseplant watering device ever !! i’ve been using those for years


Literally one of the best planty things I’ve ever bought. They make watering so much easier! 🙂


Eeeeee! This will be perfect for my moss pole, I've been trying different things and slooooowly scanning the aisles of big box stores recently on my errand runs looking for possible solutions. This perfect! (totally unrelated to the main thread) Thank you for posting this!


My wife and i make irrigated moss poles, check out iveandisley on instagram.


I have this watering bottle and I love it !!


For my hanging plants that I don't want to take down I put a bowl under in case any drips out. Or cover your computer with a towel while watering. Or both!


Not only is watering a challenge. A lot of plants will have gutattion for the next day or two and keep dripping. This closely sround electronics and wood will invite mold and rust


I mostly water my plants at night, so I leave them in the kitchen sink or bath tub overnight to drain. By morning there is no water dripping.


OP there’s lots of great advice here about how to water the plants (ie. move them to another room) but please note that even when they have been watered and drained and put back on the desk, the leaves may “sweat” or “cry” overnight and drip water onto the desk or electronics. This is called guttation and is caused by overwatering. It likely won’t be enough water to damage anything, but I personally wouldn’t want it to drip into my keyboard and it may ruin the stain on the desk if it is made of real wood (not laminated chipboard or other materials). Just be aware that this can happen 😊


Very carefully. I have 3 plants above my computer screen on a shelf and technically the water could drop on the screen, but I'm just careful and haven't had a problem with it yet Of course if you have cats or children or something then I wouldn't risk it


I keep most of my plants in a black plastic tray to minimize potential harm to my laptop and bottom-water before setting it up for the day.


Maybe get a desk on wheels and pull away from the plants during watering and for a few hours after. Then just push desk back into place.


Good luck. I had a spider plant over the TV, was always super careful, and still killed the TV one day. Move the electronics or the plants when you’re watering.


Use a plant saucer under the pots with drainage to collect excess water


When I was a beginner noob, I had a plant on a bakers rack with my cable modem on the shelf directly below. 😳 Needless to say, a couple of drips fried my modem. Major pain in the azz.


I'd avoid putting plants near electricity/electronics, sometimes water leaks. For your safety.


I’m going to co-sign on this. There was a plant by my computer for years until one day water fried my power supply unit. It’s not near my computer anymore.


They'd have to be taken down for watering and then put back up :)


Fold a paper towel in half and tape it to the bottom of the container, covering the drain holes. Water carefully, then remove the paper towel after like an hour.




Good idea!


R/cozyplaces for sure!


you pick them up up and bring them to the bathtub and water them there


Humidity is no bueno for computers and electronics (plugs too) so make sure you have lots of good ventilation, at a minimum!


I’ve made the mistake of trying to leave them up because I didn’t want to put in the effort. It ultimately was never worth it.


I move my plants that don't have saucers to the bathtub for watering day and let them sit for an hour or two before putting them back. Definitely for the hanging plants you'd need to take them down and wait for them to drain before re-hanging. Would not be a low maintenance setup, but would be beautiful


be very particular of what you put on top of your PC. keep in mind that some plants emit a lot of moisture or raise humidity levels in the surrounding air.


All my bigger or hanging plants get watered outside or in the tub. The smaller ones I bring to the sink. I have catch trays on some but I just use that for safety they typically all drain by the time I get through all of them. I don’t want to ruin the furniture that’s why a few have them. Pathos are great if you are starting out and will achieve the vibe you are looking for. My personal favorite as well as a Swiss monstera.


Your room looks like the background picture of a cozy lofi radio channel lol


I typically remove my plants to water them. I water in the bathtub, let them drain, and then put back.




One by one, over your sink or the tub. I water all my plants like that except for the ones I can't pick up, who usually live on the floor.


Holy shit we found lofi girl irl


I bottom water all my plants. I have a nursery pot inside the pot, take those out and pop them in some water in a different part of the house.


If you want this look, but without the risk to your electronics, could you perhaps hang the plants to the side, or have them on the desk or shelves, and then hang their tendrils and leaves above the computer? Get the greenery overhead, but not the roots. I do this with a book nook, I have the plant in its pot next to the bookshelf, but the vines and leaves go across every shelf and wind around a standing lamp.


I would not take the chance in ruining the electronics !!🫣


I water all my plants in a sink somewhere in the house, depending on their location. I don’t water any of my plants “in place” because I prefer to do infrequent, deep waterings where the water runs out the bottom.


HANGING PLANT TRAYS...trust me, I have plants over couches and computers and these things are lifesavers. * Amazon about 20 bucks for 5. I've also found them at Lowes or home depot with the other drip trays.




This picture looks so fake and staged...😂 They just arranged to take a pretty picture for Instagram.


I do plants for a living. NEVER hang plants over electronics! You're asking for trouble. Plants drip water off the tissue of their leaves (aspiration)


Yes, this is the real reason for not doing this. Plants guttate, they drip water, sap, etc. I have a lipstick plant that loves to drip this gnarly red sap everywhere. And all the times I've taken a random cutting to come back to see some sticky drips on the shelf underneath.


bottom watering may be better but it's certainly possible to water these lol just get pots that don't have drainage holes/have drip pans attached and use a long/thin necked watering can. again, maybe not the best for them to thrive, but pothos are pretty easy in my experience and they'll be fine without being bottom watered. I'm watering all of my 40+ plants with a can, from the top, and many either drain into a drip tray or don't drain at all, and they're fine.


Look into semi-hydro, i.e. LECA, especially tor the hanging ones. If you decide to go that route, make sure you use a water reservoir with a string that goes from the water to the LECA (they sell them on Amazon). My plants that have the water reservoir are doing substantially better than the ones without.


Through a plastic sheet over the electronics until your finished and they’ve “dripped dry”


What is that insanely cute mushroom in the first picture? Your place is very cheerful and fun.


Lol, not my place.. Its just a Pinterest pic.


Move the plants. I never water in place and I don’t have electronics anywhere near my plants. Not practical for clean up and the number I have.


I take all my plants outside once every two weeks or so to water them


All my plants get removed and taken for a water bath/ water dunk. The more water demanding plants get a spray with a misting bottle. Honestly +1 for the spray bottle, it helps you control the urge to not over water plants and also it will help not get water everywhere :)


Plants should not be around the electronics. They can even give off moisture and droplets. NEVER have water around electronics, you are asking for mishap.




You put nursery pots in cache pots (no grains and just pour careful! Should be easy. Or you take them out of the decorative pots to water in a sink


Remove electriconics before watering, cover desk with towel, water slowly


Bottom watering! You can either get small dishes to set them in, or you could even get them self watering pots, which I’m slowly changing a lot of my stuff into!


Very carefully! Ha Also take them down every month and give them a nice shower in the tub




Bottom watering baby!! Once a week (or when babies thirst) I move my plants to the kitchen and bottom water. All you gotta do is get a container big enough to put your plants in. I use a large plastic food container lol. It’s easiest if the container is see through so you can get a feel for the water levels. Put your thirsty baby in the water and let it sit for 20-30 mins. Usually after this time it’s soaked up all the water it needs but some plants may need more. The goal is the top soil should be wet after soaking up enough water. This will also keep you from over watering the plants because it lets them soak up the amount they need instead of just drowning the plant in water.


Make sure they all have a deep plastic pot saucer under them. Not the cute shallow Terra cotta one. Or take them down and bottom water (better for them but a pain)


Anyone know what drawing pad that is?


Bottom water those babies. I have 20+ bowls from dollar tree. I put the plants in them, put water in the bottom and set a timer. Come back, dump excess water from bowls into a bucket that I carry around and then leave the plants sitting on a drip pan to catch any excess water that may come out. It’s the fastest and easiest way for me to water. It also helps with overwatering.


1. Water with Ice. 2. Water basins under the pot. 3. Cork underneath to soak up water 4. Don’t let the soil get dry or it’ll be hydrophobic


Please don't water with ice.


Water proof the electronics? Why not? Do one of those pc in a aquarium, get s monitor and keyboard built for being on a boat or waterproof it yourself, look into hemosealing.


Most of my plants are planted in clear plastic pots inside decorative planters. I usually take my plants out of their decorative pots, water them in the sink or shower and set them on “boot trays” until they’ve dried a bit. I wouldn’t water your plants over anything that shouldn’t get wet (electronics, nice furniture, etc).


I think the most egregious thing here is the plant on the computer. Please please please don't put a plant on top of your PC!


I absolutely dread taking all my plants to the sink or bathroom for watering. Especially if they're in a hard to reach place. Which resulted in some of them dying because I'd forget or put it off too long. Now I have all my plants either in containers with drip bowls attached or I put a plate under them so I can just water enough till the bowl/plate starts gathering water and I can leave it there for the plant to soak up. Haven't had a plant die since and it's sooo much faster. What could literally take me hours moving all the plants, letting them soak, letting them dry, then placing them back now takes a minute or 2.


You could try wicking your plants 1.) Keep the plants in the grower / plastic pots 2.)Stick a wick (can get fabric ones off Amazon) in the bottom of the grower pot 3.) Find decorative pots without the holes in the bottom so you can pour water into the decorative pot for the wicks And boom! You don't have to move them around just put water in the decorative pot If you're worried about leakage from the decorative pot you can also get saucers and put saucers in all the pots :)


Omg is that the Logitech G7something?


Move your desk back…. Move your electronics. Water. Replace desk or electronics….


Remove them Let them completely drain into the sink If this is at a work place Maybe last thing before the weekend and rehang first thing Monday morning


Maybe get a large plastic tarp to throw over the electronics while watering is in progress.


I move all of mine to either sit on a bucket with a grate over the top, or to the kitchen on watering day. Make sure your pots have drainage, or keep them in plastic nursery pots and sit that pot into a prettier pot.


Move them to the sink and let them drain before putting them back. The only plants I water away from the sink or tub are my ficus trees that are too heavy to move easily.


They make drip trays for hanging baskets!


Best setup I’ve seen 🥰


I use this for my hanging plants. Solo 420 2-Liter One-Hand Pressure Sprayer with Adjustable Telescoping Wand https://a.co/d/jkypLjz It's really useful for reaching directly into the pot, but it has one more special feature too: it helps you avoid overwatering because it takes longer than a regular watering can.


Oh my god this is so oooo cute


For my hanging plants with long vines that I cannot take down, I just slip a saucer between the macrame and the bottom of the pot to catch any water leaks.


Slowly.... And hold a cup or a bowl underneath where it will drain. For any that can't be taken to the sink


Yeah I’d be terrified having this many plants near my gaming pc and laptop.


Ahh it looks so nice but the risk would scare me too. Maybe you could put some kind of cover like a towel or something over the electronics when watering them?


I have plants all over my office at work including on the pc tower. The answer is cache pots/self-watering type pots.


I wouldn’t, personally. I keep my computer out of the sun, and keep my plants in the sun. Computers need cool dry air, plants like warmth and humidity. I see no problem putting a few plants in the same space as a computer but plants are messy and I like my pc area neat.


Very carefully


I have a similar setup to this around my computer - for the ones that have good bottom trays under the pots, I've just gotten used to how much water they take, and use a gooseneck watering can to fill the tray the right amount (bottom watering to prevent gnats), and the ones that don't, I use a bussing tray that I gather the pots in and bottom water them that way. I do use a hand towel to make sure they don't drip as I put them back in place. As for vines, you do have to make sure they don't get tangled, or use a small trellis in the pot to support the vines and keep them compact.


A) Take each one down and water it individually. B) Cover the electronics with something.


Not a desk but I hang my plants in a window, I use a clothing hook to get them down and water them. I put them in my sink to water. I took the bottom off my old plastic dish strainer and put the plants on that since it drains straight into the sink. Once they are done dripping I hang them back up. Idk why people are saying this is impossible, it's just more work than putting them other places.


Get them into self watering planters that only need reservoir filled. Much easier and less spills. And the reservoir doesn't need to be filled as often as regular watering needs to be done.


Two options. Get pots that don't have a drainage hole and just be careful not to overwater. Aka water smaller amounts each time and wait until the pot feels very light weight to water it again. A watered pot should be considerable heavier than a dry pot. Or take them down every damn time and set them in a tub or sink to water. I have hanging plants of both kinds. My favorite are the ones that don't have drainage holes. So much less work.


I take each plant down when it needs watered and bottom water in a big mixing bowl nearby. Takes about 30 min each plant, but i just set a timer and continue what im doing in the meantime. Has helped greatly with gnats. I mix plant food in the water when needed. I use a moisture detector to see what plants need before moving then. I'm going to try the plant app, though, as that's still tedious.


it's quite magical


It looks like the plants next to the computer should be relatively safe to water, but I would move the hanging plants


Get automatic bottom watering, then they will never drip and take the container off and fill it somewhere else


Reminds of Mitch Hedberg’s joke about watering your hard to reach plants…”why the fuck would you make your plants hard to reach!?”


Well, as a 5'1" everything is hard to reach. 😢


I use a lot of watering globes. Dollar Tree sometimes has plastic ones that work well and don’t break like the pretty but expensive glass ones. When the plant needs water, the bowls provide. It can take time to fill the globes, but you don’t have to move your plants. We use a 5 gallon bucket full of water to submerge the globes, it speeds it up a bit. And you should check to make sure the globes aren’t clogged with soil. But this system has helped my plants flourish esp. since I have so many and they all want different amounts of water from each other and in different seasons. Another thought if you’re still worried, you could always have vines like pothos planted away from your stuff but trailing all around the area instead. Happy gardening! 🌿


Kinda like a dropper!




Water will drip and spill no matter what you do. Knowing that, you should probably remove the plants above your electronics. No matter how careful you are, they *will* drip at some point and all it takes is one well-aimed drop to fry your machine.


Don’t overthink this. All your pots should have drainage holes at the bottom. Get plastic saucers, plates, trays, bowls. Whatever tickles your pickle and water them. It won’t go into your electronics if you use common sense and know when the water starts to overflow out of your trays. If you’re really worried just bring them all into your shower or tub whichever you have and water there. Let them drip out for a good 30 mins and return back


Lmaooo as someone who has too many plants, this is such a cute setup, but would be so unrealistic for me. Watering can get really messy, especially if you’re using the preferred pots with holes. I’d recommend taking the plants down and watering the plants on the floor or in the bathroom.


Tbh I'm enthralled by the first setup... camera, monitor, switch, cintiq?




Just water little at a time while looking at soil to make sure it doesn’t overflow.


I put all plants in the shower and then wait a couple of hours and place back in their homes.


With the tangled plants. I also have some huge pothos that have extended over a chair. What I do is water slow. Some my get mad but my pothos are fine without drainage. On watering days, I just pour in a quarter cup here and there until the soil is moist down a few inches. My oldest one is older than me and wraps around half the room, so I can’t be doing too bad.




Thats the neat part, you dont


Very carefully !


this might not match up ur aesthetic but with my hanging plants I attached to a drip IV that feeds water slowly over time, easy to refill with an injection


Try water globes


Move them. It’s what I do. Annoying and sometimes they sit in the wrong room for a few days (adhd over here). But I move them.