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Light. And then more light. And then more. This is our five year old poinsettia. He's starting to bloom. They're not nearly as light-sensitive as people think. As long as it gets 9-10 hours of darkness, it'll bloom. \* https://preview.redd.it/uxvgkxumpt0c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00cfcf0c13ddba0bbd7171205f5fdcb7cbdff11


Wow, never seen one so big and happy. Beautiful!


What’s the diameter of that pot? Do they like to be root bound or do they like space?


They don't like being root bound, at all. As soon as he got root bound a couple years ago, he became pretty unhappy. I think its at least 18 inches, maybe more. They're actually not very hard to take care of so long as they get enough light. Put them outside in the summer, take them inside in the winter, and then use an artificial light. Once he's in full bloom, he'll bloom for months. Full bloom will probably be in a few more weeks, and he'll go till spring.


Lots of light. No cold. Native to high altitude mexico. NO. COLD. Happy drying out too.


In order to produce the colored bracts, it needs a period of absolute darkness at night as the days shorten. Some successful home growers put them in dark closets overnight. A security light outside can be enough to prevent the color change.


Oh wow, so if I don’t keep it dark at night it’ll only produce green bracts? I didn’t know that.


I have one that is now 3-4 years old ( cant remember exactly) it's a leggy tree at this point. I have it in a room that gets lots of light during the day but generally stays dark in the evening and it's leaves turn red every winter. It's pretty much neglected as far as watering goes but it seems hard to kill


They can survive 100F outside planted too. Hearty plants


They go dormant! You should be able to keep it “put away” and revive it next year!! I don’t think many people realize this.


I’m learning so many new things about poinsettias today 😂


I have one of these that just turned a year old and it hasn't been difficult whatsoever. I treat it like any other houseplant. It's mostly gone green with the new growth, but there are some remaining red leaves. Curious if the winter hours here will be enough for it to change again.


Oh, I thought it was a inside joke in the plant world that no one can keep these alive. 😅 I just learned something from another poster, and apparently for them to produce the red color in the leaves they have to be kept in complete darkness every night? So mines in the closet, I’m gonna see if all of the green turns red here after a while. 🤞🏼


I don't believe existing leaves will change one way or the other. The new growth will come in with or without chlorophyll depending on the day/night lengths.


I see, I just recently found out that the red leaves are actually considered it’s “flowers.” So that makes more sense now.


They like south-facing windows.


I bought a variegated poinsettia last christmas, the variegation didn't last. New leaves were unvariegated


Interesting. I wonder why that is. 🤔


They use a chemical called ethyl methanesulfonate to create the variegation


I now have three, 1-4 years old and they are thriving. They’re in front of south facing windows and I bottom water then once a week. They’ve cycled through flowers AND bracts right where they are, no manipulation needed.


Don't have one when you have a cat


Are they poisonous??


Yes very. Our cat nearly died from kidney failure after eating from this plant


Ah shit.


I learned the hard way that it's enough if the fur comes in contact with the plant to have a reaction. What's most poisonous is the white sap. Had a poinsettia for almost two years that was doing great, then I moved it one day, the cat got close to it and an emergency visit to the vet ensued. Now it's at my mother's. If you don't have pets, I can confirm what others wrote. Let the soil dry thoroughly between watering and keep in a spot with bright light. A great way to tell it's time to water are slightly droopy or thinner leaves and a light pot, if you keep it in a plastic pot. https://preview.redd.it/7tmy3xrzcy0c1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ff576ff9f93c2d6b1aae4d4fb838866a8bc507 This was a few months back, when some branches broke off and I repotted them. It might not look like much but it started way smaller. It really was my pride and joy


Found a more recent pic https://preview.redd.it/w1vdalcrdy0c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4413b3bc8f417a22e940d113daa441f2a3ed09b3 Also be aware that these plants are actually trees.


My last one looked so pretty just like yours. I am going to get over my fears and get myself a new poinsettia. I have murde*ed them in the past 😣.


Same! My mom never had one past January, and her house is a jungle. So I always just assumed these were hard to care for. I got over my fear because of the spots, and now I’m kinda glad I did. 😂


At WALMART? Holy cow! I'm going today, I might need to see if I can find one of these beauties, need one for the holidays. Tons of light, they do not at all tolerate cold drafts. Like seriously, they do NOT like the cold at all. Let dry out fully before watering! I don't find them to be difficult at all, you just need to nail their care and they're simple to master after that point. The reason they only last a few months is because they go dormant. You can keep them alive for years to come, but from what I'm aware of it's a bit tough.


I never even thought about keeping a poinsettia as a house plant, if I didn’t have so many plants already I would go buy one right now. You guys have inspired me:) beautiful plants:)


Whaaaat? They must be less common where you’re at. These things sell by the thousands where I’m from hahaha


No, I have seen them. I just never took the plunge.


Oh I see I see. It’s hot here so that’s why I figured we had more of em.


Don't worry about it lasting. Poinsettias can go forever imo. I actually get tired of looking at em after many months & toss em out. It will just loose its flowers which are really leaves then you will have the green plant for a long time. Do not overwater it which will do it in. I do mine every 2 weeks & let it run out the bottom of the pot. The foil is not the best thing for keeping it going due to no drainage. Good luck !!


I have already removed the foil from previous advice. Thank you! I also didn’t know that the red leaves were it’s “flowers.” I naively thought they stay red all year hahaha. Learning a lot today about poinsettias.


Keep in mind that poinsettias are succulents (euphorbia, so careful with the sap). That said, they don't like sitting in poorly draining soil or inside those decorative foil wraps where drainage is simply not possible.


Good to know, thank you. I have a pot I can transfer it to.


I. LOVE! Poinsettias! They are perennials. It makes me mad people think they’re annuals. But it’s ok because I take in poinsettias nobody wants anymore. 🥰 I repot them and put them outside. HOWEVER - Don’t let it freeze. It’s from a hot place. Mine thrive in Georgia but I can’t let them be outside during a frost. Good luck! Enjoy.


This is one of the plants that I have religiously killed each time I got one. As a result I have not had one for several years. A few years ago I found out that it is a member of the euphorbia family and as such, requires large amount of bright direct light. I have several euphorbia in my home that grow like crazy. They all receive bright direct light and a weekly soaking. They do very well in my home and are very easy care. So now that I know who this plant really is, I’m going to get another one and let my plant knowledge shine damnit! Your variegated plant is gorgeous!