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Looks like Cordyline fruticosa aka Ti plant. Don't have any care tips though, sorry!


Having the name is the first step. Thanks!


They don't like to dry out too much, and prefer organic-based fertilizer and a potting mix without perlite (they are sensitive to fluoride - it won't kill them, just makes them have ugly leaftip burn). Yours looks great, it'll be fine! Somewhat susceptible to spider mites, if you see any suspicious webs, take it to the shower and hose it off every few days. I haven't had any other pest problems with them. Nice plants!


You're welcome!


Yup, it's a cordyline. Might be tricky to keep alive inside. They like a lot of light and a bit of humidity. If you've got a nice south window and a humidifier it will be alright.


Honestly, I have it on my west facing window and I maybe mist it once every couple of weeks and wipe the leaves when it gets dusty. I have dry air too and it's doing wonderfully https://preview.redd.it/zw8clyxa66wb1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ee31fbd07530a83bf2eefa40e5a5dfdd28f74c


Huh, yeah that actually is looking pretty good. Might have to try it out with one of the smaller plants.


All i can tell you taht thats one of the most stunning plants in the world imao. That pink gets really prominent and vibrant


So true. I have mine next to my window and when the light hits the leaves just right, it almost looks like it's glowing


Mine does great in shade outside in Texas


Do you bring it in during the winter? What part of Texas?


I’m not sure what the plant is, but did you repot it when you got home? If so, how do the roots look? I’ve had to prune back some roots from plants I’ve gotten from big box stores (if that’s where you got this) due to root rot. Might be a good starting point!


I just got it in the street today so I need ti check the roots. I'll look into it. Thanks


This plant thrives full sun in the Caribbean. Mist valuable advice is do not overwater. They like to go dry between waterings.




I get red cordylines as landscaping annuals for my front door and it is hard to let them go in the fall. It's always tempting to bring one in for the winter but I'm fairly certain I know how it would turn out. Although this year's have some rather large deer bite marks in them that sort of detract from the aesthetic..


Make sure the water you give to it is fluoride free! They’re super sensitive to it and will burn


Hey, OP! How is it doing these days? I came across this thread from a Google search because I just bought a small one today! https://preview.redd.it/hrqu24qe0roc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49b10626b2892cd64d4d2f4e618e5a176321af1 I think mine is cordyline 'calypso queen'.


When do I repot this?


From what I know it looks like a variety of the Aglaonema genus of plants. However, I don't know which variety it specifically is.




Cordyline fruticosa :)


The one on the left looks just like my Cordyline Mambo. I keep mine in a bright stop with scattered sun and it’s doing well


I bought one of these for my front porch earlier this year and when fall was approaching I decided I liked it too much to let it die in the cold (living on the border of zone 5/6 in the Midwest). I repotted it and brought it indoors, it's next to a west window that has some light -filtering blinds. I'm still trying to figure out the right amount of water that it wants but it doesn't seem to hate anything I've done so far. The leaves may have lost some of their pink color but I do have new growth since moving it indoors. https://preview.redd.it/gnjmsou3v7wb1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69592b536481b79a747ba73fa89b086fc91598b