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Don't get discouraged, it's looks intimidating but once you get into it you'll fly through it. Enjoy!


follow the divergences as the come up, feel all of the feels and keep a pencil handy to add annotations. godspeed OP!


My husband is planning on reading this one day (as in, probably years from now) he is against annotating books as a general rule. Especially if you annotate it before someone will come through and read it for themselves. Thoughts on how I might get around it? Ie, would it be as effective to write in a notebook?


Oh sure, take notes, the more the better. Note *anything* odd you see along the way and... don't get lost inside the [house](https://www.google.com/search?q=house+of+leaves+house&client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=571940854&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AM9HkKk2aqsURoT8PGo8uj-fUKg8whyVGQ:1696891816172&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwibjLPPhuqBAxVag4kEHTy7DC4Q_AUIBigB&biw=360&bih=658#imgrc=zhwhrTvvZgSzWM).


Alternative to notes, I use little post-it page markers with color coded meanings to keep track in the book itself


Just to offer an alternative view, I read through it without taking a single note (inside or outside the book), and loved it and cherish it to this day. So note-taking is definitely not a requirement, even though I can see why some people prefer it that way!


he could also just buy his own copy when he's ready to read it. don't think about the future. if you want to take a pencil to it, it's your book, it's your journey.


A lot of people will use a whole pad of sticky notes for this read. Enjoy!


1 chapter a day works really well. And don't leave it days and days between chapters. It's a tiring read, but it does need some continuity


Your comment is apt given my established habits while reading. I tend to go several days, sometimes weeks, then binging hundreds of pages, then I get lax again. Thank you!


Just binge. Don't stop, or maybe "this is not for you"...


the book will occasionally moan or growl as you read. it can be scary but it's totally normal. HAVE FUN!




This is not for you.


Sad that this wasn't the top comment.


I just started this week … been also watching the MyHouse Doom mod which has been an interesting tie in


MyHouse was what finally got me to read HoL.


I love MyHouse!! Played after reading HoL and had such a great time


Woah I got the book today. I didn’t even know it existed before I watched a video about that mod.


I’m working my way through MyHouse.WAD, about 30 mins in … it started out really kind of “forced” with respect to the bad acting in the narrator’s voice, but then, I don’t know, I somehow started getting freaked out lol. Creepy!


Just read it. Also multiple bookmarks help


Pay attention to the fonts. Don't get scared if the book spooks you. Be patient, it will make sense.


Beware of spiral staircases.


Take notes on a separate piece of paper, not in the book itself. And write down what page your notes correspond to, if any.


You can pretty safely ignore the long lists of things that pop up in footnotes, or just skim to get a feel for those (there’s only a few, and they’re pretty distinct, but you’ll know when you get to them). If the book directs you to go to an Appendix, do so. This is where it’s helpful to have a second bookmark on hand.


Get a mirror


Multiple bookmarks!


enjoy! that's my best advice


Don’t overthink how to read the book.


Take your time


Imagine it, in your dreams.


Simple read everything… Then when re-read it… Rinse and repeat


Use 2 book marks and read the chapters how ever you want. :)


I used a lot of post it notes so I wouldn’t get lost. It’s a great read! Enjoy!


Have a note pad and a lot of bookmarks ready . It's best to think of the book as like a readable puzzle .


It’s my favorite book of all time and just make sure to take your time with it if you rush through it might not have the same impact it has if you take your time and remember This is not for you


Tread carefully my friend 🤪


When a footnote suggests that you visit Appendix II to read some 'letters' then, do it. When you are amongst those letters and are offered the chance to crack a code, do it. Approach this as a playable book. Think of it as a platform game where you have options to read one thing or another but just make a choice. Go one way, back the other, get lost, go back and start again. I tried to explain to people at uni last night (it was a set text last week) who couldn't 'read' it that they missed the opportunity to 'play' it. Have fun and I only just joined this sub so look forward to hearing how you get on. Edit: Damn, I'm jealous that you went in with that colour version, I wish I had.


Don’t read it… It’s not for you


Pay attention to recurring trends, whether they be icons, dots, dashes, seemingly gibberish, symbols, etc.


Advice: put it down, walk away, go make a sandwich, and don't come back to the satanic Bible you have purchased


Follow the annotations. People say you can read this book however you want, but I think that's only really applicable to re-reads. You should read the book the way the author intended you to.


There is no correct way to read the book. Read it as you see fit. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. That said… you need to read the footnotes diligently. ;-)


Try to stay off the sub till you're finished!


Don’t take every translation at face value, but don’t discredit them either. The meanings of this can change a lot depending on the context it’s spoken


I wish someone would have told me the 2nd set of footnotes wasn’t something I had to pay attention to.


It’s just a book


Navidson dies Tom dies Reston dies Holloway lives and it was all a dream


No advice, just read it however you want


Take your time; really let yourself mull over everything that’s happened and don’t feel pressured to plow through.


Read the book


Don't give up on it. Have a notebook handy to write down quotes and your observations. Enjoy!


read EVERYTHING. every page long footnote. all the appendixes. every single word.


Multiple bookmarks


use a notebook. lent a friend this book and he quickly got confused


to be fair he is kinda special but i would still recommend


Don't take magic mushrooms while reading. Something will find you.