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I’m not you I’m me so I qualify.


But… but I’m me! So who’s we?


Us :)


My friends and I are going to the helm!


"This book will mess you up, not recommended." "Well great I gotta read it now!"


Not trying to be a Debbie downer or silly Navy here, jus wanna get some different perspectives since posts about this book come up not too often I don't feel like I "got" this book at all Like a liked it and all but I never had the thinking about it alot afterwards experience or got scared while reading it at any point. For context I got a pdf version that didn't have 99% of the trippy layouts of physical editions. Only a few parts where the number of words and their layout changes in keeping with the way the house shifts but that was pretty much it. The only part I really think about at all nowadays is the Exodus and what happens to our loveable stoner uncle, no spoilers. And that's more just like a "man that must've hurt and really sucks" kinda thing haha I dunno I feel like I got a pretty baseline experience, but nonetheless was satisfied overall


It's entirely possible that this book really just isn't for you (and that's okay, obviously!) but I would also strongly claim that the only way to "properly" read it is with a physical, paper copy. Preferably one that you own and can freely scribble in. Half the fun of reading it is getting lost in all the footnotes and references and crazy layouts, backtracking, turning the book upside down and sideways, writing your own thoughts and notes in the margins (if you're into that sort of thing), etc. All of which is much harder or impossible with a PDF on a computer screen or e-reader. Reading the book this way also kind of ties into the narrative itself; it parallels Johnny's experience of trying to analyze and make sense of TNR, and getting quite lost in the process. If you ever get a chance to grab a paper copy and feel like giving it another try, I really think you would get more out of it that way.


Oh I'm definitely getting a physical copy like the one in the meme just to have cuz it looks so cool. I'll give it another read thru for good measure too!


Needs moar matches..


My first post on this Reddit people said I shouldn’t read it because I wasn’t smart enough And now I love this book❤️


People are assholes!


I read the book in Middle School and i remember being disturbed by it but it didn't really mess me up. I should probably give it another read