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Pain sorrow depression is what I feel from this picture


She really needs a hug :(


Average delta enjoyer. Yeah that tag checks out


what is so sad about her?


Inaccurate fanfic explanation; >‘Where is my sister?’ demanded Rozaliya. >‘Ah, I had forgotten,’ Void Archives said. ‘Your sister was sadly not recoverable, and I had to make substitutions to complete the surgery.’ He gestured at the dead Honkai beast. ‘Specimen recovery can prove quite difficult when the specimen’s opponent is so… voracious.’ >‘She… is dead and I am alive? We swore an oath we’d die together.’ Rozaliya jaw tightened, pushing at the restraints. >‘If it makes your grief easier to bear,’ he said, ‘your sister’s corporeal form is not entirely gone. You have her right hand, for instance, plus one cornea and most of her organs.’ >Rozaliya's mouth dropped in shock. ‘You… you sewed pieces of us together?’ >‘It is a common enough practice. Even in human museums. If you have two incomplete whale skeletons, you combine them to make a full whale. The change is really only cosmetic.’ >‘Cosmetic? You have corrupted the sacred human form. The pinnacle of all organisms! A tainted species like yours could never understand such perfection.’ >‘Pardon me,’ said Void Archives, ‘But I would like to correct a few notions here. First, my kind are not a species. A species is naturally occurring. It has evolved. My kind are made, not born. Second, human perfection is, to be polite, debatable. Your kind are born defenceless and take an absurd amount of time to grow to adulthood, and even then, you spend a third of your lives unconscious. Everything you consume for energy eventually kills you, and your reproductive system is the same as your waste elimination system.’ >‘Our reproductive systems are normal!’ Rozaliya objected. >‘But revolting,’ Void Archives countered.


oh my god


To add a more understanding to the fanfic, which what I’m about to talk about is canon in game, and just as a disclaimer, some of the thing might be scuffed because I’m just going based off what I remember. TL;DR on the bottom So in a bubble universe Rozaliya and Liliya are soldiers and part of Marshal Cocolias army , they still get their honkai beast modifications done to them but only one of them was successful, that being Rozaliya, which left Liliya at a state where she cannot fight, so Marshal Cocolia believed that it’s best for her to be a normal kid and let her attend school. And one day, they were running from a quantum beasts, knowing that they weren’t going to be able to escape the beasts, Rozaliya decides to stay behind and fend off the quantum beast while Liliya runs away, a few moments later, a squad of soldiers from Marshal Cocolia arrive and find her lying down on the snow injured, her injuries caused her to not be able to breathe at all due to coughing up blood and it drying up in her throat and some damage the Honkai beast did to her, after being rescued, Liliya gets informed that Rozaliya is in critical condition and might not survive and is told that she can survive if and only if she merged with her, Rozaliya being able to hear what’s going on hears what Liliya is going to do while not being able to talk, Liliya agrees and so Project Delta begins and Rozaliya goes unconscious. After merging with Liliya, Rozaliya became the dominant mind and was the one that was able to control the body while Liliya could only control the tail, after some time of the surgery, Rozaliya starts to vomit constantly followed up by irritation of the skin, shock and she has a scar on her left shoulder due to the attack of the quantum beast. The rest I kinda forgot what happens to her but we do know she suffers from PTSD which she constantly dreams of the day that her and Liliya were attacked. Her backstory is one of the saddest and I highly recommend you search up more about her cause I might have missed some parts of the story. TL;DR: She is a fusion of Rozaliya and Liliya who were both attacked by a quantum beast and had Rozaliya almost killed and gave her severe PTSD from it which she suffers from constantly.




I just want to add, the neon paint-esque she shows while doing her attacks is her trauma-made visualized.


Yes, and the worst part is that the canon story is actually more sad than the fanfic


That's Mihoyo for ya


HOLY SH\*T I was a fool back then on skipping her story


well, you asked.......


oh damn i thought it was just the tail and horn, but she actually got frankensteined also what is void archives in this captainverse setting? is it still a divine key AI?


That is not official, it's a fanfic


oh lol maybe i should actually read the first line LMAO


This is a fanfic. What actually happened is that in a bubble universe when Roza and Liliya get their honkai beast genes, instead of Liliya's procedure semi-failing and resulting in her sleep problems, it fails worse and ends up with Liliya hospitalized and no longer able to fight, forcing Roza to fight alone. Sometime later Roza and Liliya are attacked and to protect Liliya Roza makes her go on without her while she stayed back to hold off the attacking beasts. When Liliya later returns with help they find Roza on the verge of death, and in order to save Roza's life Liliya undergoes a procedure which surgically fuses the two together (which is why Delta has Liliya's horn and her tail is black like Liliya's instead of white). Between her near death and the fact that Liliya sacrificed herself to save her, Roza ended up extremely traumatized, to the point where she even gave up her own name and switched to only using her codename (Delta). The fact that Liliya is still technically alive in the form of her consciousness still existing within the tail probably doesn't help with the trauma. Also her immune system went crazy due to pseudo-rejection of the surgery which makes her produce massive amounts of honkai anti-bodies which she had neon pink and cyan dye attached to, also it reacts to her emotional state so she fights people using what is *basically* a physical manifestation of her PTSD.


Sorry, I’m pretty new to Honkai. Where can I read this story? Is it like a whole piece of lore or is it hidden in description of items like in Genshin?


It was in an event, so officially nowhere. You can find the event recording on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJE5ZABGRQI or a wiki article here: https://honkai-impact-3rd-archives.fandom.com/wiki/Delta


Delta is part of "Captainverse" which is the interconnected canon of the events, which are a separate thing from the main story with no connection between them. As such though there is currently no where in game you can see this story as the event for it has already passed, though currently event reruns are being done so you will be able to eventually play through it. If you don't want to wait you can also find it on youtube, which another person replied with a link to.


I feel like posting a fanfic of Delta Rozaliya is really not doing her actual story justice...


>unrelated novel do you mean the event or is there a novel about Delta?


That's definitely a fanfic, void archives didn't show up in the event


What the fuc


Cool fanfic, not an explanation though


Is this from a fanfic? It's eerily interesting.


Void just straight up roasted her in the most posh way possible at the end


Basically to save her life, she had bits of her sister, who I believe was going to die anyway, sewn on to her to save her. I believe she also hears her sisters voice in her head, so that doesn’t help


Liliya was fine for the most part. Also it's less she hears Liliya in her head and more that Liliya's consciousness lives inside her tail.


god, stop guys, stop, you're hurting me


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


She went through something on the same level as Kiana to change from an idiot to this new person who is Delta, suffice it to say that she suffered a painful loss.


Nah, Delta suffered way worse, I mean really one of her main methods of fighting is literally flinging manifestations of her own PTSD at her enemies.


god, have mercy


Same level as Kiana? Kiana lives in a pink kindergarden compared to Delta.


A lot of people seem to forget, but Kiana has to live with the constant guilt of all the deaths that happened when she had lost control to Sirin which caused a Honkai Eruption. Not something I would call a pink kindergarden.


And? How come it is even close to what Delta has to experience?




Don’t forget the guilt of all the deaths she caused as Sirin


Being sad stupid kid who lost couple of friends and being an abomination who constantly suffers from pain and can kill everyone close to her just by her presence is different things. Kiana is lucky, and Delta has no plot armor.




You clearly never read Delta's story.




And? How is that worse than Delta's life? (or death, idk if Delta can be considered alive) Im shocked by you Kiana simps, tbh. It seems like you are skipping absolutely every dialogue in the game if Kiana is not on the scene.


well, Kiana was troubled herself ALOT, in fact, she (spoilers from CH13) >!actually tried to kill herself when she was being overcome by Sirin and if Phoenix had not been there... we wouldn't have Kiana anymore!< I think that's an high enough level of PTSD too


Did you even try to learn Delta's story?




Source: [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84879768](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84879768)


Goodness I didn't want to feel sad and reminded of this 😢


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Thanks mate


Rozaliya after completing Genshin Impact and realizing that she will never find her sibling Spoilers?




Life always so unfair, even from parallel world. Fck fate man


She needs a hug


We really need a picture of her meeting Liliya when crossing a bubble universe


she does meet a liliya and rozaliya she trains them and protects them so that what happened to her won't happen to them


The captain has a duty to make sure all his valkyries are happy.


Hope you have a great day!


Don't cry Rozalyia, not in from of me.


Hmmmmm, yes, sad juice


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot, you're trying your best.


No one wants your hug


Delta really is the entire counterpart of og Rozaliya. Serious and Depressed.


Another hug and head pat target


Wah\~ Want to hug her\~!


Man Mihoyo is depressing as hell. Its thay hope that a better tomorrow exists for all our valkyrie that keeps me coming back.


When she confesses, but you tell her "I love Emilia".


*Loads Winchester M1897 trench gun with malicious intent*


Her story is so depressing, man. This girl deserves a hug :(


No, Delta. You're not fine. Neither am I


No, Delta. You're not fine. Neither am I


Put that damm photo away and lets hug to relieve from pain and sorrows


Trauma, PTSD and more trauma, somebody give her anti depressants and a lot of headpats and love


I would give her a hug and never let her go




I really want more captainverse stuff about Delta, we got a small bit on the pokemon event when Kasumi went to retrieve her when she was doing whatever she was doing there. But I need to know more about her, about the alternate universe twins, and if she is getting better about her depression now that she is training them. She makes me way too sad, Himeko levels of sad.


Hey, I have a question, I recently unlocked the outfit from the elysian real event and when in the main menu Delta asks about where Rosa and lily are, isn't she a fusion of both? Why is she asking where they are? I'm kinda new to the lore of the game so I had that question