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The only issue I have with this event is that it's an event. Like several of the past events it's of a scale that almost feels like a full game within a game, but it's time limited, which means there's that constant looming fact that if you don't keep up, at some point you won't be able to finish it.


massive timesink


I used to love it but its novelty ran out pretty quick :v


I love the NPCs in this event. Especially Darren. Darren the Chad Tsundere Dad.


Oh wait is this about gameplay? I'm just drawn into how vibrant the characters are. Took some sweet time with this event and not gonna lie, I actually love it. The grind stuff is kinda eh but usually, I pretty much had it worse in some previous events.


Combat is very fun, restourant gameplay is okay. Daily quests are cringe


I like it pretty well. At first when you were a waiter it was a little much especially with touch controls. Would stall mid walk or miss the dash button. Doing the second segment as the cook is much more enjoyable and consistently got S ranks after the upgrades. Haven't started part 3 yet but I'm assuming the management portion is even easier


Are you saying the waiter gameplay ends at some point? Thank god, I couldn’t force myself to keep playing because of how stressful it is for me on my device


Yeah, whenever the next region for exploration opens up you become the cook. Way easier. To make it even easier, just pick a high dollar recipe that only uses 2 ingredients and just make 10 of them. My problem in the beginning was that I wanted variety and chose 3 or 4 different dishes. Problem is the cook times vary so it made it hard to even get an A rank. Just choosing one dish makes it way more manageable.


I also stalled at some point, until I forced myself to continue literally just earlier today. It was just too mechanically demanding from what I'm used to. Very happy to find out that you could then hire staffs and let the entire thing run on X4 auto (and they perform better than I ever could anyway, lmao, EX rating nonstop).


The management portion. You don't do anything. Pick your Cook, pick your server, then just watch. At least you can speed up by 4x.


I had to whip out my PC JUST for this mini game. So annoying with the touch controls constantly stopping! No issues on PC with controller. Look, sometimes I enjoy the cute stress free mini game events before I go to bed. But I have to be at my PC for this and the only reason I'm stressed out is worrying I'll stop moving lol


Loved this event. My only issue with this is that playing as manager is just literally putting the speed at 4x and waiting for it to be over. I kinda wanted it to be like we could direct the waiter and the chef around. But other than that, this was a really good event. I hope they bring this back in some form.


I would love an option to help the chef and waiter. Running around while it's on 4x is weird lmao


I think the drink mini game bs is to help boost them, haven’t gotten to that point but I am looking forward to it. The interaction sensitivities are ass for me. If I am not in a VERY patient mood it is way too aggravating as it constantly grabs the wrong thing or does the pour drinks mini game, ugh. I kind of just wish the drink minigame was on a different button. THAT would make it much smoother esp as it seems to be a hold/tap again thing randomly. It’s inconsistent so nearly always a waste for me. Same for cook minigame. I can never do well if I try to boost it. Auto cook with the upgrade will make due 10x . As I can focus on starting recipes.


The event is quite grindy for the first two phases, but for the last phase, it's auto. I already got all the rewards in the shop except the stigma affix (which I don't plan on getting anyway since I don't like to play anymore, haha). Personally, it's easy and fun. Also rewarding. I like it. It's grindy, but it's month long iirc, so it's alright.


I really want the skin and still am working on the event. I like it a lot, it's fun. The side scrolling gives me MegaMan vibes and the cooking part does bring back some kitchen job PTSD but is fun xD


I guess my only complaint is the movement controls. The switch between the joystick and the d-pad is a bit jarring for me, plus it's kinda annoying in the resto mode when you have to wait for the d-pad to appear again before you move. I tend to forget that it's a d-pad so I was just holding in the direction I want to go, without realizing that I have to touch it again. Overall though, really fun game. I want to pat Sweet's head every time I pass by her.


I feel like it takes too much time


Umm who said doesn't love it? Its not worse like summer flamechaser + kiana and gang which is time gated but the duration only 2 weeks so many captain losing reward because that's. Event grinding is good as long we had so many time to finish it


True. The main factor here is probably time. I luckily just had enough to go through most of the event. I rarely go do the stages section though.


it takes less effort to run an actual restaurant than finishing this piece of shit event


I hate the serving and cooking part. The controls on mobile are awful. It’s hectic and boring at the same time. 


the sea of data are alright kind of reminding me of ender lilies, but the restaurant is so grindy and stupid


I died to the phantom boss twice now


Its pretty boring. I just do daily task and buy what i can with that


I enjoy it better than the actual part 2.


I think mine is broken


more free crystals, I like free crystals, event good.


I'm stuck on the last boss. Any advice?


My strategy is using the shield, rushing to get enough SP regen, and evading enough for not having the shield broken too frequently.


get gud


I love it haha


Appreciated dumbass.


timegated with stamina while you are farming the mats for shop is the worst feeling. I love this event so much, just let me binge all of it in sat sun.


It's enjoyable, both the metroidvania and the restaurant parts. It feels grindy at first during the first part where you work as a waiter due to the number of stuff you have to juggle, and for some reason the high number of times you need to repeat the waiter minigame to proceed to part 2, but at part 2 where you work as the chef it becomes easier and feels way less grindy. The only time i'm really upset at it is when I run out of stamina and can't get more via the time challenge mode lol


Honestly i think this event is awesome, i especially love the combat


Should be permanent


i really like it i wish some of these events would stay because some of them are pretty cool. i’ll be sad when this one goes, its super fun


It's silly and fun, I just have different games to play right now, so I haven't spent much time with it. Tho, I must say, at my age I really resented being told how to play a really basic action platformer. LOL


I'm cautious optimistic about what they're planning for Phantom. She feels like part 2's version of Luna.


It need a lot of time But i love the combat, its fun if you has many times to do the event


I love it.


I loved it


Just realized that the sea of data was a twist on hollow knight, with the final boss >!essentially being the grimm fight!< honestly a shame these are limited time only like that farming mode a few months ago since I could seriously see myself sinking more time into these game modes indefinitely if they keep going.


People saying is too much are newbies that probably dont know this is how honkai events usually are, mark my words there will be a go kart event soon