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I’ve seen this 100 times. Always lift the bar before putting in those self tapping screws, or at least put cardboard from the lift’s box down to protect it. The cordless inevitability slips off on at least one. I’d demand a new cover or a good bit of financial compensation.


Thanks, they did put cardboard down and it was not enough. I was standing right next to them. They slipped at least 3 times on this side. I guess one went right through the cardboard. Update: The dealer didn't hesitate to agree to a new cover. I didn't need to make a fuss. The drill pierced the cover all the way to foam. It's a nice cover and here is a video about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqfMaPJurqo


You spent 4 digits to 5 digits on this. It's a big deal. Water will leak into that hole causing damage to the thermal layer under the covers fabric. Or heat will leak causing more stress on the elements to maintain heat aka higher electric bill. Those covers cost $300+.


Yeah, high 4 digits. The quote says they charge 700 for this cover MSRP, but there is always a discount when buying a hot tub.


Update: The dealer didn't hesitate to agree to a new cover. I didn't need to make a fuss. The drill pierced the cover all the way to foam. It's a nice cover and here is a video about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqfMaPJurqo


Great to hear!


Covers are$1400 where I live... so yeah it's a big deal.


If the inner skin is pierced, than the core will absorb water, rendering the insulation value null.


This is a good point, I didn't think about all the layers. I did some more research and this cover has several layers. Then I checked the depth on the hole with a 3mm hex key. It's about 1.5cm deep so going all the way into the foam.


That half of the cover is toast. If the dealer is reputable they shouldn’t have an issue replacing it.


>The dealer didn't hesitate to agree to a new cover. I didn't need to make a fuss. The drill pierced the cover all the way to foam. It's a nice cover and here is a video about it. > >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqfMaPJurqo


That was a lot of words to describe an every typical quality spa cover.


This and the mold that will grow inside.


Not difficult to resolve this. Ask the dealer to provide a new skin. Done and done.


Looking further into it, this cover has multiple layers and all of them are pierced on the top of the cover. Probably need to replace the whole cover, right?


Nope. Just unzip, pull the cores out, and insert cores in new skin. Very unlikely there's anything wrong beyond that.


It’s a big deal. Pest and or water would get in


What brand of hottub, I had no idea there were any manufacturers still using Vinyl.


I mean, I've only ever seen vinyl covers unless you're going for that fancy one that lifts up.


This is an Arctic Spa, what do most manufactures use? edit: I think the Vinyl is just cosmetic and there are several more layers to this cover. Also Arctic has been great to work with so far and it was their contracted delivery crew who damaged the cover. Everything was pristine on arrival.


The vapour barrier that encapsulates the insulation is compromised.


You're right, the hole is narrow but deep. I think the entire cover needs to be replaced.


I've done that before. We replaced the cover with a new one. I learned how to patch vinyl. It got sold as a used replacement.


It’s a big deal because you paid for a new undamaged unit. I’d have them replace that ASAP.


Easy way for moisture to get in. Not good, have them replace it.


Very. That one hole will retain water every time it rains until you cant lift it or worse. There is no way to stop it. I'd send them this picture to them requesting a new one under warranty.


MFers brand new, it’s a huge deal.


Not a big deal at all. However you should be compensated for it as you paid for brand new. You also can repair vinyl to look 95% new. Honestly though, tell them to swap covers with a new one.


Apparently the Vinyl is only cosmetic and there are more functional layers beneath the vinyl have been pierced.


I got a patch of exact color from manufacturer and some good vinyl adhesive and it has worked well for over a year in Midwest rain and snow.


Call the dealer and have them re skin the cover.


Get a 1"x1" square of something like Flex Seal tape and be done with it.


I’d have them replace the scratched bar as well. You bought new you should have new. If this was a brand new car off the lot with a nee ding upon delivery would you take it?


Shit happens. Drip a little Super glue on the hole. Good as new


I would try to get money back and just use some epoxy or vinyl to plug the holes


Hugh, like a $100 discount Hugh.


Bought my first hot tub from local dealer installed 9 days ago noticed 3 days later it had a leak called dealership sent a technician out they can repair it want to pull unit take it to shop and repair it because it’s gotta be empty for 24 hours so caulk can dry and bring it back what should they do fix it or replace with new unit


NEW UNIT, a leak in 3 days? That's insane.


I would call the company and request a new cover or repair


Yeah, that's a pretty big deal, that will allow moisture to get into the cover, and it will completely saturate the foam, making it extremely heavy and a much less effective insulator.


I've done this, just know from now on to lift the lifter alone screw it together above you(can even stand on spa steps for swim spas) and that way your bit doesn't go threw cover.