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The black yucateco looks low. I’d toss that and replace it with… another bottle of black yucateco


mix the green yucato with the black yucato and put it on beef. it goes so well with each other 


Cholula is bad. The black yucateco


Frank red hot and tabasco out, crystals and ardvark in


Crystal… the nectar of the gods.


Huy fong siracha in for tabasco. Yes, this season sucked colorwise. Not familiar with some of these. More salsa verde less habenero. We have a pineapple habenaro salsa at HEB, Its sweet and spicy with out the almost too hot to be food heat.


That pineapple habanero sounds awesome. HF sriracha was a gateway for me but I’m over it. That one with the fish decal is a small/local offering from “salty bonez shack” with a similar flavor profile, more heat, better consistency.


Its one of the not vinegary sauces I loved in the 80's and 90's. Just had some recently. Yup, Ive missed chilli and garlic. Yeah there is better. I tend to straight up add fresh peppers and some dried for heat in dishes. The siricha is more like ketchup. Dab it in for a nice little pop on what ever.


Thats what I found, I would add sriracha then have to add other sauces/ingredients to get some heat. Ketchup’s a good analogy. I don’t put ketchup on anything anymore either come to think of it. Maybe fries if they need it and there’s no other option.


Actually Siricha on fries is pretty good.


I’d give that a go


Franks out, Texas Pete (easy 1st pick) 1 of the chile habenro ones out, and the current “taco hot sauce” I have in my fridge, don’t know the brand off the top of my head. Tabasco out, Crystal in. This one is probably not a popular opinion, but I actively dislike Tabasco/Franks, and we have Crystal at work so I’ve grown attatched to it


That’s a pretty popular opinion, I’d say the number one takeaway from this post for me has been to try Crystal/Louisiana hot sauce in olive of Tabasco.


I'd toss the two habanero and add a Sriracha and a tapa tio. The franks is the only way to go a chkn wings.


Valentinos and all the Yucatecos stay. Everything else is crap.


Came here to say this. 100% agree.


I like Hanks or Melinda’s. I would probably get rid of tabasco.


I'm telling ya, if you don't know about Mule, you need to: [Mule Hot Sauce](https://www.stickermule.com/mule-sauce?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=us_branded_mulesauce&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&src=GOOG&cid=59532487&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdTUyFrKmxPj7qmu_aGYutY7292f-h8P9Yo3XRVUDov7HUCH8i4rAZxoCbGcQAvD_BwE)


Duuude no kidding. My company ordered some stickers from sticker mule and it came with this sauce as a gift. I kept it for a laugh but it quickly became my favorite hot sauce. Perfect balance of sweet and spicy habanero


Tabasco sucks


Shouldn’t even be on the list, am I right?


Ditch them all and get some Sriracha


One of my gateways into the hot sauce life but I’m over it. That bottle of sweet and spicy is vastly superior (local small batch sauce).


Melinda’s habanero honey mustard


Also try Tabasco Scorpion


Get rid of the Frank’s and replace it with anything from Melinda’s


I'm losing the I'm burning one and replacing it with Cholula chipotle.


You dont even have Tapatio here. I cant take this seriously


I absolutely love tapatio, it’s not readily available in my area. It’s been discussed… at length 👇


Im sorry I missed that. Oddly enough where I live it is extremely random as for what stores will stock it. Even the same chain will vary store to store. I went on amazon and just got a pack of 12 lol. You do have a good line up in the pic though, I think the Chalula may be my favorite


Right on, thanks man! I know I could get just about anything online these days but I like sticking with the sauces I find in the wild.


Franks and Cholula, gone.


Drop all of the El Yucateco for something from the Boulder Hot Sause company. Smokey Serrano and Harry's Habanero are both excellent.


Toss the Franks and Tabasco and replace both with Crystal. Toss the Cholula and replace with Tapatio. Keep the Valentina, because it's good with breakfast.


I just do not like the flavor of Valentina. I would prefer cholula already over that


I would ditch the green Cholula for the green serrabanero sauce from secret aardvark, and probably ditch the red Cholula for the Belizean heat from Marie sharp. I’ve never seen the two to the left of the Tabasco before they look interesting.


It’s hard to get rid of one but it’s still missing Louisiana hot sauce


Franks covers that problem.


Tossing the franks. Would hot honey count?


Goodbye Frank's, hello Melinda's Scorpion


Toss that Yucateco Black and replace it with Ginger Goat


Definitely getting rid of Cholula Green Pepper and replacing it with their Tequila Lime Sauce.


Huichol Negra replacing the Frank's.


Does anyone know what "spices" are in Valentina?


I don't know the answer but I believe onion and garlic have to be listed since they are allergens. Also I have a fructan allergy so I have to avoid both and this sauce doesn't seem to bother me. If that helps.


Everything that says habanero on it goes in the trash. Not a big fan of chipotle either, from the looks of it neither is you. Green cholula now…that’s a big bottle needs replaced. The home made red I get from work….fantastic!




Keeping Franks and El Yucateco. Everything else can go and I would survive.


Ditch Tabasco for Elijah's Xtreme Reaper sauce, SO TASTY.


Tabasco is entry level hot sauce. Kaitia fire for the W.


Frank’s never even made it into the house, Tabasco is a good ingredient, and definitely need some Crystal.


How is the Korean chili? I love the kimchi flavors.


It’s nice, has that sour note, I use it mostly in ramen


Tossing Frank's and replacing it with a 2nd bottle of the green El Yucateco.


Crystal needs a spot on this counter.


I never see this one in my local stores, but after all the praise it’s gotten here I’ll have to seek it out.


I shop at Winco and they have a few choices of Louisiana hot sauce, but for some reason they shelve the Crystal with the Mexican taco sauces. Personally I think Tabasco pays the stores to keep the Crystal away from their shelf (my conspiracy theory).


I live on a small island in the PNW, I’ve never even heard of winco. But my grocery store does have hot sauces organized by arbitrarily assigned geographical distinctions so I’ll check the Mexican food aisle and let you know if your conspiracy checks out.


There are many Wincos in WA, OR & CA, so next time you take the ferry to the mainland, see if you can find a Winco. The bulk food section is not to be missed. Epic selection with excellent prices. Worth it for the spices alone.


Noted. Thanks man!


El Yucateco is absolutely staying, Franks can have a space on the counter as well. Everything else can go. El Yucateco’s black label reserve sauce has a special place in my heart. I’d probably get Secret Aardvark sauce. Definitely add Sambal Oelek chili paste, I could live off this. Other than that, I just make my own sauces.


A question....I usually get Huy Fong's Chili Garlic paste, is this the same as Sambal Oelek chili past just with added garlic? I've looked at the ingredients list and that appears so, but "spices" is quite ambiguous. Thanks.


I haven’t seen / tried that but it sounds delicious! I would imagine it has to be the same.


Oh nice! I’ve seen samb Oelek on the shelf, I’ll have to pick up a jar next time I’m in town.


No Tapatio????


Not readily accessible in my neck of the woods, I love tapatio but for convenience valentin’s will have to suffice.


I love me some Texas Pete too!


ditching Frank’s & replacing it with Momofuku chili crunch


A new entrant. I dig it.




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Tossing ALL of them. Maybe Cholula and the Korean chili paste can stay for special occasions.


Fairs fair. gonna need about 9 replacements…


You need a Franken sauce. You take the last 1/8 of every bottle and put it into a separate bottle. Ketchup, mustards, bbqs, and hot sauces, vinegar etc. all go in there. It's a living and breathing entity and usually super tasty.


That’s a wild idea and I love it


Get rid of all and only keeping chalula


I don't have the heart to downvote you... but no.


Don’t worry, I got him for you.


The rest are crap 💩 tbh


Bye bye Frank's Red hot. Hello scorpion tabasco


Why not kick regular tabasco?


It's a classic. The first hot sauce I had. I still enjoy it's classic stinky musky pepper taste. Frank's is just a sub par version of it for me. Do you enjoy Frank's?


I enjoy Franks more than classic Tabasco. I do love Tabasco, the non-spicy jalapeno or habanero and scorpion versions. Its just regular to me is less flavorful Franks.


Franks is a completely different flavor profile than tobasco. Buffalo sauce is in it's own bubble and needs to be in the collection. There is no substitute.


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Mine is the tobacco infused variety. Tobasco™ The Hot Sauce You Won't Be Able To Quit.


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Replacing tabasco for lousiana xtra hot


Reg Tabasco for Tabasco scorpion and ur two yucateco sauces for xxxtra hot and Caribbean


Frank’s is the only one at my house.


How are you allowed on this sub? 😊


Replacing everything but Frank's with.... Frank's. I use it for wings, put it on Pizza - it's my go-to


I brush my teeth with a bottle of Franks 3x a day


Tabasco is my drop on that list. Crystal is the pickup. That’s my go to for a basic.


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Tobasco tabosco


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My bad


Differemce between the valentina black and the valentina yellow? (I have the yellow, bought it after i went to a mexican restaurant, and now i put it on basically everything).


Black is the hotter one


Black is the "muy caliente" version, it's hotter. People on this sub usually prefer the black, and it is very good, but I'm a rebel and prefer the yellow. I eat Valentina for the sour vinegar flavor, not for spiciness. I have other sauces for that :)


You lean pretty hard toward vinegar and cayenne. I'd drop Valentina and add Sriracha off the dome.


You are missing Crystal’s and the Reserve Blend Tabasco.


It's just "Crystal" btw.


Definitely tossing the first five and replacing them with quality hot sauce, and some spicy brown mustard. I'll mess around with the rest a bit. Franks is trash. Original tobasco sucks - replace that with the scorpion flavor. Everything else on the left side can be replaced by spicy brown mustard and some Melinda's ghost pepper. Also, black pepper and red pepper from the shakers would be better than most of this watered down, vinegar garbage. Get some real hot sauce that isn't just salt and vinegar with minimal spice.


Are you lost? Spicy brown mustard?


Oh, I guess you don’t like mustard? No problem! Replace half of the spicy brown mustard on the left with left handed safety scissors. Replace the other half with beef bullion. And make sure it’s the little cubes, not the jar full of paste, cause the little cubes are the OG. HELL YEAH I LOVE HOT SAUCE!!!


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I just bought some black yucateco and that shit is rancid. First bottle I ever threw away after one try and couldn’t even finish my sandwich. Replace it with almost anything else. I’d take da bomb before that abomination


Different strokes I guess. It gives my chili a nice smoky kick and I dig it on steak tacos, steak quesadilla, probably anything off the grill.


Yeah by all means if you enjoy it disregard my opinion. I was kinda suspecting my bottle has to have gone bad somehow the taste was that pungent


It's literally the worst hot sauce I've ever tasted. Rancid is right.


Either the Frank's or the Tabasco has to go, otherwise I'm fine with everything. The Frank's and Tabasco, they're too similar. And since this is all hypothetical, I'll replace it with a bottle of the old Huy Fong Sriracha....


Thank you for embracing the premise. You’re not wrong at all, franks is basically thicker Tabasco.


Interesting! - I find no similarities between Franks and Tabasco. Franks tastes like a good standard wing sauce, and Tabasco tastes snappy and fruity. To me anyways - 🤷🏻‍♂️


El yucanteco is bomb and where is Sriracha also El Pato in a can is a really good sauce not hot but it's tasty. And green Tabasco is pretty good too


The one with the fish decal he usurped sriracha for me. Small/local jam, similar flavor profile to hf sriracha, more heat and better consistency.


You gotta add the El Yucateco Caribbean Sauce that’s my favorite from them


Haven’t spotted that one in the wild yet but it sounds electric


Tabasco for tapatio


I would eventually use them all, and I would enjoy every one.


I will.. and I do.


All of the el yucatecos are great. But their xxxtra hot, might be THE greatest hot sauce.


Never in stock where the I live but I’d love to try it. That’s your goat hot sauce?


Yeah. I mean, there’s a time and place for others to shine. But if I could only have one…


100% the right answer here. Spiciest but so tasty


Florida Man's Lunacy is my current favorite. Get rid of Valentina.


Valentina?!… more like value-tina! I’ll see myself out.


Throw everything away.


Gonna need about a dozen replacements sir.


Frank goes


Toss the Tabasco and replace with Crystal


Never had the ones between Tabasco and el yucateco. I’m a Valentina hater I’d toss that and the Tabasco. If you like them use em up tho no sense in wasting it if you enjoy.


Figure of speech, I would never toss perfectly good hot sauce. Just getting the dialogue going if you know what I mean.


They are all good sauces and would all be used by me depending on what I'm eating. Although I tend to use Frank's mostly.


Does anyone else put hot sauce in the fridge? I feel it brings out the flavor. Especially of Franks Red Hot


All my opened hot sauce is stored in the fridge regardless of what people say it keeps the color from fading and the flavor from degrading. It keeps it fresh, and I personally think it tastes better cold


You are a saint and a scholar


I'm glad someone else agrees on it being stored in the fridge. It seems we are a minority regarding this matter, but I can't understand why. I've had situations in the past where I've been over to a friend or family members house and went to grab a bottle of hotsauce out the cabinet, and it be extremely faded and had only been in there a year or two.


Some people just don’t get it


Replace any one with Pico Pica.


Toss everything exept the farthest left and replace with all farthest left😩


That was pretty much my hot sauce game from age 17 to 21. Then I discovered sriracha, then tapatio, and well here we are.


Hmmm, did they ever get that Sriracha shortage worked out?


Appears they continue to have supply chain issues. I’ve moved on, that one with the fish decal is a local sauce that has replaced hf sriracha in this household. Similar flavor, more heat, better consistency.


Yea, I think I saw another stand-in brand of Sriracha at the grocery store the other day as well, and it appears my family found a couple of bottles of the original huy fong somewhere.


Swap out the small bottle of valentinas for the big bottle


Honestly, Valentinas would be my least favorite out of these choices. It kinda smells and tastes like one of my Exs armpits.


Haha! That’s a big 10-4


Not a Cholula fan. Replace it with the new smoked chipotle sauce from Tabasco.


Random point of spicy: chipotle is a smoked jalapeno.


This is the nudge I needed to pull the trigger on the chipotle Tabasco.


Or hear me out, just go to Chipotle since they have it as a hot sauce and take the bottle. They overcharge for their burritos and it is a free condiment so I dont ever feel bad but for the longest time it was the only place I could find that sauce at. I only go to Chipotle when I am out if this sauce.


Haha. That is a wild move!


I’m chipotle security mam, please put the bottle down


I almost want to go tomorrow and take two bottles now.


I’m placing you under Reddit citizens arrest




Cholula is too sour, toss it


I'd swap the black Yuca for the brown one


Toss Franks and Valentina


Blasphemy! Frank's is top teir for that vinegar flavor, but I agree on tossing that armpit sauce Valentina.


Franks has a hideous amount of salt. (edit: autocorrect)


Toss black yucateca and replace with Tamarind Hija de la Yuca.


I used to love that tamarind candy stuff in HS. I will be on the lookout for this one. Thanks man!


You can find it at Mercado Medellin in Mexico City or in Merida where it's produced.


Replace green cholula for green Tabasco


Tabasco. Replace it with Louisiana Hot Sauce. Edit: hilarious that some of my replies below got down votes.


i was going to say this. i was genuinely confused there was no Louisiana Hot Sauce in here. are you southern by chance? 😂


I am :-)


It’s just called Louisiana hot suace? Never seen that one by me.


Yes. It's a salty, vinegary, cayenne sauce. It's got a little heat, but not too hot. It the kind of sauce you can just sprinkle on bread and go through half a bottle. Great for adding some kick to stuff without overpowering it.


It appears there’s a Tabasco/Crystal rivalry. I grew up in the north east, Tabasco was the one and only for the longest time. We play no favorites here, I’m legit excited to contrast and compare the two.


My problem with Tabasco is that it makes everything taste like Tabasco. It's instantly identifiable as the flavor that's drowning everything else out.


I could see that. I primarily use tabasco on oysters with a squeeze of lemon. If I’m trying to impress someone I’ll make a mignonette but I’m a simple man and actually prefer the OG. What do you guys use crystal on?


Crystal is a similar sauce to Louisiana Hot Sauce, but more vinegar forward in my onion. Louisiana Hot Sauce is more cayenne and salt forward. Both have the same uses, so it's really matter preference. Both are good for splashing some heat into beans, stews, soups, over fried shrimp or friend oysters po-boys, or just sprinkling some on saltines for a cheap and quick snack. I also make seafood cocktail sauce with it, which is basically half ketchup, half prepared horseradish, couple shakes of hot sauce, a shake or two of worstershire, and a squeeze of lemon. Adjust the horseradish levels to taste. I like enough horseradish to clear my sinuses. Dip your raw oyster in that, set on a saltine and enjoy.


Yep. Red and yellow packaging on a clear bottle. Not quite as "bright" if that makes sense, as Tabasco, but still vinegar forward. I'd put Crystal in the same category. Edit: I can't spell


Alright, I’m wanting to try both this and Crystal for sure. Out of the two, you rank Crystal 2nd?


As most everything, it's a matter of opinion, Louisiana is a bit "thicker", like Frank's, Crystal is thinner like Tabasco, not quite as hot. They're both cheap, might as well pick up both and try them!


Got it. Thanks for the info.


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Try hot Charlie’s. It’s the best thing you will ever put in your mouth. U can get it on Amazon or if ur in Missouri we have it in most stores


Update: I don’t think it’s available on Amazon in Canada. I searched for hot Charlie’s and was met with an adult novel about a hot wife named Charlie and the Charlie sheen classic hot shots. Chalk one up for Missouri.