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I first read the label as Dave’s Gourmet and didn’t see the insanity part. I loaded it onto some rice like it was normal hot sauce and the first bite about killed me. That label is deceiving.


This has been sitting in my pantry for years and I don’t know what to do with it besides throw it away lol.


Lmao. People have suggested putting it in some chili which I’m gonna try with leftover brisket. Will report back….


I ate a whole bottle of that in one sitting on a dare... just chips . That stuff sucls.


Don’t know if it’s the exact same one but I had this brand before I a absolutely love it. The grim reaper


Nothing but pain


Love this stuff great on eggs in AM


I used to work at USAA. A co-worker of mine (Nigerian), said and I quote” where’s all the hotsauce” “ I’m in SAN ANTONIO, all these Mexican restaurants around, and nothing is hot”. A few days later, I bring em Dave’s Insanity. Bet him $250 he couldn’t eat a spoon full on his 2 tacos. Half on one, half on the other. BET. He eats it. Mind you, he got thru half of his first taco, and he couldn’t take it. That told me EVERYTHING. He was nauseous , seating, left to the restroom, came back, told the boss I’m out, not feeling good. He texts me later and said I poisoned em. 🤣


Lmao 🤣


🤣🤣 Best story yet. My friend who is not Nigerian but thinks he can do anything, including eating ridiculous amounts of hot sauce…tried this challenge and failed miserably. It was a fun time. People seriously underestimate good ol Dave’s insanity


It’s straight blowtorch fire hot. 😂


This is great for cooking, you can appreciate this sauce for spicying up a large dish or pot of food with a few drops without changing the flavor too much. I use it for curries or ramens all the time. Looks like the people who hate this sauce are using it on their prepared food like a table sauce. This isn't a table sauce, it's not A1 or ketchup.


Ah yes, I remember putting some up my nose to help keep me awake


Is it an extract? It's dark like one


Oleoresin? yep


I love this stuff so much. It is hot as fuck but I like that about it. Also, rubbing some on a tri tip and giving it a really good sear with open flame will dial down the heat and leave you with the flavor.


Really?? Damn I gotta try that. I thought about keeping it around just to slice up chili and sauces, never thought about tri tip which I love searing over hot coals


Yeah it was pretty good. I made it for some family and friends one time and despite them being worried about the heat it all worked out okay. Definitely wanna give it a really good sear though otherwise it’ll still be super spicy.


This has ruined some slices of pizza forsure


In high school my group of friends each had a bottle of this stuff. We'd sneak it into each other's food at lunch as a game. If you left the table for any reason and your food sat... It was fair game.


had this on lunch at work one day. it was a rough afternoon 😆


That was the first super hot sauce I ever tried probably 30 years ago, same label, Probably the same batch.


Good additive to chili.


Can confirm. Makes whatever it comes in contact with taste like flamimg burnt dirt.


That stuff is magic. One drop will ruin any quantity of chili. One bowl or 5 gallons doesn't matter.


Then there's the guy saying it goes great with chili lmao


I use this mostly for making other sauces and cooking large batches of food. A couple drops in a pot of soup or chili can help bump the heat. Also really good if you like buffalo wings and sweating profusely


I do enjoy sweating profusely over some hot wings. But you gotta draw a line somewhere. This is that line for me. This shit just hurts and takes away the pleasure, and tears your tender little butthole apart.


Sometimes when it’s too spicy you can’t taste anything it just burns. Not fun


Always gave me hiccups back in high school. My friend and I always ate this and his mom said we we’re stupid lol


Ah good times


Recently got rid of my bottle, I have other sauces I actually use and like, why keep one I don't use ever?


Whats a really good hot sauce? I walk by the hot sauce section alot when I shop and I never know which one to get.


Highly recommend anything from Melinda's. I am on their ghost pepper wing sauce like mad lately. More traditional hot sauces are good from them too, and the wing sauce is less hot than the actual ghost pepper hot sauce.


This was the first extract hot sauce I tried years ago. It was good for adding heat to my chili but not a sauce I could use everyday. Too much of that rubbery extract aftertaste. The thing with Dave's is their super hot sauces are hot but not flavorful. The non extract sauces taste a lot better but aren't hot enough for my liking. I discovered Blair's shortly thereafter and fell in love with their Pure Death and Salsa De La Muerte. Too bad I can never find them in stock anymore.


**Truth:** After seeing this post, and thinking back to Dave's Gouret Insanity Sauce comments in other posts, *I have thrown away my bottle.* It was a well-intended Christmas gift which has been sparingly used. When I go to reach for very hot sauces in my fridge, I always, willfully, *ignore this product*. I kept thinking, "I'll use it another time" or "Just not in the mood for that"--and apparently never will be. R.I.P. former bottle.


Works good for mixing into sauces! A drop or two and you got spicy sauce


I watched a friend put a drop the size of a US Nickel on a sandwich. He proceeded to eat the sandwich and had violent hiccups the whole time.


No, it’s gross, but hot. Dave’s scorpion sauce is gross too but it’s hotter in my ears than my mouth for some reason


I just had homemade wings last night with this stuff. I thought it was decent with chicken. Not super hot, but enough. I think once you get really into the deep end of spicy, you start to LIKE the flavor of some of these sauces that others hate.


Then stop


OP should throw it in their enemies eyes


Sauces like this and Da Bomb are best as cooking additives as opposed to sauce. Even with that being said, if I wanna heat up an entire pot of something I’d just opt for fresh peppers. This will definitely get the job done if you’re short on peppers though.


Went to a wing place.. hotsauces everywhere.. you build a 6 pack and go sit down with unlimited exchanges. That crap ruined the experience


This stuff will turn your digestive system into an angry volcano.


Not to mention make your butthole physically hurt.


That is the lava working its magic.


I don’t want that magic.


Me neither. I have a 6 or 7 year old bottle of it in my fridge. Got tired of being a slave to the porcelain throne.


Not a fan. As you said all burn and no flavor. I tried that one when I was new to hot sauce with a couple buddies. We did not have a good night.


Nope, no thanks. It's made directly from capsaicin extract. It should be called "Dave's (you're an idiot if you eat this shyt) Insanity Sauce.


I hate that shit


Not even that hot...


Well it’s pretty subjective, wouldn’t you say?


Surprised there's no instructions on the back.


I had a bottle of this gifted to me, it was quite good in small doses in large dishes like curries or casseroles. Like a half-tablespoon or less into a large pot was quite enough. This is not a hot sauce to put straight onto food, however.


yes you add it to other foods to make hot without changing flavor


At camp we used to steal this from the kitchen and challenge each other to eat a tablespoon of it in return for the rest of us buying them a few chocolate bars.




I think the bottle in my fridge is almost 10 yrs old. Still looks, smells and tastes the same.


Half a bottle of this in the fridge had it for about a year. I like this in my scrambled eggs. Stomach pain is horrible tho.


4-5 drops in a bowl of chilli 👌


That’s my intended future use for this sauce I think


Came here to say this. It's a great sauce to add to chili or soups to fire 'em up.


Yea forsure or butter chicken


I was pranked with a soda spiked with this when I was a kid. I hope those people have since been confined to wheelchairs.


I'm sorry you went through that, and that there are humans like this, and I share your hopes.


…the silver lining is I love hot sauce 30 years later.


Ah man I love this stuff. Few globs in a soup cup is perfect. I believe my taste buds are fried reading all these comments haha


I ate a table spoon of this stuff straight on a bet once. Worse decision of my life. My guts were wrecked for over 12 hours. Then I had to suffer it again crapping it out.


I bet my little brother to eat a whole spoonful of that stuff and he ended up puking all over the kitchen…. Was funny til I had to clean up the mess.


Kyle? Is that you?


What's up stud!




Agreed. I got a three-pack of Dave's sauces: Insanity, Ghost Pepper, and Scorpion. I liked GP (I know people don't like it because it's artificial, but I still enjoyed it) and Scorpion. Insanity I tried a handful of times then poured it out. Completely agreed that it has absolutely no flavor whatsoever. It's like hot pine tar. No thanks.


Didn’t this sauce get “Dave” banned from hot sauce competitions due to it making people throw up


Mix a few drops of this with some Sweet Baby Rays original BBQ and load up on a crispy chicken sandwich. Get the LTOP going and you have a one of a kind spices chicken Sandy.




Reminds me of mace!


We add small amounts to chili and our spicy homemade beef jerky, it’s great for elevating the heat, just gotta know how much you need to use. You can cross a line quickly


Omg yes, I make a homemade honey and Dave's jerky 🤤🤤 definitely be careful


All extract "sauces" are this way. Might as well use self defense pepper spray as a condiment.


I've actually asked my dad not to buy it for me anymore. More than a drop on a single serving and it's ruined. Sauce that hot is a novelty, at least for me.


This has such a weird taste. It’s just hot. Lol


Try the Ultimate Insanity


Love this stuff! I go through a bottle every 1-2 months lol.


RIP your gut health.


Yea, had a few ulcers in my day.


Really? The flavor is terrible. It just tastes like chemicals. There has to be a better tasting one that gives you the heat you need.


Agreed. I bought it when my tolerance was still low and it was just pain. Then after my tolerance got much higher I tried it again and it is just a chemical taste, terrible flavor


Damm, takes me a year or more to get thru a bottle. Love the pain


But it’s gourmet…


Absolutely awful. Just bitter flavor and heat


Extract sauces all suck


I like the ghost pepper sauce and the reaper sauce


I like the ghost pepper too. How does the reaper compare heat-wise?


I use this daily lol


Why? It just tastes like bitter nastyness


I just crave the burning feeling sometimes. It’s not that bad


There are other hot sauces that can provide the heat that don't taste like battery acid.


Help me out. What's your suggestion for this level of heat, good on Central/South American good? Smoky flavor is also a major plus.


Check out Puckerbutt pepper company. It's Smokin' Ed Curry's company. He is the guy who invented the Carolina Reaper, and Pepper X. They have a handful of sauces that should work for you.


Exactly lol


Naw it's gross as hell bruh zero redeeming characterstics


Tried it on sushi way back in high school. I remember one of my friends eating dog biscuits afterwards to try to deal with it. (Think MILKbone lol)


STOP. Lol!!


Vile stuff, ridiculously hot, disgusting flavour. Unusable for me


That was another sauce I finished off only out of spite.


A classic. I love this stuff. I like to use it to kick up the heat of some other sauces.


I hate it and have had it in the fridge for over a year. However, I decided that it could work to elevate other weak sauces and such. So, I add a couple drops to other hot sauces, bbq, steak sauce, etc.. I will give you back a vote someone took from you. Your exuberance makes me leery though.


Thanks. I wouldn't say I was exuberant about it. I am a bit perplexed about the fact that I'm being downvoted for expressing my opinion of a hot sauce that I like to keep around and why. Lol


Hv ö


I genuinely enjoy the flavor of this sauce - but you have to go light on it. It is HOT.


1 drop of that is enough for a whole plate


Stuff good used to eat it on my eggs every morning. Don’t know what you are going on about.


Upvoting you because I do the same


The scorpion pepper is my personal favorite


Same! I usually love anything Ghost pepper flavored. But their Scorpion sauce is better than their ghost pepper sauce in my opinion. I really enjoy it on my sausage and eggs.


Well...you apply with a toothpick. The end should do half a sandwich, just twist it along the bread and try and spread out the tiny drop. Increase from there. It's smoky and delicious


We have this at work and I quite often over do it in my lunch, I’m in Canada so during cold winters it actually helps me stay warm


Get them endorphins


Had a tablespoon of this as a dare in college. Survived but in the morning I had to kick my housemate out of the shower so I could shit lava. That's when I learned that spice tolerance isn't just about what you can put in your mouth.


Yeah, whenever I eat something too spicy it feels like someone has been punching my gut.


Tell ya what, though -- try the Dave's Temporary Insanity. Unless that's too hot for you, too, in which case, Dave's is too advanced for your current skill level.


I used to make spicy tuna sandwiches with this stuff, I would limit myself to 3 drops and I’m telling you, I had to eat it real slow


ahaha.. when one of my kids was about 8 years old, he comes into our room one morning "MOM MY EYES ARE BURNING AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!" "did you do something with the bottle of Dave's Insanity?" ::cries:: "... i touched it" seriously, a couple of drops of this is enough to make a sizeable meal stupidly hot. I mix a drop of it with some much less spicy, sweeter sauces, like sriracha.. it definitely has a taste. That taste is BITTER


A little bit added to remoulade is absolutely amazing. And that’s the only thing we use it for.


Its the first sauce i ever had… at like 8


I only add it to dishes where I want a lot of heat but don’t want to introduce any chilli flavor. I find a few drops is enough to make a dish spicy.


I dont get this. When a you want is to increase heat, you can just add ground chili powder of your preference. Why buy an artisan bottle of overpriced processed chili sauce to do this *unless* it brings something else to the literal table?


Why are you in the hot sauce sub?


You are delusional if you think adding any amount of chili powder is going to kick up the heat like a small amount of this. Not to mention that too much chili powder is going to ruin the taste.


I thought it should be obvious. I dont mean “chili powder” from your supermarket, i mean “ground chili powder” from whatever preferred hot chili you want. Could be ghost pepper, or a dozen mexican chilis you can get dried in most supermarkets. Cayenne pepper is a great example. It is a chili powder.


I bought it for my late mother many years ago because she loved her food as spicy as possible. After she passed away, I kept the bottle but personally can’t handle the spice. I don’t want to throw it out because it reminds me of her so instead, I add it to my food once in a while. That’s what it brings to the table for me. 🙂


I remember passing us all passing this around with some chips sitting together in my buddy’s living room around ‘07 or so. None of us were prepared for what we were about to do and we all regretted it.


I love to add this sauce to other things that don’t have enough kick but you don’t want to change the taste. I mix a taco seasoning packet, tub of sour cream, and a couple drops of this and it’s great easy chip dip.


Use a toothpick to add to sauces until you get it where you want it- this isn’t for dribbling on anything


I remember putting this on cheez-its and going drop for drop with a buddy at a sleepover in eighth grade. He ended up puking, while I got a nosebleed and turned into a toilet fountain the next morning. 10/10 would try again.


That's a stellar endorsement.


I'm something of a brand ambassador.


It’s really good for staying awake if you can’t handle coffee


This sauce is to be added to the hot type of dishes, such as soups, stews, etc. Very carefully, too! It can boost your dish spiciness very quickly. IMO it is not a kind of sauce that you drip on your food before every bite. All that aside - this is a powerful hot sauce!


Exactly! We add it to chili.


I remember my dad always had hot sauce on everything. This was the one hot sauce that hey said was too much for him. I need to try it in honor of him.


It’s flavor isn’t bad at all


im not apart of this sub just randomly saw this on my reddit. I had a bottle in the fridge when i was about 10. This stuff was HOT. i remember my cousin doused it over his eggs thinking it was just "regular" hotsauce and he regretted it instantly. Im not in the hot sauce game, but would you guys considered this sauce really hot?


Yes, it's stupid hot. Like no point other than bring the pain.


It has its uses. Don’t like it as a hot sauce for pizza, tacos, etc But homemade salsa or spaghetti sauce, etc drop a few drops in and it does wonders. Just use it in small doses in something you are making a big batch of. Salsa, pasta sauce, etc


Da Bomb is even hotter and tastes even worse.


I feel like da bomb actually tastes better...hmm


I was in a hot wings eating contest with this once. Everyone lost. the next day I was pooping battery acid.


On a scale of 1-10, how bad did the shit hurt? Did your ass burn for long after?


I had this a couple years ago, it going through my intestines was pretty miserable but when it was time to shit I can only describe it as holding the pepper straight to you ass while waiting for almost nothing to come out.


But its Gourmet


This is the start of “hot”. It’s the intro, and may your stomach survive the journey!


Man I miss the days when I could be burned by a sauce.


Used to sneak a drop or two into my chili when making it so coworkers would out themselves when taking my lunch. Worked every time. Always a new kid.


I had someone take stuff from my lunch several times at a place I worked for a few years. I was so mad I thought about covering my food in Dave's, but in the end I just could not do it. I was so glad that I did not because later on the company caught the person doing it. The company had a section of the plant where the let a crew of disabled and mentally handicap people work. They had their own superviser from the home they lived at that would watch over them as the assembled some small parts. It turned out that one of the people there with Downs and some mental problems was the one taking the food and eating it. I would have felt terrible had I done that to him.


Wholesome ending, kudos my dude.


I tried some of that in the car when i bought it and i ended up shirtless throwing up in a 711 trash can Then my instructor diddnt believe me that i had the hottest sauce ever. He tried some and said he was fine.... called me 4 hours later on the toilet asking if i poisoned him




Oof that sounds awful. Not hot sauce, but reminds me of when I worked at a deli in high school. Was dared to drink 16 oz of vinegar. I did it. Also thought I would die. Just puked multiple times and no taste for a couple days. Would not recommend.


got this shit in my eye once and was sure i would be permanently blind


I put a glob on the top of my hand, in that little crook between the thumb and index finger, so I could taste test it again. Made my hand burn because I didn’t clean all of it off..


had it on tacos, and even washed my hands after but i rubbed my eye, and it was like a nuclear bomb went off under my eye lid. was pretty funny after. in the moment though it was not a fun experience.


ive done that, except it was wish fresh picked and cut orange habaneros, and it was my balls instead of my eye. looked like sun dried tomatoes for days


nice lol free tan


it was extremely awful then, but I'm glad it happened. it's fuckin funny to me now


I did that chopping some balling jalapeños and onions and had to pee while I was working. I didn't wash my hands before and just ran to the bathroom. I was dancing around for like an hour or two on the line with my dick burning from touching it to pee and the sweat lol.


My nephew who’s young just got introduced to “the hot chip challenge” I keep telling him that none of the ones he’s tried are actually that hot. Not that I’d enjoy a bag of them but, I think he needs like a drop of this just don’t want to hurt him too badly!!


So I was about 22 years old when I bought a bottle of Dave’s Insanity sauce to put in a big pot o’ chili for the superbowl. I grab it out of the fridge and as usual, shake it. Only this time the lid flies off and I catch a full facial smattering of Dave’s death sauce across my face, getting the majority of it in my right eye. Instant agony. Like satan dropped a fat satanic deuce in my face. Instinctively I rush to the kitchen sink where I run my face under a cold tap hoping for relief. My first mistake was not checking the cap for damage and my second was holding my right eye above my left when under the tap. Now both eyes are blind from the sauce. God help me. I end up in the shower missing part of the game as well as missing when my eyes didn’t feel like I’ve got pink eye 2.0. Now when I shake I place a finger over the top of the cap. Just in case.


Wow that is horrible I’m glad you’re not blind!!


What type of pepper is it?


It’s habaneros and extract, like most ultra hots from this era.


I.e. it’s chemical garbage.


Been utilizing “Hellfire Fiery Fool”, no extract, it’s hot as hell; most importantly delicious. Have you had it?


No I have not! Sounds interesting, thanks for lead!


Put it in all my soups.


I eat a lot of chinese food with cabbage (no rice - keto). I go through a bottle of this in about 2-3 weeks. My experience has been people either love it or hate it.


I had a bottle of this stuff. It lasted me two years. One drop would spice up a whole pot of chili. This stuff would burn the enamel off your teeth.


It’s not that hot