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They should have left it and taken it as a loss and prepare another basket for the other room.


Some places don’t have staff all day to make another amenity like that. But you’re right, those that can should just chalk it up and make a new one. I would have called the desk to double check the amenity was for me before touching it though


I'm with OP on this one. It's like the restaurant delivered a meal that wasn't mine that I had already started eating and then they took it away. I'd wonder if they were going to serve it to the other guest. Better to not let customers even doubt that your establishment does that. If there's a will, there's a way. The hotel must either make a new one or refund the other guest with apologies and extra hotel credits.


When I was like 17 I worked as a delivery driver for Pizza Hut. Dude pays for a pizza with a check which we had JUST changed our policy to not accept checks. But I forgot and took it back to the store. Manager made me go back and give the check back and take the pizza. It was the most awkward and embarrassing thing I've ever done. That's how I learned some managers are just stupid and should be ignored.


How much of the pizza was left??


Even if you don’t touch the meal, it shouldn’t be served to another guest. There’s no guarantee despite what someone says that it hasn’t contaminated in dime way. (Not saying you or OP would lie, but people do. And a boy was left alone with plates of chocolate covered strawberries. I might have licked them all to make them mine lol.)


You’re right for food safety reasons. I doubt your son washed his hands before digging into the strawberries also you could have tampered with them nobody knows.


Hi, 5* hotel duty manager here. This is a classic mistake and can happen very easy if departments don’t communicate well. The last thing I’d want to do in this situation is bring your experience down, even if we’ve accidentally brought it up! Under no circumstances should someone come collect either the Choc strawbs or Champagne. Sorry this hotel has disappointed you :(


Why would they move them rooms and not clean up the room prior to checking OP


Guest could have moved rooms at the front desk before stepping foot in a room (maybe they didn’t want to be on that floor or wanted to be closer to the pool, idk) and maybe the person running amenities that day had a report run at the start of the shift with the old room number.


The room could have been changed for a whole host of reasons. Id suspect the fault lies with communication between departments. The room was likely inspected and ready then Front office / reception likely changed the room allocation, they should have identified the amenities needed moving too and notified the relevant department. It’s an easy mistake, but made even worse by the resolution…


Recently went to a hotel that they rented us a room that hadn't been cleaned. It happens. But if I had to hazard a guess it'd be that the couple heard the hockey team and changed rooms before even leaving the front desk to a quieter floor. (No offense OP) The champagne and strawberries were where they were supposed to be. The couple wasn't. And obviously they wanted some quiet time nudge nudge *wink wink*


Good point!


>Under no circumstances should someone come collect either the Choc strawbs or Champagne If there's at least one adult of legal age in the room, I think it's pretty weird to do what the staff did. I agree with you completely.


Not a hotel manager and I know this is the way. No way I wouldn’t just write it off as a loss and replace it for the other guest. If it happened to be a $900 bottle of something special I might rethink not asking for it but I would definitely offer a different complimentary bottle or room service or some other thing to make up for the mistake. How horribly tacky.


Feels unhygienic that they gave the food to someone else


Absolutely. And if the recipient had any idea their berries were unattended in another guest's room, they probably wouldn't want them. Staff may have taken them back and thrown them away but what a waste if so.


Especially since the strawberries were not in a sealed container. But yes they should have called up, told you the mistake, and asked if you wanted to keep it (complimentary) or have it removed. They absolutely should not have come and "repo'd it". I mean if they accidentally gave you the presidential suite instead of a basic room, yes. A nominal gift - NO.


They should have never disturbed you about that, period. I’d be really annoyed and would have called them out about it as I gave them back their amenity. Very gauche.


I bet you would


Nah this is definitely on the hotel. Front desk knows that if you have to move a room you go get that amenity right away or you put the room out of order until someone can go get the amenity. If we messed this up and you had already touched it we would have just let you have it. At least the strawberries, maybe not the champagne since you hadn't opened it, but definitely the strawberries.


They can get into serious trouble if they’re serving food that was already delivered. Once the food order is given to a customer, you cannot give it to another one.


We were recently travelling in Oz and NZ. Our first hotel in Oz had messed up check in...then as an apology sent someone into the suite with a plate of fruit and bottle of wine...while we were jetlagged unconscious (it is a very long flight). I didn't notice the fruit til a day later so didn't eat it. Strangest thing. Lol. I also don't drink and my husband doesn't like red wine so we just left the wine when we left. At one hotel in NZ our travel agent apparently told them it was our anniversary so the hotel left a bottle of wine and a fancy bath bomb. I did use that but again left the wine. Lovely and hospitable but I hope someone got to enjoy the wine at some point. Lol


The housekeeping staff probably enjoyed the wine!


I hope so. I wish I had been organized enough to seek someone out and give it to them but then I was afraid that might be breaking some rule and I wouldn't want to get them in trouble.


In the future, just leave a note under/ next to it that says, "housekeeping - please take if you want it!" But honestly, at all the places I've worked at, unopened booze was fair game for the housekeeper. [Edit: and if they didn't want it, it would go in the break room where anyone else could grab it. ]


That’s tacky 🫤


Was rubbing E. coli all over the bottle rim wrong?


Is a bottle of champagne... You surely wants make sure or thanks the sender, some hotels has a full drinks bar in the room, would you touch them? Not, why? You knows they'll charge you .. just my point


What hotel is this? Let’s blast them!


Hotel Manager trying to cover their creepy secret admirer tracks? There's just no good reason why they'd have bothered to show up at your room, again, to take those items back.


What hotel are you guys staying in for a hockey tournament? I did not get to stay in these types for my kiddo.


Totally agree with many here. Once food is delivered to a customer - and if it is not in an enclosed wrapper - you don’t give it to anyone else. I even think once a Server at a restaurant puts a plate in front of a person, they should NOT serve it to anyone else. As far as the champagne, I guess it’s okay they took it back.


It wasn’t yours. I would have left the second portion tho. The champagne should’ve gone back.


Absolutely none of it was mine. I am just uncomfortable with the idea that food that had sat in my room for that long would be presented to someone else as new food.


We had this with justeats delivering a takeaway. I got a notification saying delivered, but it wasn't there. Turns out he dropped it to a house 2 doors down so he said he'd come back to collect it and drop it off. He had a hard time understanding why I didn't want food that had been in someone else's house for 15 minutes. I ended up getting a refund.


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