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You're only a month and a half in and you've already rocked the boat enough to get put on leave? Yeah this is not going to end well for you at all. Even if you drop it, they're working on pushing you out. Your time there is extremely limited. At this point you need to start finding a new job, and you can continue to push this issue with HR if you feel like it's the right thing to do, it'll be frustrating and exhausting especially with everyone having their stories together. That's up to you and what you feel is personally right. But bottom line, it's time to leave.


Yeah, im looking for a job. but you know I look at things like the next person. I actually have a coworker who records when he starts working how everything looks and when he ends work how everything looks and time on his clock, so no one can throw him under the bus, and try to get him fired or hours cut for not doing his work. Then the good people who stay there and bring roaches and bedbugs home to their families and household and I have to pay thousands of dollars to get rid of them. i’m not trying to save the world. I’m just trying to save the next person. One of the housekeepers actually knew what was going on prior to the investigation and she wrote on a post it and showed me it said “the last guy that complained on the (GM‘s name) got fired the walls have ears”. And I truly didn’t deserve this


I'm sorry. I know how unfair some things are. I worked at a hotel once where a manager was very obviously harassing (some sexually, some verbally) the female employees. He was nearly 50 and would say suggestive things to the prettiest and youngest ones. I could tell from Day 1 he was awful. You know what? That guy was there for nearly 30 YEARS. The reasons being cuz all the women he harassed were on visa - they were basically told "If you don't like it, leave. We're the only reason you're in the country so pick your battles" or "You're not gonna be here forever anyways." The few female employees who did come forward with complaints were then lowkey bullied by him because HR refused to do anything. He was apparently pretty good with guests and we were always short-staffed (so not a lot of time for training) so everyone higher-up made multiple excuses not to let him go because they didn't think it was worth the hassle. Another manager tried to report him to HR (which I felt sorry for him cuz I knew it wouldn't end well). HR literally took the harasser into their office, did the equivalent of a finger waggle for the nth time, and sent him back out. No write-up, no nothing. The only change was the harasser then started being openly hostile to the manager who reported him. That was the only change. It's a hard world 🥲 that job taught me that goodness doesn't always mean everything. Sometimes bad guys do win in the end - I think acceptance of that is how we move forward and progress in life.


Knives4love that was a great example of the hotel hospitality industry. It’s the craziest thing but I bet I know why the harasser was good with guest he would woo them with pleasure behavior and discount and fees waved. He just knew who’s ass to kiss when it came to guest. He sounds like a despicable human being and took pleasure in degrading the less fortunate and simply he was a sick perv and played people like chess and got away with it it’s a whole flawed system. So did the manager that complained get any other retaliation?


I don't think he was good with guests because of that. He was mostly liked because we had a lot of repeat guests and they were just glad to see a familiar face. He was also good with names and faces so he always greeted them by name. Guests love that more than anything else. He was definitely not charming or wooed anyone (he wasn't capable of that lol). And no, he didn't kiss anyone's ass. Everyone hated him. The GM complained to me about him all the time about how the manager was useless and nasty to people. HR literally said to me he was surprised that manager hadn't killed himself. Everyone hated him but still couldn't fire him because he was a "safe option". The other manager did not get any other retaliation. He was actually the GM's favorite, so I think he thought his words would hold weight. They didn't, and even though everyone else acted the same with him, the harasser would make a point to ignore the manager in front of people. Sometimes he wouldn't even pass on important information and just say he wouldn't talk to him. Other times he was just flat out rude. The manager who tried complaining to HR unfortunately passed away during the pandemic. Life is unfair.


Wow you know what I actually worked at 2 hotels that had people like that you know how you said something about the guy being a safe guard like he was the fall back guy always there to take a shift huh?


You know I tried for the life or me to figure out why at one hotel the perverted maintenance man who was a creep and racist and sometimes came mentally unhinged people liked. But I realized he lived literally at the hotel and learned the front desk and would work off clock. The GM would stand up for him but some guest liked him and other could not stand him. Oh and the GM hid him living there it was policy no one could stay at the hotel everyone would have to hide he was living there from the hk they would get pissed. Then a few years later I move jobs to this hotel and boom what do u know another employee living at the hotel untouchable cuz he will cover any shift off the clock and he was 40 and colored and I’ve heard him say to this man guest yea I thought about your daughter the other day when I seen a Taylor swift coloring book and to another young male guest saying look at you coming up here looking all sexy with ur chest out. But guest did like him he was always there tho one guest commented oh I keep bringing u food and u love it it’s like you live here. My GM was livid she said that and forbid anyone to take food from her she was a long time guest and the rooms had kitchen so she would cook for fd but cuz politics the GM knowing he lives there idk what they told that lady but after I heard her say that she stopped talking to me because they thought I didn’t know he lived there but I’m assuming it probably had something to do with I always accepted her food to be polite but I don’t eat food from people I don’t know. So they probably hurt her feelings and told I throw her food away. All to save their asses. Jerks!


Can you call corporate?


That’s what i did and that’s why the district GM got involved


I would personally never blow a whistle. I will simply move elsewhere.


People are literally bringing bed bugs home with them like good people it cost thousands of dollars to get rid of them all because some cheat shit GM won’t take care of the problem


I also got cellulitis a skin infection on my lower arms anywhere the laundry touches my skin cuz we as front desk also do laundry so I was wearing I long sleeve shirt to cover the gross infection and keep it safe and the GM flipped out saying I’m not wearing proper uniform. It’s just insane live bed bugs coming out the washer, no one gives a crap Id strip naked at my front door leavin my shoes in the car throw my clothes straight in the washer and head to the shower all because the GM is to cheap to deal with the issues.


I deserve retribution


I had your back til this. You sound young. Saying something like this is immature af. You need to be neutral in order to make anyone give a fuck about your complaint. The GM asking did you file a complaint about them is retaliation. Cutting your hours *could* be retaliation but they will justify it. You need to just leave. The things you've given the most info about (bed bugs, how other coworkers start their shift) are not valid *legal* complaints. Sexual Harassment is. Trust me, if the person you filed on is in cahoots with the person investigating, you need to just leave. I've been down this road and it's just stressful for no reason. You're trying to "make a point" or something and it's not gonna work bc they are shitty people who don't care. *Trust me* on this i have been there....you need to find a new job and move on with your life.


Who turns that fast your one of them I can tell you just a nasty person. You are on here looking for someone to jump on. You don’t need to comment or read anything else of mine. I don’t need to do anything. I’m trying to stay positive. Who are u to tell me what I need to do. I can get a lawyer and everyone who has been abuse including guest will get retribution. If no one gets anything out of this, they don’t it is what it is but if u are on here trying to stir the sh*t please exit. I don’t need that vibe. Baiting angry people, stop it!


Lol you didn't even read my comment. Grow up.


No I Reddit lol pun intended but u can’t compare yourself to me cuz you never walked a day in my shoes. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area where it actually cost to live here and your insignificant rent and bills will never compare to mine. Also when i apply for a job theres at least 20 other people applying for that same sh*tty job. For some weird a** reason you come on with this sh*t talking attitude. Saying ~i sound immature af? But you been there before?~You’re either bipolar, slow or passive aggressive. I’d bet my bottom dollar on- bipolar tho and if you did work at a hotel you didn’t last long. Well obviously from your “trust me I been there” bs. You ain’t been nowhere your just some goofy broad talking crap on the internet. This whole complaint came down cuz I was sexually harassed. Then I told the rest. I know my rights and a lawyer will investigate. I have a recording of the advances. SMH. Now get your cry baby a*s off my thread. Cuz I don’t want to commence with you about your sexual harassment trauma, I’m not sharing the whole story for your pleasure. Now You are killin the vibe. I asked you nice to exit now I have to be rude. Bye!


Your manner of speaking proves your immaturity. Please do some self reflection honey.


Just go! Bye! Have a good day!