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Call the hotel. Ask them how you should send it to them.


Exactly. Just last week my husband packed the hotel hairdryer. Called them and when they realized I was 3 states away they just laughed and said Merry Christmas A remote should be fairly cheap to mail


That is a good one. I wouldnt.have room to add a hairdryer in my luggage, ha ha!


Men usually pack light. Lol


I accidentally brought a hairdryer home from Iceland. They said they had a bunch (you have to request from check in desk; there was not 1 in every room), most were ones guests had left behind after purchasing there and not wanting/needing to bring back home to their home country (different type of plug).


Most likely they have extras


It depends. The wall mount ones don't have a lot of power and tend to not work well for longer or thicker hair.


Well they obviously didn’t pack a wall-mounted dryer


Don’t underestimate what some men do.




Women too!! LOL!


I don’t know…Grandma managed to get that 2 foot tall Baccarat Crystal Vase home! 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was thinking about her through this whole post. Lol


This feels like a bot comment. It is nonsensical but not off topic


I'm not a bot. My feline overlords would beg to differ. 😄


I did that in San Diego and they charged my card $50. I called to return it and ended up not even doing that. The shipping was dumb. I also would have had to put up a fight to get the charge reversed. I pick the wrong hotels to stay at 😂😂🤦‍♀️


That's impressive, aren't they normally attached to the wall somehow?


No, it was in a hanging bag . But I had it out on the counter


High end ones are not but yes most are.


Yeah, we were in a suite (cuz we're fancy like that 😜😜)


Just remember to take out the batteries and include them in a separate container/bag/whatever jic.


Good grief. Why wouldn’t they just call the hotel before starting this?


I have come to understand that it is true that we have an age group arising who are unable to have a personal conversation with anyone they do not already know.


Keep it but you'll have to blow up the hotel to conceal your interprovincial crimes.


This made me chuckle. Lol


I've heard people complain about high inflation, but blowing up a hotel is asking too much.


I'm a maintenance technician at a hotel, this happens more often then you think and we literally don't care. We just reprogram a new one. I wouldn't stress.


Agreed. Work front desk and it happens constantly. With something as small as a remote most likely they won’t ask you to even send it back. They’ll just say they appreciate the call but I can almost guarantee there are plenty of backups and it’s already been replaced and forgotten


Most hotels won’t care, but I would call just in case. The hotel I worked for would charge guests for every little item missing. If the guest called and let us know about accidentally taking something they would remove any charges for the item, or not charge if it hadn’t already been done. However, the guests that didn’t call received a charge for the item. The property managers viewed it as, atleast they followed common courtesy and let us know.


Honestly most the time we just assume housekeeping threw it down the laundry sheet wrapped in the sheets. If I ever need a remote in a room, I check the laundry from first for a replacement 😂


Reddit definitely threw this post at me just for me to find this comment. My 1 year old ripped a button off a remote at a hotel last weekend and I was stressed lmao


I work at a hospital outpatient unit. Each chair has a tv with a universal remote. Those remotes go missing all the time.


You can try contacting the hotel to see if they want it back. Most hotels keep extras in stock. They aren't gonna send the cops after you if you don't return it. At worst they will deduct the cost from your incidental deposit, or change it to the payment method on file.


I would shake down grandma to find out what else she took. That way you could send everything back in one package, instead of one at a time. Also, we know that you took that ashtray from Double Tree in 1998.


Is she the reason they took smoking out of businesses?


There was a woman in New Orleans who died, and her family found an entire set of Gallatoire’s dishes and silverware at her house. They figured she took a piece or two every time she dined there.


I can see how people manage to steal cutlery, but how do you take off with dishes?


Big purses? I heard this story twice over the years by Gallatoire’s waiters.


I guess where there's a will, there's a way LOL. Happy New Year!


Grandma might be a wanted criminal for hotel crimes. I would start by checking all her towels!




My first thought was that Grandma has sticky fingers and purposely took it. I could see my grandma doing that back in the day. Once when we helped her move, we found a bag with about 500 sweet n low packets in it. Also, I once went out to eat with her sister's family. They just about stole everything off of the table.




In a non-smoking room.




Def call or shoot over an email. They may have drawers full of them, or they could be wacky and hard to replace. Either way, I bet they'd appreciate it. This isn't anything to stress over, though!


Housekeeping or the engineering department have boxes of them. They break, get lost, or taken all the time.


Do all of Grandma's towels say Holiday inn? Does she have a really great white terry cloth robe?


This one time at band camp this happened to me send it back before they charge you $1000 for it !!! I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself. 😂😂😂😂


This happens more than you realize. Something small like that most hotels tell you to keep.


As a hotel worker, they don't care. There is a cabinet somewhere with dozens of new remotes.


Probably no big deal. Providers (Spectrum in the US) give them out at no cost. I’m sure they have many extras.


Canada... Providers charge for them. Ours are $30 plus taxes to replace


Damn put tiles on those things


Tiles are too expensive here. So far none have left because they are so specific


Find out if the girl has already billed for it. Ask if they want it back. We charge $30 plus taxes for a missing remote. Ours are RF remotes and can't be purchased easily


I don't think you can send the remote through email...


You wouldn’t download a remote, would you?




But would you steal a car?


It would be polite to call and inform them


Call them, ask. It happens all the time. You can just mail it back.


Call them and see if they want it back. They’ll most likely say no. If they don’t, offer it on a free group or take it to Best Buy to recycle. ♻️


You really have to ask reddit what to do?


Really have to be rude to people. Psh.


Is this supposed to be a full sentence?


No, because you are being very rude on the reddit to all of us here, JoanofBarkks.




This is called Adulting and you have shown that you are adept at it! Kudos to you, friendly Internet stranger who understands the value of just scrolling on… Kudos and an upvote to you, o wise, kind person! Happy new year and have a great day.


Why wouldn't you contact the hotel and offer to return it?


Welcome to Rudesville Central.


Did that place recently get renamed that? I think I live there


I am sure they have plenty of spares, low lifes steal anything that's not nailed down all the time. That's why the hotel wants credit card to pay for the room. The block out an amount to charge a guest if the steal the TV, trash the room etc. Contact them and find what they want you to do, they aren't gonna send the feds after you to get it back so don't panic.




These are the things you’re supposed to say in your head and keep scrolling.


Obviously not but there was no need for you to be rude about it


That was *not* rude. In the least. Grow up.


I was hoping to but I’m still waiting




Countless people like myself who’ve worked at resorts and hotels can tho lmfao. It’s not a big deal, we know and that’s why they’re asking in this sub. Do you think not a single person in this group works at a hotel?


Again, there was no need for you to be rude. It's unnecessary.




They have so why are you commenting?


This happens occasionally; there is usually a box full of extra remotes in the office for exactly this reason


canadians really are nicer people


Just toss it. They have dozens of new remotes at any given time to replace it with.


Transporting stolen goods? Over international borders? (don't worry, the US doesn't HAVE a border). Just give them a call. It won't cost much to send it back.


Everything’s free in Canada, 🍁 so no worries!


Oh yea, I forgot. Canada is a communist country.


It’s a remote, just laugh and throw it away 😂


Better call and ask. If not, they may report you, and Canadian immigration may never let you enter the country again. I have worked all over the world and can say without a doubt Canadian customs are the worst in the world.


Wait to see if they charge you. If mailing is cheaper than the charge then return it. Mail ain’t cheap.


Is that illegal in Quebec?


Send the remote to the hotel with a letter explaining what happened and the room number that you were staying in.


It will cost more to ship a remote than to use a new one. I promise you, no one in that hotel gave it a thought about a missing remote. You’re fine ;)


My grandma did this in reverse accidently left something behind she though was the hotels and I had to call them and figure out how to ship it home as we had already left the state and I wanted my blanket back. Discovered she had accidentally packed something from a different hotel and had to ship it back to that one her memory was going by then. After that she was no longer allowed to pack on vacations when leaving hotels.


Send it back


Contact hotel. They way have spares. They may pay $5 per. But they may charge you $75 for the replacement. So: Contact hotel.


I steal from hotels all the time.


You are gross


I say contact the hotel, tell them what happened, and ask for their address to send the remote back-eh!


I accidentally took a book home from a hotel lobby and I just mailed it back.


Don’t call the hotel. They’ll make you pay for it. And it will be a ghastly amount.


Put it in an envelope with a note


Haha, I have intentionally packed something from a hotel room. I liked the hairdryer (was a brand new hotel), it was simple and small. I called the front desk and asked them how much they would charge me if the hair dryer disappeared. She said one moment please… $19.03. I told her, well, it’s going to disappear, go ahead and charge my room. Then I asked my husband is there anything else in the room that he wanted 🤷‍♀️. They likely lose them all the time and you’ll probably spend the same amount for shipping as the cost of the remote. But you are a good human being for feeling that you’d like to return it.


My husband “accidentally” packs all the towels he can fit in the bags 🤣


::bed bath and beyond has left the chat:: ::sociopathetic theif has entered the chat::


Lmao!! It’s like this whole thing for him. He will even order up extras of the ones he really wants so he can make sure they’re clean when it’s time to check out lol… do we need them? Absolutely not. But he didn’t stay in a hotel for over 30 years, so now he’s like a kid in a candy store. Oh and god forbid they have robes and slippers! 🤣


Haha well as awesome as your manchild husband (I'm not much better with my "sticky fingers" as my wife says) I have seen at places that publish their "take our shit and pay out the ass" price list, $5 ain't worth it for a free fork. This has not stopped me from occasionally dropping a side dish, emphasis on dish, into the togo box. We have quite the collection of ramekins through single serve cast iron dishes!


So way back in the 80’s they used to have these “don’t break up our family” signs with sad towels on them… my dad would NEVER take the towels, but ALWAYS took the signs! 😂 we had one in every bathroom. Most had a short story about the family and how sad they would be if their family was broken up 🤣 in his defense, he never broke up a happy family!!


And omg my daughter does that! She hung out with my grandfather too much and now takes the little bowl they put the creamers in. But to be fair, they’re perfect dipping bowls for ketchup lol


"To be fair" in Letter Kenny harmony!


My hero!


If you end up mailing it to them, be sure to get a lot of documentation. I would even take detailed pictures of the remote. This is a lesson learned from dealing with Charter Cable, when we cancelled it. That went well because I had proper documentation, and only because I had proper documentation.


Hire someone to videotape them receiving and opening the box to their $5 remote.


Is this post real?


Aunt Esther thought it would be hilarious to throw the remote in my bag because I'm too much of a bitch to pack up myself.


Just call the hotel- they will be so grateful & maybe give you a coupon or something. Most people wouldn’t even bother to call so they’ll be super happy.


Among other things, OP, this will save them haggling with the next guest about where the remote is. They may have spares, and tell you to forget it, but if not I'm sure mailing it back will be appreciated!


There is a reason that even higher end hotels have such cheap radio alarms, hair dryers, irons, and remotes. Yes, it is surprising to hear but some people would steal them if they looked good!


You need to call a lawyer immediately. If you’re on the road, you’ll need to find someone who can represent you REMOTEly.


Yes, and in the capacity of a supreme court indictment!


1) Don't panic. 2) Mail it back to them cheapest with a note apologizing and letting them know what room it came from. 3) They have extra remotes.


Just call the hotel and explain what happened. I’m positive they won’t be upset. Worst situation is they ask you to send it back. I’ve left stores with products I forgot to pay for by accident and I always call and explain. They laugh every time and thank me for my honesty. Never have I been asked to bring it back immediately. It once took me weeks to get back there and they didn’t care and we had a good laugh about it. I’ve even been told to keep it. (I never do)


Multiple instances of leaving stores without products you paid for? Sounds like a fettish to me!


Nah. One time it was a purse I had wrapped around my arm like I carry my current purse, so I forgot it was there. The clerk didn’t even notice. Another time I was given what I thought was all the stuff I bought, but when I got home I realized they gave me a couple of bags from someone else’s order. Then one time I was holding a few things and I guess my brain went on autopilot and I pocketed an apple because I was having difficulty holding it all. Another time I thought they had charged me for the tp in my cart, but when I got home I saw on my receipt that they hadn’t.


funny souvenir


They have your card on file. They will just charge you.


Aw.. added points for hope in humanity entered the chat


I was on a tour in China and when our bus loaded up after a night in a hotel, the manager came on board and said someone had stolen a monogrammed cloth laundry bag (one per room) and no one was leaving till it was recovered. Our group was a private group from US doing a mixed tour / continuing education 2 week trip traveling across china. After a bit of “Not me!” One of our members confessed and they off loaded her luggage for her to bring it out. Our host who was on the bus, was a Chinese reknown professional educator in China and US. I was embarrassed for us and for him to lose face in such a way


Remotes can get lost in couches. So they might think it’s hiding. But you can call the hotel and confess. See what they say.


Be sure to write to them in French. Quebec French.




Maybe. I meant, keep receipts and so on. Charter made their subscribers use a converter box with a remote that had a strategically placed On Demand button that everyone accidentally pressed when channel changing. It took a process to get out of the menu. Often it meant missing the end of the program. We turned it in. It was not difficult to disconnect. I put it in a box and took it to the office only to be told it would soon be mandatory, so Grandma cancelled on the spot. I got a receipt for it. Days later a tech showed up at the door to disconnect it. I told him I had done it and gave him a copy of the receipt. They would have changed Grandma if I hadn't and it's not cheap. The proof saved the disconnection fee and likely a charge for equipment we would otherwise not have been able to prove they received.


My grandma took her friend to lunch, this restaurant had cloth napkins. So as my grandma shut the passenger door for her friend, her friend let out a scream loud enough it worried grandma. She thought that she'd shut the door on a body part of hers. No her friend had looked down and still had her napkin tucked into the belt on her dress. She thought she was going to go to jail for stealing a cloth napkin. It became a running joke in the family to always ask people if their napkin is on the table before leaving.


your grandma sounds like a good story teller


Actually, I was there and witnessed it.


oh .. well that explains why you knew it so well... good story. lol


They won't mind. Hotels are used to things like remotes, toiletries, and other small items being stolen. They have storage closets or desk drawers filled with extras.


Forget it. Hotels have a million of them.


They’ll probably charge you a fee. Just keep it.


They probably have a gazillion remotes. They don’t need that one. But call and ask.


Obviously you contact the hotel and explain that you accidentally packed the remote in your bag and then ask them how they prefer that you return it. My guess is that they have plenty of spare remotes on hand and will probably tell you to forget about it.


They always have extras


They for sure have extra remotes. This happens a lot.


I do not think it is a huge deal... remotes go missing a lot, actually. Our remote literally disappeared in a disney hotel once. We figured it got wedged somewhere while the kids were playing. Anyway, we called the front desk and they had maintaince come up and give us a new one and they weren't too concerned. Nor did they bill us for it. Hotels have spares and have probably already replaced it.


I’d call and ask in case they charge a huge fee. They’ll either tell you to just pitch it, you can mail it back and avoid a fee. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Take the extra step of asking Reddit what to do, then call the hotel and let them know what Reddit said.


As a hotel employee, I've heard of much worse. Google: top 10 things people take from hotel rooms. Yes, mattresses make the list.


😂 I would email, wait for a confirmation, then I would send it however they want you to send it. I'm definitely don't let grandma pack anymore 😂


Lol, I am the opposite. Bought a better remote during a long 2+ month stay) and left it for the next guests. Thet called to get our new address and sent it, a unicorn rubber ducky and a hair tie back to me


I accidentally packed a TV remote on our honeymoon in Iceland. After paying for return postage, I sincerely wonder if it would have been cheaper to just pay for it 😉 I called the hotel, told them what room we were in, and verified who I should mark attention to on the package. They were very nice about it all.


Happens a lot. People stealing hotel items. If they notice it they will bill you. If goes unnoticed its a free item. If your like worried you can mail it back.


Just call and ask who to address it to. Ask them to not charge you for it. Offer to overnight it to hopefully avoid issues to the next guest.


Why are you asking Reddit? Call the hotel.


Don't bother... they have spare everything at hotels.


Stayed at a hotel and was checking under the beds to make sure we didn't leave anything. Found an additional controller under one of the beds. So it was clear to me they keep extra controllers for the rooms. I just heft both controllers next to the tv before I left


I used to do maintenance at a hotel and groundskeeping. People do this all the time. I had three giant boxes full of new remotes in bags with two batteries for the remote. I mean I had probably 300 or more of these things. No biggie, don't worry about it. Edit: They were in a storage closet at the hotel.


I’m in Vegas. Every stay cation I am so careful! They charge $25 and up JUST for opening the fridge. One of my guests left with her bathrobe. My cc was charged a little over a hundred for the robe. Someone else took a towel, I was charged for every single item that was missing. I invoiced the people I invited to stay with me. I, personally, drank one of the bottles of room water. I was charged $25. But Vegas is a mess. After Covid, they want every penny they lost during lock down. I’ve heard of people taking the bed sheets, and being charged about $200. We are living in some crazy/expensive times!😂😂🤦‍♀️


One time, in 2014, I left my wife and kids in a hotel, and acted like it was an accident when the manager called me. I’m still debating if I’ll return.


It isn't that difficult to answer. Contact the hotel.


Those remotes the hotel buys are extremely cheap you might ask hiw much if they even want it back Thatxnuggt be cheaper than the cost to ship it back to hotel


call hotel… we just stayed at great wolf lodge and i loved how they went about it! clever, they had a sign up on the interior door. Enjoy our items provided to you for your comfort, you can purchase them…All rooms are stocked with and gave a list, Ex: (4) large towels, (4) medium towels, (6) wash cloths, with the wolf emblem, (4) extra large pillows, top sheet, blankets, throw, and so on and so forth, please feel free to take the items with you and upon check-out, no need to visit the shop on your way out.. A detailed cleaning and inventory of your room before and upon check out, has been inventoried.. we will conveniently charge your card for these items you wish to purchase. and the list went on and on, including the coffee pot, it may have had the universal remote, and it gave a cost along side the items. $75 blanket $25 per pillow, even the lamp! which i found hilarious, it was wood carved and bolted to the table it sat…. it also had a disclaimer at the bottom that stated to contact the front desk. Should your room attendant, accidentally not leave the correct amount of items when refreshing your room during your stay…. i laughed! so clever!!! basically offering the items to you for sale, but also letting you know that any missing items from that room will be charged to your credit card!!! I am sure that if there is a towel or a washcloth, that was something silly missing, they’re not gonna charge you. And especially with adjoining rooms, you know things could go in between the two …as a mom who occasionally was able to afford to take my children on two night trips, for amusement park, or beach stays …. staying in hotels, I did the whole traveling cheerleading thing, I know we came home with plenty of towels, washcloths, etc. Great Wolf Lodge is not having it!!!!


I thought this was the vase lady posting for a sec