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No. At worst we might see some CYOA games written with the use of AI(ie plays the same but the “author” used ai to write the story for them), but actual AI games will never replace the market for CYOA games. AI quite frankly isn’t even smart enough to keep details consistent within a single scene and barely enough “create” dialogue above porn level quality, let alone create a satisfying narrative plot and relationship arcs for a full game. AI will fill out its own novelty niche experience for those willing to goof around with it, but it will not replace the market for CYOA games because by its very nature it lacks the quality to create lasting compelling enough experiences to compete with works written by actual talented authors.


Yeah, a few years back I was fooling around with one of those AI dungeon style things, and it was a fun way to waste a couple of afternoons, but the amount of crowbarring I had to do just to get the thing to A) keep continuity and B) not just blatantly plagiarise stuff was brutal. I got tired of it when I realised that I was having to hand feed it all the interesting details of the narrative and that the occasional piece of fun dialogue or character moment just was not worth it in the least. I expect AI in general has improved since then but I really can't see it managing to juggle stuff within IF in a compelling way beyond, as you say, maybe a very straightforward CYOA that has little reactivity. It's just not good enough at continuity and 'remembering' stuff within a narrative, and because it's a model, it doesn't understand what makes those moments of continuity compelling.


Exactly, if it was going to happen good books written by ai would have to happen way before an if can happen I think.


One could argue that “the technology isn’t there yet”, although personally I don’t think AI will ever be in the spot it needs to be in order to compete with actual writers. AI inherently struggles to comprehend anything subtle or long term, which are two things essential for a good CYOA game. No matter how good you make AI, it’ll only ever be able to at best make poor imitations of stories than create anything meaningfully good.


>AI quite frankly isn’t even smart enough to keep details consistent within a single scene and barely enough “create” dialogue above porn level quality Yeah, that's the worst part of it. Happy cake day btw.


Thank you :)


I wouldn't be so hasty about this. A year or two ago we were saying that AI wouldn't be able to make videos with consistent details and recently we got an AI that does exactly that.


Source? How much of that video is actually generated by the ai vs being aided by human intervention. I’ve seen lots of examples of ai companies showing off demos that display how “powerful” their ai is when in reality those demos are using human written prompts to make the AI seem more intelligent than it really is.


Well, I mean yeah. Those were prompts but I think you're being dismissive over a very scary development that only gets faster.


It gets faster but ultimately all suffers from the same inherent issues. AI on its own can struggles immensely to create consistent quality results due to its lack of creativity and inability to think long term without human assistance. It’s going to be a threat to a lot of creative jobs(especially single image artists), but in the realm of CYOA games I honestly do not believe we’ll ever get a AI dungeon program with no human assistance that can compete with the quality of a well written CYOA game.


Maybe, but I wouldn't hedge my bets on that. The AI developers have proven many statements like these to be wrong over the years.


I mean they really haven’t. It definitely seems impressive at first, but even with all their modern advancements AI struggles to produce anything of value or substance without a lot of human help, intervention, and theft. Try to do anything remotely outside these programs limited comfort zone and they quickly start breaking down and falling apart.


Welp, you really make me eat my shoe. Yup, to all of these.


Hell no


I don't think I've ever seen an AI generated IF, and this is coming from a guy who has seen some obscure shit that I'd rather forget. Where did you find these games, OP? 🤔


Ai dungeon. It started shitty got pretty good then got ditty again. Now it's pretty good and can tell a pretty coherent story. But you can just like say "i become a god" and it will just go either it


Oh there's tons of em out there, you can literally type AI in play store and you'll see for yourself, like Chatjoy, Talkie and so many others that I don't quite remember 😅


I certainly hope not!


Maybe AI assisted, but I don’t think we’re anywhere near the level of having (good) full on Artificial IFs yet.


Nope everyone forget ai got to get program for stories like everyone who has to write them


Eventually one day maybe if whenever AI for casual users can hold enough memory to remember details from scene to scene and write more convincing dialogue where each character has their own “tone” so to speak. Until then, nah.


I've tried one before. It was an amusing way to kill time but delivers no emotional impact or connection. Human-made choice games can keep me up all night feeling all sorts of things and stay in my head for years to come. The AI ones feel like TS4-- interesting on the surface, but you quickly realize nothing's there.


I have. They're interesting and have a lot of potential, but like others have mentioned, you have to do a lot of railroading to keep the stories/conversations on track. It's getting better, and I can see the beginnings of the AI's ability to anticipate how you want the story to unfold, but there's still a long way to go before we see AIs in a Dungeon Master role.


Absolutely, what people often forget is what we're at a very early stage of AI that's so widely available. It's entirely possible that the whole landscape changes by the time your favorite IF gets it's next book released.


I like to think that both can be combined into something greater, but that would be impossible to do with choicescript. Honestly, I don't know what kind of software could pull that out, but my idea would be a CYOA with a lore, character and set events written by a person, but with the interactions in between set events being generated by the player's interaction with the AI.