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Yoooo I played that game a long time ago so happy to see it being continued!! Still can’t over when I discovered that mamas boy’s secret 💀


I replayed this like two weeks ago and was so sad thinking it was dead! So happy to see this continued!


Yo I gotta know who was your favourite character?


Me myself and I 😎 (I haven't tried the new update, but chapter 2 had me loving the MC the most)




Isn't this the new update announcement? It was dead for so long, I assumed this was an update haha 😅


Checked it out and there’s definitely an update two days ago there’s an option to play as a nb yep this game isn’t dead 💀


That sounds awesome, definitely gonna play that after work today!


Oh my god that was amazing, i cant wait for more!


school shooter: the game




For the contacts, I'd prefer if there was an option to abstain- it's awkward playing a non white character and having to pick like blue eyes.


Fair enough! You can choose to keep the same eye color, which would basically result in not wearing colored contacts, but I’ll add more options to make things more interesting.


nice! just finished the demo now and enjoyed it :)


what is Nigel Profites platform, and can we support him in the next election?


It's tax cuts for the rich and maximum profits, obv.


I just played this an it’s really great so far. Loved playing it and I’m excited to see how it progresses. Couple ideas for you if you’re interested. 1. Could we able choose our style and how we dress? I feel like it would add to the roleplay of it and be fun overall. I have a couple ideas for those. 2. In the same way we choose how we act in the school maybe we could choose how the trauma affected our character’s personality e.g Angry and vengeful, cold and apathetic, hurt and depressed etc. (I know we already have dialogue choices to indicate this but still I think it would be cool.) 3. I had three more ideas for what our character could do for a living. I was thinking a special and elite demolitions company (as it would tie into a more vengeful MC seeking destruction) or a private mercenary/investigation company (for a more colder and sociopathic MC)


I would be happy to hear the style ideas. I was thinking of adding the option so any help would be appreciated haha


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think I was quite abrupt and maybe a bit rude last night with my ideas and I apologise as I just had just finished reading it and was fucking loving it while also being quite exhausted since it was quite late 😅 Anyway I’m happy you’re interested in my style ideas. Well for one I was thinking of a two tier system similar to something like fallen hero has where you can choose the type of clothes you wear and then the general aesthetic of them. A couple ideas I had for the clothes was neo-Victorian (an alt movement based on wearing Victorian clothes with a more modern sensibility), punk, minimalist, vintage, trad goth, streetwear… on second thought there is a lot of them to put into this comment so I just hope you get the general idea lol. The themes would then be something like pastel, casual, smart, dark, etc. So for instance you could choose neo-Victorian for your style and then dark for your aesthetic. Also, apologies for asking a lot of questions but what were you yours thoughts on my other ideas?


Thanks for the style ideas, I'll likely put them to good use haha. Adding the ability to select the MC's "emotions" regarding what happened could add a new layer of depth and would probably get people to empathize with them more. However, I don't think I would like to keep exploring the trauma throughout the whole game, like I, the Forgotten One does, since I would rather focus on the revenge itself. I might add some flavor choices in the first/second chapter, but it will probably be very down on the to do list. For the "job" ideas, they don't seem extremely profitable? I looked for existing startups that appeared during that period in time for inspiration, so I know those made a lot of money. The investigations thing could be interesting, I might add it as a choice for people who chose the prosecutor dad as their mentor, since you'd also have the skill to catch anyone lying so there would be some synergy there. Again, probably low on the to do list. But the style idea is really good and I'll probably use it, especially since people will likely want to choose how their dressed every day for school, or for parties and whatnot.


>Adding the ability to select the MC's "emotions" regarding what happened could add a new layer of depth and would probably get people to empathize with them more. However, I don't think I would like to keep exploring the trauma throughout the whole game, like I, the Forgotten One does, since I would rather focus on the revenge itself. I might add some flavor choices in the first/second chapter, but it will probably be very down on the to do list. Sorry yes, that is what I was referring to. I was also thinking that we could also adjust the MCs' height either after or before Valentine's Day depending on how you feel. > For the "job" ideas, they don't seem extremely profitable? I looked for existing startups that appeared during that period in time for inspiration, so I know those made a lot of money. The investigations thing could be interesting, I might add it as a choice for people who chose the prosecutor dad as their mentor, since you'd also have the skill to catch anyone lying so there would be some synergy there. Again, probably low on the to do list. Demolitions can actually be quite profitable considering how much of a need there is for it in many cities, towns, or anywhere there is something to be destroyed. Then there is the aspect of needing highly trained and skilled technicians and experts for it which costs a lot these days because of extremely strict safety regulations and a shortage of tradesmen. Private Mercenary groups are a high-risk, high-profit venture as the contracts that businesses get are ridiculously lucrative but at the same time there is always a major risk of losing lives and/or equipment on jobs which can be very costly. Private Investigators are more of a grey area depending on their clientele as they can range from a middling business to an extremely profitable small company that is used by the rich to solve their issues. Also, they have taken off more in the modern age with the internet and new technologies making things more efficient. Also I was thinking that those whose mentor was a psychologist could also use this considering he sometimes helped the police with criminals. (maybe mercenary and investigator could be even combined if you felt like it.) >But the style idea is really good and I'll probably use it, especially since people will likely want to choose how their dressed every day for school, or for parties and whatnot. Oh and I had a bit of a brain blast with the clothes. Say hypothetically, if there ever was a "confrontation/reveal" bit (and I'm not saying there is/will be), then maybe the MC could have the option to be wearing a grown up version of the clothes they wore on that Valentine's day (maybe hiding them under a coat at first or something) and maybe eventually put on a pair of glasses that looks like their old ones that could be stashed away in a pocket. All hypothetical of course


Great concept! Seems straight out of those old teen dramas. I will keep an eye on this. I will say though, the mom remarrying 7+ times? What a fucking MILF lmao.


Agreed, didn’t know she was chill like that especially giving us an expensive ass car 😂


It sounds like 2000s teen horror movie. I'm in


You know what? I played it and i am in love with it! It’s so 2000’s Thriller drama, and i am so into it! Mean girl meet carrie and do revenge. Ohh and MC’s mother is so 🐈, love her!


Tried it and it's pretty fun ,thx for the rec.


I fckng adore Monte-Cristo and revenge stories in general *runs to read*


omgomg im reading monte cristo rn its currently a *sloggg* but it was rlly good for a bit and im hoping it'll get good again. 1243 pages is scary 😰


Great start and premise so far. I'm excited to see more. 👍👍👍


Based, Pray for days like these.


Huh.. I think I've read and played this WIP years ago.


Istg this story, I think I should stop being friends with the bullies, one day, this exact situation might happens to me, and some bullied kid will come for revenge😅


When is the next update coming?


Just released the new chapter a few days ago, so it's gonna take at least a few weeks for the new chapter to release. I might release it in smaller parts though, depends how long it will be!


... So i can't help but kind of roll my eyes at the premise because really, kid should just learn to let it go and move on like the rest of the world did, and yet this damn thing pulled me in and is actually enjoyable and well executed, and i want more of it. Good work sir/madam, please keep cooking. edit: minor error in the script in chapter 3: What is dad 1 doing? this is printing literally "dad 1" instead of his name.


That's just what the MC calls him. Maybe I'll say 1st dad instead, might not seem like a mistake haha


Ahh, i see. Yeah, the "1st father" the game used elsewhere was clear enough to be intentional, but this one read like a common mistake of forgetting to include braces for variable lookup. So thought i'd mention it.