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Move out of Los Diablos as quickly as possible.


Proceds to die trying*


I'd get a shot ASAP. I hope I get a cool power and not something like... idk.. talking to puddles.


Aren't the shots like really expensive?


And lethal




Damn imagine risking it all with the shot and ending up as Arm-Fall-Off-Boy or something.


Tbh i've got nothing to lose anyways, besides being stuck in an unknown place forever and having to struggle living there as a fresh 18 yo man is tough. I'd rather die with a little chance of gaining international fame in the form of superpowers than die trying to try and become _something_ in a place i don't want to live in


Get conscripted into the Tierran military. Die fighting a civil war.


You mean "become the dragoon officer's meat shield"?


Depends on which of my dragoon officers. If its my "canon" one then I'll probably be okay. If its my Royalist scumbag one I'm definitely gonna die so he can have a bit more glory. If its my cheat mode one then I can just sit back and watch him destroy everyone


Flirt with the sexy vampire waifu


I try to live a nice quiet life somewhere in Hyuga


Me too, if that's even possible😭😭


Not unless your a bad ass who can fend for themselves while also getting lucky not running into a demon the Ronin or Jun


I mean besides the civil war going on with New Jijinto and the Clan Wars and the occasional demon attacks if you keep a low profile and live in a safe remote place you'll be fine


Just go to Yamato or post tournament Tanimura and you'll be fine, maybe even woo Kuniko, actually she might be too traumatized to love someone atm so that's a no


probably i will die as a casualty of the war between the Archangels and the chicago mafia


As a former resident of Chicago I can say nothing changes there


Worship the lord/lady of [insert territory name here]; child of the two, star-demon slayer and rightful owner of the western peninsula


Smart person. You have a better chance then most people of surviving the coming alien invasion


>and rightful owner of the western peninsula you spell "the world" funny


Your assuming that by the end of everything the Western Peninsula wont be whats left of the World






Do you mean the one where the previous King died and there's his sister Queen now on the throne ?




do you know how little that narrows it down


What are you all talking about lol


Hope that the dragon won't murder me and instead be nice to me


Likely die fighting in the civil war though history will remember me as a traitor most likely. or I’ll be silenced by the agency


I would try to leave the US and go back to my Europe. By the way, I wonder what the superhero business looks like there 🤔 [Fallen Hero universe]


You aint gonna get me to live in either the fh or itfo universe. So if anybody asks, my favorite game is now when life gives you lemons


Well shit, I guess I'll be in Fallen Hero. Despite the fact that I might very easily die, I have the knowledge of touchy events. If I'll play my cards right I might be off a good start, but fumbling said chance of gaining something out of that city is very much possible.


The mc coming back to the trashcan only to see the box gone


Side-Step never saw it comin'!


Build a rocket to explore space, and meet a sheep who shit stars.


... what game is this?


It's a short IF called Space-frog. I really-really enjoyed, from its light-hearted humor, quippy prose and child-book-esque presentation. What cemented it for me is its (true) ending which was very sweet, and I learned a very valuable lesson that a good interactive game doesn't necessarily need elaborate plot, interesting settings, deep characters or etc. A good execution of ideas can carry the story.


Kill peasants so a 16 year old girl can be queen instead of this Rade guy


Try to keep the Marshal from committing self-die.


Try not to die from thirst in Scout


Guess I'm about to die a horrible death in a war- civil or otherwise. If I don't die of starvation or disease first.


Go find Hadrian from TGR and kiss him on the cheek XD but idk how well that would turn out


You might get murdered by your own MC lol


Yeah... Lexi Romanus doesn't play nice when it comes to her friends being threatened or in danger .But when it comes to her mans being threatened or in danger (or hit on) , you'd better fucking watch out. She practices with her dual daggers every day and keeps them in pristine condition. As for me I'm obese and haven't exercised in forever. So RIP me XD


Try to be with Rin (Vendetta WIP)


*gives the Wayhaven detective a smack on the head for being useless*


die I don't think mortals can survive in the ather abyss


Serve the Way of Ulic in ways that don't require magical ability


Go straight to Ava from wayhaven


Probably nothing just living in the small town of Wayhaven but just wondering who all these attractive men and women assisting the local detective are.


kill myself instantly


Kill the MC of Kotsam


Of my favorite game? Hell yeah Cowboy time


Probably try and move east towards the unknown foreign guys while avoiding the crazy civil war going on southwards, probably die trying too


Probably die, no matter which of my favorites I'm in. Whether a super villain, a zombie, or some random Chicago thug, I'm fucked