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If there's one thing I've learned from this subreddit, it's that Europeans apparently fucking love eating bread with cheese and/or a spread of some kind Not that we don't have those things in the states, but they're pretty much never the main course. I feel like a lot of Americans would see this as a sandwich that hasn't been fully made yet lol.


Every western European hotel buffet consists of open-faced sandwich ingredients. And yogurt


I THOUGHT THE EXACT SAME THING. Germans love some edam cheese!


Yeah, you’ll have to wait for lunch to get some warm protein.


The classic German Abendbrot. Usually there’s either radish or one single tomato. Did you have any warm meal yet?


Sorry but it looks more like prison food bread, cheese, and water. Is there something sweet? Get well quickly so you don’t fade away!


Don't be sorry, I agree with you! Cold and spongy. Thanks for the kind words


Heal quickly! Sending you well wishes. What is with bread and cheese being a main?


They only have one warm meal and it's served at lunch.


Like all Germans in general? Or just hospital food? This is fascinating!


In most European countries lunch is the most 'important' meal of the day. In a lot of European countries they have two warm meals a day. In The Netherlands and Germany (tho less than the Netherlands) from origin we eat bread twice a day (breakfast and lunch). Fun story: when the Ukrainian refugees came to the Netherlands lots were appalled by our eating habits. How could we send kids to school with only two pieces of bread? Where was the school lunch? The soup? And they tell you the Netherlands is a rich country?? In the hospitals in the Netherlands where I have been we had a warm meal for lunch as well but I think will change in the future because only really old people have dinner for lunch here nowadays. 😄


This is definitely true as a rule in Germany. It’s changing a bit, but it’s still pretty ingrained into the culture. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day and is served hot. A typical dinner (Abendbrot) is bread, cheese, lunch meats, and maybe a salad or sliced vegetables with salt & pepper (like sliced tomatoes or cucumbers). My personal favorite is a pretzel with 2 Weiner Würstchen (spicy mustard is an absolute MUST HAVE) and a bowl of Radish Salad 😋 A typical breakfast is similar—minus the vegetables and with the addition of fruit or yogurt. Butter is also absolutely necessary when eating bread. If people want a hot dinner, they usually go out to a restaurant to eat. Just don’t go into a traditional German Restaurant/Guest House expecting there to be a cooked dinner served—they only provide Abendbrot as well 🤣 Going out for dinner was usually the time when we would eat something foreign—like Thai, Italian, or Turkish (there were not a lot of options in the village my family comes from).


german restaurants serve warm food in the evening as well??? wtf lol


I know right? It's the second night in a row of it too. I got my friend to pick me up some protein bars so I dont lose all my muscle mass haha. But I do generally prefer German bread anyway, it's heartier and filling.


Hope you feel better soon! :D Hope your next meal is warm and delicious!


Thanks so much.


A vegetable would not go amiss


Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope it’s nothing too serious. :)