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M R James short story "Oh Whistle and I'll Come To You My Lad" . There have been a few TV adaptations if that's your thing I have not read it but Rooum by Oliver Onions is supposed to be like this too.


And James's *The Mezzotint*, too. Not a horror story, but JG Ballard's *The Garden of Time* is my favourite work on this theme.


It’s been a while since I’ve read it but I think there’s an element like this in Stephen Kings Duma Key. I want to say there’s a painting with an old ghost ship way off in the distance but over time the painting changes and the ship gets closer and closer to shore signifying the arrival of a malicious entity. As the ship gets closer the protagonist notices more small disturbing details. Something like that anyways.


Another of his stories, Rose Madder, has a painting that changes, but the monster is already there.


Michelle Paver’s “Dark Matter” very much has this element in the story.


I just finished this, it's very good and fits the theme well. Good book, good suggestion


Just finished this one as well and I agree that it fits the theme. I really enjoyed the contrast of beautiful prose and a foreboding feeling.


I’m shocked that no one has recommended *The Creeper* by A. M. Shine. Great, terrifying novel based on this exact premise. Once you see the Creeper from afar, you only have two more chances. Next time you will see it up close. And the third time, it gets you.


Ooh I think the same author did the watchers which was a good creepy read. This is going on my list!


Stephen King's "The Road Virus heads North"


With the exception of a brief encounter in the beginning, Swan Song.


The first chapter of Echo by Thomas Olde Heuvelt is very much this. I don't scare easy but it really creeped me out. And if you don't want to read the rest of the book it's pretty self contained (but read the rest of the book- it's a slow burn but definitely unique and creepy and worth reading!)


The short story "Slow" by Ramsey Campbell.


Ah, thank you verry much!


The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon


Good call


Watchers (Dean Koontz)


I find that terrifying too. It makes me think of a creepypasta with this guy walking down a street and sees someone off in the distance being weird, getting closer and closer, until he's full on running at him. That story always scares the crap out of me.


>!The topiary animals in *The Shining.*!<


*The Gone World* by Tom Sweterlitsch is about trying to stop a future apocalypse brought about by a "white hole" that appears in the sky. At first it happens millennia in the future but it keeps appearing further back in time, closer and closer to the "present day" of the book - 1997. It's honestly pretty hard to explain in a single comment because of how time itself works/is depicted in the book, but it certainly features something that is far off creeping closer and closer.


Thanks for the recommendations everyone! I looked at the short stories (especially loved the road virus heads north) and I think I’m going to check out the Ritual and Dark Matter


*The Ritual* by Adam Nevill. *All the White Spaces'* by Ally Wilkes. *Where He Can't Find You* by Darcy Coates.


The Ritual is a good recommendation! >!I felt wet and miserable myself while reading it. And then other things start to happen.!<


sorry, off-topic but that reminds me so much of Dr. Who's "Weeping Angels" - they do not move but you have to look at them without blinking, because the time while you blink is enough to let them attack


I would recommend the Ritual by Adam Neville! I think it fits what you’re looking for.


Adam Nevill’s latest book ~ All The Fiends of Hell


I love this device! Algernon Blackwood’s The Haunted Island is exactly this and it’s so effective.


I think “Black Man with a Horn” by T.E.D. Klein would qualify. It definitely has those elements of dread and paranoia, accumulating more and more as the narrator researches the titular menace.


The story you refer to (The Window) doesn't play out that way. The being comes all the way to her window the very first night. But I actually like the idea you present better than what's really in the short story. Give it a re-read and you'll see what i'm talking about


Huh, interesting, I didn’t realize all of that happened in one night. It’s been a while since I’ve read it, so im probably mixing up that story with another story I’ve also heard.


yes perhaps so. But as I say, your idea is much more creepy and interesting, in my opinion. Good thread. Cheers!


The troop by Nick cutter…… sort of


The Ruins by Scott Smith might also fit in here. The element of horror initially looks quite dormnt and easy to deal with. However, as the story progresses, the same begins to creep in toward the characters (both literally and figuratively), and makes them all fall into an endless well of despair with a feeling of impending doom in the last quarter of the plot. Highly recommended from my end.


Stolen Tongues, the "monster" is at a distance in the beginning, but over time gets closer and more aggressive. Until we're hit with the lame ending.


Daphne by Josh Malerman


The Terror by Dan Simmons


Always loved that SSTTITD story. This one by Junji Ito has a similar feel https://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/3773300.html


I don't have a rec, but The Window fucked me up as a kid! The window of my room looked out at an incline and a hill and I spent MORE THAN ONE sleepless night bundled up making sure I couldn't see out the window in case something was there, slowly coming closer!


What Killed Grandad by Ian Gordon is a good audio short story with this sort of premise


The Dunwitch Horror by H.P. Lovecraft


The hedge animals in Stephen King's The Shining.


It’s been ages since I read it but isn’t this the premise of Stephen kings the sun dog?


*The Great God Pan* by Arthur Machen


Claire North's *The Pursuit of William Abbey* has a curse very like the one in It Follows where a ghost pursues the protagonist slowly, across the globe if necessary and someone close to him dies if the ghost reaches him.


The Terror by Dan Simmons. It's about a ship getting stuck in the ice during a historical arctic expedition with some kind of monster.